Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...

Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...



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191 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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The cage has to be equipped with a 64 lever high security Thatcham lock.

For the simple reason that it performs one single essential role.

That humble cage is the thin dayglo line between civilisation and out an out anarchy. It exists purely to protect your one, your single most vital asset.

Your symbol of authority over others. The one thing who defines what you are......

Gentlemen I give you....

The High Visibility Vest.

All my posts and indeed this thread are intended as a gentle Micky take. No malice is intended, against any individual or organisation engaged in voluntary activities. Let's remember there are lots of good people out there with good intentions.

I hope I've made you smile at least.

Edited by wildcat45 on Friday 13th May 15:30


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191 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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It's any self appointed leader and to be honest it is probably made worse by those who follow.

Early 1990s I'm at university and in a relationship with a rather odd girl who was into the environment. I don't know about now, but back then in the days before being green involved Eco Warriors or trendy politicians, green groups tended to attract academics.

By academics I mean oddballs with not easily checkable credentials - especially in those pre-Internet days.

At university there was a Green Group with a self important and socially inadequate "leader". He was so affected. If someone asked him a question, he would pause, rest his chin on his finger tips and then speak. He was THE authority because he'd once met Jonathan Porrit.

On the occasions I met him I would question him. You know, stuff like how do you know this? Have you researched this?

He didn't like this and described me as "disruptive"

So one day there is a social event that the green woman I was seeing went to. I went too and brought Jim. Now we were in our early 20s but Jim was prematurely bald, a cockney too. In drink he had the manner of a Mockney Geezer about him. Highly intelligent he's now a solicitor and back then he loved a good argument and piss take.

So we are out and having a meal at a Tex-Mex. "Leader" was unhappy as he was a veggie and he criticised my choice of Chilli Or whatever meat based meal I'd ordered.

This was Jim's trigger. He alternated between asking the guy green questions to engage him in conversation, then picked off his character traits one by one. He went on to ask about the group. How come he was in charge. He claimed there was no leader, Jim pointed out that he was the natural leader. He agreed and began to warm to Jim who continued to build this "case" against him.

He then began the summing up. So, you say this and that, yet you base this on non-existent research. Your PHD isn't in ecology, you are a computer geek, a nerd if you will. You have all these affections, and so it went on.

The guy withered.

Jim had one final question. Back in the 1990s the C word had far more impact than it has today.

That final question. Do you think you're a ? Because I do, and so do a lot of people.

My relationship with the green woman didn't last much longer despite the evening continuing with good humour and fun after the "leader" had departed as he didn't feel well or something.

This sort of guy is just like many of the types we've been discussing. It's about power and being above others.


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191 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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Eric Mc said:
Maybe they do - but what good is whingeing on a forum doing you?

Let them get on with what they want to do. If you don't like people like that, avoid them.
But it's a classic British trait. Taking the piss out of the pompous and ridiculous. Something we as a nation have lost. In WW2 we took the piss out of Hitler and the guy next door.

Now we must never offend.


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Sunday 15th May 2016
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I don't think anyone is advocating bullying.

However we are all grown-ups here and it's a fairly robust blokey environment.

Part of the fun of this place is that quite often to use the quote - " the thread didn't turn out the way you expected."

For me the rule is take it on the chin, give as good as you get, or retire. I've been mocked on here for things I've said and done. Sometimes I've fought my corner, other times run off with my tail between my legs. No one makes me come here.

I used to work in a team that was very like PH. There were pompous things I said that became legendary and still are amongst the team who have all moved on but who are all friends. Next month I'm at the wedding of one. We've not worked together for a decade but I fully expect to have the puss ripped out of me, and dish out the same.

It's just life, it's just the Internet.

If any one individual has a problem then they can always report abuse to the site.

Let's get back to telling daft stories and having a laugh now please.


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Sunday 15th May 2016
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Catweazle said:
Where has the cat been inserted?
Can't tell you. Strictly need to know. Knowledge is power!


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Sunday 15th May 2016
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I think Tommy Saxondale fits the type.



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Sunday 15th May 2016
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And some Saxondake quotes.


I'm making it my mission to use some of these this week.


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Monday 16th May 2016
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So what about this?

Looks like a Coastguard vehicle in terms of the colour but it's very old. Also got Ambulance written on it. Siren, lights, loaded with gear and manages a wheel spin.



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Thursday 19th May 2016
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I especially liked that his T-Shirt logo was his ID.

I'm currently wearing a T-Shirt with a very discreet Guinness logo on it. I'm off down the pub now to tell them I'm from Guinness quality control AKA Black Ops and I have the authority to sample their drinks, all night.

