


2,755 posts

117 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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DELETED: Comment made by a member who's account has been deleted.
This is my answer to you question. I will not engage further on justifying inalienable rights.

Yes I am from England. Technically yes I am a dual national. Yes I am American. Yes I am naturalized, unlike many others I earned it fighting for my country. I have sacrificed more than I am at the liberty to talk about. I did it to give back to a country that had given so much to me. When I came to the U.S. I did not arrive expecting special treatment. I brought my own capital and didn't go straight to the government requesting an ebt card and demanding they speak the Queen's English.

I didn't go there with a mentality of we are better than you, American cars have crap interiors, straight roads are for pussies etc and fk that filter coffee where are my PG tips. I was a guest in a new country therefore the owness is on me to assimilate to this new culture.

If you went to Pakistan do you expect to walk into the local Bazaar, demand a Newcastle Brown, pay in pounds sterling and shout "where are the slags?"

However when said Asian and Middle Eastern come to the West we all know wtf happens...

So will you go up to a Pakistani who wasn't UK born, who's now naturalized in the UK and say "you're not British?"

Yes Britain is becoming a Caliphate. The pilgrims immigrated to America to escape oppression and embrace freedom. They did not bring a religion with them which founding principles are to slay, conquer, enslave and convert anyone they see as an infidel. That st belongs in Conan the Barbarian.

While I respect and will fight for any American's right to believe in whatever religion they choose, it does not mean I have to like the DNA of said religion. You cannot coexist with people that want to kill you. My life experience has demonstrated just that. The vast majority of the public are disconnected from terrorism. You read it in the papers, you see it on the tv, it makes you feel anxious and in your mind you are glad you wasn't the victim. Just because you have not been the victim or know anyone that has does not mean terrorism does not exist.

While we say cannot base the actions of a few...their holy book, mission statement, principles, objectives, the end state, guides all end users. Then it is down to the end user as to how literal they implement said religion.

One of the reasons I was disillusioned with the UK is not having the choice to make my own decisions when it comes to protecting myself, yet instead placing my faith in calling 999 and hoping for the best. Not me, I'm not going to be a victim if I have the freedom not to be a victim.

No I have not had to use my gun in public. Gun owners do not want confrontations or are likely put themselves in bad situations where they are likely have to use a gun.

Firstly in the real world I am very mellow. I keep myself to myself and stay away from aggressive people. I do not get into altercations with people. Myself and many gun owners are the same, in that we will go the extra length to avoid conflict, no one wants to shoot someone, but if my life or my someone else's life is in danger, I will take positive action.

Do I know people that have had to use their gun in a real life situation? Yes I have known people that have had to draw their weapon as a last resort, which resulted in a de-escalation of the situation and not the gun being discharged. You just can't walk around drawing your gun at someone to scare them, brandishing is a felony offence in most states. Once you have a felony conviction your gun, voting rights and others are gone.

Yes I have known people that had to use their guns to protect themselves from wild animals. If I'm riding in the middle of nowhere, I'm going to carry the biggest pistol I have. Not too long ago a cyclist was ripped to death by a bear in Glacier National Park.

There are far more times when a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun, than actual mass shootings that occur. They happen on a local level, it doesn't sell stories for the msm so they don't report it nationally or internationally.

I would rather never ever have to use my guns.

My state has great gun laws and I follow them by the book. No criminal/mental record, concealed carry permit. I rarely ever drink and if I do my guns never come out. Why the hell would I would to be wasted and mess with guns?

It's called options. I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

There is nothing you or anyone can say to convince me otherwise.

If you don't like guns, fair enough. There is more to prepping than guns.


4,399 posts

127 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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5ohmustang said:
schmunk said:
bks you did.

How old are you - I imagine you to be about 50+? That puts your "growing up" in the 1970s, when the Muslim population of the UK was less than 500,000, less than 1%. How is that a "Caliphate"?
50+ ? You cheeky bd. It will be put to rest as bks then.
Blimey - this bitter and twisted already, and you're still under 50? And you're not even from the East Midlands.


1,601 posts

89 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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Oweness. Best spelling mistake ever. rofl

Genuinely made laugh.


53,174 posts

257 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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Quality fingers in ears "La la la" reasoning 5-0. hehe


8,535 posts

175 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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5ohmustang said:
Yes Britain is becoming a Caliphate. The pilgrims immigrated to America to escape oppression and embrace freedom. They did not bring a religion with them which founding principles are to slay, conquer, enslave and convert anyone they see as an infidel. That st belongs in Conan the Barbarian.

One of the reasons I was disillusioned with the UK is not having the choice to make my own decisions when it comes to protecting myself, yet instead placing my faith in calling 999 and hoping for the best. Not me, I'm not going to be a victim if I have the freedom not to be a victim.
Seriously, Britain is nowhere near and never will become a Caliphate, regardless of the bullst they tell you on Fox News, as to your statements regarding the pilgrims I suggest you go and study your history books a little closer.

Interesting that you claim that you had no faith in dialling 999, yet have also claimed to have been a member of GMP, strange contrast of believes.

You are obviously of the opinion that you are cleverer than most on here, but the reality is that you just regurgitating the crap fed to you by biased media sources which suit your agenda.

Edited by berlintaxi on Saturday 18th February 10:07


56 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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Yosemite Sam said:
There are far more times when a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun
So errr......who decides who the good guys are and who the bad guys are?
To some people, you have a gun, and that alone makes you a bad guy. You've made yourself a target. Well done.
What happens if two of your "good guys" become engaged in an altercation?
Who's the "bad guy" then? Who gets to shoot who?
How about you draw your weapon to shoot a bad guy, and another good guy arrives on scene to witness a bloke with a gun standing over the dead body of another man.
He then thinks "Jeez! That guy just shot someone, he must be a bad guy......I better shoot him"

Edited by anonymous-user on Saturday 18th February 10:36


6,511 posts

145 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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^ Yet Western Europe including the U.K. has religious or ethnic ghettos with residents who aren't integrated into the country and aren't interested in being integrated. The United States has done far better with immigration, including Muslim immigration, than the UK.

