


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 7th January 2017
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yonex said:
Little fkers, cowardly little fkers. On the parent front though you might find that they'd be just as mortified?
Not sure, since the kids were dressed like this:

And yes it includes the girls


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 7th January 2017
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swerni said:
sleepera6 said:
e21Mark said:
Unfortunately an all too common scenario nowadays. I regularly have to drive kids who attend a school for children excluded from mainstream education. They, for the most part anyway, have little respect for anyone or anything. I spoke to one about his repeated use of the N word and it was like talking to a brick wall. He steadfastly refused to accept it was offensive and illegal. I then informed the school about his behaviour and all that happened was he was allocated another driver. The lack of discipline is a joke and the children constantly swear at the teachers. I have to hope that these kids are in the minority, or else despair at the lack of respect and good behaviour displayed by these kids. It's sad that such behaviour is learnt and a indicates the lack of parenting they have had in their lives.
The school disciplinary system is a joke. A family friend told of how a child was suspended 6 TIMES for bullying, drugs and still not expelled. Ridiculous.
It's not the schools fault, they are powerless these days.
Everyone appears to have the right to an education whether they want or deserve it.
If they get expelled (which does happen) they just get moved to another school.
Albeit one like e21mark drives for.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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sleepera6 said:
yonex said:
Little fkers, cowardly little fkers. On the parent front though you might find that they'd be just as mortified?
Not sure, since the kids were dressed like this:

And yes it includes the girls
That's one hell of an ice lolly


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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I have reported it to the police (Crimestoppers). To be honest I don't think any action will be taken but as said it's worth reporting it.
I have given as much details as I can, the kids legged it before I could get a very detailed view of them (since they were so scared to come and abuse me to my face!)
I decided to use Crimestoppers because I don't want to be dragged in to anything. To be honest they we probably just messing around but that should teach them a lesson if police knock on their door

Edited by anonymous-user on Sunday 8th January 01:09


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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CTO said:
Just had the misfortune to be sat next to a racist at the ballet with the OH.

Seemed a reasonable older chap, with wife in tow. The OH and I were making idle chit chat with them before curtains up after the interval. They were apparently ballet aficionados so I asked how this performance compared to the others they had seen...

"Well, its good, better than Matthew Bournes version"

So, I asked why, expecting it to be music, choreography etc...

"Well, they were gay weren't they, it was all men"

Me and the OH: bit nonplussed

"And they were black"

Me and the OH :waves: see you later.

Sad times OP. Thankfully its the wkers like this that are in the minority.
I don't see how anyone could be that racist? That's a whole new level.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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silverfoxcc said:
sleepera6 said:
gus607 said:
"Excuse me do you have any curry"? How on earth can this be classed as racism ? This is PC going really mad.
Have we found the parent already?
Sleeper i am with you on that observation. Whilst i think PC has gone totally OTT for some people and they see offence given with any statement, not matter how innocuous, i consider that statement to be offensive.
Not knowing the origin of gus, Lets say he is Scottish, how would he like it if a group of oiks asked him if he had any porage (correct spelling,see the packets of Scotts Porage Oats) Haggis etc, or French snails/Frogs legs,Jewish bagels or lox or German sauerkraut, etc. It is the implied association that makes it racist.
However, going up to say a Italian and saying "Ciao, have you got spaghetti?" or a Texan and saying "Howdy, any jerky?" isn't going to have the same effect as "curry" jokes as curry is seen as more of an integral part of Asian culture than spaghetti is to Italian, hence it may be seen as offensive. Just how saying the n word to an African is going to be seen as extremely offensive, Africans are proud of their skin colour.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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danllama said:
CTO said:
Just had the misfortune to be sat next to a racist at the ballet with the OH.

Seemed a reasonable older chap, with wife in tow. The OH and I were making idle chit chat with them before curtains up after the interval. They were apparently ballet aficionados so I asked how this performance compared to the others they had seen...

"Well, its good, better than Matthew Bournes version"

So, I asked why, expecting it to be music, choreography etc...

"Well, they were gay weren't they, it was all men"

Me and the OH: bit nonplussed

"And they were black"

Me and the OH :waves: see you later.

Sad times OP. Thankfully its the wkers like this that are in the minority.
You've jumped to a conclusion there a bit, haven't you?

Since when is it racist to make observations? rolleyes

They even said it was good, but not as good as the other one. Do you not think if they were racist homophobes they would have just left in disgust? rolleyes

You should have at least questioned them a bit further. But no, better to walk away and have a cool 'racist' story to tell everybody.

Edited by danllama on Sunday 8th January 02:10
It is important to recognise that CTO stated that one of the other reasons the person didn't like it is because "they were black" and "they were gay"


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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gus607 said:
Fifty five years ago i was a victim of racism by many, school teacher's in particular as well as parents of school friends when their parents realised who I was prevented my continued friendship. It was difficult sometimes to walk down the street, leaving school & starting work was hard as well.

Was I black or foreign ? No, I am english born & white. My crime was that my mother a white widow had a black boyfriend, in those days completely taboo. So to say I am racist is laughable ! I've had plenty of racism years ago to last me a lifetime.

To be asked if you have any curry, racism ? Don't make me laugh. You don't know real racism.

