Any other expectant Dads?

Any other expectant Dads?



3,335 posts

90 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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I live in hope of having a need for contraception!


4,274 posts

225 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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Well, st, we're officially 10 months in, and my idea to take 2 months of Shared Parental Leave has come around quicker than I thought!

So from Monday, the GF goes back to work, and I am having two months off to look after the nipper.

Feels totally mental, I haven't been away from work for longer than 2 weeks, in 20 years!

So... I've been given a baby recipe book and a week-by-week development book and told I need to get up to speed coffeereadit


342 posts

129 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Right, need the collective wisdom of dads here

We want to move away from the fancy expensive pram system (Egg2) to something easier to fold in the boot and travel with. Egg 2 is great but it's massive, doesn't fold flat without removing the solid seat/bassinet which itself doesn't fold and is extremely impractical (and stupidly expensive).

Wife doesn't understand why it takes me ages to research and I'm stuck between a few options. As long as baby doesn't moan and she doesn't have to fiddle around too much, I'll be a winner.

Requirements are
(1) easy to fold and put away (one handed is not a must but has to be simple)
(2) light'ish weight so SWMBO doesn't grumble about lifting into the booth
(3) compact enough so other stuff can fit in booth (BMW X3 family car)
(4) can handle reasonably rough terrain (not off road but more rough potholey pavements and dirt tracks through fields for the occasional 'country side' walk (but not muddy / boggy extreme)
(5) comfortable for the kid obviously and can lie flat for naps
(6) can fit a car seat (Cybex Cloud Z) as he is still under 1 year old and sometimes we move him when sleeping

I've seen the Babyzen YoYo but wheels are too small and only looks good for smoothest of surfaces.

So far looking at Bugaboo Bee 6 (a bit expensive) and Metro plus city stroller (has OK suspension).

Anyone been through the same and can recommend the right choice here?


38,528 posts

200 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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My choice is put up with it as they can walk soon enough.

We have an icandy thing from newborn that does seemingly fold flat? And then a cheap JOIE one from Argos for when total lightweight is required.

I see all these people spending £400 on ANOTHER pram and do wonder why, my son even at 2.5 wants to scooter most places now rather than pram.


342 posts

129 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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I get that but taking the egg anywhere is completely impractical as it fills the Booth and can't travel on flights with it so we are constantly borrowing a buggy.

I can sell this for what I paid for it as bought SH so not losing out in that sense.


443 posts

140 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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xerawh said:
Right, need the collective wisdom of dads here

We want to move away from the fancy expensive pram system (Egg2) to something easier to fold in the boot and travel with. Egg 2 is great but it's massive, doesn't fold flat without removing the solid seat/bassinet which itself doesn't fold and is extremely impractical (and stupidly expensive).

Wife doesn't understand why it takes me ages to research and I'm stuck between a few options. As long as baby doesn't moan and she doesn't have to fiddle around too much, I'll be a winner.

Requirements are
(1) easy to fold and put away (one handed is not a must but has to be simple)
(2) light'ish weight so SWMBO doesn't grumble about lifting into the booth
(3) compact enough so other stuff can fit in booth (BMW X3 family car)
(4) can handle reasonably rough terrain (not off road but more rough potholey pavements and dirt tracks through fields for the occasional 'country side' walk (but not muddy / boggy extreme)
(5) comfortable for the kid obviously and can lie flat for naps
(6) can fit a car seat (Cybex Cloud Z) as he is still under 1 year old and sometimes we move him when sleeping

I've seen the Babyzen YoYo but wheels are too small and only looks good for smoothest of surfaces.

So far looking at Bugaboo Bee 6 (a bit expensive) and Metro plus city stroller (has OK suspension).

Anyone been through the same and can recommend the right choice here?

Same position as you, we've got the Egg2, which was too big for the boot of the wifes Corsa really, so that now lives in my car.

Got a Didofy Aster 2 to use in the other car, one hand folding, folds up small, lightweight, straps are easily adjustable, handle is a good height for us (5' 8" & 5' 11")

Would recommend it. We needed thes second buggy really to solve the boot space issue/faff to put the Egg together when using the wife's car, and also for a pram to take on holidays.

Edit: not sure I'd recommend it for much other than using on a footpath though, the wheels are quite small..


4,184 posts

102 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Same first world issue here laugh

We got bugaboo, and it is OK so far, we have been using the car-seat for flying during holidays and the rest is just folding and going to baggage. Done a few flight so far, no issue, its been strong enough. A lighter, more practical one would be good but I agree with the gents here, I've said enough is enough and pushing the little dude to walk as soon as possible please.

I'm kind of fed up for buying baby crap. (last words nonohehe)


12,654 posts

173 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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How is everybody getting on with sleeping?Our lad is approaching 8 months.

We are still feeding at about 2200, then 0200 then 0600 (if we are lucky), for example last night he had 2200, 0130, 0250 then 0600. Luckily I'm on nights do didn't bother me, but bothers me when I'm on days and got to be up at 0500.

He's having solids during the day now apart from a bottle at 1200 after hes had some solids (generally goes for a sleep straight after).


38,528 posts

200 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Is he waking for the 10 or is that dream feed then you are woken for the other?

I’d be weaning off those now, start one at a time and reduce milk quantity/feeding time night by night. Couple of weeks you probably have no requirement to do either!

Took us 5 days to drop the 3am. Then looks like we waited two weeks and then took 3 or 4 days to drop the 10am. Best day of my life in recent years, Dec 30th 2020, was 5.5 months and it was the last time we fed at night.

