Modern single women



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214 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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NRS said:
Rich, to be honest though, you are complaining about there being no one good out there... yet complaining girls are doing the same thing?
I know what you mean.

I think it's a bit more nuanced.

I'm not saying there AREN'T women of a reasonable quality out there. I'm baffled as to why these presumably intelligent, hard working, interesting women are knocking back anyone slightly below perfect billionaire level. confused

I get the whole "Men look for fertility, Women look for security" aspect. That is hard wired into both sexes. But when and more curiously why did MSW>30 change form being normal to having unrealistic expectations?

Ari said:
So don't go out with those ones, go out with nice ones. That might be the girls that don't look like supermodels, but so what? They're much nicer to be with.

Try dating those.

Honestly. I give up with people like you. Who cannot understand the whole damn point. This isn't about guys chasing supermodels. IT IS NOT ABOUT THAT! It's not about fat guys with nothing to show for themselves trying to pull Doctors.

It's about guys who have their st together, have a nice life, career, home, hobbies, whatever. They are all perfectly normal. They meet a MSW>30 (I'm patenting that biggrin ) Who doesn't have any of those things. And gets rejected for some bizarre detail because "I'm not going to settle for less"

IT IS BIZZARE. And thus far. No one (Ari et al) who assume it's the guys fault has managed to explain WHY MWS>30's act like this?

On a side note, I lowered my Tinder criteria to 26. TWELVE years below my own age! (Feels a bit risqué!) I'm getting matches. Surely the MSW>30s realise that as they get older, they start to lose the opportunities?


Edited by Rich_W on Sunday 19th March 17:06


Original Poster:

12,548 posts

214 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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motco said:
steveatesh said:
Possibly wanted their princess ego stroked by talking to a guy who then asks them out, ego stroked for them job done, move onto next one or come back when it needs stroking again...? Just a hypothesis of course, other reasons could apply....
That sounds credible; a reassurance that they still 'have it'.
And they'll still "have it" when they buy the 8th kitten for their flat laugh

RicharDC5 said:
andy-xr said:
Kind of nails it for me really.

OP - let's be honest. You're fking boring. You go to work early, you work hard, you want people to like you, you're probably courteous and think you're being gentlemanly (girls think it's a bit creepy but you seem harmless) and you set a bar of what your match should be. You dont sound the type to smack a girl on the arse and she'll blush and wait for you to kiss her, you're more likely to ask permission and then note down the interaction in a pocket notebook

So, hankering after Snapchat Filter girls and getting pissy about it really is just whining and looking in the wrong places. You're not going to be at all interesting to this type of girl, while they're planning their next holiday to Ibiza (7th year on the trot!), you're never going to see that as a good use of your time and start worrying incase you're back late and cant take an extra day off from work. Leave 'em to is, I'm sure you have enough things to worry about that these girls dont need to be one of them.

The sort of girl you're likely after, and it sounds like your clock is ticking, is probably going to be on her third or fourth love, might have already settled down once and it hasnt worked out, has probably had many stty relationships before you and is going to be a bit cold to start with. Yet you have seemingly high expectations that you yourself cant match in a fair trade. You dont have the pulling power to get who you want.

Stop being a whiney and start accepting who you are and who others are rather than what they can do for you.
Well that's a pleasant response to a lighthearted thread hehe
laugh I do love being shouted down by unknowing white knights who chose their username after a rusty 1980's Ford. I'm not worried, I imagine like Ari et al earlier he's single. laugh

EDIT. I notice he has twice as many posts than me in less time. I must be so boring compared to him biggrin

I'm more irritated that like so many on here, he hasn't GOT the purpose of this thread. He assumes like the earlier poster that it's all about fat boring guys with no options and Fords XR3's chasing Emily Ratatjkowski. (Or bizarrely selfie pouty snapchatters - Which I don't think the guys here are. confused

Being a white knight means you wont even entertain the idea that the girl in question is contributing to the situation. Their mangina ways find it better to blame the guy. laugh It's all about smacking her arse and not writing down "smack her arse" confused There was me thinking it was about eating her pussy like a starving guy feasting, making her squirt and then tonguing her arse... hehe

GroundEffect said:
Dating for a girl is a buyer's market. For every attractive, intelligent and interesting girl you have 20 guys chasing her down.

And women know this and act accordingly, either consciously or subconsciously.
That's probably most of it. Plus the proliferation of White knights.

