Odd things your neighbours do?

Odd things your neighbours do?


Robbo 27

3,669 posts

101 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Former neighbours when I lived in the east end, they kept themselves to themselves, he was Italian, chatty enough.

The only odd thing was that they had a small neon sign on the front of their house, saying Double Act and a mobile phone number.

Hugh Jarse

3,538 posts

207 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Robbo 27 said:
Former neighbours when I lived in the east end, they kept themselves to themselves, he was Italian, chatty enough.
The only odd thing was that they had a small neon sign on the front of their house, saying Double Act and a mobile phone number.
Has inspired me to try to think of something similar....not too wierd, but wierd enough to start boggling...and potentially too wierd for people to ask directly what it means.


2,348 posts

124 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Timmy40 said:
Boring_Chris said:
bobtail4x4 said:
Boring_Chris said:
Timmy40 said:
My neighbour shoots moles. With a pump action 12 bore, at 7am in the morning. He sneaks up to the mole hills and blasts them repteadly. How he's never shot his foot off I'll never know.
Your neighbour sounds like a .
you must be a townie?
Yes. But I'm also not weird as st.

Being a... Country-ie?... doesnt afford you licence to act like a .
So in your opinion does losing a load of cows/horses/sheep to lysteria afford a reason to control a serious pest? All you see is cute furry animals not the damge they cause.
My enfeebled Townie mind can understand the need to cull to prevent the spread of disease. But, as already stated, I'm not sure the cull needs to happen at 7am. With an enormous weapon. That he apparently shoots repeatedly?

Now, I don't know the bloke. And I'm only going on what the Internet told me, so the facts are a little sketchy and, this being The Internet, we're unlikely to resolve anything here, however... Going on the information at hand;

1, a man rises at 7am, suited and booted, with his shotgun. People are generally aware of themselves if they're making a massive noise on a quiet morning. And if they persist, it's reasonable to assume it's a form of attention seeking. It's weird. No question.
2, to kill moles? Only moles? Surely rats, rabbits, hares, foxes, badgers, etc etc etc are capable of carrying the same disease? Is it because the moles are an easier target, maybe? Perhaps you could clarify? But for now, based on the information to hand, I'm going to assume it's because they're easiest creatures to kill, living in a bottle neck and all.
3, the shotgun sounds somewhat overkill for the task at hand? Being an enfeebled Townie I'm not 100%, but you intimated that you are concerned for his safety?

So, based on the information provided, I don't think it a stretch to assume that this bloke takes some enjoyment from his work. Which is disturbing to me, because people generally don't enjoy killing, but also disturbing to you and everyone else, because it's happening at 7am.

He sounds like a .


8,535 posts

175 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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TLandCruiser said:
There's some very nosey people/neighbours on here who seem to know the timings of their neighbours to the dot!
They are the odd neighbours others are posting about, they just don't realise it.


29,106 posts

205 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Robbo 27 said:
Former neighbours when I lived in the east end, they kept themselves to themselves, he was Italian, chatty enough.

The only odd thing was that they had a small neon sign on the front of their house, saying Double Act and a mobile phone number.
don't tell me you never rang it


2,348 posts

124 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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thismonkeyhere said:
Our neighbours opposite - normal-looking couple, late 30s at a guess. Nice house, one car (quite old Pug 206). Never go out to work - in the traditional sense of out in the morning back in the evening - and in fact only seem to go out together.

I'd assumed they didn't work because of not needing to somehow, but then they mentioned 'clients' in a conversation with my wife. She doesn't like tp pry, and they don't chat often, really keep themselves to themselves as a general rule, so no more info than that. (I'd just ask them, but that's me)

Drug dealers? Assassins?

The truth is probably quite mundane....
I got a bit of a shock when I skimmed over this... I'm 33 but look older. I own a 106.

I work from home quite often. Second line IT support, so rarely have to attend site. As with most IT people, fairly socially inept. Reasonable sized house, couple of cars, clearly have an income of sorts.

