Men, Public toilets & loosing all control

Men, Public toilets & loosing all control



Original Poster:

5,277 posts

132 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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I have the misfortune of being a contractor on a large site, meaning I have to share a toilet block with other contractors.

Why is it, when men use one of these toilets they loose the ability to refrain from drawing on the walls, loose the ability to flush the chain, wipe the seat or not deposit used toilet paper on the floor.

Are these morons going home and taking a dump next to their toilets and writing " George is a cocksucking " on their wall? I doubt it.

Now these people are all white and British, I've been to cleaner holes in India. So what's the excuse?

It's the same in other public places, people not flushing, missing altogether. WHY? it's not pleasant for them and it's certainly not pleaasent for me.

Is it the council class? I visited Portsmouth dockyards on the weekend and those people could control their body properly, as can anyone in a nice hotel or restaurant.

Is it because they are working class? I think so.



3,757 posts

159 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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The whole 'leaving the turd in the toilet' thing is beyond me. We have a serial stter where we work that often likes to show that his digestive system works.

Roofless Toothless

5,767 posts

134 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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My wife tells me you ought to see the ladies ...


3,757 posts

159 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Roofless Toothless said:
My wife tells me you ought to see the ladies ...
Mine says the same.

  • Women too polite to fart discreetly in public let it all go in the toilets
  • Women who hover and shower the pan for the next lucky user.


12,662 posts

157 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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I worked in SA and once used the shop-floor bogs.... Most of the shop floor guys were township folk. It really wasn't pretty, neither in sight nor smell (they have a very meaty diet). They used those toilets for all-sorts of stuff (jacking off, sex etc). I am glad I didn't have to actually sit down on the pot.

Public toilets in Hong Kong, hole in the ground style. Also grim. The one I was unfortunate enough to wander into stank of piss and each of the 3 squatty-potties looked like someone had turned up with a muck-spreader; it was everywhere but the hole. I didn't even wanna reach over to the grab the hose to wash it down. I just legged it and decided I could hold on.

(by vast contrast, I used the toilets in the Park View club and they had heated loo seats and those washer jets!)

Amsterdam.... Some lake people were using as a bit of a beach BBQ area. Looked pleasant enough, families having a good time, playing in the lake, playing music, playing volley ball etc. The toilet block; Rancid. st and piss absolutely everywhere, bog roll new and used stuck to all surfaces. Someone had even crimped out a loaf in the urinals. Which were now overflowing. The smell nearly made me throw up.

Even our public toilets in the village, the block is cold, dark and poorly lit. Its always wet in there and I presume it isn't because there's a hole in the roof... more that people lose the ability to aim.

Echos nightclub in Loughborough.... You wouldn't even force a rat to live in those bogs. They were abhorrent and from what my OH described, the ladies was at least twice as bad as the mens!


2,902 posts

173 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Someone shat on the floor of our work toilets a while back, and a little later that day someone trod in it and walked it out into the office hurl On the same day in another toilet in this building someone flicked a lump of st onto the partition wall in the traps. And on a daily basis there's someone with a sprinkler attachment on their arse generally spraying about in there.

Oh, and on one particularly vile occasion a used tampon appeared on the floor of the office, I can only assume having been stuck to someone's shoe then walked out of the ladies toilets hurl

Going to the bogs in this building full of supposedly professional people is disgusting. Seems to have been like that in most big companies that I've worked (and no, it wasn't me)


4,312 posts

284 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Nickbrapp said:
Is it the council class? I visited Portsmouth dockyards on the weekend and those people could control their body properly, as can anyone in a nice hotel or restaurant.

Is it because they are working class? I think so.

...not unless they can afford to fly first/business. A clarty bog is a pet hate of mine too - hell I even check after the flush to make sure everything's clean for the next guy. I can't think of the last time I've been to a public loo for a 'sit down' so rarely have to venture into the stalls. Except a 'regular' is airline lounges for a last pee before the flight following partaking of the free drinkies and often there are no separate urinals so you have to go into the stalls just have a pee (BA in Heathrow, I'm looking at you). Now in fairness there's no graffiti that I've seen so far, but piss on the seat, piss on the floor, turds not flushed, used loo-roll on the floor. Now that always surprises me - they can afford two grand or whatever for a flight (or just fly regularly) but haven't mastered basic sanitary hygiene.


24,498 posts

188 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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I work next to a garden centre in a genteel area of Dorset and use their loos.