GroundEffect said:
And the posts above complaining about girls wanting perfection...And at the very same time shooting down options to MEET girls because they won't be ideal is just...Lol.
I tend towards the notion that if you want a certain type of girl that judges you on your wallet or career. You go to the aforementioned places which are frequented by those girls. So the question I guess is where do you go instead?

GroundEffect said:
Maybe you just aren't much of a catch? I know I'm not and react accordingly.
Maybe you're doing yourself down. Maybe you're not the problem. Maybe you are worth more...

Edited by Rich_W on Sunday 19th March 20:48


Original Poster:

12,548 posts

214 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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-Pete- said:
No offence intended but I think Paul500 and Rich_W are going to struggle to find what they're looking for. If their 'live' persona is even close to what they write on here, a MSW of any worth is going to run a mile.
Insert Facepalm meme here -->

You don't get it either. I don't care if a girl rejects me. That's what equality is all about. It has however gotten to a point where I question if it's worth actively pursuing girls. If it happens it happens. I concentrate on myself more nowadays. I don't do things to try and pander to what a girl might like. If a girl is interested great, if not, no worries.

I find it odd that MSW>30 reject EVERYONE. THIS was the point of the thread.

Do try and keep up. Or maybe take off the White knight armour.

Years back I went on a night out with a girl-friend (ie a mate) and her 4 girl mates. (I must have looked like a proper pimp only guy in a group of 6 biggrin ) I liked one of them and dropped some hints. But she wasn't interested in me.

Fine, her right.

She runs a small business. She had bought her own flat. She has a brain. She's perfectly pleasant. No weirdness that I know of. We're Facebook friends and even now and then over the last years we'd see each other at mutual events and have a chat.

Since then she has not had a SINGLE boyfriend. I've seen her pics on POF and Tinder, since she lives about 2 miles from me and is in the same age range.

Why would she not find ANYBODY to have even a casual relationship with in that time?
Why would the girl Emily in the video in the original post. Not be able to find a guy to be in a relationship with?
Why do the girls that Paul500 is referring to, who re-initiate conversations then go instantly quiet when he suggests a drink?

To all you guys saying that me, Paul500, RicharDc5 etc are idiots. (paraphrasing)

Explain to us WHY MSW>30 are moaning about not finding a suitable guy and not "settling for less" They aren't running a mile from me. They are running a mile from EVERYONE

Apart from perhaps Tom Hardy, apparently he's OK, and once they meet him it will be happily ever after...

Edited by Rich_W on Sunday 19th March 23:33

Edited by Rich_W on Sunday 19th March 23:33


Original Poster:

12,548 posts

214 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Nanook said:
...but as someone that has a wife...
Why would you get married in the world we live in today? When the inevitable divorce comes. You WILL lose so much! Worse if there are children involved. I would say of the people I've watched get married in the last 10 years (of all types and backgrounds and even parts of the world) 2/3rds-3/4s of them are divorced. For a variety of reasons.

DuncanM said:
Who are any of us, to demand that Women (or Men) behave in a particular way?
Of course not. I find the behaviour odd though, hence the thread.

DuncanM said:
I don't see it as a gender issue, I see dickish behaviour from both Men and Women.
As I alluded to earlier, this trait of only searching out perfection, seems in the main to be a female trait more so than guys. But I suspect that's the old "Women seeking security". "Men seeking fertility" thing. Id argue it's also more a lady thing since the number of guys earning X amount of having Y career. Is LOWER than number of girls who guys want to date/shag.

andy-xr said:
She wanted to feel that feeling and didnt want to settle for something average.
Seeking perfection, when you aren't perfect yourself, will inevitably leave anyone disappointed.

andy-xr said:
.. and you hope she dies alone and fk her and the horse she rode in on.
Go fk yourself! I don't HOPE she dies alone. What a y thing to say! rolleyesmad

andy-xr said:
White Knight was your label, I dont really think it fits because it's just a word you like the sound of so try to apply it to various scenarios hoping it'll fit one.
It fits you because you attack me and the other guys who've seen this "phenomenon" and query it. But defend girls honour who you've never met. You took the bloggers word as gospel. What if she's lying? What if she's the problem to why she can't find a partner? Did that occur to you? laugh

andy-xr said:
they want to be picky. Who're you to argue with what someone else wants?
I'm not arguing what they should do confused I'm saying it's a hiding to nothing to dismiss 99.999999% of the population. I think it's daft and surely they as intelligent girls should realise that.

