Refusing a Barber



3,583 posts

225 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Only one Barber in my place, though I think he has just taken on someone for Sundays and Thursday evenings. He's good enough but I miss my old Barber. Old Italian guy who let me sit there in peace and would cut my hair exactly how I wanted it every time.
When I moved to my new place I made the mistake of going into a salon. I found out that day that it's possible for a woman to have three conversations at once and not shut the fk up for more than a second, crap haircut too.


59 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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SpeedMattersNot said:
Do people still use barbers?
Yes, I go to a so called 'Vintage Gentlemen's Barbers', which is basically a modern place that they have decorated to look like a Gentlemen's club from the 1930's.

I very much enjoy the the experience.

They cut my hair, then trim my eyebrows (which strangely I find needs doing now that I am over 30), they then apply a hot towel around my neck, then massage in some sort of nice smelling oil, and then use a cut throat razor to shave around the back of my neck and my sideburn areas etc.

Another wipe off with the hot towel and then apply some 'product'.

You can also help yourself to free beverages while waiting or being trimmed.

All for £10.

Can't complain at that.

In response the the OP's question: For fk sake, just tell them which barber you want to wait for. It's a perfectly normal thing.


5,419 posts

139 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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SpeedMattersNot said:
Do people still use barbers?

I like to go to a salon and get the full head wk experience.

Never understood why you'd want some middle aged bloke cutting your hair when there are salons full of 20-something ladies that will do it instead.

At the hairdressers that are a 2 min walk from my house there's a hottie called Elle, who did my hair once when she first started there. Most amazing head massage ever (to the point it felt a bit wrong at the time tbh). I live in hope that I'll get her again but she's always fully booked frown


2,055 posts

148 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Theres no way I would have let the same guy have a second attempt at fking my hair up!

The guy I go to only been open a few years, I was his first customer, I get haircut, hot towel shave and a lovely cappuccino from his glamorous assistant all for the grand sum of £11, this is the price he's always charged me as I got an introductory discount thats he never not applied but he always gets given £20 (before anyone accuses me of being a tight arse)


59 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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lufbramatt said:
SpeedMattersNot said:
Do people still use barbers?

I like to go to a salon and get the full head wk experience.

Never understood why you'd want some middle aged bloke cutting your hair when there are salons full of 20-something ladies that will do it instead.
Erm... you do realise that there aren't any laws against young women working in Gentlemen's Barbers don't you?

I go to a 'Vintage Gentlemen's Barbers' place and 2 of the 'Barbers' are attractive young ladies and the other 2 are chaps in their 30's who are quite good banter. In fact it is generally good 'mens' banter in there all the time.

As far as I can see, you only go to somewhere like Toni & Gay or whatever it's called if you:
a) Want your hair cut by some dizzy blonde who spends most of her time looking at herself in the mirror.
b) Want to pay £20 for a haircut because it's a 'Salon'.
c) Want to sit somewhere that is rammed with women talking incessantly about their upcoming holiday to Spain.


1,499 posts

131 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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There's a definite difference between a salon and a barber shop...the main one being salons are st!


5,932 posts

182 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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RDJ said:
PHmember said:
BrabusMog said:
Is this a serious question?! Just point at the one you like and say you want that person to cut your hair. Jesus.

You might want to ask if they can wax your vagina as well.
I shouldn't but rofl
I have some sympathy for the OP. It's normally just a case of whether I can be arsed waiting for the one or two that do a good job, or taking a gamble. I've tried others but they're as bad-surely can't be that hard? They have a sign up words to the effect of 'feel free to ask for your preferred stylist'. It's a no appointment necessary kind of place...

I had my favourite place for years, would get offered a beer, and the owner was a right MILF then she sold up and broke my heart.....


4,250 posts

196 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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NinjaPower said:
lufbramatt said:
SpeedMattersNot said:
Do people still use barbers?

I like to go to a salon and get the full head wk experience.

Never understood why you'd want some middle aged bloke cutting your hair when there are salons full of 20-something ladies that will do it instead.
Erm... you do realise that there aren't any laws against young women working in Gentlemen's Barbers don't you?

I go to a 'Vintage Gentlemen's Barbers' place and 2 of the 'Barbers' are attractive young ladies and the other 2 are chaps in their 30's who are quite good banter. In fact it is generally good 'mens' banter in there all the time.

As far as I can see, you only go to somewhere like Toni & Gay or whatever it's called if you:
a) Want your hair cut by some dizzy blonde who spends most of her time looking at herself in the mirror.
b) Want to pay £20 for a haircut because it's a 'Salon'.
c) Want to sit somewhere that is rammed with women talking incessantly about their upcoming holiday to Spain.
Some serious bantz going on there m8!


21,429 posts

201 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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To be honest, I own a hair salon and none of us are ever overly concerned if a customer prefers one hairdresser over ourselves. Just ask for the barber you want.


