Odd things your neighbours do?

Odd things your neighbours do?



170 posts

100 months

Wednesday 18th May 2016
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After recently (last month) moving out of the cheapo 1 bedroom flat I've lived in for the last 7 years with my ex, I've had more odd neighbours than I can count. That said, some of them were brilliantly weird.
Bear in mind, the flats are cheap, the walls are thin, the building is an old mock tudor 3 story victorian terraced house and I'm in the middle converted flat. That means a total of 4 direct neighbours (upstairs, downstairs, left and right) plus any others in diagonal regions.

Weird neighbour #1
Right hand side, the whole front of the house has been converted into student digs by the house owner, who lives in the back half of the house. It looks brilliant as he's doing it up bit by bit. Bizarre guy who had a old Mercedes van that was slowly rotting away on his drive for all of the 7 years I was there. Turns out there was a basement for the students to party in, labelled the "bassment", yes I did have a nosey on the property listings ok...
Anyway, one student, in the room next to my lounge, was a bit of a dweeb it turned out. I don't mind music, loud gaming or films, I have a decent sound setup too and I know I wasn't a great neighbour. But blimey dude, hearing your wooing attempts and fails as you considerately listened to some high school musical before the girl "faked it" and left... Then 3 weeks of listening to Avril Lavigne on your own... You poor soul. Maybe try being a little less sensitive eh? laugh Me and my ex were quite amused so didn't really complain until the 2nd week.
Rating - 1 star, quite dull, not funny enough. Lasted a year.

Weird neighbour :2
Left hand side neighbour. Similar flat layout to mine. Bedrooms backed on to each other with thin walls. Quiet guy, incredibly loud girl. Often left the windows open. I'm no expert, but if she's making all that noise and you're utterly silent, boy she's faking it (according to my ex... I quite liked the sound of her really laugh). Heard him at it so often my ex thought it would be best to have a sound off competition (why not?) and obviously they somehow backed down after that. Oh and my ex had to call the police on them after he got increasingly violent and a 3 hour row went off with various things hitting the thin walls.
Rating - 3/10, started out as a quality night time bit of entertainment, ended up being eastenders Christmas special but half as funny. Lasted 18 months.

Weird neighbour - C
Directly downstairs. Single, mid 50's and relatively friendly Russian lady. Ex got friendly as she seemed harmless, until she showed her true nature. Fortunately, it was only a mild case of "hearing voices" on her part. Turns out she's an outpatient, likes my motorbike (that I used to keep on the street out front) and says that her "biker boyfriend" would like it, though "he's not very good in bed as he only has one ball".
Also managed to utterly freak my ex, my friend and me out whilst we were having drinks one night. She came up the fire exit and knocked on the back door (no one does this, it's bloody weird). My ex goes to greet her, turns out she has a note and some candles to give us... Ok, she says thank you for being such lovely neighbours and trots off downstairs. Reading the note, sounds awfully "suicidey", and what the hell were the candles for? Cue the ex ringing the Samaritans to work out wtf to do. Turns out it's intervention time. Not to worry, it's that or the police knocking down her door, so out of courtesy, the ex goes down to have a "word". That word takes 2 hours and me and my friend are starting to wonder whether she'll come back. So, it was a big misunderstanding, the "note" was her poem to us to say thank you, and the candles were to replace the one we'd lent her (because 50 tea lights = 1 standard candle in her mind). Also, she wanted to show my ex the "basement", which she kept politely declining, mainly because the neighbour had just brought up the following conversation:
Neigbour - "Are you having problems with your tv aerial?"
My Ex - "No, seems fine, why?"
Neighbour - "Well, the tv, it talks to me. Do you know how to stop it talking to me?"
My ex - "Have you thought about getting Sky?"
Fortunately, or not, she moved into sheltered living a week or two after, leaving us a nice bottle of almost nuclear alcohol as a parting gift.
Rating 75%, mainly as she was utterly silent (didn't want to disturb us or her voices with extra noise) and having a crazy Russkie living downstairs certainly makes life entertaining, if a little creepy. Lasted 2 years.