I don’t really care how it comes across as I know some are precious on here, it isn’t a brag at all, just that it really ‘might’ be the straight forward for you, but you’ll never know unless you try - we have had to go into his room fewer than ten times in the night since. Give it a go before it’s too late and they’re too smart to be so easily duped. You will be amazed how much better life is with a decent nights kip and a reliable sleeper.


12,654 posts

173 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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The 2200 is usually when we put him down for his big sleep then we go bed as well.


443 posts

140 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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the-norseman said:
How is everybody getting on with sleeping?Our lad is approaching 8 months.

We are still feeding at about 2200, then 0200 then 0600 (if we are lucky), for example last night he had 2200, 0130, 0250 then 0600. Luckily I'm on nights do didn't bother me, but bothers me when I'm on days and got to be up at 0500.

He's having solids during the day now apart from a bottle at 1200 after hes had some solids (generally goes for a sleep straight after).
My daughters 10 months (in 3 days), she’s on 3 bottles a day now, one when she wakes up, small one at lunch and another just before bed. 3 “solid” meals a day too now.

We dropped the night feeds before 5 months, she stopped waking for them, which was a godsend!

She usually sleeps well unless she’s teething, or when she’s got covid like the last week! Normally in her cot by 7:30pm and awake by 6:30/7am


12,654 posts

173 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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We were on a good roll at 4 months then Covid struck and we have gone backwards since.


443 posts

140 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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I’m very much hoping this is a temporary blip!

We’ve been spoilt with pretty decent sleep so don’t want to go backwards!


4,184 posts

102 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Ours now 8.5 months old, goes to bad around 19.00 and takes us at least until 20.00 to put him into a sleep. Then he usually wakes after two or 1.5 hours later. Wants a cuddle and mini walk, than again max. 2 hours or so. A night feed (breastfeed) at midnight, and again max 2.5 hours sleep than 5a.m. full wake up. If we are lucky, he might go ack to sleep around 7.30 or 8.00 a.m. for an hour or so. We literally did not have any uninterrupted sleep since his birth, and professional sleep training will start next week shortlisted a lady finally and will follow her guidance.


342 posts

129 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Almost 8 month old here. We've just started sleep training but wife isn't fully sold and gets upset so I think its doing more harm. It's painful and seems like we are going backwards but reckon it's (a) both not being on samenpage and (2) bloody teething.

The advice above re slowly reducing quantity and frequency of nighttime feed is consistent with the advice in this training. We are at this stage but what's happened instead is bedtime has now vecome a battle when previously ot was easy.

MR2 Steve

333 posts

109 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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At 9 months we were still having disturbed sleep and waking every few hours for milk. We paid a sleep consultant and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. Within a week we were getting 12 hours sleep and have done ever since. It was about routine and teaching him to self settle to sleep rather than breastfeed to sleep like he had been used to.

Before we did this I thought sleep training was letting them cry but that’s not how we did it. It wasn’t even that hard. We just didn’t know how to sort it.

I have no affiliation. Just a happy customer.


38,528 posts

200 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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So how did they teach the child to self soothe?


4,184 posts

102 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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MR2 Steve said:
I have no affiliation. Just a happy customer.
Very interested in this, if you have time share please? We spent another night of waking up once every two hours, which has became a regular.


12,408 posts

264 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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the-norseman said:
How is everybody getting on with sleeping?Our lad is approaching 8 months.

We are still feeding at about 2200, then 0200 then 0600 (if we are lucky), for example last night he had 2200, 0130, 0250 then 0600. Luckily I'm on nights do didn't bother me, but bothers me when I'm on days and got to be up at 0500.
I am a believer in the leap system for baby mental development. I think 8 months is around leap 6.

At every leap point night-time sleep was a bust for us. If you get a bad teether, like my son was, expect additional fireworks from around 9 months for up to another year after that. My son had fevers, crapped so hard during the night the nappy broke multiple times, also puking all over the cot at 2am, the lot.

So yeah, it can be rough at 8 months but it can get even rougher until they hit almost two.


342 posts

129 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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xerawh said:
Right, need the collective wisdom of dads here

We want to move away from the fancy expensive pram system (Egg2) to something easier to fold in the boot and travel with. Egg 2 is great but it's massive, doesn't fold flat without removing the solid seat/bassinet which itself doesn't fold and is extremely impractical (and stupidly expensive).

Wife doesn't understand why it takes me ages to research and I'm stuck between a few options. As long as baby doesn't moan and she doesn't have to fiddle around too much, I'll be a winner.

Requirements are
(1) easy to fold and put away (one handed is not a must but has to be simple)
(2) light'ish weight so SWMBO doesn't grumble about lifting into the booth
(3) compact enough so other stuff can fit in booth (BMW X3 family car)
(4) can handle reasonably rough terrain (not off road but more rough potholey pavements and dirt tracks through fields for the occasional 'country side' walk (but not muddy / boggy extreme)
(5) comfortable for the kid obviously and can lie flat for naps
(6) can fit a car seat (Cybex Cloud Z) as he is still under 1 year old and sometimes we move him when sleeping

I've seen the Babyzen YoYo but wheels are too small and only looks good for smoothest of surfaces.

So far looking at Bugaboo Bee 6 (a bit expensive) and Metro plus city stroller (has OK suspension).

Anyone been through the same and can recommend the right choice here?

Just want to see if anyone else has suggestions. Stroller to be bought on weekend.