Can you handle your drink?

Can you handle your drink?



696 posts

142 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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Yes and no. When I was 5 stone heavier I could drink an insane amount and not really feel much effect. Nowadays if I drink the same amount I wake up with major memory loss of the end of the night and no idea how I got home.

Usually if I stick to beer I'm OK. But as soon as someone starts ordering shots for me - and being the suggestable type, I'll drink them - then I can quite quickly become a jibberish-talking numpty.

On my stag a couple of weeks ago at Oktoberfest in Munich, I had 7 litres of 6.3% beer in an afternoon (one of which was downed while on a table top (through a morphsuit) which got me chucked out) and was totally fine. Followed that up later at the hotel bar when my brother-in-law bullied me into dunking 3 jagerbombs, 3 grenades (jagerbomb along with a tequila shot), and the 3 wise men (shot each of JD, Jim Beam, and Jose Cuervo) all within 20 mins. I soon fell off my chair, went up to bed under my own steam and passed out.

I had eaten nothing but my continental breakfast that morning, and the following morning I woke up fresh as a daisy and never once chundered. Very proud of myself for that one, but I think the drinking Gods were smiling on me that day, and it will never be repeated.


15,175 posts

271 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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Bill said:
ch108 said:
Old codger stuff.

Plus beer was 3% and it was quite hard to get enough inside you to do proper harm.
Didn't have a lot of money in my youth, who did? So I reasoned that drinking light and bitter as a lad you got a pint and a quarter for your money. Even came to the conclusion that buying Fullers ESB made sense even though it was a few pennies dearer, cost vs effect.....


32,999 posts

178 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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He (Gerard Depardieu) can...


2,855 posts

149 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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Bill said:

Plus beer was 3% and it was quite hard to get enough inside you to do proper harm.

In the 80s, when I started working in pubs, men invariably drank pints. Standard bitters and lagers were around 3.5%, which is dishwater by today's standards. You had to drink quite a lot of that stuff to get properly pissed, and you would feel bloated and sick long before you lost control of yourself and fell over.


9,859 posts

148 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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mrtwisty said:
I'm afriad I've got to call Jimmy Hill on the 24 pints in 2 hours claim as well.

Just think about the physics of it! Did he have a catheter fitted?
I'm looking into this. The memory can play tricks (it was 47 years ago) but I'm confident I'm not far out. It depends on the licensing laws in Norwich for that era - the pubs stayed open on Sunday lunchtimes for a limited period - and it may have been 3 hours rather than 2. He was a big fella - I'm talking over 6 foot tall, and no beer belly whatsoever.

I've e-mailed my old mate. Since we haven't seen each other for about 15 years no doubt he'll think my request for info all a bit odd. And bear in mind that the local brew at that time would have been something like Watneys Red Barrel - i.e. as weak as horsep*ss.


17,468 posts

191 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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Spirits no problem, no hang over, no issue walking or talking. Even after sharing a bottle of Hennessy with a few friends.
Beer, 3 pints and I am feeling it - 4 or 5.... game over - sleep! Massive hang over next day.


39,754 posts

286 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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nicanary said:
mrtwisty said:
I'm afriad I've got to call Jimmy Hill on the 24 pints in 2 hours claim as well.

Just think about the physics of it! Did he have a catheter fitted?
I'm looking into this. The memory can play tricks (it was 47 years ago) but I'm confident I'm not far out. It depends on the licensing laws in Norwich for that era - the pubs stayed open on Sunday lunchtimes for a limited period - and it may have been 3 hours rather than 2. He was a big fella - I'm talking over 6 foot tall, and no beer belly whatsoever.

I've e-mailed my old mate. Since we haven't seen each other for about 15 years no doubt he'll think my request for info all a bit odd. And bear in mind that the local brew at that time would have been something like Watneys Red Barrel - i.e. as weak as horsep*ss.
I think the point mrtwisty was getting at is that the volume of liquid is massive. He would be running to the toilet on a regular basis. 24 pints is over double the amount of liquid in a human body, he would need to go and pee regually.

Edited by Cotty on Sunday 19th October 15:20


6,832 posts

155 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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When I'm lying face down in the gutter in a puddle of my own vomit, I know it's time for one, maybe two more pints, then strictly spirits.


