Ren has been Diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism - Damn

Ren has been Diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism - Damn



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Saturday 8th September 2012
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Hyperthyroidism - I know it's a treatable condition, I know it's a common conditioning but damn all the same,

Ren is 15 now but has really never had an illness in that time. An injured tail, bit of lameness once and a quick dental about sums it up, so it is a real shock that actually has an old age problem. Until 2 months ago she was looking half her age.

I never normally have too worry about her (as most of you know Fitz is the one I normally have to worry about!)

I guess I have just twigged and admitted to myself that my ever reliable, gentle and sweet (though a wee bit feisty when being poked and prodded at the vets) little Rennie girl is finally getting old.

To add to it (and because she is s vet nurses cat) she is not typical of a hyperthyroid case so the vet wants to scan her next week, she'll need sedating for that!

Oh and her supposedly best friend Fitz hates her right now cos she smells of vet, funny how she never holds it against him when it's the other way round!

Well better get her started on her meds.

Edited by bexVN on Saturday 8th September 16:51

Edited by bexVN on Saturday 8th September 17:01


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213 months

Saturday 8th September 2012
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My phone screwed up when posting this topic so the title hasn't appeared, does anyone know how I correct that?!


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213 months

Saturday 8th September 2012
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I'll pop a post in Website feedback (via my laptop this time!) thank you

ETA - Thank you Mods, I'm now titled smile

Edited by bexVN on Saturday 8th September 18:46


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213 months

Saturday 8th September 2012
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Simpo Two said:
bexVN said:
ETA - Thank you Mods, I'm now titled smile
Promoted to Lady Bex!
I know it's great hehe Could never happen, haven't got the patience or inclination for clothes shopping/ hair styling, make up etc, I'd be a hopeless Lady!!

Well first tablet into Ren tonight, without too much trouble. She will be the trickier of all my four legged friends to tablet long term I think, but so far so good! Lets hope she gains a bit of weight. She only weighs 3.1kg normally but currently she's weighing in at 2.85kg tiny!


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213 months

Sunday 9th September 2012
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I tablet cats day in and day out just typical that one of my own is a bit quick at trying to push your hand away with her paws and a bit of help with her claws! Luckily I tend to be quicker. She will probably get used to it....I hope!

And thanks I hope she does to smile


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213 months

Monday 10th September 2012
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That's good too hear for her, though she's quite young frown

Most vets can detect a hyperthyroid cat tbh as symptoms are distinctive. Did she not have her kidneys and liver checked at the same time as her thyroid levels as this is fairly standard protocol?

Is she insured because as she is so young it may well be worth considering iodine therapy. Couple people here have had it on their cats, they do need to be hospitalised for a few weeks at a referral vets. If Ren was younger I'd consider it. It is costly though.

The other option is a new diet called Hills YD. It saves on tableting but only that cat can eat it as it'd be harmful to a healthy cat (no good for mms as Ren is not being the typical greedy thyroid cat so my other cat may pinch it!) We have seen some good results with it.


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213 months

Monday 10th September 2012
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It can very much depend on the individual cat and home set up. ie a cat that can't be maedicated either diet or surgery, if diet not liked, then surgery.

Diet not practical for me due to other cats I have, they wouldn't be allowed to eat it.

Tablets are fine but then they need blood testing every 3 months to ensure tablets are at the right level and don't need adjusting, could be a problem if your cat doesn't like being handled etc.

My plan is probably a month of tablets retest blood if responding and stabilised then go for surgery so hopefully no need for more tabs unless the second gland starts playing up!! That's another complication (more serious too have two thyroid nodules removed) However the biggest problem is the vet can't actually feel an enlarged gland on Ren so it will hard to know which one will need removing! That's why they want to scan her as they are a bit concerned that she may have something else going on,

Your vets should be able to advise you, hope she does respond well smile

Thank you for all the positive responses and good wishes for Ren, I'll pass them on to her, she (and I) send good wishes to all fellow sufferers!


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213 months

Monday 10th September 2012
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Tbh I'm not sure, I suppose diet. It is more expensive than a normal diet food as it is a real breakthrough diet but I think the difference is less than keeping the same diet and paying for tablets on top. Blood tests will still be needed with the diet food.

I would have been tempted to try it first then move onto tablets if the diet didn't do the job but it's best to chat to your vet re: options they feel are appropriate.


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Monday 10th September 2012
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No but it's only been 3 days. I tend to be able to disguise quite well, probably because I'm not worried about doing it but I better not get too big headed about it yet hehe

My older boy is a bit wiser and does a slightly half hearted attempt to run off but I think he knows there's no point really.


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Tuesday 2nd October 2012
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Bit of an update as I'm feeling very concerned that I'm losing my little Renny cat.

