Horsey horsey...



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Saturday 5th June 2021
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From one end of the size spectrum to the other. This is the "big dog" in the family.

This is Boe the Welsh Section D that has the ability to manifest eye-watering bills better than any highly strung car I've ever owned. But, he's cool and keeps my daughter focussed on something she absolutely loves.


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201 months

Saturday 5th June 2021
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Stunning. I'll get some better pics arranged and add if we are starting a thread.

I think between us we might be keeping Le Mieux afloat...

He looks sad in this one but he was out all night in the field for the first time ever and think he ate his own bodyweight in grass..


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201 months

Saturday 5th June 2021
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Yeah, not a bad idea however only the mods can do that. I'll start another and maybe the mods can merge / delete as appropriate.


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201 months

Tuesday 8th June 2021
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Superb. Today was jumping practice for her first show.

She needs back into lessons to run off bad habits. But ho hum.

Another £200 spent on le mieux ripoff strategy.


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201 months

Wednesday 9th June 2021
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We put a brand new rug on him last night. We will see how it faired later.


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201 months

Thursday 10th June 2021
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If we are doing arty here’s my effort of a heavily over processed shot of our beastie.


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Sunday 13th June 2021
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Wat doing Hooman?


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201 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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Steve_W said:
Here's our old boy John at his recent retirement photoshoot. At 28 (ish!) it's time for him to take a well-earned break as a field ornament.

Photo courtesy of Rose at Daydream Equine Art -
That’s fantastic. I’ve just had a look at her portfolio and it’s a pity she’s so far away. I’m in Scotland and would commission her to take some photos


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201 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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PushedDover said:
Unfunnily - OH sent me:

Jeremy Clarkson said:
"Money's no object and men don't count when a woman has a horse" by Jeremy Clarkson
- - - - -
"Got a cold? You'll be told to go for a ride. Got a drink problem? There are places in Arizona that use horses to cure you. Are you a burglar? Well, statistics in Horse & Hound have shown that 107% of people who sit on a horse never reoffend, and never get cancer either.
A riding enthusiast will tell you that a horse invented the steam engine long before James Watt got involved and that it was simply unable to convey this important discovery to others.
And as a result she will treat horses with a respect that's borderline idiotic.
If, as a man, you decided in the night not to bother getting up to go to the loo and simply emptied your bowels into the sheets, you can be fairly sure that your wife would be extremely cross. This is because you're not a horse. A horse can do a big steaming turd in its bed and she will cheerfully put on a pair of rubber gloves and change its sheets with a big-hearted smile.
It's the same story at breakfast time. When the horse is led into its paddock, it will do a No 2 right in the middle of its breakfast, which will also need to be cleared up. You try doing that on the bacon and eggs she's made and see what happens.
Then there's the question of violence. If your dog were to attack a child you would be horrified, and would at least consider having it put down. It's the same story with your children. If they get into a fight, you put them in their room with no supper.
But when a horse kicks an eight-year-old with such force that its head comes off, you take the poor thing's weeping parents to one side and scold them for letting their child get within range. "Now look. You've upset the horse."
One day your horse will be spooked by a paper bag, or a van, or a puddle, or a bit of rain, or a gust of wind, or the scent of a fox, and it will throw you to the ground. You will sustain fractured ribs and a broken collarbone, and somehow this will be your fault.
Another interesting thing about horse ownership is that you must never have just one. You will need two or 11 or several hundred, some of which you will lend out to friends and family.
No one does this with cars or cooking appliances or children. No one says, "Here, have one of my dogs. I've got loads."
But horse people do because they are mad.
There's more.
When your children's shoes have seen better days, you tell them that money's tight and that they'll last another term. You may even tell them off for wearing them out so quickly. But your horse? Crikey, no. The damn thing gets a new set of shoes every six weeks. This is not cheap. Nothing's cheap with a horse. A saddle will be Pounds 1,500. It'll need blankets, and they're Pounds 150 a go. Then there's a bridle at Pounds 150, and that's before you start buying food. Hay costs more these days than rocket, and over a year it'd be cheaper to buy the damn thing a nicely togged eiderdown duvet than keep it in straw.
You may even need to buy it a paddock from the local farmer. And the going rate for an acre these days is whatever the farmer wants. And because the farmer knows the horse woman has lost all connection with reality, he'll want about 300,000 Pounds.
Then you'll need to build your horse a house, which will cost more than yours did.
Oh, I nearly forgot. The horse will then need its own enormous car, full of bedding and plumbing, which will be driven on bank holiday Mondays by a teenage girl at 4mph. These cost more than most Bentleys."
This did the rounds on some of the horsey facebook pages my daughter and I are on. It was not received well but I have to admit that I nodded in agreement with a lot of it.

The horse is better fed, clothed and exercised better than any of us.


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201 months

Thursday 10th February 2022
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Good to see this updated.