The things nice middle class pensioners can do to a toilet are beyond belief.


15,974 posts

211 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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devnull said:
Roofless Toothless said:
My wife tells me you ought to see the ladies ...
Mine says the same.

  • Women too polite to fart discreetly in public let it all go in the toilets
  • Women who hover and shower the pan for the next lucky user.
Love an excuse to dig this out again ...


8,095 posts

252 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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I work for a Danish company, its spotless everywhere.


48,539 posts

250 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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It doesn't even get better at home. I work from home and have a bathroom to myself, only sharing with the cats. Yesterday one of the cats knocked the litter tray over (how!?) and there was litter and cat-poo everywhere. FFS!!!!


35,295 posts

260 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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I've seen some horrors:

At a cement factory in the desert between Cairo and Alexandria, the pans had no seats and a bog iron hook right in the centre of the pan, presumably intended for one of those toilet cake things. They had clearly given up on the cakes years ago and the hook served only to get covered in st and attract flies.

In a public car park in Siena, somebody had managed to coat the whole pan, inside and out, in sprayed on st, as well as the floor and walls.

At McDonalds in Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, some dirty bd had shat on the floor in the middle of the room.

When I worked factory jobs in my university vacations, I was left with the memory of one of the most disgusting smells, blended cigarette smoke and st. Apart from the graffiti, some of the lovely people liked to wipe snot and even st on the walls. One horrible bd actually used it to write the word "st".


24,498 posts

188 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Mildly off-topic, but I recall a portaloo at a festival ~25 years ago, when portaloos just had a toilet seat and an open tank underneath, where having queued for some time I was confronted by a cone of poo and loo roll protruding out of the hole.



3,674 posts

239 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Our student flat in Dundee, circa 1989.

4 girls had been sharing it before us.

Toilet was completely blocked, you know when your bin gets full sometimes you can put some paper on top and squash everything down to create slightly more room? - the toilet looked like they had been doing similar.

We paid a guy who had been in our corridor in the halls of residence £20 to clean it out - he was only given an old curtain rail and bucket but did the job admirably.

We then had to draw straws to see who got the task of carrying the bucket of st down 3 storeys and out into the shared bins area (Dundee tenament). James was the unlucky one, and when he dropped the bucket into the large outside bins he made the mistake of dropping if from chest height so as it landed...the contents promptly sprayed back up and covered him biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

That's not all, we had an infestation of fleas in one bedroom, half a chicken fried rice and pyrex dish down the back of the fridge for god knows how long, I moved my bed and found some tweezers with a pube wrapped round them...I thought girls were meant to be cleaner than blokes!!


21,429 posts

198 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Le Mans.


39,054 posts

100 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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It appears that it's not just my place of employment then??? A couple of years ago we kept coming in on the early shift to find one of the toilets either flooded with poo/urine, one of the cubicles with scensoredt sprayed up the back, seat, wall or a combination of both!!! Regularly find them not flushed, ricochet marks all over them, puddles on the floor ETC!!!!!! vomit


26,599 posts

233 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Come on guys, somebody must surely point out that it's "lose" not "loose".

"Loose" is when it is so runny it goes all over the place, down the legs, side of the pan, the floor hurl

Standards round here are slipping.

I await my flaming for being what everybody despises hehe


4,281 posts

114 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Dominate the bathroom. You don't need to st where the 'man' tells you to st, because you're successful!


6,619 posts

89 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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Last year, I had an ingrowing toe nail, and my GP arranged a visit to a Guy's Hospital podiatry clinic.
I arrived about 10-12 minutes early, checked in and sat down with a magazine.
Suddenly I got that horrible feeling in my guts that tells you, seek out the nearest toilet, do not pass Go, do not collect £200.
I made it to the can, but as soon as I dropped my strides, the world fell out of my rectum.
A tad went in the bowl, but the greater part went all over the seat and the floor.
Fortunately there was an industrial size wheel of continuous toilet paper in there, I must have used a third of it cleaning the place up as best I could while holding my breath.
I really did my best, but there were little places I couldn't reach, and I knew my appointment time was imminent, I HAD to go, it couldn't have been pleasant in there for the rest of the day.


1,495 posts

212 months

Monday 4th September 2017
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LaurasOtherHalf said:
Le Mans.
Its not so bad now i dont think (i stay on Houx), but a few years ago, before the loo roll was regularly topped up in the cubicles?

My god vomit

Or the long drops. FML, the things ive seen in those things yikes