Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...

Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...



2,989 posts

141 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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5ohmustang said:
WinstonWolf said:
Is the penny finally dropping about the unhealthy relationship Americans have with guns?
Yes you are a toser indeed.
Is your bikini state black this morning?

Mines a fetching yellow, with polka-dots.


4,197 posts

166 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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DMN said:
Is your bikini state black this morning?

Mines a fetching yellow, with polka-dots.

(please don't)


3,448 posts

211 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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not sure if i should hang my hed in shame or not, yes i drive an old land rover, and it has a cb arial (for green laning etc), it also has a snorkel for pay and play days, but that's it. no lights, and the muds only go on if i'm off to pay and play.

however, the shame bit may come as my wife was asked about helping at a social event connected to her school pta over the summer, they also asked if i could be around with the land rover in case of bad weather and people struggling to leave the farmers field that they were parked on. trying to be nice i said yes, but my walt meter was already chirping.

it went into overdrive when i arrived and not only did they have a hi-vis for me with official written on the back (official what i don't know) but they were somewhat nonplussed when i laughed till i had tears in my eyes as they handed over a battery powered, suction cup fixing amber beacon. i did explain, but they said it was h&s required. That i doubt as the guy with the full on frontera that was also helping was full walt and he had supplied the kit (he was upset when i told him my cb didn't work, so we just had to shout the 50' to each other smile). he was also disappointed that the magnetic signs he had for the cars wouldn't stick to mine as they are aluminium alloy smile

so i spent the evening helping people park cars in neat lines, with enough space so that people could get out if they wanted to. gave a jump start to a bloke who had ignored all the messages over the pa about leaving his lights on. couldn't believe i had jump leads and the other guy didn't.

as for towing people off a muddy field, well it hadn't rained for 5 days before and not for 4 after, so not much call for it, my tow rope never left the box in the back, his never left it's place, curled round his spare tyre and hi lift jack (on a frontera sport smile) all night.

the issue i have is that i liked the helping people bit, got a lot of thanks, and the other guy Rob was a nice enough fella. seems to do a lot of volunteering and stuff. he had a sign for the local 4x4 rescue group (in essex? smile) but didn't ask if i wanted to join. perhaps me laughing so hard and then explaining why put him off. smile

actually now i've typed it, it's just funny and i'm not ashamed smile

Edited by jesta1865 on Wednesday 14th September 10:56


4,197 posts

166 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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CaptainCosworth said:
Did you carry out a full target recce of the bar before entering, and then approached from the direction of the sunset to avoid detection? I assume Foxtrot Alpha Command approved sniper cover and satellite tasking?

I liked the idea of wearing the purple suede boots, just the right touch to draw attention away from your concealed weapon. Not something you'd find in the field manual but effective...
Yeah, that's an affirmative Captain.

Had a full surveillance unit staking out the bar for a month. 50ooooohMustache! entered via the ventilation system and lowered himself a la T.Cruise onto the bar, guns drawn. I had been delivered to the pub three months earlier in a fake fruit machine. At the allotted time I triggered explosive bolts and emerged - along with three months of ration packs and poo in sealed plastic bags. That's no one's idea of a jackpot.

We then exchanged the necessary code-words and ordered drinks. I had a Mojito and 50OHMystery ordered a rather unexpected REDACTED FOR OP-SEC REDACTED took me by surprise I can tell you! I nearly popped smoke then and there.

End report.


35,295 posts

260 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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Some Gump said:

Genuine question for you:

On this thread, you;ve never referred to being part of the military.

On the gun thread, you write about civilians as if you're not a civilian, and instead refer loosely to things like "my unit", "deployment" and "training in the mojave". Thing is - are you actually in the armed forces, or have you just copy / pasted from a Chris Ryan novel?
I think he's been playing too much Fallout: New Vegas.


