Local recycling centres

Local recycling centres


Spare tyre

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Sunday 29th December 2019
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Not been to one for a year, but a year ago I was there at least 3 times a month

Starting work on our house again soon and was interested to see this story


It’s interesting, but ultimately I think it will lead to more dumping in country lanes. If I’d spent an hour or so loading up the car and then arrived to be told it was a fiver, I could see why people who see red and dump it elsewhere

My local tip were excellent a few years ago, their anpr flagged me making unusually high visits (moving houses) and they understood and let me get on

How’s your local tip, still a good alpha male day out?

Spare tyre

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132 months

Sunday 29th December 2019
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Fast Bug said:
Funnily enough I thought this would be Hampshire. I change cars every 3 or 4 months, so will need to keep updating my car which is annoying.

A while back I tried to get rid of some tiles when we did our bathroom, the tio refused to take them. They told me I had to bag them up, take them to another tip 20 miles away and pay £5 a bag. They went in my household bin split over 2 bin days in the end. They really don't help themselves do they?
Have a read here about changing cars


Interesting how it’s not linked to the DVla, would be interesting to see if it validates numberplates, or if you can just make one up

The Hampshire system seems like a rush integration at the moment, but I guess it has scope to be a bit more complex and integrated

Spare tyre

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132 months

Sunday 29th December 2019
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Fast Bug said:
Funnily enough I thought this would be Hampshire. I change cars every 3 or 4 months, so will need to keep updating my car which is annoying.

A while back I tried to get rid of some tiles when we did our bathroom, the tio refused to take them. They told me I had to bag them up, take them to another tip 20 miles away and pay £5 a bag. They went in my household bin split over 2 bin days in the end. They really don't help themselves do they?
I had exactly the same thing with tiles, had them all in erde 102 trailer (small Halfords job) was told it needed to be bagged, how big is a bag I enquired, bit of back and forth and the guy agreed it could be a builders tonne bag thing. Start the mental thing of transferring them in the car park to a builders bag, got told to move on by a different bloke

Drive round the corner and finish the transfer over, drove back only to be told that bag was too large

Took them home to sulk, where they remained for an age. I had started to slowly deposit them into my home bin, but then thankfully a neighbour had a skip and let me put em in there

Spare tyre

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132 months

Sunday 29th December 2019
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HTP99 said:
This sort of thing could potentially screw me if it came into effect in Surrey as I have a company demo which can be different from one day to the next, the wife has a Fiat 500 which would be useless on a dump run.

I was caught out about a year ago on my day off (Tuesday), we had a double bed to get shot of so I took it apart in the garden, loaded the car up and off I went to the tip........ the opening hours and days had changed; it was no longer open on a Tuesday!

I had to go elsewhere, not a massive issue but still a pain!
Our house came fully furnished from the previous fella who had died

Sold loads of his stuff for a fiver / tenner on gumtree

Beds seemed in demand

Thankfully we had dry space outside to put it so people could collect and it wasn’t in they way

It’s amazing what you can shift on gumtree / similar sites

Saved a lot of tip trips smile

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 30th December 2019
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I just love how unjoined up the thinking is from council to council. You think it’d be better if we all worked together as a single country and looked at the bigger picture!

Spare tyre

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Monday 30th December 2019
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I always think there is an excellent opportunity for young offenders to do their community service at tips, sorting stuff

Each be given a pile of ste to sort and if there are issues with it (wrong sorting) their day of work isn’t knocked off their total. If they don’t turn up etc, they get extra days added

Would give them purpose and help focus their minds rather than the usual issues that drag em down

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 30th December 2019
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Sonie said:
this is the charges for dumping in a Bucks Council refuse centre

£10 to dump a toilet or £20 a boiler. Take a shed and that will be £17.50
Interesting, I’m going to stop complaining about my tip!

The vast majority of that I’d Ben smashing up and binning over a few weeks!

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 30th December 2019
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Also, the fact that they charge for things like radiators is odd. They are a nice money maker to weigh in, surely they’d want as many of them as they can

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 4th August 2020
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Just checked, in Hampshire you have to book now, earliest now (it’s Tuesday) is Friday. Sadly my car is too tall now!

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 15th January
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As of 1st jan 23 you have to book again in Hampshire, that said it was quiet when I went

Could get same day appointment

Spare tyre

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Monday 15th January
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andygo said:
We have the booking system in MK, always seems pretty quiet. Whats happened to all the people who cluutered up the tip pre the booking system? I can't believe they all fly tip or that thier houses are rammed to the rafters with crappage like one of those occasional hoarders you occasionally hear about?
My elderly folks would historically make a special trip to take an old toaster to the tip.

Lots of “where’s does this go mate? In the electrical skip? Is that the one full of cardboard or garden waste” etc etc

Now they’ll save it up and I’ll get rid of it. I personally store stuff up, give my neighbours a few days notice and do it in a onner

In 2012 when I purchased a furnished house from a dead old boy, we were at the tip every other day for a month or so. There were around 10 spaces for cars, typically 2 of these had regulars there who were bored / lonely / sifting through stuff, which is great when you take 30 mins to get in.

I also think the local fella on Facebook who will collect you junk has taken a reasonable amount of tip traffic away, we won’t discuss the local country lane hedge rows

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 15th January
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Our tip did have a live cam around 2018, gone now

One in Southend.

What a time to be alive

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 15th January
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119 said:
Spare tyre said:
As of 1st jan 23 you have to book again in Hampshire, that said it was quiet when I went

Could get same day appointment
And long may the booking process continue.
Yup, I don’t mind it. Previously when you had to book and it was 5 days away it was a pain, now it’s not so bad

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 16th January
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Saleen836 said:
Hampshire council are closing some of theirs to save money....