That bald tosser will try it on with the wrong person one day, either a real copper a lawyer or a proper journalist and he'll get turned over. Either that or he'll try it on with someone who decks him.


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Thursday 19th May 2016
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Oh that's good to hear. Will that stop him getting SIA type accreditation?

The bearded guy's clearly an oddball but not illegal.


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Sunday 22nd May 2016
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Stevedore said:
A) I had the "pleasure" of attending the meeting that wildcat45 started this fine thread off with. He is not the only one that was concerned about the calibre of volunteers. On the plus side I can't wait to see how the gig unfolds.

B) Cheers for then laugh fellas spent a good hour giggling my tits off at the content of this fine thread.
Are there "official" concerns? I would be interested to know.

I tried to make my account slightly so that the event and individuals couldn't be identified.


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Sunday 22nd May 2016
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Stevedore said:
Being a non official I have no clue. That being said my earlier statement stands. For the avoidance of doubt I would work on 50% of the persons present being competent well balanced members of society.

Either way bring on the Saturday night refreshment mixer and I suspect after the inclusion of the molecule ethanol it's going to be quite the social bonfire!
Yes I'll go with the 50/50 mix.

Also I'm impressed at your powers of deduction.


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Sunday 22nd May 2016
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Not sure about this. I always shy away from single issue driven types. Is this in some cases a bit vigilante? On what basis do they do the research? How do they check it? Who are they? Self appointed authority like with a cause?

What if someone pretending to be what they are not is just someone with a mental health problem? I knew a guy who was a massive Walt. Looking back I am convinced he was - rather than being evil - just a sad mentally disturbed young man.

Notice my question marks. I'm interested in opinions on this group as I genuinely don't know what to make of them.



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191 months

Sunday 22nd May 2016
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Boring_Chris said:
There's maybe three genuine force of influence in our society; money, law, and violence.

The people depicted in all of these videos seem absolutely lacking a grasp of all three. What on earth goes through their heads is beyond me.

Nerds! hehe
I think it would have been worth the bloke calling the police there. The pair both used couldn't and abusive language. Their manner was designed to intimidate.

A quick note and s copy of the footage to the Press Office asking them for a statement prior to the tape being aired would probably have resulted in a coupe of people being told to hand their Hi-Viz in.

If that was my company is be mortified.

Far better for a manager to come down, be nice, invite the guy into reception, ask him if they can
Assist him in his photo project


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191 months

Monday 23rd May 2016
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750turbo said:

Best thread in a while, I am sure no poster were actually harmed in its making!

Cheers! It's like being the geeky kid at school whose suddenly popular!


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191 months

Monday 23rd May 2016
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OK, here's a real Walt story. I've told it before here but it is worth telling again. It's why these Walt outing groups make me feel uncomfortable because this Walt that I'm going to tell you about had mental health issues I think. Not a conman, just a guy with some problems.

It's a fairly long post, so to summarise.

School fiend, pretended to be in the Paras and have a girlfriend, kid, affairs etc, but actually lived in the dole with parents. Very bright guy. Pre internet days. Developed non-swearing Tourette's and other issues.

A school friend lets call him Neil. Middle class background, a very bright lad. But just an ordinary kid at school. A disaster with girls, but no more than anyone else.

We parted ways to go to university but all kept in touch,

At uni, he became a member of the TA, indeed he revealed that he'd been in the TA in sixth form.

Joined the Royal Green Jackets after uni, then did P company and became a Para officer.

He did tours of Northern Ireland and deployed on various exercises. We'd see him three or four times a year, but also for the odd day in between. He always had fun stories. Quite often tales where he came off worse.

He had a girlfriend - a nurse but was seeing a woman who was the victim of domestic abuse. She had a kid, which was his. He dealt with the abusing husband. Not with h violence but with legal threats .

Note this is all pretty measured stuff. No heroics. All believable.

It was pre Internet and all very clever. One example. I got a call from him one afternoon f from a phone box. He was deployed in NI at the time. The brief call - not more than 30 seconds was something like, "somethings just happened, I'm OK, can't talk now, it's all kicking off." Minutes later the BBC news came on to say there'd been some sort of incident in NI involving soldiers.

Quick and clever work on his part.

He was given "leave" after the "incident" and even took time to tell me he was a bit mentally fked up by what had happened. PTSD if you like.

We began to get suspicious. He was incredibly convincing and I have loads of other stories I could tell you.

So, pre-Internet one of our friends also became suspicious. We never shared our suspicions, but he decided to do some digging. Neil had told us where his girlfriend lived. So our friend decided to call in her - he'd made up some excuse. No one at the house had heard of her and her kid. She was supposed to have moved back with her folks.