andy-xr said:
You've chosen not to dip your wick in company ink. I think that's daft, but thats where we are. Seeing as you've had a run of them recently I'd hope that you can see that jobs dont last forever.
Thanks for the background check. Is this in addition to the work one I passed a while back? rolleyes

andy-xr said:
why do you need to know what the 1 thing (it might not have been 1 btw it could just be a general 'not for me') was? For you to try and change it, or for you to somehow make a point that this 1 thing isnt such a big deal and she should get over it?
It was a joke FFS! Whooosh parrot required?

otolith said:
Or just window shopping. I think there is less social and economic pressure to couple up - particularly on women in the latter case - than there used to be.
I don't fully agree with you. Whilst I agree there's less pressure to be in a relationship. There's the pressure to produce children. Particularly if the parents would quite like to be grandparents. (My parents love spoiling their grandchildren)

This pressure comes from family / friends and also nature making it more difficult at an later age to conceive.

TwistingMyMelon said:
1. You over analyse dating and women far far too much, do you work with Excel for a living?

2. You are a stalker

3. How the fck do you know how many dates/relationships she has had during this period?
1) It's a interest certainly. I guess its amateur psychology in a way. I didn't realise we all had to be interested in the same things. Maybe whatever you are into would be boring to me and everyone on this thread. And No to Excel.

2) Not often

3) I dunno, maybe I talk to her and her friends from time to time. Damn this thing called communication laugh My mate says other girl doesn't date anyone. She has offered to set me up with her. (Ive politely pointed out she wasn't interested in me years ago why would that change laugh ) My mate invited me to an event a while back simply because "this girl will be there" (I was 'busy')

GroundEffect said:

Rich, take a look at what you're writing and how it comes across to others. It's a bit pathetic.
Of all the people to agree with. laugh Even people who don't accept my pov, are better than XR boy. laugh

It's only pathetic if you can't understand the question being asked and get sidetracked with your own preconceived notions as to what you THINK is being asked.

For clarity and to rephrase it.

"Why do MSW>30 now only seek (near) perfection from a partner? Why can't they see that it severely limits their options for partners and I guess happiness"

And as a separate part to the question.

"Has this trend in MSW>30 meant that more guys over 30 are MGTOW / Neomasculine. Since they are thinking Why do I want to be in a relationship with a girl like that?"

Sa Calobra said:
danllama said:
Ultimately, this thread is depressing.
It started off funny now it's arguing.
I know it was Ari, 2cv, Andy XR and a few other white knights who stormed the compound and decided (with no real evidence) that this was full of sad guys who were berating women for not sleeping with them. confused Probably cause they are a bit thick and it mirrored their own lives.

When in fact it was guys saying "why would I want a MSW>30 ?"
"I cant find anyone decent" which is what it degenerated into

Then it all fell to ratst around p2/3 because people who hadn't read the whole thread started posting based on the same incorrect assumption.

Was ok whilst it lasted. laugh


Original Poster:

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214 months

Tuesday 21st March 2017
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AyBee said:
Except I think you've fixated on the wrong bit - I don't think Rich is remotely bothered about being rejected, he's just pointing out that she's still there months later having increased her age criteria to try and meet more men. Either she's going on lots of dates but just hasn't found the right guy, or she's being extremely picky, looking for every aspect of the men she dates to be perfect and isn't ever going to find a guy who meets her criteria because her criteria just aren't realistic for what she brings to the table.
Honestly mate. Give it up. They won't have it. They are either deliberately being obtuse. Or so blinded by pussy that they will NEVER accept women are anything less than perfect. The white knight runs strong... laugh

andy-xr said:
... While we're here why wont these examples here, these fussy bhes, why havent they gone out with me?'
Post quotes please. Direct quotes with page numbers where I've said THAT.

And btw. REMEMBER that the example I used and you quoted earlier. WAS A JOKE that your autistic screeching failed to get laugh

I have not worried about a girl rejecting me in the last 10 years. And there must have been at least 200. Meh. I pointed that out earlier, but you skipped that because it doesn't fit your narrative that I'm somehow bitter about being rejected. laugh

Disastrous said:
I got married last year (to a German girl, ironically)
How do you marry ironically? biggrin

Disastrous said:
My suspicion here, which is borne out by the tone of his posts, is that the OP simply isn't very funny. That's what girls actually like. It's not really about 'status' and job security and just because somebody posts something about not dating under men who aren't rich with a six pack on Facebook, doesn't make it actually true. Pretty sure I declared I would only settle down with Jet from Gladiators and yet now my lie is exposed for what it was...