Weird neigbour (iii)
Downstairs right hand side diagonally. Single dude, could almost tell instantly he was on the wrong side of "dodgy". Within one day of moving in, my ex had introduced herself to ensure that dodgy shyte was on her side, especially as he had a cute staffy. Alas, as her pushbike was locked to the fire escape, outside his front door, he obviously took a shine to it. The next day the none-too-cheap to replace wheels were missing and the bike lock had been rather badly damaged, although it was an £80 lock for a £600 bike, so it didn't let anything it was protecting go. Noticing that mr dodgy had an awful lot of bike parts in his kitchen, ex decides to go and have a quiet word. Alas he "doesn't know nuffink" but thinks one of his mates might have done it... Riiighto chap. She asks to go in for a cup of tea (sly lady wants to check her wheels are there) but it seems he "doesn't want anyone around my dog". So, that's that. Crime reported, statements taken etc. Police want to ask him if he saw anything, he didn't, but gives a false name in earshot of my ex.... What's all this then? Few weeks later, his decidedly posher than he was girlfriend was out the back having a cigarette and nattering/laughing like a horse on the phone, when he drags his dog out and chains it to the wall, swearing at the top of his voice and hitting the dog with it's collar on the dog's back, making it whine and yelp. Poor thing clearly doesn't deserve it, seems like it's pissed on his vinyl kitchen floor. Ex intervenes and says to calm the f**k down, he complies and apologises. The dog then gets left outside for a week. Apparently my ex saw him "training" it on a rope hung from a tree, having studied animal care, I believe she knows he's up to something. A week later again, she wakes up to him and his friend kicking the dog in the ribs repeatedly. Awful noises and she'd had enough, RSPCA are inbound. After taking hours to turn up, he's gone and the dog has been taken into the house. RSPCA report back that the guy's dad was in the flat, and that he was taking the dog away to look after it because it had been "disturbing the neighbours".... So, the dog's gone, but now the RSPCA have to report it to the police to double check some records. A week later, dodgy f**k has been in all week, no dog (thank god) and he's just been railing his "I'm getting back at mummy and daddy" GF. Overhear "POLICE, OPEN THE DOOR" from the back yard. Looks like a raid, Police pile in and arrest dodgy f**k and inform my ex that he was wanted by another force down south for "domestic violence charges and actual bodily harm", after doing a runner on bail, it seems they finally caught up with him after the dog report. Nasty piece of work, no longer our neighbour.
Rating: minus 2000, nasty little scrote, never got the wheels back, dog/human abusing oxygen thief rage. Lasted - 3 months

Weird neighbour - 4.1
Not really a neighbour, but a halfway house 3 doors over. Turns out most of the guys there are brilliant and prove to be excellent watchdogs as they're trying to go straight and don't want any crap on their front doorstep, good guys to chat to when having a smoke and told me exactly who it was who bent the aerial on my old rat trap passat (as they liked it) and which door to knock on to have a word. They were spot on. Unfortunately, one, who I never met, wasn't quite so good and noticed the fire escape to my back door and kitchen window. Decided he wanted my PS3 and blu-rays/dvd's badly enough that he'd pilfer all of them and transport them back to his place... Aka the halfway house, 3 doors away. Police report given at 3am by my ex (as she'd been out with her friends and I was in another country for some reason or another) and somehow, the Police recognised the way he broke in and said "we'll find him before long". 6 hours later, they do. He's on the cctv at the halfway house with our bag, full of our PS3 and everything else. Said he'd "found it in the street". Funnily enough it didn't take much to prove it was ours, he'd taken my ex's camera, which unsurprisingly he hadn't wiped. So all the pictures of her were still on there. Same with the PS3. We had our stuff back within a few hours, minus all the dvd's as for some reason he'd managed to shift all of them already. Good news is, he's been in prison and been let back out. Now a reformed drug addict and an advocate for the local Police and their rehab courses. Shame the PS3 had already been done over in silver dust and crapped it's pants after a week...
Rating: 50/100, on the whole, handy, bar one bad egg. He did manage to be just crap enough for us to get most of our stuff back, still, bit of a bloody hassle... Lasted: they're still there.

