Naughtiest things you did as a child

Naughtiest things you did as a child


Riley Blue

21,118 posts

228 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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Not 'naughty' exactly (well perhaps) but damned stupid - we (me and a gang of seven year olds) used to sneak through the sand dunes north of Mablethorpe to the bombing range at RAF Theddlethorpe and sit and watch aircraft shooting up the targets a few hundred yards away. We were chased off when seen but always went back.

A couple of years later I lived near Swindon and used to put pennies on the railway line for trains to run over and flatten - until one time when a train was halted 'cos I'd been spotted hiding in the shrubs on the banking.

rowley birkin

490 posts

102 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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When I was 12 I made a small bolt bomb: 2 bolts screwed into a central nut containing explosive material. Throw device in air = loud 'bang' on landing. I never gave any thought to where the nut & bolts might end up (you don't think these things through properly when you are 12). Decided to use gunpowder that I had liberated from some of those circular plastic ' cap rings' for toy guns.

Took the unassembled components to school (didn't want to risk a detonation in my trouser pocket - I wasn't THAT stupid !) and sat in the PE changing rooms with my mates assembling the device ready to detonate in the playground at break time. As I was tightening the second bolt there was a loud explosion; I was temporarily deafened and enveloped in a cloud of smoke (thought I had gone to heaven for a moment). Looked at my hand and saw blood. My PE teacher took me to casualty in his Triumph Spitfire. I had stitches, a week off school and severe bkings from parents & year head. One of my mates suffered from ringing in his ears for several days.


11,317 posts

102 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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I was the first of my mates to pass my driving test and I used to tow my mates around town on their skateboards/inlines etc late in the evening, that was quite fun actually. I also acted as something of a "ski lift" when they wanted to see if they could skate all the way down a big hill near town, on a quietish evening and so I towed them all back to the top a few times; and then raced them down just coasting to the bottom of the hill. Again, never got caught, nobody died, but it would likely have been a bit of bother if we were caught.

Close to one fireworks night we found a box load of "toys" in a mates parent's garage, leftover from the previous owners. All the kind of usual junk, action men with only 1 arm. Come Bonfire night we tried to see which of these would work best when tied to the fireworks, not really realising the affect they would have on the trajectory which sent them much more "sideways" into his neighbours field and upsetting the cows...


21,775 posts

227 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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...another one... I just remembered - I broke into a military jet parked at RAF Acaster Malbis and sat in the cockpit pressing all the buttons for an hour or so. I would have been about 15 I suppose.

I've read all of the stories and, mine included, they are all pretty bad!

Biggles delivers the goods

90 posts

94 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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The boarding school I went to from 8-12 was bordered a large wood. We would constructed the most monumental bases in the evening/weekends, i'm talking several floors, walls made from sticks and mud. They were built for defence and to survive attacks from other gangs. We played this game called clay larkie which was basically molding a ball of clay/mud on the end of a long switch of willow and whipping at someone. These things would fly and really hurt when they hit, left a great bruise.

I also had a mate whose dad had tanks. His dad and one of his mates would drive them and we would shoot fireworks down the barrel, that was mega. tank

We also used to empty shotgun cartridges and take the gunpowder out to explode things,


950 posts

105 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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All sorts....

When i was about 5/6 my dad was building a shed in the garden, i'd picked up his hammer & was hitting a piece of wood with the hammer, however my younger brother put his finger in the way (he was about 4), bye, bye finger nail.
Again, this one involved my younger brother, we (a school mate & i), were playing 'it', running away from my brother, who was about 7 at this time, ran into another room & slammed the door behind me, friend dived through the gap, brother didn't stop & ran straight into the door handle, stitches in his head, loads of blood!
Trespassing in farmers hay barns - we'd throw a few loose bales of hay on the floor & jump off the top.
Wrecking a rival groups tree house.
I broke a few windows (accidentally) at primary school.


1,163 posts

186 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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I grew up in a wee town very popular with "yachties", who twice a year visited en masse during a regatta week. There were no marina/pontoons back then, so the yellow wellie brigade used to anchor in the bay and row their rubber dinghies in to the pub. Then after closing time wonder why all the dinghies had gone and there was a gaggle of laughing local teenagers nearby.

