Do you answer your front door?

Do you answer your front door?



Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2017
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I did not know this at all, but apparently not answering the door if you aren't expecting someone is 'a thing these days'. A very common 'thing' seemingly.

I just watched a random Buzzfeed News video entitled 'Do millennials answer the doorbell?', and the vast majority of the people interviewed said they wouldn't. There was an awful lot of reasons about people frightened of being murdered, talked to about Jesus, having to interact with strangers etc.

Then I browsed the comments on the video, and found almost everyone claiming they never answer the door, and said things like 'Hell no, I never answer the door', 'I might be murdered', 'I don't like to speak to people I don't know', and a few comments about people coming round without 'texting first' being incredibly rude.

I thought all this was quite staggering, and news to me.

I always answer my front door, and can't think of a reason not to. The last few unexpected knocks on the door I received were my neighbours telling me they were going away and would I mind keeping an eye on their place, the gardener calling round to collect his money, and various friends and family calling round on the offchance that I was in.

Maybe I'm just strange and people really don't answer the door anymore?

If people are genuinely worried about interacting with random strangers, or anxious at the thought of unexpected friends or family calling round, then I think there are mental issues there and they need to seek help.

As for people claiming to be 'too frightened' to answer the door, I don't know where to begin. This is England, not a rough part of Downtown L.A.

Do you answer the door?


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2017
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Jonmx said:
I can't imagine why you wouldn't answer the door, might be someone telling you that your roof's on fire or something along those lines.
You have just reminded me that what you have described actually happened to a friend of mine. His neighbour woke him up at 2am to tell him his garage was on fire. His garage is attached to his house, so it's just as well he was a 'door answering type'.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2017
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alorotom said:
Have to admit we never answer the door at all
What if it is your friends, family or a neighbour? This is the bit I don't understand.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2017
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I check through the spy hole to have an idea who is there, but can't recall not answering it

I have been known to simply close it again without saying a word if the caller's purpose is of no interest


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2017
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Robertj21a said:
Why ?

If I'm not expecting somebody then why should I open the door to the inevitable caller who isn't wanted ?
Because it might be one of your friends or family?

Or perhaps a neighbour that needs your help or something?

Surely not everyone who knocks on your door "isn't wanted" just because you aren't expecting them?


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2017
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Johnnytheboy said:
Of course I answer my front door.

I'm not some paranoid internet loon.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 3rd August 2017
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Some Gump said:
Lord Marylebone said:
Do you answer your front door?
I only let people in the back door.
Did we both go to the same private school?


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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I normally open the door unless I'm otherwise engaged. We have a peep hole and also a No Cold Callers sign, so I can filter out any undesirables. In the day time it is pretty much always deliveries for us or neighbours. I used to feel sorry for the poor underpaid drivers, but having had rather large parcels for neighbours sat in the hallway for over a week, I am feel less charitable than I was.
My neighbour never answers her front door and opens her kitchen window instead, using the excuse that she can't find the key. I think it has more to do with my post in the bailiff's thread actually ...


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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Its a door knock not a summons!

I always screen door knockers just as I did back in the days when I had a answering machine on my landline. Technology makes it easier. Those who are expected use the side door.

I would have one of these, but the wife wasn't keen.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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wiggy001 said:
Riley Blue said:
Rawwr said:
I'm genuinely staggered by this thread. I had no idea that people didn't answer their doors.
Same here. I'll take in parcels and tell delivery drivers I'm happy to do so, it's called 'neighbourliness'. I'll go and deliver them when I see the neighbours return rather than expect them to call for them - why wouldn't I? We know all our neighbours by name, take their bins in if they're away and help them in other ways too - my immediate neighbour mows my front lawn, I help him with D-I-Y jobs or with his cars - why wouldn't I?

Not answering the door...? FF'sS - what is happening to the human race...?
Must admit, that was my first thought too.
There must be a complete lack of community where some people live. I'm not surprised really, reading on here about people's distrust of everyone else and the feeling that strangers are out to rob them or blow them up or just bludge off them through benefits. hehe

People posting about neighbours parking or kids playing outside or secret signs on walls and desperately wanting to live away from others or have 'exclusive' gated developments.

Some of you need to get out more and meet people where you live. Humans aren't supposed to be living in ones and twos hiding from strangers and as a result, distrusting everyone. It's simply not healthy,


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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Riley Blue said:
Same here. I'll take in parcels and tell delivery drivers I'm happy to do so, it's called 'neighbourliness'. I'll go and deliver them when I see the neighbours return rather than expect them to call for them - why wouldn't I? We know all our neighbours by name, take their bins in if they're away and help them in other ways too - my immediate neighbour mows my front lawn, I help him with D-I-Y jobs or with his cars - why wouldn't I?

