Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



36,125 posts

155 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Gude Moaneve, my Trivial Band of Brothers ( No, not the typewriter ribbon nono ). wavey
Elbow Test successfully continuing to produce negative results. Am I doing it right? I don't have any of the high tech cardio monitoring equipment strap-ons that Still Mulling seems so keen on, I'd only become paranoid and fretful and everything if a reading veered from the norm. And if a battery went flat, I'd assume I'd got dedded
I've still heard nothing from either hospital, I suppose I'd better start pestering them again.
How hard can it be to get a date? I never had any problems when I was a young stud.
I watched my first ever port film last night.

:sigh: I was so much younger then... sperm

Dicky/Raquel, It's so good to hear that you've reached a well-deserved happy state of recovery clapbow you've given me a good insight into what to expect when/if my turn ever comes.
This time next year Rodders.. scratchchin

Following a busier than usual full day of Robbopopping and other stuff yesterday, I've got a more leisurelierer programme of itineraries on today's list of agendas (agendaii?), starting with restocking my pillbox.
I need to re-order some of the large-calibre Haribo which I get through at twice the rate of the other stuff because I have to pop 'em down twice a day, but they will only issue a 60-round ammo boxful at a time, whereas the other Starmix rounds are all on two months' issue at a time.
I do get confused over the instructions on one particular item: "Take one a day at night". confused
I wish they'd just specify which they would prefer.

IOTN, as predicted by Carol Witherwether, today feels a bit warmer, and the clouds are leaving gaps between each other which is nice.
There was a really big ol' Moon low over the SW horizon when I peeped out of my window at 03:27hrs this morrning.
I wonder if it was a Harvest Moon? I expect Hammo will know, he's into that astronomical stuff, such at those charges for driving into that Lunnun where those Lezzes are.
I don't know how that Sad Dick Karno gets away with it. rolleyes

Anyway, I wish all of you a pleasant, nay, enjoyable day of immersive hi-fidelity virtual reality with surround sound, engaged in a fulfilling and rewarding experience of whichever Trivial Pursuits you have chosen/had foisted upon you/stumbled across by accident/or meticulously planned for mumfphs.

Carry on Chaps! thumbup

GRout wavey


1,677 posts

46 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Dermot O'Logical said:
Good morneve, Trivs!

Good news, Dicky. You must be relieved, and there's so much to look forward to. Although I can't think of anything right now, but if I do, I'll mention it.

I heard about the water leak in Bobbersville on the local traffic news, so it must have been serious, although there was noo mention of Mr and Mrs Bobbers having to take to a bicycle in order to get home.

Meanwhile, here in Trivton-sur-Mer, it's dull, wet and miserable, with the promise of more dullness, wetness and miserableness to come, according to Carol Witheweather, which is a bit of a shame as my daughter collects her new car this evening. She's very excited about it.

I expect that I'll be spending most of the day indoors, so one of three things will happen - either I'll find some things to do, and as a result my home will be clean and tidy, or I'll spend hours on the Internet and probably end up buying stuff, or I'll fall asleep on the sofa and not do anything.

Decisions, decisions...


36,125 posts

155 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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slopes said:
I am currently trying to assemble questions for this weeks TTFNSQ and it promises to be a proper belter. I say trying to assemble them as i have removed several questions which would have been a bit hard i think, so am trying to find less difficult ones to replace them.
And after deciding not to go with a theme, it's all change and this one will have a theme after all.

And for those paying attention recently, i am sure you can guess a general idea of what the theme might be based around wink
What was the name of the conductor who persuaded Reg Varney into giving up driving buses and change his name to Matt Monroe, who was then fatally killed by the Mafia bulldozer when he drove his Lamborghini into that alpine tunnel on the Colle de Nivolet?


5,516 posts

201 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Gude Moaneve, my Trivial Band of Brothers ( No, not the typewriter ribbon nono ). wavey
Elbow Test successfully continuing to produce negative results. Am I doing it right? I don't have any of the high tech cardio monitoring equipment strap-ons that Still Mulling seems so keen on, I'd only become paranoid and fretful and everything if a reading veered from the norm. And if a battery went flat, I'd assume I'd got dedded
I've still heard nothing from either hospital, I suppose I'd better start pestering them again.
How hard can it be to get a date? I never had any problems when I was a young stud.
I watched my first ever port film last night.