55,859 posts

171 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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jesta1865 said:
not sure if i should hang my hed in shame or not, yes i drive an old land rover, and it has a cb arial (for green laning etc), it also has a snorkel for pay and play days, but that's it. no lights, and the muds only go on if i'm off to pay and play.

however, the shame bit may come as my wife was asked about helping at a social event connected to her school pta over the summer, they also asked if i could be around with the land rover in case of bad weather and people struggling to leave the farmers field that they were parked on. trying to be nice i said yes, but my walt meter was already chirping.

it went into overdrive when i arrived and not only did they have a hi-vis for me with official written on the back (official what i don't know) but they were somewhat nonplussed when i laughed till i had tears in my eyes as they handed over a battery powered, suction cup fixing amber beacon. i did explain, but they said it was h&s required. That i doubt as the guy with the full on frontera that was also helping was full walt and he had supplied the kit (he was upset when i told him my cb didn't work, so we just had to shout the 50' to each other smile). he was also disappointed that the magnetic signs he had for the cars wouldn't stick to mine as they are aluminium alloy smile

so i spent the evening helping people park cars in neat lines, with enough space so that people could get out if they wanted to. gave a jump start to a bloke who had ignored all the messages over the pa about leaving his lights on. couldn't believe i had jump leads and the other guy didn't.

as for towing people off a muddy field, well it hadn't rained for 5 days before and not for 4 after, so not much call for it, my tow rope never left the box in the back, his never left it's place, curled round his spare tyre and hi lift jack (on a frontera sport smile) all night.

the issue i have is that i liked the helping people bit, got a lot of thanks, and the other guy Rob was a nice enough fella. seems to do a lot of volunteering and stuff. he had a sign for the local 4x4 rescue group (in essex? smile) but didn't ask if i wanted to join. perhaps me laughing so hard and then explaining why put him off. smile

actually now i've typed it, it's just funny and i'm not ashamed smile

Edited by jesta1865 on Wednesday 14th September 10:56
Sounds like a covert recruitment test to see how you handled yourself in extreme conditions. Some could have cracked under the stress of a lack of mud, others may not have coped with the staged 'flat battery' event and just panicked when faced with such a critical situation. Others may have questioned why car parking duties usually the responsibility of teenagers were handed over to grown men with trucks.

Few pass 'Selection' and maybe your emotional outburst when faced with the deployment of Amber lamps has gone against you if you've not been contacted since?


40,455 posts

285 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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jesta1865 said:
not sure if i should hang my hed in shame or not, yes i drive an old land rover...
Don't worry, with time the wounds can heal, even if your driveway will always bear the stains of Land Rover ownership.

I used to own Land Rovers and before that a Land Cruiser, a Hi-Lux and a couple of Isuzu Troopers (great Walt name for a car). With the latter, I even reverse-towed a stricken car full of Pakistani women up Wrynose Pass in the Lake District (long story).

So I know what it's like to be deployed and also know you can, with time, recover from it.

jdw100 said:
Nearly all his clothes are 'mil-spec'..
Mine too. We they look like they were donated to me by the Army. The Salvation Army.


4,197 posts

166 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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Digga said:
Mine too. We they look like they were donated to me by the Army. The Salvation Army.
The special forces unit though, right?


9,995 posts

120 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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jdw100 said:
Some Gump said:

Genuine question for you:

On this thread, you;ve never referred to being part of the military.

On the gun thread, you write about civilians as if you're not a civilian, and instead refer loosely to things like "my unit", "deployment" and "training in the mojave". Thing is - are you actually in the armed forces, or have you just copy / pasted from a Chris Ryan novel?
He definitely is, he's got the FreedomVeteran debit card to prove it.

I believe that he is a vet (not the ones that look after sick animals) of Operation Monkey Death Strike Revenge Hammer or similar. He lives in a hole in the ground under a house in the middle of nowhere with his long suffering family.

