Tell me about your dogs personality

Tell me about your dogs personality



1,656 posts

212 months

Saturday 21st November 2015
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All of your dogs sound ace. Ours Basil Beagle has a special kind of lazyness. He sleeps and sleeps then naps to prepare for a sleep. He is as happy with a 45 min morning sniff as he is with a 3 - 4 hour trek.

Some days is keen to see his mates up the park. Especially ones he can wind up till they chase him. Loves being chased. Be it the missus or I trying to retrieve a pair of wash bin socks he has poached or his best mate black lab x pincher up the park.

Some days he isn't bothered it's just like he is a different dog and will ignore all his park chums and just be off snuffling the undergrowth. This is when we need to me carefull as once he homes in on the scent it is likely to be a deer. Deers are like his kryptonite, he has been known to leap out of the car when we are taking our boots off and chase the 2 miles back to where the deer was all the while calling out with excitement.

Rest of the time he is much like the lazy hounds above. A sofa thief. Food bucket. Window licking fool. I'd love to have his life. Unless we are moving him from the sofa to go and wee before bed then he's totally content with his lot.

He gets huffy if he thinks there is more dinner to be served. Or if he hasn't had a cup of tea. He gets Aroooooo at people coming up the drive but only to say hi. Was a doddle to train because of his food love. 95% recall which for his breed is amazing and never a viscous bark in his life.

Edited by Flat6er on Saturday 21st November 00:26

Petrol Only

1,593 posts

177 months

Sunday 22nd November 2015
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My collie x pointer x lucrcher x who knows!

What we do know is will play ball non stop until you take it away.
Wants to meet EVERYONE he just LOVES people. It's a pain to be honest. As he just can't switch off.
His nose is useless as dogs go. But can show any professional cricket team up when it comes to catching stuff!
Is dog tolerant but does not play with them.
Always jumps in my spot on the couch.
Is a very obedient dog most of the time. But if does not want to do something. 25kg of dead weight needs to be shifted.
Always try's to be cheeky and see what he can get away with when he meets new people. Jumping up pinching food. Etc all things he wouldn't dream of doing to us wink.
Exceptionally loyal and protective of his pack. A dog went for my leg on a walk and before I could react Seb had removed said threat.


8,556 posts

178 months

Sunday 22nd November 2015
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Hooli said:
Tango13 said:
My mums two Staffies are quite funny.

Lilly the eldest jumps on the sofa like it's her God given right to sleep somewhere comfy, Loki who is less than 2yrs climbs slowly one leg at a time like an old man thinking that if he takes his time he won't be spotted.
When told to get off do they slither down & 'forget' their back legs so they are stood on their front feet & the back legs are stretched out to just still be on the sofa? Both ours do that every time.
My parents aren't that bothered about them jumping/climbing up for a cuddle, after all, they're Staffies and the cruelest thing you can do to a Staffy is ignore him/her.

Loki excelled himself with his fkwittery yesterday afternoon biglaugh Lilly was standing with her ribcage up against my shins getting her ears scratched and receiving general 'fuss'. Loki decided he too wanted some attention so he slowly put first one then a second front paw on Lillys' spine and stood on her to raise himself up to gain more attention...


50 posts

140 months

Sunday 22nd November 2015
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My two furry Keeshonden are so similar, yet so different at the same time:

Moss (21 months old)
Total softie muppet, but his bark sounds terrifying if you don't know him! He was/is well socialised, but due to a couple of attacks his response to meeting a vaguely aggressive dog is to climb up my leg like a squirrel and softly growl at said dog. When attacked he curls up in a ball like a hedgehog, doesn't even run bless him.
He is an excellent watchdog, if a leaf moves in the garden then you will know about it... even at 3am smile Loves to sit as close to you as possible and really loves licking feet. He also objects loudly to men we don't know approaching us when we're out without Mr SBR.

Likes: Barking. Food. Eating crap (of all origins).
Dislikes: People walking past our house. Men who approach us when we're out. Anyone carrying a paper delivery bag. Being called a Chow Chow.