:sigh: I was so much younger then... sperm

Dicky/Raquel, It's so good to hear that you've reached a well-deserved happy state of recovery clapbow you've given me a good insight into what to expect when/if my turn ever comes.
This time next year Rodders.. scratchchin

Following a busier than usual full day of Robbopopping and other stuff yesterday, I've got a more leisurelierer programme of itineraries on today's list of agendas (agendaii?), starting with restocking my pillbox.
I need to re-order some of the large-calibre Haribo which I get through at twice the rate of the other stuff because I have to pop 'em down twice a day, but they will only issue a 60-round ammo boxful at a time, whereas the other Starmix rounds are all on two months' issue at a time.
I do get confused over the instructions on one particular item: "Take one a day at night". confused
I wish they'd just specify which they would prefer.

IOTN, as predicted by Carol Witherwether, today feels a bit warmer, and the clouds are leaving gaps between each other which is nice.
There was a really big ol' Moon low over the SW horizon when I peeped out of my window at 03:27hrs this morrning.
I wonder if it was a Harvest Moon? I expect Hammo will know, he's into that astronomical stuff, such at those charges for driving into that Lunnun where those Lezzes are.
I don't know how that Sad Dick Karno gets away with it. rolleyes

Anyway, I wish all of you a pleasant, nay, enjoyable day of immersive hi-fidelity virtual reality with surround sound, engaged in a fulfilling and rewarding experience of whichever Trivial Pursuits you have chosen/had foisted upon you/stumbled across by accident/or meticulously planned for mumfphs.

Carry on Chaps! thumbup

GRout wavey

It's called a blue moon. It's a full moon in the monthly cycle and very close to Earth in it's orbit around us....


39,999 posts

103 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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My salad and sweet chilli chicken wasn't very nice today, is sad.


940 posts

20 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Just finished a 6 month build in chandlers ford next is Swindon and one in bath. Bath: ‘we wanted you to do it and it’s near Swindon’ - YES ITS NEAR SWINDON BUT EVEN SWINDON IS A fkING 4 HOURS AWAY.


19,074 posts

216 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Well its another Pissy stty weather front here in Norf Surrey frown


2,625 posts

56 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Trivial pedantry hat...
Oh yes, there it is.
I think you'll find....
"Agendas", agendaii, agendae and similar variations on the theme are superfluous. "Agenda" is itself a plural, the singular term being "agendum".

Only yesterday I heard some bod on the wireless say that "the data doesn't support that" (whatever it was). The verb implying that "data" is singular when of course it's the plural of datum.

And this morning I learned from the same wireless that Grant Shapps is the new Seckitery of Defence.

Perhaps I should get some CDs of whales singing or something of the sort. That wireless is bad for my blood pressure.

BTW the Memsahib is a trifle under the weather today, having a severely upset tummy so I will be impersonating a dutiful and devoted husband.

Edited by Error_404_Username_not_found on Thursday 31st August 13:55


65,617 posts

222 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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GeneralBanter said:
Just finished a 6 month build in chandlers ford next is Swindon and one in bath. Bath: ‘we wanted you to do it and it’s near Swindon’ - YES ITS NEAR SWINDON BUT EVEN SWINDON IS A fkING 4 HOURS AWAY.
I was called back from furthest deepest Wales to cover holiday at a client, 3 hour drive, then back again last night as it's our wedding anniversary today.
So far I've taken Mrs B to M&S to buy more knickers, bought her a prawn & marie rose salad baguette with a custard slice for afters, and in a minute as it's stopped raining will be heading to the beach. Tonight we're off to a very good local bwyty (restaurant) for an evening meal of local produce. The owner is a good friend of Pierre Marco White and many rugby players...


36,125 posts

155 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Byker28i said:
I was called back from furthest deepest Wales to cover holiday at a client, 3 hour drive, then back again last night as it's our wedding anniversary today.
So far I've taken Mrs B to M&S to buy more knickers, bought her a prawn & marie rose salad baguette with a custard slice for afters, and in a minute as it's stopped raining will be heading to the beach. Tonight we're off to a very good local bwyty (restaurant) for an evening meal of local produce. The owner is a good friend of Pierre Marco White and many rugby players...
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Byker! clap

Enjoy your Lobster and Sheepdog with Barabrydd and Laverbread. lick


36,125 posts

155 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Thanks for the clarification, Error_404. thumbup

I hope the Memsahib is soon feeling better after your tender loving ministrations.