This is our first winter as horse owners and I can 100% confirm it is not a lot of fun. He loves the snow mind you but it's the knee-deep muck and spending time mucking out in sub-zero temperatures that aren't for this bald-headed Scotsman!


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201 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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Bravo! Those are amazing shots.

Did you take them? I have invested in a fancy new camera for this summers horse madness. Technically that means the horse made me buy it? Yes?

Next week is the one year milestone and I’ve been look at expenditure. Just don’t do it. It’s not worth the tears.

And that was just for the stable fees and bedding, feed etc. I darent count what I have spent on saddle pads, sales, saddle fitters, bridles, shoes. I could finance a really car but I’ve got a shed of a Peugeot 508!


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201 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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shocks said:
We need a Skint Horse Dad's support thread, Mrs deals with most of the "buy" side, I just get the bills.

Darling daughter would bankrupt me on Le Mieux given half a chance, currently, she is selling her collection of Schleich model horses she amassed over the years, which is unsurprisingly in all things horsey bringing in a decent chunk of change! No doubt to spend on some more expensive things for the nags
There's a thought. My hatchling has a million of those things and some special ones i picked up while working in Munich. Let the negotiations begin.


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201 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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mywifeshusband said:
Out 16.2 TB has gone to a specialist vet today for an MRI scan on the front right. Of course she had to have a new Le Mieux headcollar and travel fleece for the occassions. She's been just turned out for the last six months but is still slightly lame on the right reign on a tight lunge.

Fingers crossed it's something we can cure as she's only six years old.

I can report however that a Porsche Cayenne V8 tows an Ifor 506 very easily and hills are no issue.
Hope it all works out. COuld be a million things from a dodgy shoe to something more serious. I learned 2 things recently:

1. How to check if there may be an abcess in the foot (if it's hot to the touch among other things)
2. How to take the horses temperature..... Poor guy, he gave me the look of "where do you think you are putting THAT!?". COuld be worse though, one owner put the probe up the horses nose! One hoped it was before the other end. I laughed, lots.


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201 months

Tuesday 8th March 2022
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rscott said:
Spent a delightful 5 hours in A&E on Saturday, with my other half. She'd had an unplanned dismount from the horse, resulting in a broken wrist.

So guess who is now on horse duty twice a day for the next month or two... Yippee.

To be fair, it's over 25 years since her last serious accident - that was a broken shoulder blade after being dumped on the road by a different horse.
Don't jinx it.
My daughter marks her one year with her horse tomorrow. She has already broken both wrists, had a foot crushed, hurt her neck and back, been bitten resulting in loss of one fingernail..

We're mental when you think about it.


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201 months

Friday 25th March 2022
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We're in a bit of a crisis. Daughter has had a knock on her confidence and no amount of training or encouragement seems to help.

Most of the problems are down to how venomous the horse world is and some of her friends are no longer at the same yard.

So crunch time soon - his behaviour has changed too which could be a sign of something medical. To that end a vet visit is next but i think we will be looking to move the big guy on and have a break.

Can't afford to keep 2 going unfortunately


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201 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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Superb. Those are fantastic.

I bought a new camera, a Nikon P950 which has one of these mega zoom capabilities which is great for taking photos of things like the moon or high military aircraft which are steady to track but I’m really struggling to get it to use a fast enough shutter to catch a borderline psychotic horse at full chat.

I also have a VERY old Canon EOS400D DSLR with a quick lens that could do with a service and has much better manual controls.

What kit do you use and any tips?


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201 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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nessiemac said:
Thanks buddy.

Kit is a Canon 1Dx and Canon 70-200 F2.8 for these shots. My main photography is mountain bike racing so used to fast moving erratic subjects!

My settings were shutter at 1/1000th which is fast enough for most shots, F2.8 always and ISO depending on light.

My advice is to shoot in continuous focus, manual mode with SS and F as above and follow the rider as they approach the feature and press the shutter just before you think you need to. And keep following the rider as you shoot and follow through after as well.

And get down low!!
Thanks mate. I got on the deck the other night on the outside of a jump while she was lunging. Stoopid nag decides it wants a close up. Closest I’ve come to death by horse since I bet too much on one.


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201 months

Friday 22nd April 2022
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Aw. Baby hosses are awesome. Hilarious as they try to figure out how they are supposed to graze with legs that are freakishly long.

Happy to report that we have turned a corner with my daughters' confidence crisis. We got some help from another owner on the yard and on admitting he was in essence, very fat - the poor guy was put on a strict diet.

I'm pretty sure he plots my death in the field with his other horsey mafia mates but he's looking trim, fit, and is getting back into work.

Naturally, he needs a new saddle cos he has changed shape... FFS.


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Saturday 23rd April 2022
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201 months

Friday 3rd June 2022
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We are moving yard again next weekend. This is the last!

Photo for comedy value…