Things aren't going well, her weight is dropping almost daily (100g in 3 days just this weekend) her thyroid levels have dropped too low, her appetite is rubbish, bloods, scans, xrays not showing anything but she appears to be fading in front of me.

More bloods today, talk of a referral scan, and all the while she gets thinner. teeth ok, vets are struggling to know whats going on. She seems to want to eat but 2 mouthfuls in she walks off. And now she's taken to sitting in the bath?!

4 months ago my little 4 legged friend was the picture of health, now she's verging on skeletal frownfrown


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Tuesday 2nd October 2012
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Thank you so much, it means a lot, we've resorted to the inevitable steroids plus vit injections and more tablets.

I think I would cope better if I knew what the problem was, even if it was that she had something not treatable. I'm worried that either I have to say goodbye to her when she may have something treatable (though god knows what!) or it is terminal (I hate that word) but I keep going for more treatment/ tests.

You see, when it comes down to it, I'm just a pet owner and I worry just the same, like we all do frown

Edited by bexVN on Tuesday 2nd October 13:26


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Tuesday 2nd October 2012
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They know how to worry us. Brain problem was also mentioned with Ren (ie tumour) as it is hard to detect and with varying symtoms esp odd behaviours, hope not, lost my last cat to a brain tumour frown.

Glad too hear that Leo has responded for a bit, I hope he continues to smile. Definitely fingers crossed that the steroid helps Ren aswell.


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213 months

Sunday 7th October 2012
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Hi Ali,
ThInk you for asking after Ren, it's not looking good, tbh I'm tearing up writing this Her appetite picked a bit with steroids but she was very down so I asked to stop the thyroid tablets. She seemed a bit better for a day but now she has diarrhoea with blood and is now vomiting every time I give her the other tablets. I don't t think her quality of life is good and if I can't give her her medication she is going to get worse.

On top of it all Fitz is going off his food, drinking more than ever (seems non stop at times) his back is obviously troubling him and his bum is red raw ( not sure why)

I really think I have a tough decision ahead because the realisation is hitting me that I may have to say goodbye forever to both of them at the same time, which is more than I can cope with but at the same time having them end their days together seems right. Now I'm struggling to read what I'm typing.

Edited by bexVN on Sunday 7th October 23:42


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213 months

Monday 8th October 2012
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I'm not going to give up on either of them without a fight Feel a bit better this am, Ren hasn't had any diarrhoea for a few hrs and has eaten and Fitz has decided to eat this am!! But he is not eating his special food so he's at risk of his pancreatitis flaring up.

So another day and another chance to hope they are ok (esp Ren)

Thank you again and sorry for the emotionally charged post last night. I was a bit of a blubbery mess last night!


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Monday 8th October 2012
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I am going to talk to my closest friend who was a vet nurse for many yrs. She has known Fitz and Ren for yrs, she has her special needs cats aswell and has had her own tough decisions. I know she will be able to help me as I have her before.


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213 months

Monday 8th October 2012
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Piglet said:
Sorry Bex, I've been so caught up in our own problems that I hadn't seen your thread.

Really hope things work out for Ren and Fitz, our animals really do put us through the wringer don't they?
Please don't worry, you're going through enough and yes they do. I'm having sleepless nights. Speaking to my friend has helped, I can think a bit clearer... for now


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Tuesday 9th October 2012
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Thank you Karyn, for your words. Sorry I've only just replied. I missed your post earlier.


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213 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Wasn't sure whether to post or not but everyone had been so considerate in the time they too to reply sending Ren their best I thought it would be ok to.

So after another month of still not knowing even with lots of tests the inevitable abdominal mass was found by the vet yest. It's small but she is so skinny now (just 2.46kg) that even I can feel it. So 10mg steroids a day and Upto 2 weeks to see if they help. If they do I may have her another couple months, if not Fitz will be saying farewell to his dear friend (he's spent almost all day and night for the last few days curled up next to her in her favourite bed) and we will saying goodbye to a sweet and gentle cat (unless you were a mouse!) very very soon.

So there it is, in my heart from the start I suspected this would be the outcome, wish it had been her thyroid now frown.

I'm still in some denial, the battle isn't over just yet but I fear it soon will be and I think Ren and I will have lost and now I'm tearing up, so I'll stop babbling now.


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213 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Fitz (ginger and white)taking care of Ren, he has rarely left her side the last few days.


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213 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Jasandjules said:
If there is anything we can. do to help, just say.
Thankyou, you've been such a help with Fitz. I did wonder about Zaras tea but I just don't think I could get her to take it. She is being very difficult re food and she is hard to medicate orally.

She has a really bad tummy now, very smelly! I actually got as far as arranging her final visit for Thurs, typically her appetite picked up this evening and whilst she is still doing very little she seemed a bit perkier tonight. We'll see how she goes over next 48hrs.