He did some more digging. Neil's kid supposedly went to a nearby first school. A friend of a friend had a child there and he soon established Neil's child was made up.

My friend then decided to hire a private detective, just to get some background on Neil. The info came back that he was signing in the dole, lived at home and had been in the dole since leaving university.

At the same time, my Dad had become suspicious. He called the Paras, asked for him, and the friendly adjutant or who ever said something like "Not another Walt. We get several calls like yours a month Sir".

My Dad was ex-army. National service. Neil, with a huge amount of front even challenged my old man about his modest service life.

Eventually we approached Neil's brother to tell him what we knew. We didn't know him well but he was very forthcoming, saying his brother was a nutter who exercised and worked-out all day, who wore army fatigues and who would spend days locked in a room engaged in God knows what. He said his folks were in denial, just ignoring him saying it was a "phase."

At about this point, Neil was developing a kind of squeaking Tourette's. Very low level stuff, blinking, squeaking. He'd make out he had something in his eye or whatever when it was mentioned.

I didn't want to confront him, preferring to just let the friendship slide but our mutual friend was enraged, wanted to involve the police and very bravely - best in mind Neil,was a big lad who worked out - he confronted him.

Neil's response was to stick to his guns. He wrote letters to me, and our mutual friend outlining the "true" story.

He was on the dole because he was no longer a soldier. He's injured his leg in training (it may have been a para jump I can't recall) he had been pensioned out of service but because we, yes WE hero worshiped him and looked to him as our big Para pal, he decided to pretend he was still in the Paras. It was our fault not his.

Still very arrogant he said that unless we were prepared to accept this story then he could see no way of continuing an association with us.

Upon further consultation with the brother, it emerged their mother had concocted the injury story to help him save face.

He descended into quite a sad withdrawn state. I kept in Christmas card touch. I'd take him for a pint now and then - once a year - to pubs where no one knew me. He had zero conversation about his life. Only talked about what was on the news, stuff like that. To be fair he turned up at my Dad's funeral which bearing mind the shambles he was at that time and that a lot of people who knew him iwas actually quite brave if him.

We've drifted out of touch in the last decade or so. I understand he's got a job now and is doing OK.

It's all very well outing Walts, but Neil was just a very fked up guy who felt inadequate, told a lie, which snowballed, and combined with some mental problems.

Thanks for reading if you got this far.

Edited by wildcat45 on Monday 23 May 11:17


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8,094 posts

191 months

Monday 23rd May 2016
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Vaud said:
I think all sides of this friendship had significant issues.
Yeah you are probably right. He was enraged that he had been lied to. Had there been Walt sites then. he'd no doubt have outed him there. To be fair to him he is a very cautious guy, even today. Quite successful but won't make a move until he knows everything. Hiring a PI wouldn't be something I would do. We've discussed this over the years. His view was that he needed to be sure of every fact before he confronted him.

I've only given a flavour of Neil's behaviour. I could fill a book with his stories and also the obviously meticulous research that went into the lie.

This was the early 1990s. Today, a few hours on ine could get you enough info on all sorts of back stories. The units you saved with, names, photos, Board of Inquiry reports into incidents. Even Google street view so you know the colour of the boathouse door so to speak. You know, answers to all those awkward questions. "What pub did you drink in? What's the name of the take-away over the road? All fairly easy now. Back then, his stories had that level of detail in them.


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191 months

Monday 23rd May 2016
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bayleaf said:
The funny responses on the thread are funny, not necessarily you!
Ooh you put me right back in my box there didn't you Princess? Clever little miss. Xxx :-)


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191 months

Monday 23rd May 2016
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Crossflow Kid said:
Thing is, a lot of these "assistance groups" be they with or without an eBay Discovery and a greasy hi-viz always stop just short of actually saying "We're the police/I'm a fireman/Step aside, paramedic!" or whatever so they clearly know enough to know not to genuinely impersonate someone or something, even though they're still deluded enough to think they have certain "powers"
Those who genuinely impersonate authority figures are, as you say, a different breed of cat.
I too am slightly uncomfortable with the various Walt Hunting Clubs on Facebook and the like as they appear to be made up of very embittered and very angry service personnel who have placed themselves on a mission with all good intent but go about publicising their aims in such a way as to look every bit what the British military isn't.....unprofessional.
It makes you begin to wonder who's spouting the most harmful crap..... the Walt, or the Walt Hunter?


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191 months

Monday 23rd May 2016
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bayleaf said:
Just trying to keep you grounded. The popular thread is going to your head for some reason.

Oh I know. I was joking. In both posts hence the smiley. My response wasn't meant to be nasty towards you. The problem with written rather than spoken words.