He has a tendon contracture in his right palm from constantly gripping a pistol as he is too anxious to do much without one in his hand. He avoids wearing a hip holster when driving for fear of getting in a accident and it breaking his pelvis.

In his down time he plans how he will kill his neighbours if they come for his supplies after 'the event". If the SHTF he would take other's supplies by force if necessary to save his family; he will still see this as being one of the 'good guys'. He likes to look at lots of guns on line, lots of them...then some more.

Nearly all his clothes are 'mil-spec', all his friends are male, he owns a dog.

Guns are the answer to his fears, except guns in the hands of bad guys; they shouldn't have guns but he would defend their right to have a gun until proven a bad guy. If the army came to take away his guns he would fight them even though they are the good guys.....sometimes this makes his head hurt.

He thinks making homophobic comments is still acceptable but if someone burnt the American flag he would be very upset, as its an insult to his way of life.

His world view is that America is good and that all other countries are on a sliding scale of 'not good'. It is not a nuanced view...

That's all I know, except a bit like the old Chem Chaos (one eye on the phone) he is also an Internet persona and enjoys playing up to it.

I'd buy him a drink and have a chat about PH threads. But I'd turn up wearing my purple suede Oliver Sweeney chelsea boots, just to make him feel uneasy.

It would be fun though, first of all we could sweep the room with our steely gazes, grading people on his threat radar (1-5 or maybe green, amber, red?) and checking for exits in case we need to get out of there in a hurry.

We would be carrying concealed weapons of course, I mean who doesn't go to the pub without firearms?

An hour in to our meeting, whilst having amusing banter on our differing viewpoints on Trump's Mexican wall, I would notice two Arabic looking guys enter the bar. They are suited, as if from the office, and look relaxed so I just keep an eye on them using the mirror behind the bar, 50 has sat us here with this in mind.

There is something off about them but I can't quite place it.....wait...it's the shoes. Not a smart office shoes but mil-spec combat boots. I mention this to 50 and his eyes narrow. "Hmmmm" he mutters "maybe our op-sec has been compromised"

Fifteen minutes later we emerge from an alleyway behind the bar after a frenetic medley of elbow strikes, eye gouges, shouts of Allahu Akbar and death to America, tactical reloads and pithy one liners.

"You did good JDW100', not bad for a Limey" says 50, somewhat ignoring his own heritage "you know, maybe you are one of the good guys after all".

"Thanks 50" I respond " next weekend I'm deploying to a major event with Chemical Chaos, at least I know it won't be as exciting and dangerous as this!"

How wrong I was........


40,455 posts

285 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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jdw100 said:
Digga said:
Mine too. We they look like they were donated to me by the Army. The Salvation Army.
The special forces unit though, right?
As in tactical deployment of hot liquid food to citizens on deep undercover urban bug out missions.

(Soup kitchen for the homeless.)


4,197 posts

166 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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Digga said:
As in tactical deployment of hot liquid food to citizens on deep undercover urban bug out missions.

(Soup kitchen for the homeless.)
Hot liquids! Untrained staff! Ordinary members of the public!

Its a H&S minefield.

Boys, grab your hi-viz....its a code red! Deploy, deploy, deploy!!


11,317 posts

102 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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I'm working at a different office today and they have just bought a couple of those large Thermos flasks (with the button on the lid) so that they don't have to carry hot cups of tea and coffee upstairs all the time.

Do you want me to covertly arrange for these to be deployed to the secure containment facility at the rear of the tactical undercover vehicle (the boot of my Skoda) in order to aid with Op-TEASERV?


40,455 posts

285 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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Shakermaker said:
I'm working at a different office today and they have just bought a couple of those large Thermos flasks (with the button on the lid) so that they don't have to carry hot cups of tea and coffee upstairs all the time.

Do you want me to covertly arrange for these to be deployed to the secure containment facility at the rear of the tactical undercover vehicle (the boot of my Skoda) in order to aid with Op-TEASERV?
I think everyone would agree that, ideally, we'd like flasks where two keys need to be inserted, simultaneously, by two separate operative, before the red fire, er sorry, deploy coffee detonater button can be activated.