Cali (7 months old)
Utter mentalist. Beautiful little girl, children make their parents cross the street to see her, hardened builders have to stop and fuss her (while Moss barks at them). Total sweetie, but behind closed doors she is a destroyer of all things, plenty of toys, but really likes fresh plaster better biggrin Plays with other dogs like she is a fully grown Rottie, is the total boss in the house, loves dive bombing other dogs and running round in circles. Loves mud and getting right into deep puddles. But also loves getting a hug and a fuss in the evening.

Likes: Eating everything. Staffies. Getting on the sofa when we're out. Taking a dump in the show ring.
Dislikes: None. Fears nothing!


44,443 posts

253 months

Sunday 22nd November 2015
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There's something I forgot in my earlier post about Charley that SBR's post mentioning hardened builders reminded me.

He's a bugger for finding a bit of treasure on his walk and bringing it home. Three lost tennis balls a week is the norm. Failing that a stick, bigger the better. Other week he'd got a stonker, had to turn his head to pass through gaps. Builders van drove past us, stopped and reversed to get a picture on his phone such was the ridiculous nature of the tree branch.


2,091 posts

189 months

Sunday 22nd November 2015
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Never you mind said:
Working cocker Spaniel: Probably the most annoying dog known to mankind. She is certainly either the worst or best dog I have ever had. Having never had a cocker before I was unsure about what I was letting myself in for. And going on this one I am unsure about ever getting one again. Then again I probably would as I simply can't believe this one.

Full of energy all of the time, she simply never ever stops. You can take her out for a long long long walk in which we will do some hunting and retrieving (blinds - unseen retrieves in case your not up with gundog style stuff) just to try to tire her out. It never does. She simply comes home and sleeps for 30 mins then she's up and at them again.

In the house she is non stop. She loves being on the sofa with us and will try to get as close to you as possible. It's a bit like a struggle cuddle really. Very loving dog, sometimes too loving.
Our working cocker sounds similar to yours. He is fantastic but never stops. He's always active and follows you round the house to check what you are doing every second of the day. If he gets really grumbly we know he's tired. Sleeps for half an hour then ready to go again.

We also have two working springers. One we've had from a pup and she is fantastic. She will run and run and run and keep going even when she should stop if she thinks its what you want. On the other hand she is lying next to me on the sofa curled up squashing herself in as close as she can get. She switches off completely in the house but knows when her collar comes off its time to work. She was so stubborn as a puppy, but has become a grade 7 agility dog too. She has matured so much. But.... She can be a right b1tch. She will not stand for any of the others having something if she doesn't have the same.

Our other springer is a rescue and she is the most cuddly dog ever but worst gun dog on the planet. She thinks she was designed to keep sofas warm not run through unergrowth flushing birds. She is so gentle and took over a year to toilet train. We think she has doggy autism. It took her ages to learn simple commands like sit and lie down (5 attempts to pass good citizen bronze) but she figured out how to open the back door in about 2 weeks. She also learnt how to switch off our mobile phone alarm in the morning by sliding her nose up the screen!

Wouldn't change any of them.


5,856 posts

170 months

Monday 23rd November 2015
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Our Pooch - Nearly 4 year old, JRT/Patterdale Cross. I love her to bits, she's absaloutely awesome - but a total weirdo!

Things she does...

People she knows, but doesn't see often (family mainly) she goes totally insane when they come over, or we visit them. Uncontrolable excitement. She will wet herself sometimes.

She's scared of the dark, and won't go for a walk (makes things difficult in winter!)

She barks like crazy at postmen/people walking past the windows/visitors we don't know - unless we're not in. Our landlord did a visit while we were out, and she hid behind the sofa and wouldn't come out for a treat or anything.

There are dogs in our park that she doesn't like. If she see's them she will literally put her tail between her legs, turn around and walk home. You just need to make sure she doesn't get to the exit before you because I swear she would leave the park and go all the way home. The worst is a dog she used to be friends with called Eddie. Eddie has never been mean to her, or done anything wrong!

