Flat Earthers- what to do with em

Flat Earthers- what to do with em


200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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Friend of mine for some reason has latched onto the flat earth malarkey in a big way. Literally daily on my fb feed there is a video or other "proof", and he gets into some right old heated arguments with folk.
Obviously I could block or unfollow, but he's otherwise a decent enough guy, he's a fellow car nut and builds his own engines/cars etc.
I'm puzzling having looked at a few of his posts about when this all recently became a big thing again and how?

Some of his "proofs" ( generally share of other people's stuff)-
fish eye lenses used in all videos about the globe
You can get into space with helium balloons
You can't fly over the arctic / Antarctic (Or you will see the "ice walls" at the end)
NASA is Hebrew for deceit ..
If we were on a globe spinning through space the star patterns would change..
Using a periscope from under water you can see miles in a submarine....
And various other nonsense.

These people appear to get really het up. Apparently we just need to open our eyes to the deceit and stop being sheep.

Anyone else been daft enough to want to respond and ask questions but can't knowing you'll just get dragged in and waste your life arguing?
Just a bit puzzled as they seem to have dropped 9/11 conspiracy theories and gone onto this now. He also posts up lots of other conspiracy related stuff too, it looks like a full time job at times.

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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It's very bizarre. It used to be illuminati stuff all the time. I just ignore it and accept he just thinks differently. But the flat earth stuff (to someone with an engineers brain) seems just too far out there
I'm tempted to ask what "they" are gaining from deceiving us all, it must have cost trillions to do so.
He can see the moon at night, that's round, how do they explain that one away?

Puzzling lol

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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One of the recent "shares" caught my enquiring mind's attention. Some chap (poss australia) is in a "battle" with the freemasons who are pumping toxic cancer causing gas into his house at night and also tampering with his water supply because he keeps exposing the masons and their plans.

The evidence as such was some photographs of his house wiring in the loft wrapped around water pipes and vent duct. He's found the same at his friends and family. He was using a voltmeter in a video to measure resistance in running water out of his tap. I wasted a good hour looking at his fb posts about this as it's relentless. He should come look in the ceilings at every building I've worked in and see the data cabling and telephone wires the lazy arse contractors run without using containment. I was intruiged tho as to how the masons would be sneaking out of their charity luncheons (half pissed) to break into his municipal water supplies or sit pumping gas into his house at night.
That guy to be fair was a fruit loop and clearly needed medical intervention.

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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rallycross said:
Push them over the edge? (and according to these idiots there must be an edge somewhere if its not a sphere)?
At the poles. The no fly zones "they" have are proof of this.

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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i once also got into a debate with a Jehovas witness (friend of a friend on a group walk in Derbyshire and he latched on) about dinosaurs, fossils and so forth. crux of that discussion is that scientists are part of some background conspiracy against their religions beliefs. What suprised me then was the absolute certainty of a very well educated and well spoken guy who to all intents and purposes could argue politely and clearly with his own proof system and explain away hundreds of years of research etc.

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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Russian Troll Bot said:
The thing that has always confused me is, even if the world is flat, what reason or gain would governments have to hide it from us? At least with other conspiracy theories like Area 51 or JFK you could make a logical argument as to why it would be kept secret.
Exactly. i'm tempted to ask him this purely out of interest, i suspect its tied in with some of his other 9/11 and Illuminati type "shares"

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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thinking about it, you are probably right that the underlying reasons are revenue generating linked, and the appear to work pulling in a lot of people who can be led. the 9/11 conspiracy theorists have at least some tangible evidence from previous subterfuge schemes i suppose to give them a basis to work from and to argue day and night.
i suppose it makes life on the net interesting at least lol

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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BoRED S2upid said:
Is this chap educated at all? Can’t believe they haven’t thought it through. He obviously hasn’t been in an aeroplane when the sun rises you can see the curve or is that just some sort of optical illusion to them?
being fair, he's a decent guy,runs his own business (hands on type work but very good at it), builds cars and engines as a hobby, has other interests, and is not someone i would class as thick or anything. There's always been a history of "anti" govt/illuminati type stuff on his feed, and 9/11 stuff. Obviously a lot of posts telling people they need to do their own research, and sharing links and stuff he obviously picked up doing his own. Hence my puzzlement at the FE stuff, when i assume like me he has flown literally hours in planes to get to places etc. There is just no credible reasons i've seen him or others post as to why the FE deception would be ongoing, and how. I can understand the conspiracy stuff about 9/11 to a degree, and have chuckled at the Moon landing stuff, but we are after all in space, i can see the ISS flash by on occasion with my binoculars, i cant however see Ice walls and NASA staff running the show!