Most of my neighbours are older, so the concept of working from home, I assume, is fairly alien to them (not wanting to condescend!). I do sometimes wonder what they assume I do for a living... drug dealer is the first career that springs to mind. Assassin also. I'd like to thing they might assume I'm Handsome Companion for lonely ladies... but then I'd have less cars and a smaller house! (and no money for food)


1,411 posts

142 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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One of my neighbours has one of those silly little mx5s. I keep pointing out to him how much slower it is than my motorbike, giving him the hint that he really should change it, but he still hasn't done anything about it!
I just can't understand why anyone would want to put up with a slower form of transport!



29,106 posts

205 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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berlintaxi said:
TLandCruiser said:
There's some very nosey people/neighbours on here who seem to know the timings of their neighbours to the dot!
They are the odd neighbours others are posting about, they just don't realise it.
yep. I always worry about what my neighbour thinks of us. I love nothing more than jumping out behind things and scaring Mrs 2CV as she actually shrieks and leaps in the air. Very satisfying. Also comes with accompanying loud "oogeddy boogeddy!!!" / chicken noise from me. He must think we're really fking weird/annoying. I also check the tyre pressures and oil levels of our cars every fortnight... i'm certain the neighbours think i am nuts for doing that too. Most people just ignore things like that until a mechanic tells them there's a problem. There will be other things I am sure.


687 posts

164 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Robbo 27 said:
I have a neighbour who does just the same in terms of short trips, seven or eight a day, out for 10 minutes and then back.

As for washing his car in the rain, do you live in a hard water area? I have heard of people wanting rain water to rinse the car, especially if its a dark colour.
Yes we do live in a hard water area, but would expect a water butt would be easier


687 posts

164 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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anothernameitist said:
^^ drug courier.

The night trip is collect next days delivery.

GF is wizzed off her tits on coke
Is that in reply to my post?

If so my girlfriend has often stated that she thinks he is a dealer but I really can't see it. I just think he's odd


6,459 posts

220 months

Thursday 26th May 2016
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Blown2CV said:
m3jappa said:
Last night there were some foxes doing what I can only describe as fking screaming as loud as they fking could, this woke me and the mrs up at 2am, after a few minutes oft his hideous shrieking I shouted as loud as I could "shut up"

This got shouted a few times, with the mrs telling me to stop, in reference to my favourite saying in an inbetweeners film I yelled grow up at them a couple of times as well. My mrs was telling me the neighbours would recognise my voice and wonder wtf was I doing yelling at foxes at 2am.

Anyway this went on for a while, genuinely winding me up I told her to tell them to shut up and next thing my wife is yelling shut up at them hehe

The foxes carried on, I got the wife to shut the windows, shut the blinds and then put a pillow around my head to dampen the shreiking.

So last night without a doubt I was definitely the neighbour doing odd things biglaugh
did it make you feel better?
I'm not sure I felt better, but it did feel good hehe


13,553 posts

207 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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thismonkeyhere said:
Our neighbours opposite - normal-looking couple, late 30s at a guess. Nice house, one car (quite old Pug 206). Never go out to work - in the traditional sense of out in the morning back in the evening - and in fact only seem to go out together.

I'd assumed they didn't work because of not needing to somehow, but then they mentioned 'clients' in a conversation with my wife. She doesn't like tp pry, and they don't chat often, really keep themselves to themselves as a general rule, so no more info than that. (I'd just ask them, but that's me)

Drug dealers? Assassins?

The truth is probably quite mundane....
Website design maybe. Plenty of IT suff. I work from home a lot of the time and I'm a consultant town planner.

I didn't think it was that weird not to be chained to an office chair in a souless cubicle surrounded by people you don't like so someone else can get rich of your work.


4,217 posts

166 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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Blown2CV said:
"oogeddy boogeddy!!!" .

For some reason that has really tickled me!!


