Runny Babbits



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Friday 5th August 2016
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Awww, so cuuuute


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Wednesday 21st September 2016
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Benjy911 said:
Got my new phone at the weekend so thought I'd try out the slow motion setting on the camera.

Treat time - only need to shake the box!
What a lovely video, <3 those ears!


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Wednesday 21st September 2016
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TheLordJohn said:
Think we are losing our Jessica.
We rescued her from some absolute aholes in North Yorkshire who should have been done for animal cruelty.

She was 5 when we got her, had lived in a cage for 5 years and for the first 3 months or so with us she walked as if someone had their hand on her back, pushing her down a few inches.
Sort of walking in a constant crouch, and walking on all 4's like a dog would.
Not to mention her bum infection from being allowed to sit in her own mess for weeks on end.
So we've had 3 years out of her, and every day since she got better again has been a blessing.
But now she isn't keeping herself clean downstairs. The past couple of days we have had to shower her as her underside has been soaking wet with wee.
I just really hope it's only a temporary blip, but I have a 'feeling'... frown

Edited by TheLordJohn on Tuesday 20th September 16:08

Edited by TheLordJohn on Tuesday 20th September 16:08
I agree, after what happened with Gareth earlier this year I would take her to the vets, it may just be a urine infection which is easily sorted (Fingers crossed), a trim of the fur is an excellent idea, in hindsight I should have done this for Gareth when he was poorly

Everything crossed for you x


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Tuesday 4th October 2016
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TLJ - How is Jessica?

I Got up Friday morning, went to feed the buns before work and, usually they will follow me, circling my feet and wait for food to be put down but this morning was different, Little Red just stayed laying in the hallway. Immediately I knew something was wrong, it was at this point that I realised he hadn't been in and jumped on the bed to wake me up either.
I called the vets at 8am and made an appointment for 10am, longest wait of my life. I could hear his tummy from being sat on the sofa, it was a bit swollen and harder than usual and his ears were so cold, I whacked the heating up and tried to tempt him with some Kale, he was having none of it. I checked the bunny cam and he hadn't eaten or drunk since Thursday night.

My little man died when I got to the vets, he went into shock and started mouth breathing, they put him on oxygen but he died, they tried to resuscitate him but they couldn't bring him back. I am absolutely devastated, my gorgeous little man has gone after only being with us 5 months, he was only 1, had been neglected by previous owner which lead to him losing his right eye and spending 4 months of his very short life at Pets at Home in recovery.

Poor Cinders has to say goodbye to another husbun (It was only May that we lost my 10 yr old Gareth, that's when we got Little Red).

I brought Red home so that cinders could say goodbye which broke my heart all over again. Dropped him off at the vets Saturday morning and saw a rainbow an hour or so later, my precious little boy is waiting for me. I miss him so much &#128149;

I just can't get my head around it all, he was so young, energetic and happy the night before, it all happened so quick, I'm in bits. I can't think about anything else, I am constantly trying to blame myself for it.
"I should have woken for a glass of water in the night and given him a stroke", "should I have taken him straight to vets without making an appointment?", "was it my noisy car that put him into shock?", "if I had kept him at home a little longer would he still have gone into shock and died?"
All these questions keep going round and round, I just keep beating myself up about it

My mum and Muriel (the lady who looks after them when I am away) both cried when I told them, I felt awful for upsetting them.

Every morning whilst half asleep I have heard his footsteps in the hallway and felt him jump onto the bed like he always did, then I wake up and realise that's never going to happen again. I feel like I'm losing my mind


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Tuesday 4th October 2016
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He certainly was beautiful & 1 in a million, Cinders really came out of her shell with him around, he brought the best out in all of us I think frown

I'm so glad Jessica is doing ok now, she is such a little cutie <3


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Tuesday 4th October 2016
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Gareth was from PAH, I think I was very very lucky with him, and I knew it. Every day I would hear stories of PAH bunnies dying young or having respiratory issues, I counted my lucky stars all the time with him.

Agreed, they aren't just rabbits. I've only just started eating again, the thought of carrying on as normal when he's not here anymore kills me frown

My fella took me to a couple of rescue places at the weekend, just to see how I feel about it (and to try and distract me). I know Cinders doesn't do very well on her own so I will be getting another bun, but right now, I can't look at another rabbit and think: "he will fit in at our house" because I just want my Red back. It is very early days


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Tuesday 4th October 2016
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Thank you,

Your right, I am so grateful that he didn't fall back into bad hands, I don't think anyone could have loved that little guy more.
He was a very hungry bun, always eating. Vet believed he had eaten too quick or eaten something he shouldn't have (I have checked all furniture and found no evidence of this) causing a blockage hence the big hard tummy and the lack of appetite. I didn't want him cutting open to investigate, it won't bring him back and I needed Cinders to be able to say goodbye so I decided against that. I am told it was the shock that actually killed him


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Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Also, don't let guests leave handbags/ coats on the floor or they may well get nibbled


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Monday 10th October 2016
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I miss him every day, and get teary eyed when I walk out of the bedroom in the morning and he's not there in the hallway waiting for his breakfast but it is early days. To add to my heartbreak Cinders has started sleeping in his spot meaning I do a double take every morning weeping so she clearly misses him just as much. I have moments where I think about what I could have done differently but then I realise, if I had, and he'd still died, I would have blamed myself for something else so I know I am just beating myself up over it and that will fade eventually. I know I did him well and gave him everything he could wish for so I'm happy with that. We have his ashes back now, so he is back home where he belongs.