Weird neighbour: 005
Upstairs, single late 50's looking but probably early 40's in real age woman with her staffy. Again, the ex was very pro-active at introducing herself to this one. I, as always, am a bit less forthcoming. I tend to be a bit shy/aloof apparently and this was no exception. At first, no problem, cute staffy always wanting to say hello. Unfortunately, things went south not long after her moving in. Not entirely sure what started it, but I think the fact that she was growing weed for herself up there (nowt wrong with it, we never complained as it's not particularly harming anyone, she even offered some too for free) meant that she was getting a little bit paranoid. So much so that she really took a disliking to me, though I'd never spoken to her or even actively tried to avoid her, she told my ex that she thought I hated her... Nope, just not really that sociable thanks, also, I always said hello but never got one back... Anyway, downhill it went. Before long there was stomping from upstairs as soon as the tv went on in our flat. Ok, we turned it down, even though it wasn't at a particularly high level (5 years into living there, zero complaints about noise in person or otherwise). Within a week of the stomping, we'd received a written warning from the letting agents saying this was our first and only warning about noise. Ok... Wonder who that was. Ex goes to have a nice friendly chat, knocks on the door and meekly says "hii, you ok? Can I come in and have a cup of tea? Haven't seen your dog in a while...", nothing that she hasn't said before. Neighbour goes nuclear. Shouting at the top of her lungs about the cheek, the gall that my ex had for doing so. Denying that she'd put the complaint in, without opening the door or the complaint even having been mentioned at this point... Ok, best leave that be for a while after politely reminding her that maybe she shouldn't grow weed if she's going to start threatening evictions. Point taken, she shuts up for the best part of 18 months, avoiding eye or any other kind of contact with us, brilliant as far as I'm concerned (social retard that I am). Then, after 9 years together, me and my ex split. She moves out of the flat and I'm left as a batchelor living below a mentalist. So what should an only just 30yr old do after recently becoming single? Get laid a lot by as many people as possible? Why yes, I am that shallow, so, very much yes. No partying, not even bringing them back to mine if I can (it was a crap flat), but every now and again they'd come back and be a little bit loud in bed. That's enough for neighbourino to go apest. Fair enough I guess but texting my ex about how she was lying about moving out and that she could hear her every weekend making a tonne of noise in my bedroom certainly made things soooooo much better for everyone involved.
Fortunately for me, she'd clearly had enough of these "lying wkers downstairs" (as I heard her say at the top of her lungs one day) and decided to move out. At 11pm, on a Tuesday night. As she did so, for whatever reason, she disconnected the water pipe from her washing machine and chucked it out the fire escape... Down 2 stories of metal stairs... Loud then. And, for some reason, because she's clearly the next Einstein, she left the water pipe for said washing machine switched on. So, leaking, profusely. Through the floor of her kitchen, directly above my bedroom. Awesome. Bed soaked through from the water coming from the light fitting, so much water that it actually went through my bed, onto my floor, through my floor to the flat downstairs. Impressive. I shouted up to her telling her to turn it off, she scowled back "I haven't turned it on, f**k off". Yay.
Anyway. After sleeping in the living room. I knock on the door to check if she's in and call the letting agents. Sounds like she hasn't paid the rent in 2 months and they didn't know she was leaving. That makes a lot of sense. A few weeks later after they've broken the door down to the flat and the cleaner is in, I get the same leak. Fortunately the lovely guy doing the cleaning turns it off in a second and the leak barely drips twice. Talking to him to find the source, looks like she deliberately took the u-bend off the kitchen sink too! And poking around the flat he casually mentions that in his 15 year cleaning career, he's never seen a place that bad before. After she'd been living there 2 years, with a dog and a smoking habit, she hadn't cleaned, ever. It was pretty rank. Especially the corner by where the bed had been, where she let the dog pee when she couldn't be bothered to take him out. No idea how that didn't leak down to my flat... Either way, thank f**k she'd gone.
Rating: I wouldn't even touch her with yours. Lasted: 2 years. Felt like an eternity.

F**k living in a crappy lil flat ever again.


29,192 posts

205 months

Wednesday 18th May 2016
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WD39 said:
We fell out with neighbours, down the road a bit, over thirty years ago. I cannot for the life of me remember why. My only thought is it was something trivial. They are still around and we still ignore etc.

I guess that makes me odd one.
thought we'd established that in the knob thread!!


6,956 posts

201 months

Wednesday 18th May 2016
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I read the first few of those and if anyone is scrolling past them thinking is it worth the investment, then the answer is no. Sorry.


9,403 posts

138 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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p4cks said:
I read the first few of those and if anyone is scrolling past them thinking is it worth the investment, then the answer is no. Sorry.
I disagree, I thought it was worth the read.


20,750 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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There's a lady in one of the neighbouring flats who walks her cat (on a lead) every day.

Robbo 27

3,669 posts

101 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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g3org3y said:
There's a lady in one of the neighbouring flats who walks her cat (on a lead) every day.
Me too, is it better or worse that they walk two cats and neither are on a lead.

Not sure that I think its weird.

Taking a fish for a walk on a lead, thats weird.

Hugh Jarse

3,542 posts

207 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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TheTyreAbuser said:
Bedsit tales
Did have the Softcell track running through reading that, good read.

Dog Star

16,214 posts

170 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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g3org3y said:
There's a lady in one of the neighbouring flats who walks her cat (on a lead) every day.
Cool! I'd do that if

a. my cat wasn't dead weeping
b. I could get a cat to do it


12,793 posts

212 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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I had a bit of a strange encounter last year. The nearest neighbour accused me of flooding her driveway and damaging her property.

I popped over immediately to take a look. She was quite aggressive and ranty. There was a puddle on her drive which was, it would seem, originating from a natural spring on our border. I immediate went back home and examined our side of the border wall. Dry as a bone. I showed her. She was dismissive. She called the water company, citing a leak on my property. They sent a man round. She was rude and aggressive to him 9he mentioned this to us). He came round and looked at our side of the wall and decided it wasn't my problem. She hasn't spoken to me since.