53,077 posts

257 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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Boring_Chris said:
2, to kill moles? Only moles? Surely rats, rabbits, hares, foxes, badgers, etc etc etc are capable of carrying the same disease? Is it because the moles are an easier target, maybe? Perhaps you could clarify? But for now, based on the information to hand, I'm going to assume it's because they're easiest creatures to kill, living in a bottle neck and all.
The listeria is in the soil, that the little buggers are so keen on piling into mounds. I'd agree that 7am is a bit early though.

Is now a good time to mention that my shotgun has a moderator and is barely louder than an air rifle? hehe


5,831 posts

157 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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My old house - neighbour opposite was a bit mad. Deaf too, but that is irrelevant.
She had a bitter divorce from her husband, kept the house, then met a new bloke. She decided to rent her house out, and we met the tenant - Polish lady - 22, single mum, blonde, magnificent breasts - but I digress......

Mad owner decides it to be ok if she starts packing for her move out the morning the young Polish lady with the magnificent breasts turns up with her removal van ready to move in. A lot of noisy grief followed in the street, and help from neighbours, eventually after dark, the Polish lady with the... (you know) ... moves in.

She stayed for a few months until she was booted out by the owner, who moved back in with her new bloke. Move on six months, when we are woken at 5am by many police cars outside and an incredible amount of noise as the house opposite is raided by drug squad. They found 75 cannabis plants in the attic!

Allegedly, the mad owner was grassed up by her son - who did this in revenge for when she told police she had been beaten up by her son. (she hadn't been beaten by her son, apparently he had pulled and stayed out all night, even though he was only 15). It is thought she did it herself!

What is most annoying about the whole saga is I never got the forwarding address of the Polish lady with those magnificent breasts! We did however put our house on the market the following week, and moved six months later.

It was all very Jeremy Kyle in that street!

Edited by mattyn1 on Friday 27th May 07:23


2,402 posts

177 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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Our old next door neighbours were strange, no social skills and unable even to acknowledge a greeting let alone engage in any kind of conversation.

Couldn't work out what they did for work but I often spotted the bloke loading and unloading his car in the early hours of the morning - I did wonder if they might be bodies from the basement.

We also saw him on a number of occasions out in the garden with a big camera on a tripod taking pictures of his daughter, which although completely innocent managed to looked really creepy.

I can remember one summers day, my son got chatting to their daughter over the wall and was invited round to play. After my wife and I exchanged worried looks, he was allowed to go on the basis that he played in the garden and not inside!

However... I turned out to be the weirder neighbour after cheerfully saying hello to a guy who was stood waiting on their drive. They got broken into that day so I'm pretty sure I said hello to their burglar!

In my defense, if they'd told us they were going on holiday (like most neighbours do) I might have looked at him differently, rather than just assuming he was waiting for them to get home.


732 posts

196 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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Our neighbour lives in a rather nice 4 bedroom house, by herself. Except her late 20's nephew lives with her. Which is odd, as the nephews mom & dad live around the corner in a rather nice 4 bedroom house.

They also come around and walk the dog, cut the grass and do lots of other things (like visiting their son!) so they are there every day. I actually see more of the nephews mom & dad that I do the neighbour, as they are coming and going so often that I often bump into them on our (shared) drive.

Nephew's dad also seems to like cutting grass. We have a shared patch on the front - When I cut it he is guaranteed to re-cut it with a couple of days.

It's all very odd.


593 posts

168 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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How do you all know so many details about your neighbours lives and what they do at all times throughout the day?

I'm worried because I don't know what my neighbours get up to, so am I the weirdo they're all watching??

Petrol Only

1,593 posts

177 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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bigbob77 said:
How do you all know so many details about your neighbours lives and what they do at all times throughout the day?

I'm worried because I don't know what my neighbours get up to, so am I the weirdo they're all watching??
Absolutely nailed on.


2,090 posts

122 months

Friday 27th May 2016
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[quote=giger]Our neighbour lives in a rather nice 4 bedroom house, by herself. Except her late 20's nephew lives with her. quote]

Interesting sentence.