


18,444 posts

196 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Garlick said:
Hmm, not sure this is strictly true...

In fact we get on well with the MN team, and I've even been over there for a brew to see how their forums work. All that happened in the past was a late night posting spree on MN spawned by a thread on PH. We acted and stopped the posts being made when it went too far and that was that.

To be fair, they have a lot of media clout these days so good on them for getting on high profile TV like News Night and BBC News.
Any plans on PH getting some media clout and telling the greenies to stop being silly?


955 posts

215 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Pints said:
Garlick said:
Hmm, not sure this is strictly true...

In fact we get on well with the MN team, and I've even been over there for a brew to see how their forums work. All that happened in the past was a late night posting spree on MN spawned by a thread on PH. We acted and stopped the posts being made when it went too far and that was that.

To be fair, they have a lot of media clout these days so good on them for getting on high profile TV like News Night and BBC News.
Any plans on PH getting some media clout and telling the greenies to stop being silly?
IIRC I remember seeing a survey statistic from here used on 8 out of 10 cats


40,601 posts

242 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Really? Blimey.


4,072 posts

190 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Rude-boy said:
As I see it, being someone who never got involved in the cross posts which kicked it all off (I think I was having a bad week at work at the time!)...

There were a number of posters who ‘discovered’ mumsnet and found a number of topics which were ‘interesting’ on a sexual topic, and other topics where there were the dregs of the female gene pool posting utter carp about men and cars. As a result there were a number of people who joined mumsnet and commented – there were also a few “Shall I post this up” type comments made here and others were egged on. A number of mumsneters joined here and commented and so it evolved over about 12-18 hours.

Then the people in charge of Mumsnet got their knickers in a twist as they found that there are a lot of very bright and sharp people on here who were tearing in to a number of topics and posts where people were saying some very misguided and ill-informed drivel. There were also a few minor trolls from people over here and vice versa.

The problem came when Mumsnet decided to pull the ‘I’m bigger than you’ card. The Mumsnet powers that be couldn’t handle the situation themselves and so basically got in contact with PH Towers wailing and moaning about how wrong and unfair it was of this minority interest site to attack such a bastion of truth, honesty and decency as their site and that it should be stopped. Oh and by the way we have the ear of a lot of very important people. I am not sure quite how blatant it was but I understand that there was a very clear inference as to what their next move would be and that it wouldn’t be good for Haymarket.

Therefore the Mumsneters who were as guilty as anyone from this site of what occurred were let off scot free and PH was left in a position where those in authority get twitchy rings every time they see the site’s name mentioned.

All very sad, but then what do you expect from people like those in charge at mumsnet who seem to think that because they run a website for mothers they can push their own personal political agendas, often based on poor and inaccurate information, and pass them off as the views of their X,ooo strong membership. But of course their website is at pains to point out that they don’t have a political agenda, just before it lists their political campaigns...
I recall it slightly differently - it was quite late one night and there was a link to a thread by a woman who had been anally raped by her partner. A number of PH's decided it would be fun to post some "robust humour" (by robust humour, of course, I mean "not humour").


22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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kelk said:
IIRC I remember seeing a survey statistic from here used on 8 out of 10 cats
I shudder to think which one.


18,444 posts

196 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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kelk said:
IIRC I remember seeing a survey statistic from here used on 8 out of 10 cats
Incredible. I had no idea our clout extended that far.


40,601 posts

242 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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aclivity said:
I recall it slightly differently - it was quite late one night and there was a link to a thread by a woman who had been anally raped by her partner. A number of PH's decided it would be fun to post some "robust humour" (by robust humour, of course, I mean "not humour").
Something like that, yes. No threats to HM were made.


4,700 posts

206 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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hora said:
TBH hormonal women are best placatated.

I still remember mrshora (8 months pregnant and constantly angry) phoning the Police as I wouldn't let the dog back in.
????? JESUS! I knew my current OH was mental, but fk me. I best not get a woman pregnant.



12,467 posts

236 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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A few years ago the wife decided to get a little more involved with other mums and stuff (both locally with mum's groups) and on the internet. Mumsnet was the biggest and seemed to be a good idea to get involved with.

Well, that lasted about a week on Mumsnet. She had all sorts of loonies and bunny boilers chasing her down (she simply said hi a few times and suggested that she was happily married!). In fact, one who was local insisted in meeting up - like pestering her all of the time! Anyway, Swore NEVER EVER to go back!

The local groups went the same way a few weeks later. Had a coffee morning once and got some decent biscuits in for the meeting. Caught one of them shoving the packet in her bag and nosing around the CD's / DVD's in the house. Never again.

There are some crazies in this world and most are associated with groups like this (not saying its just women by the way). As mentioned though - hormonal women are to be handled like nuclear fuel - with extreme caution....


22,227 posts

235 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
quotequote all

Garlick said:
Hmm, not sure this is strictly true...