24,111 posts

231 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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TheTyreAbuser said:
Weird neighbour :2
Left hand side neighbour. Similar flat layout to mine. Bedrooms backed on to each other with thin walls. Quiet guy, incredibly loud girl. Often left the windows open. I'm no expert, but if she's making all that noise and you're utterly silent, boy she's faking it (according to my ex... I quite liked the sound of her really laugh). Heard him at it so often my ex thought it would be best to have a sound off competition (why not?) and obviously they somehow backed down after that. Oh and my ex had to call the police on them after he got increasingly violent and a 3 hour row went off with various things hitting the thin walls.
Rating - 3/10, started out as a quality night time bit of entertainment, ended up being eastenders Christmas special but half as funny. Lasted 18 months.
We had one the same when they lived in the flat above. All you could hear was her moaning at the top of her voice. Until the wife shouted out "For fks sake, hurry up and cum".
There was then this really unearthly silence.

Poor woman being put off her stroke.


170 posts

100 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Morningside said:
We had one the same when they lived in the flat above. All you could hear was her moaning at the top of her voice. Until the wife shouted out "For fks sake, hurry up and cum".
There was then this really unearthly silence.

Poor woman being put off her stroke.
Haha love that!


14,737 posts

145 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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TheTyreAbuser said:
Morningside said:
We had one the same when they lived in the flat above. All you could hear was her moaning at the top of her voice. Until the wife shouted out "For fks sake, hurry up and cum".
There was then this really unearthly silence.

Poor woman being put off her stroke.
Haha love that!
Was your wife jealous that he lasted so long? biggrin


20,083 posts

118 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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kowalski655 said:
TheTyreAbuser said:
Morningside said:
We had one the same when they lived in the flat above. All you could hear was her moaning at the top of her voice. Until the wife shouted out "For fks sake, hurry up and cum".
There was then this really unearthly silence.

Poor woman being put off her stroke.
Haha love that!
Was your wife jealous that he lasted so long? biggrin
Do you mean longer than the regulation 2 minutes?


12,915 posts

200 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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My neighbour shoots moles. With a pump action 12 bore, at 7am in the morning. He sneaks up to the mole hills and blasts them repteadly. How he's never shot his foot off I'll never know.


20,083 posts

118 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Blown2CV said:
WD39 said:
We fell out with neighbours, down the road a bit, over thirty years ago. I cannot for the life of me remember why. My only thought is it was something trivial. They are still around and we still ignore etc.

I guess that makes me odd one.
thought we'd established that in the knob thread!!
It was well before that. If memory serves it was the PH 'Show us your breakfast cereal box collection' thread.


20,083 posts

118 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Timmy40 said:
My neighbour shoots moles. With a pump action 12 bore, at 7am in the morning. He sneaks up to the mole hills and blasts them repteadly. How he's never shot his foot off I'll never know.
Waste of time. The mole has retreated to well below shot gun 'range' as they hear the footsteps approaching the mole hill.

Trapping is the only way to be sure. If you want to drive them away to your neighbours lawn, bleach poured down the mole run usually works.


12,915 posts

200 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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WD39 said:
Timmy40 said:
My neighbour shoots moles. With a pump action 12 bore, at 7am in the morning. He sneaks up to the mole hills and blasts them repteadly. How he's never shot his foot off I'll never know.
Waste of time. The mole has retreated to well below shot gun 'range' as they hear the footsteps approaching the mole hill.

Trapping is the only way to be sure. If you want to drive them away to your neighbours lawn, bleach poured down the mole run usually works.
He gets loads of them this way. When he gets one he usually throws it up in the air for further target practice. I've had him over shooting some for me. He's been doing it years.


2,348 posts

124 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Timmy40 said:
My neighbour shoots moles. With a pump action 12 bore, at 7am in the morning. He sneaks up to the mole hills and blasts them repteadly. How he's never shot his foot off I'll never know.
Your neighbour sounds like a .


14,737 posts

145 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Boring_Chris said:
Timmy40 said:
My neighbour shoots moles. With a pump action 12 bore, at 7am in the morning. He sneaks up to the mole hills and blasts them repteadly. How he's never shot his foot off I'll never know.
Your neighbour sounds like a .
He sounds like Jaspar Carrott



3,740 posts

111 months

Thursday 19th May 2016
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Boring_Chris said:
Timmy40 said:
My neighbour shoots moles. With a pump action 12 bore, at 7am in the morning. He sneaks up to the mole hills and blasts them repteadly. How he's never shot his foot off I'll never know.
Your neighbour sounds like a .
you must be a townie?