4,197 posts

166 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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Digga said:
I think everyone would agree that, ideally, we'd like flasks where two keys need to be inserted, simultaneously, by two separate operative, before the red fire, er sorry, deploy coffee detonater button can be activated.
If I could have one of those keys on a chain round my neck....I'd die a happy and fulfilled man.

Is it one, two and turn or one, two, three and then turn?

Is there an SOP?


40,455 posts

285 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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jdw100 said:
Digga said:
I think everyone would agree that, ideally, we'd like flasks where two keys need to be inserted, simultaneously, by two separate operative, before the red fire, er sorry, deploy coffee detonater button can be activated.
If I could have one of those keys on a chain round my neck....I'd die a happy and fulfilled man.

Is it one, two and turn or one, two, three and then turn?

Is there an SOP?
Always countdown, always: 3-2-1 then turn key.

Key should be on a lanyard, securely attached to utility belt.

I've probably given away too much already.

straight dad

460 posts

159 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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Do these count as Government sponsored Walts:


3,448 posts

211 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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DonkeyApple said:
Few pass 'Selection' and maybe your emotional outburst when faced with the deployment of Amber lamps has gone against you if you've not been contacted since?
i'm devastated, I so wanted to buy a utility belt as well smile


55,859 posts

171 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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jesta1865 said:
DonkeyApple said:
Few pass 'Selection' and maybe your emotional outburst when faced with the deployment of Amber lamps has gone against you if you've not been contacted since?
i'm devastated, I so wanted to buy a utility belt as well smile
I don't think all is lost though. If you can't be selected to the specialist teams whose walting does actually have a benefit to society then you can always hop straight to phase 2, which conveniently only has mental stability as a barrier to entry. All you need to do is sign up to a series of right wing propaganda publications and develop a seriously weird fixation with personal military weaponry. This may be more difficult if you weren't fiddled with by a dodgy uncle, had unhinged parents or weren't bullied at school but if you can cross those hurdles all you really need is a hole in the ground in the local woods, a stash of tampons, a flag of allegiance of your choosing and a few key military phrases and you're in.


4,197 posts

166 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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DonkeyApple said:
jesta1865 said:
DonkeyApple said:
Few pass 'Selection' and maybe your emotional outburst when faced with the deployment of Amber lamps has gone against you if you've not been contacted since?
i'm devastated, I so wanted to buy a utility belt as well smile
I don't think all is lost though. If you can't be selected to the specialist teams whose walting does actually have a benefit to society then you can always hop straight to phase 2, which conveniently only has mental stability as a barrier to entry. All you need to do is sign up to a series of right wing propaganda publications and develop a seriously weird fixation with personal military weaponry. This may be more difficult if you weren't fiddled with by a dodgy uncle, had unhinged parents or weren't bullied at school but if you can cross those hurdles all you really need is a hole in the ground in the local woods, a stash of tampons, a flag of allegiance of your choosing and a few key military phrases and you're in.
Hmmmmm.....who does that remind me of....?

I can picture his face, it's on the tip of my tongue, whatisname.....no it's gone.


11,317 posts

102 months

Monday 19th September 2016
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I've recently had a friend-of-a-friend add me on Facebook and I have already unfollowed him on facebook (though I remain friends for him to invite me to a stag do for our mutual friend) but he has actually gone so far as to name himself (on Facebook at least) after one of the great American Walts who I don't think has yet been mentioned on this thread - Eugene Tackleberry from Police Academy.

Said chap enjoys his work far to much as some kind of electrician in a theatre, and all his posts appear to be about all his "toys" he gets to play with, his gaffa tape holder, the special control panel and his radio.

Not quite as good as actual Tackleberry, who had some of the funniest lines in the original movies!