If you're playing with her, and accidently catch her on the nose, or tread on her feet she will instantly stop playing and sulk.

If we are looking after a dog, and we're in the park. Give the visiting dog too much attention, Mable will sulk and walk home - as she does when she sees Eddie.

4 years old, she gets her feet wiped after every walk. She still won't let you do her front paws.

She can be very very playful with other dogs. But only dogs she knows and trusts. It takes her a long time to warm to new dogs. Her best friend is another Patterdale called Sinder, they've kind of grown up from pups playing in the park.


1,155 posts

159 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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I've got two mutts, Phoebe who is a black lab (8 years old) and Chester who us a basset cross (Mum was a cross as well - collie/springer!) who is 4.

Phoebe is a fantastic lass, but so scared of people its awful. She was a rescue when she was just four months old and utterly terrified. She used to be so bad that if anyone came to the door she would run upstairs and hide under the bed! We used to have to wait until they had gone then drag her out from under the bed and carry her around every room so she could see they had gone, then she was fine again!

She is much better now, but still scared of people she doesn't know and she keeps a safe distance from everyone when out and about.

She was bred as the ultimate gundog and to be fair, apart from the people thing, she is utterly bombproof. Nothing bothers her, loud noises, bangs, flashes, nothing, she will happily watch fireworks (so will Chester)without a murmur.

She is the most intelligent dog I have ever known! She knows her colours (!) and when asked to get 'blue bally' will ignore all others until she finds that ball wherever it's been hidden. She does struggle a bit with red/pink but I forgive her for that! smile Utterly ball obsessed: tennis balls everywhere and she has a favourite for a while which will be sought out even though she has to pass ten others to get it! Only dog I have ever known that will give back paws as well as front: only used when wiping feet but really useful!

When out on a walk round the block she is not allowed to tale a ball with her as she would forget to do what she is supposed to do, have a wee/poo! But she has started finding treasures on her walks now which she carries proudly and brings home - this ranges from bottles of water (empty) through cans of lager (seriously the other day, still full!) dolls, balls, all sorts - she's a nut! I utterly adore her!

Sadly, she's a cripple now and walks badly (broke her leg badly last year about this time) and gets tired easily but still loves going out and wants to chase her ball but I prefer to get her to mess around in hedges... which she loves chewing!

Chester.... God, where to start!

He's little, fat and very solid. He looks sooooo cute people fall in love with him instantly and so long as they have food, the feeling is reciprocated! But he is the moodiest dog I've ever known: if he wakes up in a bad mood, he's a grumpy little tt all day! If he wakes up in a good mood but something upsets him, he's a grumpy little tt for the rest of the day not recovering his good humour until he's had a good nights sleep!

He loves other dogs and NOT meeting them on his walks can be a reason to put him in a grump! When we are at the park, if there is no other dog to play with, he sits and watches car as they turn up until he sees if they have a dog or not. He is also a fresh air freak and insists on having the back windows open in the car at all times even when it's below freezing outside, this makes him very popular! Oh, and though he's as thick as a very short plank, he can operate electric windows - took him five minutes to work them out when we got the new car (18 months ago) and the number of times I've shut the back windows and gone for a walk only to get back to find one window right down (usually when it's raining) doesn't bare thinking about.

He cannot catch a ball to save his life! He actually flinches if you throw a ball towards him! He will occasionally pinch Phoebes favourite and jump on the bed (where she can no longer get) and rip it to shreds, just because it annoys her! He is the archetypal 'annoying little brother'!

But, they do love each other, they clean each others eyes every morning while sat in front of me on the loo, and cuddle up on the sofa together all the time - funny as hell seeing them bum to bum upside down, both snoring!

I could go on and on, but already have!


8,066 posts

159 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Lou - our 22 month old miniature English bull terrier is a dog of 2 halves.

Indoors, she's a sofa monster. Cannot lay on her own : must be draped over me or Mrs p. We bought her a big comfy chair just for her but it never gets used. Unless, that is, it's being used as a side access point to get over to our sofa which is where she wants to be. Usually has to be got out of bed at about 11am to go out in the garden, she'd lay there all day watching the washing machine if she could.

