Anyone have a 'glad when it's all over' festive attitude?

Anyone have a 'glad when it's all over' festive attitude?



76,680 posts

284 months

Monday 22nd December 2014
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This time last December, my dad was in the final stages of terminal cancer. So I now tend to associate Christmas with death.


10,203 posts

130 months

Monday 22nd December 2014
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Dibble said:
Impasse said:
HarryW said:
You lot of miserable gits, I love Christmas, the more the merrier its a great family time, I don't give a st about the commercial aspects, rarely even turn the box on, stagger from one meal and drink to the next, sad when it's over.......
This sort of st attitude is what annoys me. "YOU MUST ENJOY IT BECAUSE I SAY SO AND MY LIFE IS GREAT!"
Plus fking one.
Forced is the word.
I can do this 'stuff' at any other time of the year. It was supposedly brought to us to lighten up the dark miserable mid Winter days, this was before planes were invented and quite frankly i'd rather be on one of those heading somewhere hot that doesn't celebrate it.
I remember lying in the sun on a Christmas free Penang sipping a cocktail (just before the Tsunami hit it actually) thinking 'this is fking great' when the locals (bless 'em) towed Santa round the pool on his fking wheeled sleigh with a donkey or something.

I very nearly pushed the lot into the pool. evil



15,172 posts

271 months

Monday 22nd December 2014
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OK I'll step out of this thread and let you all carry on in your merry way, it could turn into a Derek and Clive sketch any moment soon.....just don't pass the razor blades


12,942 posts

242 months

Monday 22nd December 2014
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HarryW said:
OK I'll step out of this thread and let you all carry on in your merry way, it could turn into a Derek and Clive sketch any moment soon.....just don't pass the razor blades
HarryW, I realise I'm (more than) a bit "Bah, humbug," but I wouldn't want someone else to NOT enjoy it just because I don't. I hope you and your family and friends have a good time. This year, it's just not for me.


2,786 posts

181 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Have spent the last 3 at home by myself dodging it all and awaiting the delights of 2 days of great racing at Kempton from boxing day.

This year I have a bird who insists on me going to hers with a load of people and kids I barely know where I will attempt to look happy and interested and despite that get abuse for failing to look happy or interested.

Merry Feckin, humbug decking Christmas ducking motherfungler!


3,286 posts

200 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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My sister died on New Year's Eve a couple of years ago so I just try to keep my head down and get through to Jan 1st as painlessly as possible.
Having said that, I've found little joy in it for many years now.
A mixture of mental health issues which make it difficult to find any joy in things and being a miserable bd at times.


60 posts

118 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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I love crimbo, 2 weeks in the sun every year. Sat here in a bar in Dominican Republic. Visit friends and family before we go, then wall to wall sunshine and cocktails. What's not to like


5,319 posts

210 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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I don't m9nd Christmas as such, can be enjoyable..but its the music, the fking music that kills me. The repetitive, worn out songs murder it for me. Slade, George Michael etc, I am SICK of hearing them.

Stu R

21,410 posts

217 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Hated it for years, though enjoyed last year an awful lot with the mrs. This year I have every reason to be looking forward to it, our first Christmas in a new house, things are going pretty well etc. I'm just not feeling it. Not dreading it or anything, but not especially looking forward to it either. Also, for whatever reason, it just doesn't feel like Christmas to me, more like October. Which is odd.

Can't wait for the new year to get my teeth sunk into some work though.


3,013 posts

190 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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I fking detest Christmas.

Last year I stayed in Singapore and got drunk around the pool in our apartment block. Few tourists and most expats out of the Country. It was amazing.

This year I have to fly back to the UK for 1 week and see the in-laws 3 times. fk my life.

Corpulent Tosser

5,459 posts

247 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Well I am looking forward to Christmas.

I will get home on Christmas day, my wife will pick me up from the airport in the morning, and take me home and see my son who is home from Netherlands for a few days.

Then I will go to see my daughter and grand daughters where they will show me what the got as presents and take them some more to open.

After that it will be home and a traditional Christmas meal with wife and son.

Boxing Day the daughter and her family will come to ours for a family get together.

I am not religious and do not celebrate a religious festival, but I do enjoy the festive period.

Each to their own though.


16,690 posts

178 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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I fking hate it with a passion

Fed up of the stty songs, the flashing lights, the stupid adverts, abysmal tv, the 'forced' enjoyment you are supposed to feel.

And I fking hate turkey as well. If it was that good surely people would eat it more often??


1,176 posts

161 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Hoofy said:
This time last December, my dad was in the final stages of terminal cancer. So I now tend to associate Christmas with death.
Oddly I'm off to a funeral this afternoon and the year before the wifes grandad died on boxing day so I can see where your coming from.

Can't wait to get back to work.


3,312 posts

127 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Wow, didn't realise so many people hate it frown
I try not to get drawn into all the commercial stuff, but thoroughly enjoy it. Probably the time we socialise most all year.

New Years eve is a different matter. Cant think of anything worse that going out for an over priced meal, in an over crowded resteraunt and paying double taxi fares on the way home. We stay in and invite people round.

King Herald

23,501 posts

218 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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lord trumpton said:
Iv'e heard this said quite a few times just lately. Wonder why people feel like that?
it is all about the money nowadays.

Not that I care, as I'm 100 miles off the coast of Louisiana on a ship for the next few weeks.


1,957 posts

172 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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I'm with Clark Griswold's Dad on this - Jack Daniels helps me through it smile


152 posts

185 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Yeah, enforced partying with utter fks who wouldn't give you the steam off their sh!t the other 364 days of the year - you can feel the tension brewing around October when all the tat in the shops starts appearing. However, there are good bits and if you are lucky to have family that you get on with / good friends & colleagues at work then great. There's just no consideration for those of us who aren't that lucky or at this time of the year are reminded of loss. It's more than a little irksome surrounded by idiots who spout 'cheer up, it's Christmas, like a Noddy Holder pub tribute act'.

However, people might enjoy it a little more if everyone showed a bit more of the festive spirit and compassion instead of trampling over each other to buy the last chubby sized bit of tat from Primark, spewing foul mouthed rants in carparks over parking spaces, nicking the lastbag of carrots from other shoppers baskets etc. For the one time of year where there's supposed to be a bit of goodwill shown to all it does seem in pretty short supply. It's all about as much liver damage and over eating as possible over 2days. But hey, downloaded the new BandAid single so I'm now the patron saint of humankind... ;-)


17,465 posts

191 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Does not interest me one jot. Each to their own though. I just don't like it shoved in my face for 6 weeks.
I think a lot of people have lost their way a bit on Christmas in this country - it always confuses me how many of my friends do not believe in God or Jesus and make it *really* well known that they think its all BS (again each to their own) but then have a nativity set up and huge tree, etc etc.


2,700 posts

145 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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It's alright I suppose.


3,758 posts

159 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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I must admit that I do like the giving and receiving of presents part of Christmas, and this year I'll spend christmas day in two parts, separated by about 100 miles - spend part with my family and the evening with my missus family.

What has made Christmas less stressful this year is the fact I can fill up my amazon prime basket with the majority of main gifts, and spend as little time away from the shops IN A CAR. I can walk a short distance to a retail park to pick up the odds and sods for the rest of gifts, and not get caught up in the utter carnage that is parking rage. Supermarket shopping is also that little bit easier if you plan and use the 'scan as you go' check outs.