Not answering the door...? FF'sS - what is happening to the human race...?
I am lucky, I don't have to do faux neighbourliness, the way my house is situated related to the neighbours properties means I have never seen any of them since I moved in 4 yrs ago and similar for the past two houses. Works for me.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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ASA569 said:
I'm amazed too people assume I don't answer my door because I'm scared to. It's almost like they can't grasp the concept of having two doors to a house.

Just to reiterate, friends, family and the neighbours all know to use the side door and regularly do so. The only people who knock on the front door are delivery drivers and sales people/someone trying to get me to sign up to something I don't want. I know when I'm expecting a delivery and will answer then but if not I don't. Why would I waste my time going to the door only to tell someone no thanks?
Yours is a bit of an odd example though. You're saying you don't answer the front door but you don't actually use it. hehe


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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Disastrous said:
hyphen said:
Disastrous said:
I had similar recently - a parcel of mine was left with a neighbour who was obviously in and not answering. I just kept on ringing until she answered. Then I very politely explained which flat I was from, showed her the card the driver had left and asked if I could get my parcel please? She then went all ridiculous and tried to claim she hadn't heard the door etc etc. Idiot. I haven't got the patience for these scared people.

Most people would assume she was in the shower/bath/watching adult movies nude or otherwise engaged and leave it for another time.
I could hear her wandering about and the kids playing. Who watches adult movies in the nude, in the shower with the kids??
It did sound a bit odd though. If you knew someone was deliberately not answering the door but you kept ringing the doorbell. I would have assumed she/he was busy and come back later.

Perhaps you desperately needed your delivery or something and we're being unfair?


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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I don't get the obsession with opening the door to randoms. I aint shaking with fear or hyperventilating its very easy to ignore people, if your not expected your not welcome. I do sociable on my terms or when I am being paid to do so.

No I won't take your delivery, order your goods to be delivered when your in, just like I do, I have no kids or dogs so have zero need to socialise with those that live locally or have the cheek to hammer on my door.

The last one I did answer wasn't worth it, some fat lass with clipboard who had been around 6 times before, when I did open the door, she threatened me with a £1000 fine for not registering to vote, and to tell me why I should vote, I offered to pay the 1k if she would never darken my door again. She said it didn't work like that so I agreed to register but told her not to send me any voting papers as I wasn't interested. They still get sent.

I need to make some more money so I can buy a house with a moat.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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DELETED: Comment made by a member who's account has been deleted.
What is it with you weirdos with ample time to spare answering the door to all and sundry.

I don't see the need to get off my arse to satisfy your obsession with human interaction, I have a camera/doorbell thing and equally it doesn't cost a penny to be rude to someone.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 4th August 2017
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never, same as land line, my mobile for calls and front door only if i know a delivery is coming.

Edited by The Spruce goose on Saturday 5th August 00:54


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 5th August 2017
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Blakewater said:
What are you trying to avoid by not being registered to vote?
Simply, lazy avoidance of the democratic process. I can guarantee that whether I vote or not, lying, useless cocksuckers will get elected. I am now registered I just won't be taking part. Like I said to the fat lass with a clipboard paying 1k for all that crap to stop would be ideal.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 5th August 2017
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Get a front door that opens outwards

That surprises them!


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 5th August 2017
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Disastrous said:
Do you mean 'curtains', you awful gypsy!? 'Nets', ffs...


I can almost smell the Lambert & Butler.


Anyway, this thread has been really quite the eye opener.

When I started the topic I genuinely thought PH would be a community of fairly normal people who open their doors and speak to other humans, but it appears I am grossly mistaken!

We have had just about every cringe inducing and often tinfoil hat reason for not answering the door.

Thankfully the thread has been rescued slightly by a good helping of sane people.

Unknown numbers occasionally calling your mobile have got a bit of an airing as well, and I have to say, I simply answer them. It's almost always just a company that I've previously had a service provided by, and I simply take 10 seconds of my time to tell them "No thanks, and hang up". The same as if someone comes to my door from a charity or similar, I simply say "No thank you" and close the door. It really is that simple.

I don't get annoyed, I don't foam at the mouth, I don't hide behind the sofa, I simply speak to them for those few seconds.

The other point is that I could go round to any of my friends or families houses, right now, totally unannounced, knock on the door and they would simply answer it, you know... like a normal person would! Not one of them would sit there, hidden in their house waiting for me to go away.

Probably the best way to sum up all this door answering stuff is a great clip from The IT Crowd, featuring the socially awkward, nerdy, possibly autistic, Maurice Moss:

Edited by anonymous-user on Saturday 5th August 10:33


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 6th August 2017
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Xaero said:
About the only time I don't is if I'm on the throne.
I was sat on my throne a few weeks ago when the door bell went. I was engrossed in a good book at the time, so wasn't inclined to crimp the cable any earlier than I had too. Only problem was I was in the downstairs throne room, next to the front door, with the window open. Next thing I know, posties hand comes through the window and placed a parcel on the window sill eek