She also seems to wear an invisible wrist watch cos at 7pm on the dot, she knows it's time to go out. This is where Lou number two comes out from within.

Outside she is batst mental. A typical bull terrier in the fact that she loves everything and everyone. She dances and spins on her lead if she sees anyone and instantly goes to pieces if they show her any attention - they get the full doe eyes, wagging tail, kisses etc. Being a little over 14 inches tall, she has a proper case of "little dog syndrome" everything she meets must sniff her face while she stands posing, then she must try and stand on its head. Easy if it's a Boston terrier, not so easy when your dog is trying to climb up a 18stine mastiff in the local park like she's trying to climb the north face of Everest without oxygen.

Imagin, a small child being taken to Disney for the first time. That's what she's like every time she leaves the house. It's like Groundhog Day.

She loves everything so much - she does get a bit over loving for some people and I do understand why bull terrier people are bull terrier people - she's one of a kind and she's wonderful.

Which all might change come Sunday. We're picking up an 8 week old staffy from a rescue centre for her to play with...


Original Poster:

42,655 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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She sounds great.


23,789 posts

223 months

Friday 27th November 2015
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Pidsy ,all of that sounds exactly how I want our next dog to be....

Big big fan of BUllies.....


Original Poster:

42,655 posts

258 months

Friday 27th November 2015
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Sleeping till 11 definitely sounds appealing smile


88,824 posts

286 months

Tuesday 1st December 2015
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Murphy, chilled laid back black collie cross, often has hyper-active tan and white terrier hanging around his neck, collects tennis balls, often from other dogs. Female dogs fall over themselves when they see him, one collie lies on her back and wees. I guess it's another kind of dodgy website thing for dogs. Knows more words than he lets on. Hates cats. Huffs and sighs a lot especially when he's expected to be having something like a bonio. Hates fireworks, will be stressed if someone hits a piece of metal with a hammer on a building site. Wakes you up at 5am just for sts and giggles then goes back to sleep when you are up.

Snoopy, aforementioned tan & white terrier. Mr impatient alarm clock as he's known, he might be asleep but at 4:30 ON THE DOT the alarm bell goes off in his head and he scampers upstairs to my study, if the door is closed he will tap on the door, if I don't answer it IMMEDIATELY he will tap again, louder. It's his tea time and he wants it a minute ago. Plays with a tennis ball on his own by bouncing it and catching it again, like a basketball player. Has been known to throw the ball to me and I tap it back to him. Knows many different words. Tries to speak many with a mumbly grumbly kind of voice. Can sleep for England, enjoys his lie-ins. Has ears the size of radar dishes and is a plane spotter. Runs outside when he hears one, or a helicopter. Shouts at fireworks, but shuts up when he sees the pretty lights.

We've hidden the car keys.


1,483 posts

207 months

Tuesday 1st December 2015
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I've got two.
Lotta is 3 and very calm and gentle, she's the boss dog in the house and will tell Oliver off if he jumps up at me or plays too rough. She's crafty and will quite often run into the lounge to pick prime spot on the sofa if she knows you're heading in there. She sleeps a lot, but also loves to run and is a properly switched on hunter when out on a walk. She's not particularly cuddly but she's still very affectionate.
Oliver is 2 and Lotta's Nephew. He's much more energetic and demanding. He wants to be next to you or sat on you at all times. He is the happiest dog I've ever known, his tail is constantly wagging and he is always pleased to see you, even if you've just come back from 10 seconds in another room. He loves to play, doesn't understand going for a run and shows some interest in hunting but nothing like the obsession of auntie Lotta.
Both are very gentle with our kids, but play together quite roughly.
I would have said they were quite quiet until we moved back in April, since then they now have a view of the road with more passers-by and like nothing more than a good bark at the world.

Mr Roper

13,023 posts

196 months

Thursday 3rd December 2015
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British Bulldog - Mong.