I guess they will save more than what they spend clearing up fly-tipping, or they are hoping it gets fly-tipped on private land so the clean up cost is down to the land owner
One of the ones for closure is my local one, I’ll be sad to see it go, however it’s inefficient as you have to climb stairs to get to each skip, sometimes you get barked at if you try to use this stairs at the same time as someone else. Lots of old boys getting rid of a jam jar kid and old bit of wood slow it right down.

A more modern facility like the Eastleigh one would be better value

Spare tyre

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132 months

Wednesday 17th April
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Saleen836 said:
My local council (West Wiltshire) have decided there isn't enough fly tipping so they are changing the local recycle centers to improve on this.

Email I received from them today..........

Important changes to HRC permits
We will soon be introducing an electronic permit system for Wiltshire residents who have a van, pickup or trailer between 1.8 metres and 3 metres.
The electronic permit will be valid for one vehicle per household and 12 visits per year.
We are also introducing a fee of £20 to enable us to administer the permits and continue to offer residents’ access to our HRCs with a van, pickup or trailer.
The electronic system will ensure it’s as straightforward as possible for you to use our HRCs to dispose of your household waste and recycling.
The new permit system will be introduced from 13 May 2024 at our HRCs. All existing permit holders will need to re-apply for a new electronic permit to continue having access.

Yes it is only £20 but I make use of the local tip once a year twice at most so looks like either skip my rubbish at work (construction site) or break it right down and put it in my general waste bin
Bonkers, incidentally I had a house near Marlborough and one in Southampton for a bit

I’d would always load my rubbish up in Southampton and treat it to a trip to Wiltshire, now it sounds like things would be the reverse. What a time to be alive

Spare tyre

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132 months

Thursday 18th April
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Chris Type R said:
Central Bedfordshire has introduced charges for garden waste bin collection £55 pa (or rather for 9 months).

The sentiment online is largely negative - I think that a lot will end up in the general waste bins.

It's a charge I'm resigned to paying as I feel we personally get value from the bins (2 properties). Carting garden waste to the not so local dump does have a cost in fuel, inconvenience, and time.
We have to pay for garden waste here, I strongly disagree with it, I know some people live in flats so don’t get to use it etc, but where do you stop

Thankfully the old boy pays for it next door as he loves a bit of gardening and is happy for me to top his bin up once he gives the nod

I found that if I play garden bin roulette they will randomly take it, but then occasionally they slap and angry tag on the bin

This coinciding with extra red tape is probably going to lead to more fly tipping

Side note I am looking for a spare wheelie bin as I have noticed that a few houses out more than one out and seems to get taken.

Spare tyre

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132 months

Thursday 18th April
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Dynion Araf Uchaf said:
I think most councils charge for garden waste collection. They do in Oxfordshire.
I don't have a garden waste bin, I think its £16 per quarter or something, however I have a large garden refuse sack and just take it to the tip/local recycling.
As I have to go anyway fairly regularly for car related stuff its no big deal. But really £55 across 9 months is a couple of quid a week, It'd cost you that in fuel to the recycling centre.
For me it’s the inefficiency of it, the truck is going along picking up bins from house 1 3 7 22 38 39

Whereas house 2 4 5 6-21 23-37 etc are hiding it in normal waste or driving to the tip

I appreciate that I don’t know the ins and out of real costs etc

Spare tyre

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132 months

Thursday 18th April
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borcy said:
I'm surprised there's anywhere left that does a proper garden bin collection for free.
Here they have removed the high usage public waste bins near the shops and from bus stops - these probably need emptying every other day

The nicer parts still have the bins, but these are fortnightly

It’s no surprise that the rougher shop area is a total mess now. The church and other community place now do weekly litter picks, random people do it randomly.

The council provide you with sticks and blue bags, that you leave near certain points and they collect it

Invariably the foxes rip the bags open and then the council send out their waste team and you’ll see them picking it up as it blows around

Truly truly bonkers, but I guess cuts are a hard one to work out when there is only so much in the pot

I suspect they want everyone to take their litter home, which the good sorts do.

Spare tyre

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9,754 posts

132 months

Thursday 18th April
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Chris Type R said:
KTMsm said:
Anyone who complains about minor fees or inconvenience hasn't hired a skip recently, circa £300 !!
Having paid for a few over the last couple of years, I do find myself walking past skips parked up in driveways tut-tutting when I see how poorly they've been loaded and/or how much free space has been wasted.
We hired a skip for some building works I was doing. I over estimated it on purpose I guess

My skip was about 1/3 full with rubble and. Ricks, but I’d neatly organised it, so probably would have been 1/2 full if I’d just slung it in.

I then invited my good neighbours to fill it with appropriate waste, they are more logical than me. Loads of bricks and slabs went in

When the skip fella arrived he commented on the neat packing, but also said people like me were bad for business - he prefers lazy builders slinging stuff in from 5 yards

Spare tyre

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9,754 posts

132 months

Thursday 18th April
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Senex said:
Nomme de Plum said:
They won't easily around here as every bin is checked before loading.
Really? The go through four or five black bags in every general waste bin to check it's contents in case you've concealed a bag of grass clippings at the bottom of the bin?

It must take them a while to get their route finished. Most bin men I've noticed are hardly eco-warriors looking for contraband, they are (probably) on minimum wage and just want to get their shift done as quickly as possible.

I could put a chopped up corpse in a black bag in my bin and they'd never notice.
I read it as they they check the house number against a list of paying subscribers rather than looking in the actual bin

Every so often I do see bin men having a Quick Look in the bin, but I suspect they have a spidey sense when they move it