Cinders is doing ok, as Red suffered with Snuffles and Cinders was never treated I took her for a check up at the vets. He checked her nose, ears, eyes, tummy, temperature(sorry Cinders) & said he cant see any signs of ill health, which is good.

We are going to meet a bun called Frank on Thursday this week, I don't know much about him other than he is "outgoing and energetic" which is just what Cinders needs to bring her out of her shell again. I never ever wanted to lose Gareth or Red but i'm looking forward to the chance to help another bun


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Monday 10th October 2016
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I'm the same, love human names for animals. My best friend had a hamster called Frank (turned out to be Frankie - PAH again...)
It is a vicious but fluffy and lovely circle, I'm just a little worried that I'll look at him and think "but he's just not my Red" I just need to think of Cinders and what she needs


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Friday 14th October 2016
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So Frank is now part of the family. He stayed in our room last night as my spare cage is at Mum and Dad's (getting it today).
He slept on our bed with us, little monkey! He is definitely a people bunny, loves being stroked & follows us around everywhere. He is really relaxed but energetic and inquisitive so perfect for Cinders. I can't wait to introduce them. not looking forward to the bonding process again, this will be my 3rd time at it.

The pic's:

I don't understand why that pic is upside down. It's right way round on my pc!


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155 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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Your right, he does have a lot to live up to. So far he's doing ok, Cinders is accepting him really well, the bonding is going smoothly so far. Some more piccies:


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155 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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I'm really tempted too now to be honest, but I wont. There's been no fighting, no nipping or circling. They are lying next to each other, grooming each other and not territorial over food/ litter tray. I think they're both just glad of the company, he's always been on his own and she is used to being with another bun.

At the moment they sleep in indoor cages next to each other but when i'm home they are out in the living room together (this weekend I have mostly been home so they have spent most of the weekend together). I'll probably carry on with this arrangement until the weekend (I work 9am til 5 and go to bed around 11 so they will have a good 5 hours together each night) then i'll probably sleep in the living room with them on Friday night to see how they get on if there's no drama they will be free run from then (with notifications turned "on" on the bunny cam, just in case


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Wednesday 26th October 2016
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I got to Thursday and was fed up of the chewing bars at night so put them together then, they have been together ever since, been getting on brilliantly & have been loving having free run.

Yesterday I discovered that Frank has the potential to be a chewer... so they have to be locked in when were out. Such a shame. They have the cage and run but I really don't like having to close them in frown


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155 months

Thursday 3rd November 2016
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Oh, i'm so sorry Jordan frown
You took him in to try and make his life better, words fail me x


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Monday 14th November 2016
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So sorry LGF, I know it is such a tough decision to make, I questioned myself a few times before I finally decided it was time, but once I had decided I knew I wouldn't change my mind. I decided Gareth wasn't going to have another injection to help him use his back legs, he didn't like having butt baths and was losing weight (all this is detailed earlier in the thread if you wanted to have a look). It was so tough because he was his normal (grumpy old man) self, he just couldn't use his back legs without the drugs in him.

littlelewis6, Stew is beautiful! Welcome to this part of the forum ha ha


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155 months

Sunday 27th November 2016
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So sorry LGF, you did everything yOh could, BinkyBunny free little one xx


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Tuesday 29th November 2016
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Buns love Christmas tree's don't they! Usually we wouldn't put ours up so early but this was my fella's only weekend off before Christmas and he wanted to put it up with his kids.

Obviously the buns are no longer free range but I need to find something to wrap round the wires as i've no spare fencing at the moment


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Tuesday 29th November 2016
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It's been mostly phone chargers that mine have gone through but there has also been a surround sound system (the main power wire - Not an easily replaceable speaker wire - obviously!), 2 sets of tree lights (within a few days of each other!), the lead to a surge tower which had TV, Surround Sound, Sky & PS3 plugged into it. All of these were Gareth, little monkey. The only one I think he got a shock with was the surge tower, the power tripped out in the house and either in pain or through fright he legged it back to his cage, I checked his mouth and kept an eye on him but he was fine. He shouldn't even have been able to get behind the telly, he had pushed a table across the wooden floor to get behind the tv unit! Super bun.


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Tuesday 29th November 2016
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Fluffsri said:
First Christmas with Paddy and I found out what all my presents under the tree were. He unwrapped all of them, little bugger!LOL last year we stayed at a friends house wit Pads, she used to have a bunny so house was still bunnified. We were sat watching TV when the crimbo tree lights went out, where is he? By the cable with one wire chomped and about to finish it off, with him being deaf I had to be fast on my feet to grab him.
I was trying to wrap presents on Sunday morning (bf's birthday, not Christmas ones - i'm not that prepared!) and Frank kept putting his front paws on the paper and scratting at it, ripping it. As we don't have a dining table I had to do them on the floor so I gave in in the end and apologised to the fella for the crap wrap haha