She's jolly lucky to have you at home now that have all that spare time on your hands. thumbup

Have you given her any Battert's Restorative yet?
Or are you wisely keeping that in reserve as a last resort?


36,125 posts

155 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
... this morning I learned from the same wireless that Grant Shapps is the new Seckitery of Defence.

Perhaps I should get some CDs of whales singing or something of the sort. That wireless is bad for my blood pressure.
It's such a pity that Prighozin was accidentally bumped off, isn't it?
I'm certain he would have done a much better job of it than Shan't Crapps. rolleyes

And he would probably have cost us a lot less too.

Perhaps it's time for a pre-emptive strike?

Dermot O'Logical

2,742 posts

134 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Error_404_Username_not_found said:
... this morning I learned from the same wireless that Grant Shapps is the new Seckitery of Defence.

Perhaps I should get some CDs of whales singing or something of the sort. That wireless is bad for my blood pressure.
It's such a pity that Prighozin was accidentally bumped off, isn't it?
I'm certain he would have done a much better job of it than Shan't Crapps. rolleyes

And he would probably have cost us a lot less too.

Perhaps it's time for a pre-emptive strike?
I refer my learned friends to Grant Shapps' Wikipedia page, and especially commend the section headed "Business Ventures" to the House.

I'm sure the PM could have found somebody more competent to take charge of the defence of the United Kingdom. Liz Truss, perhaps?


2,625 posts

56 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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glenrobbo said:

I hope the Memsahib is soon feeling better after your tender loving ministrations.

She's jolly lucky to have you at home now that have all that spare time on your hands. thumbup

Have you given her any Battert's Restorative yet?
Or are you wisely keeping that in reserve as a last resort?
I'm not sure how I ever found the time to go to work.

Batterts Restorative? Good heavens, no need for that sort of thing is there? She's not a bad old stick and I've started to get rather fond of her.

IOTN, my new No.80 cabinet scraper has arrived but I haven't had a chance to go and play with it yet. But I did make a rack for my hammers this morning. They were all in a drawer before, but they kept jamming it which was a trifle tedious.


39,999 posts

103 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Well that's another day done!!!
And the full scale of the massive issue I've alluded to has finally surfaced, the cost of parts alone has six zeros.

Sorry to hear that Mrs Error 404 is poorly, please pass on our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

And it's jolly good to see you back General Banter!!!

Happy anniversary to you both Byker28i!!! party


Original Poster:

51,089 posts

203 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Happy Annibykery!

The Trivton Chapter are on their way to the celebrations.

We'll see you there.

Bomma R1

14,599 posts

130 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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GeneralBanter said:
Just finished a 6 month build in chandlers ford next is Swindon and one in bath. Bath: ‘we wanted you to do it and it’s near Swindon’ - YES ITS NEAR SWINDON BUT EVEN SWINDON IS A fkING 4 HOURS AWAY.
I know of a nice ditch near Lyneham if that's any good accommodation wise?

Handy for both Swindon and Bath.

Bomma R1

14,599 posts

130 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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DickyC said:
Happy Annibykery!

The Trivton Chapter are on their way to the celebrations.

We'll see you there.
Speaking of which, Futtette managed a brief blast on the old Yamaha around a private car park this afternoon.

"Keep it in first and for gawd's sake don't sneeze when you twist the throttle"

20mph she reckons she hit.

"At least I've had a go on it and it's still in one piece, Bom"

Still Mulling

13,127 posts

182 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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DickyC said:
Happy Annibykery!

The Trivton Chapter are on their way to the celebrations.

We'll see you there.
I…I…I don’t even know where to begin!

I’m 15 minutes early for my physio appointment. Pillock.

My dinner (tuna mayo sarnies) awaits me in the next town along.


36,125 posts

155 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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Dermot O'Logical said:
I refer my learned friends to Grant Shapps' Wikipedia page, and especially commend the section headed "Business Ventures" to the House.

I'm sure the PM could have found somebody more competent to take charge of the defence of the United Kingdom. Liz Truss, perhaps?
"He admitted to "over-firmly denying that he had a second job whilst he was a serving Member of Parliament". irked

As honest as the Arctic mid-winter day is long, and, just like a lot of his bedfellows, slipperier than a greased eel.

Alan B'Stard, eat your heart out!

Marvellous. rolleyes