Edited by anonymous-user on Sunday 8th January 08:21
Funnily enough I have some (second hand) empathy and sympathy for you. My Brother was in a similar situation and around the late 80's he went out with a black girl. He met her when working up here (here being Birmingham) He lived in Blackpool at the time. They shacked up together and encountered a lot of racism. Funny thing was that most of it came form either White women her age group (20's) or Black guys her age and a bit older (say 20s-30s)> The girls parents (50's0 were ok with it the girls brothers were either directly opposed or fine with it and a lot of the women he knew were not ok with it.
Funnily enough for a town called Blackpool at the time there were surprisingly few black people in it. It was as if Black and Asian people travelled as far as Preston and then stopped. They split up after around 18 months though he has still remained in contact with her. I encountered it myself with her on 2 occasions once at a big park there from a vile bh and secondly when we were all out.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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gus607 said:
Kids in Australia living in remote areas are taught via HF radio.

My son in law is a white "Brummie" with a broad "Black Country" accent, he is six feet five inches tall & has bright ginger hair ! I have a field day when we meet up, all taken in good humour on all sides.

The OP needs to sit down & think what real racism is, NOT what he thinks it is.
Dear oh dear


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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Hoofy said:
swerni said:
Centurion07 said:
sleepera6 said:
The school disciplinary system is a joke. A family friend told of how a child was suspended 6 TIMES for bullying, drugs and still not expelled. Ridiculous.
ISTR on another thread someone mentioned that schools are effectively "fined" if they expel pupils, hence why they're reluctant to do it.
The children have to stay in the system. (entitled to an education innit)
it's like a game of swapsies, you lose your dross but in turn you get someone else's.
Net zero gain.
Mmm. Expelling only moves the problem on. Not sure what can be done in a modern liberal society where human rights are important. punch
Pop'em in a mini bus. Send them on a day trip to Huddersfield. Give them some replica hand guns so they can be creative and do a modern gangster drama thing for their new school project. Ring West Yorkshire Police up popping on a Yorkie accent and say some drugs baron is in a mini bus with some drugs and shooters.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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308mate said:
Surely one strategy would be "Are you kidding? We're Pakistani/indian/Sri Lankan etc, of course we have curry! Why don't you come in and try some?"

Chances are they would still have run. But it immediately disarms them. The curry line is only racist until its true. Then its a simple acknowledgement that people of different cultures typically favour certain foods. No doubt its hard not to lose your temper but by arguing with that kind of ignorance, you lower yourself to their level. Chances are, they are not even inherently racist. They are just ignorant and people fear what they don't understand. I know it sounds all a bit new Labour but be the change you want to see. Instead of adding to the animosity, see if you can be the one to educate them. Otherwise the cycle continues.
Or I should of got the kid to go back and get his mum's tub of Sri lankan extra hot chilli powder and threw the open tub at them hehe

To be fair they were immature teenagers, but as I have said before in the thread some kids are properly, meaningfully racist. I'm sure I would of judged more harshly if it was say a 30 year old middle class man (note: not chav)


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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Why is gus607 refusing to accept that this is at least partly racism?


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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Smiler. said:
xjay1337 said:
I don't see how he can not think that it's racist, if you are of that descent and being asked for a curry, is racist.

However as someone up above said, I would just sort it out with some humour, of course I have some inside but you're not having any, fk off.

Easier to fight fire with humour smile
Yeah, next time, threaten to dhal 999.
Good one hehe


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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I have never seen anyone called a "white bd" or for that case, I have never been called "p**i"
So your point is invalid.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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TotalControl said:
OP, where in Watford do you live? I live in the Cassiobury estate area and haven't experienced any racism of the sort around here for some time. My parents live on the other side of Watford and it hasn't been all bad there either. I've lived in Watford pretty much my whole life (sad, I know).

If you ever need a hand or just want to talk, give me a shout. PM me if you wish. I'm more than happy to help out a fellow Watfordistani. hehe
Near garston

Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 9th January 14:03


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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magooagain said:
sleepera6 said:
No I have never seen them before. I think they are from the council type area which is about half a mile from here.
I'm sorry OP but that comment is no better than the issue you have been complaining about in my opinion.

I was bought up on a council estate like many other folks in Great Britain. Although not in this modern era.
The vast majority of those people were kind hard working and thoughtfull.

The comment made to your son is out of order and in poor taste,just like your comment above.
Im sorry for any offence. I have lived on a estate before but nowadays council is a nickname for chav


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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singlecoil said:
xjay1337 said:
sleepera6 said:
Im sorry for any offence. I have lived on a estate before but nowadays council is a nickname for chav
No it's not laugh

Chav is chav, council is quite another! Although you sometimes may get some chavs in some council estates you also have chavs in private housing estates and lovely people in council estates!
Good to see the OP has apologised for his offensive remark re council estates, but excusing it by saying that council is a nickname for chav took the edge off the apology. Shows how people can cause offence without meaning to, and how their prejudices can slip out in unguarded moments.
Well ok I apologise again I assumed that from the a bit council thread


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 14th January 2017
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paulwirral said:
According to a couple of the red tops Danny dyer is in trouble as his eastenders character referred to an Italian themed night in the vic as eye tye night !
Don't watch Eastenders


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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Even I, a non white, can understand where Twitter are coming from in a way.
Every one is a bit mad if I'm honest. Both the white supremacists and vice versa


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 15th September 2017
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Couldn't he wear a full face covering with a fez on top ?