To be fair, we just relocated them all to one slipway. Apart from that one time that Stu tied them all together and left them out in the bay. Oops.


1,013 posts

157 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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Aged 6/7 in 1978/9 in belfast I was running after a 'enemy' who ran home threw the open front door and stright through the glass door into his living room. He was in a bad way tbh.
Aged 7/8 I managed to start and 'drive' a tractor from the council park at the end street through a fence only stopping when I hit a rather large tree
Aged 9 Parents moved out of belfast
Aged 9/10 on my grifter bike going to the shop at the bottom of the hill to find my brakes didnt work, So it was jam shoe in rear tyre and pray time. Stopped right on the white lines of the T junction onto the main 'B' road with a 30mph limit and a car coming over the biind brow of the hill at some speed. The car saw me broke and skidded into car dealership hitting several of the cars. I skedaddled up the road to my house.
Rolled a golf ball down the same road late at night only for a car to pull out of our houseing estate and the ball to crack his window.

aged 14, Moved to a little vilage by the sea, I bought my 1st motorbike (maico 250)to use on the beach and rocks, Used to take it to school via all the back roads and into the main town 3 miles away via the seafront

I blame the lack of socal media and playstations for my actions and the fact you were almost kicked out of the house to play and told to be back when the streetlights came on.

j4ckos mate

3,029 posts

172 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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invitied ourselves into some houses being done up,
liberated the internal doors for firewood. it was bonfire night the next day!

usual airgun stuff, chases off security guards etc etc
ring a door bell and run in the flats, ttrouble was we got cught one night and we handt actually done it,


2,098 posts

122 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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Getting one of those giant water balloon catapults that require three people (one to hold each handle, one to pull back the projectile). Filling balloons with paint. Targeting crowds of kids at our school from the other side of a building, about a football field away. Paint mortars.

Setting fire to a bag of st on a teacher's doorstep.

Hiding multiple open 6 pint milk jugs inside the wall, behind the panelling of a school building.

Finding groundskeepers keys and trashing the dining hall at 2am

Picking up the art teachers old Mini, and taking it to the top of a bank leading down to the cricket pitch - push.

Sounds council but was all done at boarding school.


8,847 posts

185 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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Magnifying glass/bright sun on the thick curtains in my school room.

Of course they caught fire, I was not supposed to in the room as it was lunch time. I managed to extinguish the flames and stop the smouldering and ran out of the room straight past the teacher who was coming to set the room up for the next lesson.

I thought I had got away with it as It was only a bit of smoke and was I not in the room anymore so how could it be me...

I had not, I was obviously the last person in there as I had been seen and anyway I soon "fessed up" once confronted.

Oddly though, nothing ever came of it and after the chat with the teacher everything carried on like it had never happened.


12,052 posts

171 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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Too many to mention!

Stuck a metal toy pistol in a bayonet light fixing & blew ours & weirdly our neighbours electrics.

Air rifle & Gat gun fights.

Dammed a shallow stream, did such a good job the farmer need his tractor/digger to shift it as nobody could cross it to walk their dogs any longer.

Caught my mates Dads static caravan yard on fire playing with petrol, could so easily have burned his van.

Stole shotgun cartridges from same Dad, cut the caps off & built an incinerator from breeze blocks into which the caps were thrown.

Played with fireworks many times, making mortar tubes was always a favourite!

Found a vibrator in a hedge, left it in a grumpy old neighbours letterbox, turned on of course.

Went through a hole in the fence of the local trout farm for a spot of out of hours fishing, got taken home in a Police car, parents were not impressed.

Going over the wall of a local pub to nick empty Corona bottles with the 10p refund, trying to get dregs from the beer barrels using straws while we were there!

Got totally stfaced & ended up in hospital, was so bad they didn't even stomach pump me, I had no reflexes apparently. Parents were so relieved I'd survived I didn't really get into trouble for it. Doctor told me I was probably 1 drink away from not waking up yikes

Hated school so rarely went, when my teacher asked why I used a valid medical issue as an excuse, got my Mum to write an open letter giving me as many days off as required (still not sure how I managed that, my mate would have forged one anyway)!

