Manly scars and wounds

Manly scars and wounds


Lil' Joe

Original Poster:

1,548 posts

188 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Following the manly kit thread I thought I would start a thread on something all real men should have; impressive scars and/or wounds.
To start, I have just had an operation on a repeat dislocating shoulder.
Shoulder wound with a load of metal staples..

Close up..

and the wire you can see in the first one is a used to drain blood from the wound into a bottle, like so..

Anyone else?

Edited by Lil' Joe on Wednesday 6th May 03:40

Nobody You Know

8,422 posts

195 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Sadly I have no major scars but my fingers do look like a road map with the amout of scar tissue lines running across them.

Spanner rash is manly!

Just counted and yesterday & today I have accumulated 11 bleeding wounds on my hands, plus some Hammerite splashes and diff oil under my nails.


997 posts

229 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Nobody You Know said:
Sadly I have no major scars but my fingers do look like a road map with the amout of scar tissue lines running across them.

Spanner rash is manly!

Just counted and yesterday & today I have accumulated 11 bleeding wounds on my hands, plus some Hammerite splashes and diff oil under my nails.
After many years of doing the same I made a miraculous discovery, they call them gloves. smile Get mine from work, nice tight fit so you've still got plenty of feel, also saves having to scrub your hands with all manner of substances.

Planet Claire

3,329 posts

211 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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I have a 5" scar on my left wrist. Did it when I was 4 years old, going up the steps to the back garden, carrying a glass lemonade bottle...and I tripped. It's faded a bit in the intervening 30-odd years.


28,377 posts

286 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Operations get sewn up nicely. For a properly manly scar you need a stab wound.

And yes - I have one on my back. I was seventeen at the time, it was done with a rusty blade and festered. By the time the docs got it sorted out I'd lost a chunk of flesh the size of your thumb.

They tried sewing up the mess - but it didn't take. Ended up letting it heal "open".

Left a cracking scar that did. You can still see it twenty five years later.

Lil' Joe

Original Poster:

1,548 posts

188 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Anyone got any idea how they remove the metal staples in the above wound? I've had stitches before but this is the first time I've had staples. Ive got visions of the staple removers from school being used, and tearing my flesh to pieces...



7,649 posts

205 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Only a small one from putting my finger in a blender. fk me that hurt.

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

197 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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My staples were taken out with a plastic "hook" ended tool and my mum's were just last week too.

As for ops and scars I've had a few and have the scars although thankfully they're very "discrete".

The worst one was having my face peeled down from the middle of my skull down to my nose. My forehead was then remodelled and titanium plates bolted in and stapled back up from ear to ear.
Also had my jaw, chin and nose done but they were all from inside.

That lot took some balls. wink


15,704 posts

251 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Nolar Dog said:
The worst one was having my face peeled down from the middle of my skull down to my nose. My forehead was then remodelled and titanium plates bolted in and stapled back up from ear to ear.
Also had my jaw, chin and nose done but they were all from inside.

That lot took some balls. wink
Witness relocation? wink


10,877 posts

190 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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I have an axe wound...not that type!! hehe really i have, about an inch long on the side of my finger where i hit it with a splitting axe after glancing off a piece of wood.
I have one about 3 inches long on the back of my leg where i came off my bike and the cogs stuck in my leg (that heeled quite well and can barely see it)
one on my knee about 1.5 x the size of a penny, came off bike again.
3 on my fingers off my knife, all went to the bone but heeled well.
one on my face the size of a drawing pin head, where a rock hit me.
one on my chest where i was stabbed with a small pen knife while playing a game with friends.
dent in my skull and scar on scalp where a monitor was, my mother had a complicated birth with me aparently.
Plus lots and lots of small scars off random things cant remember them all.

ETA: several on my lungs as i had pneumonia twice when i was young, these ones stopped me from joining the RAF, the only career path I wanted to take.

Edited by WorAl on Wednesday 6th May 09:03


18,073 posts

208 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Lil' Joe said:
Following the manly kit thread I thought I would start a thread on something all real men should have; impressive scars and/or wounds.
To start, I have just had an operation on a repeat dislocating shoulder.
Shoulder wound with a load of metal staples..

Close up..

and the wire you can see in the first one is a used to drain blood from the wound into a bottle, like so..

Anyone else?