6,957 posts

221 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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Cotty said:
nicanary said:
mrtwisty said:
I'm afriad I've got to call Jimmy Hill on the 24 pints in 2 hours claim as well.

Just think about the physics of it! Did he have a catheter fitted?
I'm looking into this. The memory can play tricks (it was 47 years ago) but I'm confident I'm not far out. It depends on the licensing laws in Norwich for that era - the pubs stayed open on Sunday lunchtimes for a limited period - and it may have been 3 hours rather than 2. He was a big fella - I'm talking over 6 foot tall, and no beer belly whatsoever.

I've e-mailed my old mate. Since we haven't seen each other for about 15 years no doubt he'll think my request for info all a bit odd. And bear in mind that the local brew at that time would have been something like Watneys Red Barrel - i.e. as weak as horsep*ss.
I think the point mrtwisty was getting at is that the volume of liquid is massive. He would be running to the toilet on a regular basis. 24 pints is over double the amount of liquid in a human body, he would need to go and pee regually.

Edited by Cotty on Sunday 19th October 15:20
Alcohol effects aside, you'd die drinking that much water in a short space of time.. I regularly hammer a 1.5l water bottle at work and then refill it - to consume 9 of them in a few hours just seems completely implausible... but then there are always exceptions I guess.

The worst alcohol intake I remember was driving to Belgium on a stag and then playing catch-up to the guys who had started back in Reading at 9am. I consumed 4x330ml Duvel (8.5%), 2x660ml Zot (6.5%) then downed a litre of Kwak (8.4%) before starting on shooters. Of course I totally overshot the mark and went from stone cold sober to stfaced in just a couple of hours. I was put to bed at 10pm and fortunately the stag stopped me "going for a piss" by attempting to climb out of our fifth storey window in the middle of the night.


1,169 posts

210 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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I'm usually fine on lager or g&t as long as I don't mix whatever I'm drinking I know my limits.

Nowadays on the odd occasion when I'm out drinking I seem to get the hang over before I get drunk.



4,168 posts

155 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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No I can't, though I'm very lean and hardly ever drink at all nowadays. I'm 6'4" and three pints of cider would render me unable to walk in a straight line. I only did the completely smashed thing twice whilst at university and didn't really enjoy it, it seems a bizarre way to waste your time, money and health.


56 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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nagsheadwarrior said:
My simple drinking rule-

Big glass good/little glass bad.

Just wish I could stick to it.

There has been no time in human history when Sambuca is ever a good idea!
Hahah I remember during my first year in uni, Sambuca was weirdly my favourite, to a point where I has a big bottle. One night for pre drinks my mate decided it would be good idea to do half a cup "shot" of Sambuca. I'm happy to say that was the last time I ever had Sambuca and even the memory of it haunts me to this day.

Back on subject, some days I can handle my drinks well and some days it's pretty bad and It gets to a point where I can't remember anything. My main problem is I usually tend to skip the tipsy stage where generally I tend to stop if I want to enjoy a night out because you can clearly remember everything but you have a good buzz and have fun, but like I said, most of the time I will be stone cold sober and then BAM fully knocked out drunk to a point where I know I have done something stupid and can't remember anything the next day.


4,541 posts

153 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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red_slr said:
Spirits no problem, no hang over, no issue walking or talking. Even after sharing a bottle of Hennessy with a few friends.
Beer, 3 pints and I am feeling it - 4 or 5.... game over - sleep! Massive hang over next day.
Same here.
I used to have a few mad nights and could do nigh on a bottle of spirits on my own. Whiskey or brandy. I could still do it, but won't just for long term health reasons. Beer though, 3-4 max in a night.

so called

9,104 posts

211 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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DoodoolTala said:
nagsheadwarrior said:
My simple drinking rule-

Big glass good/little glass bad.

Just wish I could stick to it.

There has been no time in human history when Sambuca is ever a good idea!
Hahah I remember during my first year in uni, Sambuca was weirdly my favourite, to a point where I has a big bottle. One night for pre drinks my mate decided it would be good idea to do half a cup "shot" of Sambuca. I'm happy to say that was the last time I ever had Sambuca and even the memory of it haunts me to this day.