53,833 posts

260 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Impasse said:
You're doing it wrong. I go and see the very lovely Anne who is a pretty, chatty 20-something and has no qualms about rubbing my head with her long slender fingers. She'll then spend an age carefully attending to my mop somehow sculpting it into a semblance of presentability. All this while occasionally squishing her cleavage into my ear and the nape of my neck.
Barbers? Pah.
yes Lindsey's a terrible hairdresser, but I just don't care. smile


1,208 posts

182 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Try a mobile one, preferably with a female name. She will come to your house and rub the back of your neck with her breasts. As an aside you will a haircut and if you like it you can invite her back. If not, try another.
Rinse and repeat as they might say on this thread!


8,104 posts

194 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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George Scott, Newcastle. It is a vintage gentlemans barber because it is. Apart from the addition of a local chap called Swan's incandescent electric lighting bulbs, the place is more or less as it was in 1903, or whenever it started.

Dave the proprietor bought the place In 1972 from the chap who bought it off George Scott or something like that.

A terrific place though now I no longer work in Newcastle, I favour a nearer Turkish barber with the whole burning meths fire in your lug holes experience.


4,688 posts

198 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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RDJ said:
or at the very least I will not tip him this time
Wait, what now?!?

He gave you a haircut that was so bad that you nearly walked out in tears AND YOU GAVE HIM A TIP!!


1,743 posts

142 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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This threads had me chuckling.
Haircuts have been the bane of my life, I've actually got good hair but it seems to be impossible to cut right so I've spent the majority of my life looking like a cross between Mo Stooge and a monkey (apart from the time some idiot with a pair of scissors cut the hairline in front of my ears so high up I looked like mentally challenged serial killer - how my mate cried with laughter ...for days).
Anyhow, it was previously posted that "Jesus doesn't work there" well he does where I now go - the owner and his wife are Venezuelan hence the name. I only let him and his wife , who seems to enjoy slowly rubbing my head and hair before she startsyum cut my hair. Doesn't matter who else offers me to a chair i refuse until I get who i want - easy! So for the first time in my life I'm getting decent haircuts by Venezuelans on the local market (yes thats right)
Also brings back memories as a teenager getting my haircut by an Italian girl who used to rub her great big knockers all me over me while cutting away - used to pray "it" would go down before she finished and removed the nylon cover, great times.


59 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Jesus, man up a bit! All you do is sit down and when it comes your turn for the st guy, just say you're waiting and that's it! I use to do this in my teens with my barber and pretty much so did 50% of the customers, they won't get offended, as a lot of customers just prefer sticking to the same person regardless how good or bad the guy is.

Tbh I stopped going to my barbers after I decided I wanted a decent haircut, went to a salon and now go to the guy house, been getting my haircut by the same guy for 5 years now and we're friends now.


891 posts

180 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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OP, take a large dose of MTFU please, 3 times a day for the next 2 weeks. Come back in 2 weeks and if you're still unwell, then the balls will be removed to nip the issue in the bud.

Why go to a Barber's and have a bloke cut your hair. Head to a nice Salon at a pre-booked time, get offered a drink, maybe get your hair washed (head massagedbiggrin) then have a cut from a stylish pretty quine whilst being in the company of other ladies/milfs and come out both looking and feeling good.

King Herald

23,501 posts

221 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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RDJ said:
steveatesh said:
BrabusMog said:
Is this a serious question?! Just point at the one you like and say you want that person to cut your hair. Jesus.

While there don't forget to ask for permission to go to the toilet if you need to.
You see this where I struggle frown I hate offending anyone
And heaven forbid if the barber in question is not of true-blue 100% British descent, as then you'll be forever labelled a racist troublemaker.


6,008 posts

189 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Spare tyre said:
Employ a brigade of tramps and take them with you

You can then use them as sacrificial lambs to the poor barbers until yours is free for you
I like this idea laugh

With these feet

5,733 posts

220 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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I think the trouble is many seem to think of themselves as artists, rather than hairdressers.

I lost count of the number of times Ive gone in and the haircut resembled nothing like the request.
Only, while going through a crew cut phase did they get it right!

One time, my Ex-wife went off for a haircut, she asked what I thought she should have done - at the time she had shoulder long blonde hair. I said not to chop too much off as it looks nice as it is. She agreed and went off to the hairdresser. She returned two hours later with what I can only describe as something Phil Oakey might have asked for, uneven bob with shaved/ tapered up the neck. Then she wondered why I shouted at her for asking me in the first place! Obviously the hairdresser thought "Oh lovely long hair, I'll remove 2 years of growth here and practice one of those skills Ive learnt but not used yet".

Because of this I then bought a set of clippers and started doing it myself, which means if you cock it up theres only one person to be mad at!

My missus is pretty handy with a pair of scissors and she did a half decent job of it a few weeks ago. Plus she has to look at it if she messes it up. Win/Win if you ask me!

Triumph Man

8,849 posts

173 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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I was going to berate the OP for "nearly being in tears" and not having the courage to refuse a cut, but then I remembered I go to a beauty salon to have my hair cut. Therefore my opinion is not valid!