For 5ohms commence on defence: in the US you can defend yourself, in the U.K, you wait for the police to turn up - although there is a common law right to defend yourself you will find all of your actions being examined by the police and CPS under a microscope.


56,368 posts

171 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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5ohmustang said:

The pilgrims immigrated to America to escape oppression and embrace freedom. They did not bring a religion with them which founding principles are to slay, conquer, enslave and convert anyone they see as an infidel. That st belongs in Conan the Barbarian.
You really need to stop making this bks up. Do you actually believe that propaganda?

The pilgrims were religious lunatics, think of the equivalent of the Taliban in their extreme views and they left not because of any persecution but because they were being prevented from persecuting others. They wanted a religious state that controlled/replaced central government to control the people and we're wholly intolerant of other faiths and other versions of their own faith.

If it weren't for the East and West coast cultures then America would be just an oil money funded land of religious intolerance, persecution of non believers and everyone driving around in trucks with guns and shouting God is Great. Ring any bells? wink

As for your EDL drivel childhood, it does at least go some way to explaining how you went and got yourself radicalised and why you now run around the web spouting your lies and propaganda like one of those ginger tts who think that walking around spouting distortions from the Koran suddenly makes them belong somewhere in life.

Sadly, as one of life's gun toting, scared, indoctrinated extremists it is unlikely that you will ever leave your hate cult and society will continue to carry the cost of your type. frown


6,511 posts

145 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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DonkeyApple said:
If it weren't for the East and West coast cultures then America would be just an oil money funded land of religious intolerance, persecution of non believers and everyone driving around in trucks with guns and shouting God is Great. Ring any bells? wink

Sadly, as one of life's gun toting, scared, indoctrinated extremists it is unlikely that you will ever leave your hate cult and society will continue to carry the cost of your type. frown
Err ok, but I'm not entirely sure your last paragraph is consistent given your description of 100-odd million Americans between California and New York as intolerant religious nutters....


56,368 posts

171 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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creampuff said:
Err ok, but I'm not entirely sure your last paragraph is consistent given your description of 100-odd million Americans between California and New York as intolerant religious nutters....
Doesn't need to be 100 odd million does it? It only takes a minority of extremists to control/change a culture. Just look around or point cj up any history book. wink


3,828 posts

234 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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No, it's not becoming a Caliphate, don't be ridiculous, and yes, they did take a religion with them, for the most part. It's called Christianity. You've heard of the crusades? you're aware Christians persecuted those of other religions, homosexuals, and that they did indeed enslave people. Where do you think all the black people in America came from?! Christianity is responsible for a lot more misery and suffering over the last 2000 years than any other religion.


Not to mention what happened to the people who were already living in America


4,341 posts

177 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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5ohmustang said:
You absolutely believe the that the continual state of fear you are living in is some how freedom don't you!

You have my genuine sympathy that it must be a difficult life to live where everything is a potential issue.

Willy Nilly

12,511 posts

169 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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creampuff said:
^ Yet Western Europe including the U.K. has religious or ethnic ghettos with residents who aren't integrated into the country and aren't interested in being integrated.
Sounds like Brits abroad, plenty live in what amounts to ghettos in Spain and Portugal. I know for a fact, because I see it every day, that there are people that get their shopping in Asda, Tesco, etc shipped out to Portugal instead of buying locally. Knobs.


2,755 posts

117 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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I got my shotgun, rifle and a four wheel drive, a country boy can survive.


5,637 posts

113 months


2,755 posts

117 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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drainbrain said:
There's the msm again and dragon man is winding them up.

I have met him. I used in live at garden of the gods. He's just a dude that owns a gun shop and range east of fountain. It's an entertaining read for that reason, entertainment. He is doing it to get a rise out of the protectionists. The same way in which I do here. He has a class 3 permit and his range is used by schriever, peterson, fort Carson and Cheyenne mountain. 10th Group go there too, he is well loved by the community.

Some Gump

12,745 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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5ohs logic is amazing.

Says he doesn't like confrontation and avoids aggression. Emigrates to most aggressive country on earth and joins their army.

Dislikes immigrants. Is an immigrant. In a 200 year old country that is 90%+ populated by people who aren't indigenous to the continent.

Claims america is free from religion that has texts that vow to smitr non believers, or persecute people. America is a christian country, and Christianity is the most blood soaked and historically intolerant religion in the entire history of man.


17,868 posts

167 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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5ohmustang said:
Isn't that the set of Deliverance?


6,511 posts

145 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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Willy Nilly said:
Sounds like Brits abroad, plenty live in what amounts to ghettos in Spain and Portugal. I know for a fact, because I see it every day, that there are people that get their shopping in Asda, Tesco, etc shipped out to Portugal instead of buying locally. Knobs.
Brits abroad going to Tesco don't tend to have a minority in their closed community planning on bombing something or going on a shooting spree. They are more interested in when another container load of Marmite comes in.


40,279 posts

198 months

Saturday 18th February 2017
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Some Gump said:
5ohs logic is amazing.

Says he doesn't like confrontation and avoids aggression. Emigrates to most aggressive country on earth and joins their army.
Makes me think of somebody who is deeply insecure and needs to feel accepted/loved. We all do to some degree but we get what we need from our parents/partners. Hopefully he'll find somebody soon.