Back on subject, some days I can handle my drinks well and some days it's pretty bad and It gets to a point where I can't remember anything. My main problem is I usually tend to skip the tipsy stage where generally I tend to stop if I want to enjoy a night out because you can clearly remember everything but you have a good buzz and have fun, but like I said, most of the time I will be stone cold sober and then BAM fully knocked out drunk to a point where I know I have done something stupid and can't remember anything the next day.
laugh I had Sambuca for the first time in 1996 at 38 years old.
Sat at the bar in a German pub watching Germany play England and surrounded by Germany fans watching a big screen-
As I sat talking to my Wife on my cell phone, Shearer scored and I let out an involuntary "YES" and punched the air.
The German guy behind me tapped me on the should and said" AHH Englander, you drink with me, yes"?

Sometime later I was sat with my head/left cheek resting on the bar top and arms dangling by may side and several Germany laughing at me.
Good job the bar girl knew me and got me home smile


398 posts

169 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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I thought I could until the other half has to turn up only to find me staggering around the bar, alone, half naked and not too sure where I am... On a Thursday night.

I blame the restaurant for taking so long with the starters that I'd managed to finish a bottle of red on an empty stomach, it was all downhill from there.

As it was a works do my call on Friday morning stating I had food poisoning from the restaurant wasn't very well believed but fortunately met with amusement as it's the first time for me to let work down.


150 posts

153 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I'm proud to have done a 10 day stint in Magaluf with a small group of friends (3 guys and 2 girls) and be the only one not to have thrown up.My drink of choice at the time was sambuca out of a tall glass, we found putting it in the freezer for a few hours left it rather syrup like and mixed with ice cubes it was a refreshing drink in the sun! The 10 day stint in Tenerife with 21 other people (again a mixed group) a few months later was an entirely different affair! Both of these were the summer after finishing school and before starting uni.

Whilst at uni in Sweden it was my 21st birthday it was also the first night out getting to know my classmates. I can safely say the 3 students from Northern Ireland made a bit of an impression laugh all in a light hearted way all the same. Myself and my flatmate both awoke the next day to find empty wallets, besides the money we had especially set aside for the bus and bus tickets (confused) and in my case many credit card receipts. Both of us had horrendous hangovers but I think my flatmate got it worse, having spilt water over his new mac book and breaking it as well as having a hugely swollen ankle after falling pretty much as soon as entering the nightclub.

I generally don't throw up when drinking as I do know when enough is enough usually. I'm only 24 and have started to lower the amount I drink both before heading out and whilst in the bar/club. As for memory blanks, these happen to me the odd time and it's something I really do not like. Jagermeister is something that even a sniff of it makes me gag though.


4,105 posts

126 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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No, not really, but I can handle spirits much better than beer.

I don't get the bragging thing either - being able to drink more usually just means you're fat. Or have a certain blood type or something.


652 posts

161 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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I went through the "drinking to get drunk" stage until be early 20's. I can remember going to the cheapest pub, to drink as much of the cheapest pint (nearly always Ruddels) as possible, due to being skint. I used to be able to put 8 away without falling over/ruining my shoes.

Now, I try my hardest not to get pissed on nights out. I like a drink, But I enjoy the drinking part, the social element, and the flavour of whatever I am drinking, more than getting smashed.

Had 5-6 pints over 6 hours or so on Saturday, then stopped. About as much as I am happy to do now. No hangover.


1,095 posts

155 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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I could, up until April when I had my Gallbladder removed.
Now I get drunk pretty quickly and have 2 day hangovers frown


Although I know my limit so I don't get stupid drunk (falling over, falling asleep in bars, being sick, forgetting my name)

Edited by axgizmo on Monday 20th October 13:18


22,227 posts

235 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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I can handle my drink. Not in the sense of 24 pints o a Sunday lunchtime and then cycle home but in the sense that I can work out how much to drink to get me to and keep me at that 'happy' stage where you know that, if you life depended on it, you could operate heavy machinery without losing limbs but in the normal run of things are feeling "just a bit pissed" biggrin

The interesting facet of this is that I've had nights out where a few pints has been more than enough, and nights out where the drink has flowed all evening and well into the early hours with a bottle of bubbles and half a bottle of port being the main event with plenty of wine and the odd liquor to wash it down yet hardly felt as if it's touched me.

I honestly don't think that I have been 'who and I and where is my albatross?' drunk more than a couple of times in my life.

I'd never challenge anyone to a drinking competition though, that just would never end well, for a start I could be on one of my half a pint of shandy woofter days.