Edited by Lil' Joe on Wednesday 6th May 03:40
snap, i had exactly the same operation 3 years ago, and now need another.

as well as those i have these..

heres the story..

about 2 years ago im driving home around 10pm from football, through a 40 on the way into louth theres a blind crest (from both directions) with a right hand bend at the crest, i take said crest at about 35 (easy as) to find something flat out, lights on full beam and on my side of the road, split second decision either to avoid said car or head for wall on side of the road, i decide to try and get as far over as i can and hope for the best, said car clips me, sends me sideways where my car(r reg civic) clips nearside kerb and belts me sideways opposite way, tried to hold it but nearside rear wheel is buckled in and the car decides to roll, rolls twice (by this point im over the hill going downhill) before my seatbelt comes undone and decides to eject my upper body through the passenger windowand the car rolls twicw more before landing on the passenger side and scraping down the road for some 50m with my upper body between the car and road, car rolls once more and comes to a complete stop.

i swing my legs out of the car (still concious) and walk off the road and calmy knock on someones door, the women that answered it nearly fainted and got me a towl and sat me a against a lampost and rang the ambulance, police and my other half.

the misses turns up and im sat there talking to her like nothings happened!!

its only when i get to grimsby a&e that i realise the extent of my injuries.

my right ear is no more, the right side of my face is ground away and the top of my back(especially on the right side) is skinless.

24hrs later they have reconstructed my era from its remains, de-burred my back and stichthed my face up.

the other car never stopped, my insurance paid out on my car but the motor insurance beurau decided that they would not pay out for my injuries because there were no witnesses, this was after the police coming out and investigating and clearing me of all wrong doing.

also took most of the skin off the right side of my back and shoulder, but couldnt get pics of that!!


1,734 posts

188 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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I have a fairly deep scar above my left eye from when I was about 4 years old, jumping on bed and fell off, smacking the cabinet on the way down hehe


9,870 posts

245 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Nolar Dog said:
My staples were taken out with a plastic "hook" ended tool and my mum's were just last week too.

As for ops and scars I've had a few and have the scars although thankfully they're very "discrete".

The worst one was having my face peeled down from the middle of my skull down to my nose. My forehead was then remodelled and titanium plates bolted in and stapled back up from ear to ear.
Also had my jaw, chin and nose done but they were all from inside.

That lot took some balls. wink

Nolar earlier...

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

197 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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You been looking through my Photobucket account again Mr Vid? hehe

Mc Lovin

5,588 posts

223 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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^^^ hehe

Few scars here and there, one under my left eye where i fell off my skate board and smacked my face on the corner of a low brick wall, that stung a bit.

Currently nursing another broken knuckle rolleyes


2,690 posts

203 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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Nolar Dog said:
My staples were taken out with a plastic "hook" ended tool and my mum's were just last week too.

As for ops and scars I've had a few and have the scars although thankfully they're very "discrete".

The worst one was having my face peeled down from the middle of my skull down to my nose. My forehead was then remodelled and titanium plates bolted in and stapled back up from ear to ear.
Also had my jaw, chin and nose done but they were all from inside.

That lot took some balls. wink
LMAO @ the balls comment...

Does your face still retain all the original feelings or does it sometimes feel a bit weird?

Reason I ask is I was talking to someone who had a similar op and she said that sometimes it doesnt feel like her face strangely enough....

Anyways you are a braver person than me to have that lot done to ya


4,423 posts

197 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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My left arm, now repaired, having snapped it off.


4,656 posts

194 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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I currently have:

  • Hernia (SP) scar from when I was 1.
  • 2 dips in my shin where I smacked them on a motorbike peg.
  • Scar in my armpit where a 6 inch nail went in.
  • Lighter 'smiley' on my arm.
  • What I can only describe as a 'thing' on the end of my left index finger where I chopped the end off it and stuck it back on. You can see the chuck that was taken off and has grown back on. Its completely dead.
  • Over sensative right finger tip with a chunk missing where I caught it in a fan.
  • Chunk missing out my left hand where I angle grinded it.
  • A million and one cuts on my hands.
  • CV grease all over my hands and under my nails (hoping this washes off soon =\)
I'm 20 hehe

ETA: At the time of writing there are currently 7 cuts on my left hand and 10 on my right, don't you just love changing clutches?

Edited by Eddh on Wednesday 6th May 10:36


2,163 posts

236 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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A few nice ones there, the staples come out easier than stitches, had 11 out of the top of my melon last year.

Here's the best I can do, a rotary hacksaw blade in a 4" angle grinder.

I was sitting cross legged on the ground when it jammed in the job and kicked, skimmed up my right leg leaving circular burns, sliced my left arm and finished up on the ground behind me screaming at 10,000RPM.

The cut was around 25mm deep in places and fortunately missed everything.

After 40 odd years of men's cricket my first thought was that this has stuffed my career, happened on a Tuesday so I fielded at fine leg on Saturday and opened the bowling the following weekend.

This should make it obvious I'm right handed wink


16,626 posts

273 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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About a year ago, I was angle grinding some stuff on the fastback (above my head, like an idiot) and was daydreaming when the thing caught on something, spun off and got wrapped up in the top of my jumper, spinning violently at 5000rpm all the time carving into my neck and chin ...

Not nice.

One year on ... healed nicely but a whacking great scar.