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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shakotan said:
Ask him to phone a random business of his choosing in Australia at midnight his time, and ask them if it's daytime or night time.
haha thats a good un! bit like the scene in the Simpsons with Bart asking for the toilet to be flushed to see the water run anti clockwise! cool

200Plus Club

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280 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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This is some of the shared stuff this week...

200Plus Club

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Friday 26th January 2018
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200Plus Club

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Friday 26th January 2018
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If you had time to devote to arguing the toss...

200Plus Club

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280 months

Saturday 27th January 2018
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I'd like to know the actual correct difference you'd see at 40miles based on being 6ft tall as opposed to ground height!

200Plus Club

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280 months

Saturday 27th January 2018
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This is the gem shared today. It appears to be a robot reading out a list of "facts" which one supposes we are to straight up believe.
I'm thinking this will be the last one I look at now as there is never any explanation as to why scientists and researchers decided to mislead us in the greatest lie ever told..

200Plus Club

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280 months

Saturday 27th January 2018
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This is another shared favourite with the chemtrails. We are all being deliberately poisoned by the " big pharma" so they can sell lots of drugs to us and control the population.
If you add up all the various theories on FB it adds up to a whole load of worry for some people.

200Plus Club

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280 months

Monday 29th January 2018
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today's latest poser on his FB page is who was the first man on the moon, given the photo was of Neil Armstrong decending the ladder.!
given that the moon landings are fake, and we've had the benefit of him sharing a you tube link from an ex NASA engineer who debunked the entire thing, it appears the earth can remain flat for a bit longer yet, we are back on firm ground so to speak.

200Plus Club

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280 months

Tuesday 30th January 2018
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El stovey said:
200Plus Club said:
today's latest poser on his FB page is who was the first man on the moon, given the photo was of Neil Armstrong decending the ladder.!
given that the moon landings are fake, and we've had the benefit of him sharing a you tube link from an ex NASA engineer who debunked the entire thing, it appears the earth can remain flat for a bit longer yet, we are back on firm ground so to speak.
Isn’t your mate just having a laugh and taking the piss?
i wish it was, he gets into some heated debates with people, hence me not bothering to comment lol

200Plus Club

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280 months

Wednesday 31st January 2018
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i suppose the obvious question also is what are all the other planets then, round or flat? the earth surely cant be a one off, so everything literally we know of space and planets is either all a lie/hoax or all 100% right.

still not seen any responses from the FE brigade as to who would benefit, and why, for the hoax or misleading us all.

200Plus Club

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280 months

Thursday 1st February 2018
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This blood moon thing must be puzzling to them at present. It just hangs about over us pretty much, it must be flat too? Bit random it getting closer or further away, and the sun throwing shadows etc. Mmm ...

200Plus Club

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10,851 posts

280 months

Tuesday 6th February 2018
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This is todays FB offering from my friend, underneath a picture of a contrail from a plane....no explanation offered as to why "they" would gain from doing these things .....

Victoria Rose
They are spraying the air and our food even Xmas trees we bring into our homes and the water gets fluoridation as well...

They sell us sprays and lotions and potions to put in our homes and on ourselves that have a chemical list that is unreadable...

they are vaccinating the life out of our babies and vulnerable...

prescribing medication that dims the nation and zombifies us beyond recall not to mention the subliminals in our TV and mainstream media saying obey obey obey, the education is run by the corporate businesses that make the poisonous pesticides and fungicides and medicines oh sorry funded by I mean😏...

and the natural medicines and foods that actually heal us we are taught they are bad for us and some are made illegal!!

When you get sick or are sick you think it's you that did this to your self they tell you it's your lifestyle ! When they set up the lifestyle for us yet blame us for being alive and consuming their poisonous products they give to us as healthy...

so when you think you are not on drugs of any kind think again! You are on more than you know and your blissful ignorance doesn't keep you out of harms way...

Grow your own, distill your water and find natural alternatives to prescription medication... that's the best we can do when we are hammered from all sides by the very organisations that should protect and serve us yet they do the complete opposite...