In fact we get on well with the MN team, and I've even been over there for a brew to see how their forums work. All that happened in the past was a late night posting spree on MN spawned by a thread on PH. We acted and stopped the posts being made when it went too far and that was that.
I am sure that you know the whole real story far better than others, and certainly me.

What I will say though is that from this side of the fence it looked like exactly what you have said, except we were the ones who were cast as those in the wrong and the posters who did exactly the same from the Mumsnet side of the fence never even got told so much as to wind their necks in.

Added to which, when the explanations came out as to why people had to stop putting them back in their box, it was all "Oh we are so sorry for what we have done and Mumsnet have been in contact with us to tell us to stop and if we don't we should remember that they have the ear of the Media."

Let us be under no illusion that Mumsnet is a site that started out as a good idea and then as soon as those in charge realised what they had spawned the owners started to use the site as a tool to legitimise their own personal aims and ideals. As the years have passed it has become clearer and clearer that a number of them are manoeuvring themselves into a position where in the future they will be launching themselves into a political career. All based on the lie that they represent x,000 mums, many of whom it would appear from the contradictory postings on the site verses what they said their membership's view is on the Radio the morning before, do not agree with them.

Garlick said:
To be fair, they have a lot of media clout these days so good on them for getting on high profile TV like News Night and BBC News.
It is not good on them though when they are using their membership to further advance and aggrandise the political aims of their leaders. Nor is it good on them that they abuse their profile to stifle any debate which is contra to their view.

They were once a forum which provided useful information and chat. Now they are a political pressure group and vehicle for the promotion of a few people who use their relationship with a web forum to seek to impose their will and views on others.


704 posts

166 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Vytalis said:
For real bunny boilers, look at the feminist section on mumsnet - the rest of the site is relatively normal compared to them.
WTF that feminist section is genuinely crazy.


6,860 posts

165 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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aclivity said:
I recall it slightly differently - it was quite late one night and there was a link to a thread by a woman who had been anally raped by her partner. A number of PH's decided it would be fun to post some "robust humour" (by robust humour, of course, I mean "not humour").
If thats actually what happened, that's just not cricket really is it.

I got the impression PHeders had posted on some MENTALS threads. Not made jokes about a pretty serious and probably very painful sexual assault.

Can anybody confirm?


22,227 posts

235 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
quotequote all
Garlick said:
aclivity said:
I recall it slightly differently - it was quite late one night and there was a link to a thread by a woman who had been anally raped by her partner. A number of PH's decided it would be fun to post some "robust humour" (by robust humour, of course, I mean "not humour").
Something like that, yes. No threats to HM were made.
Whilst there was that thread, that was just one of a number of topics. The ones where the boot was on the other foot were ignored.

I am sure that there was not a single overt threat made towards HM or PH in any way whatsoever. You don't need to threaten people when only inferences need be brought.

Anyway I don't have the time to trawl back though all the posts from that time that still exist and illustrate why a number of PHer's who had nothing to do with the cross posting were left with the very clear impression that PH Towers had been told to control their members or face the consequences.

No good will come of this anyway so I will sign off the topic for now as it really isn't my battle; I just hate to see injustice and victims blaming themselves for the reason why someone bigger and more ruthless beat the st out of them.

Shaw Tarse

31,546 posts

205 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Garlick probably has the most accurate info, I thought it was a question posted on MN "Should I let DP in the back door?"
PHer found the thread & linked to it.
Things got carried away.


6,860 posts

165 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Rude-boy said:
StottyZr said:
If thats actually what happened, that's just not cricket really is it.

I got the impression PHeders had posted on some MENTALS threads. Not made jokes about a pretty serious and probably very painful sexual assault.

Can anybody confirm?
It was a part of it as I recall, one part of a much bigger picture.
Makes me feel a little bit ashamed tbh. Even though I joined PH most likely a long time after this happened.


442 posts

161 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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Jonathan27 said:
Vytalis said:
For real bunny boilers, look at the feminist section on mumsnet - the rest of the site is relatively normal compared to them.
WTF that feminist section is genuinely crazy.
took one look, saw "are all men potential rapists?" then scarpered


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
quotequote all
Jonathan27 said:
Vytalis said:
For real bunny boilers, look at the feminist section on mumsnet - the rest of the site is relatively normal compared to them.
WTF that feminist section is genuinely crazy.
I've just looked too. Can't believe that people actually exist that are that mental.


22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
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jj333 said:
took one look, saw "are all men potential rapists?" then scarpered
The technically correct answer would be yes. In the same way that all women are potential paedophiles, all sports mascots are potential murderers and all horses are potential unicorns. Potential is a great word.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
quotequote all
hora said:
No different to the view on here that 'are all women potential mentalists'
Far too much evidence to disagree with that!


22,227 posts

235 months

Tuesday 25th October 2011
quotequote all
hora said:
jj333 said:
took one look, saw "are all men potential rapists?" then scarpered
No different to the view on here that 'are all women potential mentalists'
Not really. I've seen almost every woman I know well have 'an attack of the Mental' at some point. I don't know any blokes who have raped anyone.