Make 'em laugh, as the saying goes. And also, don't try and meet them in ste clubs full of scummers. I spent many years as an actor/musician so was completely skint with no security to offer and went out with loads of women who earned more and had better jobs than me and it's honestly never been an issue. I'm pretty happy in my own skin and don't need people to 'recognise my status' so perhaps that helps?

Honestly, good craic and charm gets you far further than a Golf R on a lease IMO. Nothing to do with white knights or picky women.
I'd like to agree. Only as a recent date said literally within 5 mins. "You're much funnier in person!" To which I rather sadly replied. "I said Funny on my profile! What did you think it meant laugh "

I don't agree with the rest. And here's why.


Looks, Money, Status matter far more to these women. FOr all sorts of reasons. But it;s the whole "seeking security" thing. I think it's ridiculous. Since they are chasing perfection (I think I may have said this earlier :bulb:

Certainly my girl-friends who are married when they were younger don't subscribe to it. So it seemed to me to be something that becomes onset after 30. Which was where this thread was headed before the autistic white knights turned up...

I'd wager the vast majority of girls you met when you were singing/acting were under 30? Id suggest that you have "status" as an entertainer which makes up for not having a Ferrari.

SKP555 said:
You need to get them in their late 30S.

All that's really happened is that the prissy, high expectations of girls in their early 20s has been extended by another decade or so.

Once the theme tune of Friends fades out and the ticking of the biological clock grows louder they tend to wise up a bit.
a) Thanks for actually understand the thread unlike the thickos laugh

b) Quite probably.

DuncanM said:
Yep, the more he writes, the more I hear 'boo hoo hoo, girls I fancy don't fancy me back'

Facepalm. Yep. You heard something that wasn't there...

Sa Calobra said:
Every girl bar one I'd class as long-term great material. That one girl who wasn't loved attention, got the glimpse and I ended it. She went onto gain a reputation.
I'm no lothario. I would say my "number" is around 15ish. I'm almost the opposite of you. Only maybe 2 were long term marriage material. And even then is was possibly right person, wrong time.

Not a dig, (since that's reserved for the dumb s who cant understand the thread) You probably had more long term options. So why did none of them work out?

Vocal Minority said:
The over-whelming advice I am hearing on this thread is - 'don't better yourself, go out of your way, make more effort - just bide your time and their expectations will soon lower and they'll settle for you. Just you hang in there Captain Mediocrity!'

I'm sure that isn't what you mean....but it really sounds like that!

Obviously improving your career or interests of whatever is a good way to spend your time. The whole NeoMasculine mantra (which I don't subscribe to btw) thing is to give up chasing women and do that sort of thing for YOU.

(Unless you were the poster earlier who said you should go out drinking when you have work the next day, since you don't need sleep. rolleyes )

Eventually the MSW>30 will lower their standards or they'll buy the first cat wink And of course any one of the manginas on here would be more than happy to take them. But as a personality streak the level of narcissism will still be obvious, they will resent having to settle and most people will be turned off by it. "seeing the mental"

otolith said:
Lots of women (and men) have no desire to have children and have rejected what social pressure there is to do so. I feel that way. My late wife felt that way. I have friends who feel that way (and were expressing that view 25 years ago in their late teens).
I'm not sure it's lots of Women. Certainly some. Men maybe more so. Myself included because a) They are too damn expensive these days and b) Id be a ste parent laugh

Why did your wife not want kids? (If you don't mind, since I note the word 'late' there.)

Nanook said:
So you want a woman that's not shallow, doesn't like going to pubs and clubs, isn't interested in how tall you are, or what you do for a living, and doesn't want to marry you.

You need a hooker, and to deal with the fact that you can't always get what you want.
So much confusion in 1 post.
a) Who said doesn't go to pubs/clubs? I said I'd like someone who "isn't like the majority of MSW>30s in clubs". But as ever, keep misinterpreting.
b) Too tight to pay for a hooker biggrin
c) "you can't always get what you want" Isn't that EXACTLY what I was saying about these MSW>30? laugh If only that was my point all along rolleyes

conkerman said:
Pistonheads - Misogyny Matters.
And there it is.

Whenever guys question anything about Women and their motivations or opinions. Eventually a White Knight will defend the honour of women by crying


I feel that's where I bow out of this thread. smile