Turning off the mains gas & electric in a block of council flats just down the road, the council ended up boxing them in & keeping them locked.

The usual scrumping, knock on ginger, racing home made go karts on the roads, playing on corrugated garage block roofs etc!

Edited by LordHaveMurci on Friday 18th August 14:08


10,923 posts

190 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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Greshamst said:
Picking up the art teachers old Mini, and taking it to the top of a bank leading down to the cricket pitch - push.
In a similar vein, removing the wheels., front wings, bonnet, roof, bootlid and seats from the choirmaster's 2CV and leaving it wedged between 2 walls so even with the wheels back on he wouldn't have been able to move it.

Noone liked him much, for all the cliched but sadly true reasons you may expect for a choirmaster at a boys' public school.


18,444 posts

196 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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At about 11 or 12, a couple of friends and I spent our school lunch break shooting chalk across the deputy headmaster's classroom using a catapult (made as a history project).

He returned after lunch to a classroom that looked like a scene from North of The Wall. This was when corporal punishment was par for the course, so we had our backsides well and truly tanned for that little stunt.


4,281 posts

114 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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FoxtrotOscar1 said:
Anyone else slightly saddened that kids these days wont even contemplate doing a fraction of these things. frown
Yeah, there is 6 years between myself and my brother (I'm 23, he's 17) and it's nuts even the difference of being a '90s kid to a '00s kid. Like I remember having a PlayStation and spent a lot of time on it but whenever the weather was nice ish I was out with my mates getting up to tomfoolery, and when the weather was bad we would go to each other's houses and play splitscreen multiplayer. However he doesn't bother, online multiplayer totally negates the need to go to your mates, even in summer him and his mates seem to treat pissing about outside to be a chore.

Also all of a sudden things got 'more dangerous' I gave him my old dirtbike and all of a sudden riding about on a little 100cc at 13/14 is too dangerous because mum knows too many people who've gotten hurt etc etc.

I blame broadband, we got it in '07 (Yay rural Scotland), everything was so much more inconvenient before then which is what forced us all outside biggrin.


56 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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I stole a milkfloat from the dairy compound where it was charging, my friends did the same with 2 or 3 other milkfloats and then we smashed them into each other playing bumper cars. The eggs, milk, lemonade etc that was all loaded up ready for delivery was then launched all over the place, we really were a hateful little bunch of scrotes.

I was 13 and felt I was untouchable (I was a big lump for my age), I spent a morning in a freezing cell on a Boxing day with a big copper who pushed and shoved me about, shouted at me, swore at me, humiliated me and generally frightened the piss out of me.

I remember him telling me, there's two paths you can take, left is a lifetime of people like me kicking the st out of you in the cells or you can take the right path and make something of yourself and keep your nose clean.

My dad (he was a scrote at this age too, even did time at a borstal, but eventually grew out of it) was outside the cell, he'd told the copper to show no mercy before I went in for the interview.

It was proper rough justice, I never stepped foot out of line again and I never really saw that bunch of kids again, most of whom I believe continued their life of crime and then moved onto drugs etc as they got older.

If only plod could mete out a bit more punishment with today's scrotes.


3,985 posts

259 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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I shot out a street light at 40 metres with my air rifle from the bedroom window of my parents' police house.


3,985 posts

259 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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I threw a coil of wire over the overhead power cables running down a residential road with ensuing explosion and serious fireworks. About 5 dads stuck their heads out of the adjacent block of flats yelling at us thinking we'd thrown something at their window.


3,985 posts

259 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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A mate and I borrowed some railway detonators for a shed next to a train line. We hit them with a mallet in his back yard. Bloody hell, they're loud.


3,985 posts

259 months

Friday 18th August 2017
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My (female) cousin and I, aged maybe 13/14, used to play "searching". This involved secreting an item somewhere within our clothing and the other party had to find it. Inventive eh? Well our parents would have thought it very naughty anyway. Happy days.