Neighbours smoking



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380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Personally I hate smoking, I hate the smell and the way smokers think it's okay to discard of their cigarrettes out of car window, pavements, or bushes, if anyone else just threw rubbish out like that it'd be seen as disgusting, but somehow smokers dont have a conscience that works.

Anyway, our neighbour smokes constantly, and as our gardens are ajoined the smoke inevitably drifts over the fence and leaves us in a cloud of secondary smoke. If we leave our windows and doors open our lounge and bedrooms smell of cigarette smoke, and the fact he smokes pretty much all the time means there is no respite.

Yes, he has a right to smoke in his own garden, but as it affects us it's hardly a habbit that only affects him, therefore it seems pretty selfish for us to suffer for his disgusting habbit.

If only smoking killed people more quickly, like you die in a year or something, I can see this guy smoking himself into a grave but it'll take another 10 or 20 years at least no doubt!!

Anyone found a solution to this sort of thing?


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Dupont666 said:
After reading your previous actions at people that piss you off (be it I would have thought the same but not acted)...

Vagabond said:
Famous Graham said:
Vagabond said:
I recon you did the right thing, Ive had an idiot behave less than sensibly with me before, waiting at traffic lights I waved him and his mate to walk across if they liked, and they decide to take the piss and stroll slowly along while giving me the hard stare, then one flicked his cigarette onto my windscreen!!

I was already in 1st gear so floored it and hit him , he went over the front of the bonnet and came off the side and lay there in a much less cocky state then 30 seconds before. I got out as I was so angry I was ready to smash his face in, but his mate was kneeling next to him and was very appologetic so I left it at that.

I dont get all this sympathy for idiots that act this way, I recon the OP handled it a little too nicely if anything.
Just somewhat slightly different than someone jumping into your path whilst moving rolleyes

Whilst I don't have much sympathy for the bloke you hit, I'd have even less for you if you got nicked for it, or his mate battered you.
Why's that then? You think he didnt desrve it?
I say break into his home and beat the living crap out of the neighbour for being so selfish and ruining your perfect life... are you him out of fallen down?
You're a funny guy. I wouldnt mind using violence but im trying to be a nicer, more approachable person.

I tried not breathing for 30 mins, but he smoked for 45, so it didnt help.


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380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Dupont666 said:
Well what do you want to do?

put some fans facing the windows so it doesnt blow in your property??

I dont have a terrace or a garden, so cant have BBQs, hate that fact and the fact im reminded of it so much this time of year due to the smells wafting into my flat when I have the windows open.

What should I do to stop it?

Tell the whole street to stop because they are being selfish and filling my flat with smoke and nice cooking smells?

Edited by Dupont666 on Monday 29th June 10:47
The fans is a good idea, ill try that, it's mainly the smoke in the house that's bothering me (furniture and carpet stinks of smoke now).

A bbq on a sunday afternoon is far less imposing than literally constant smoke, morning and night, I could live with it if it was occassional.


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380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Nolar Dog said:
I can imagine how frustrating it must be to live next to a selfish ahole.

If I was your neighbour I'd move wink
Let me guess, you smoke right?

Are you also overweight and ugly? you might be my neighbour.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
Famous Graham said:
Vagabond said:
I recon you did the right thing, Ive had an idiot behave less than sensibly with me before, waiting at traffic lights I waved him and his mate to walk across if they liked, and they decide to take the piss and stroll slowly along while giving me the hard stare, then one flicked his cigarette onto my windscreen!!

I was already in 1st gear so floored it and hit him , he went over the front of the bonnet and came off the side and lay there in a much less cocky state then 30 seconds before. I got out as I was so angry I was ready to smash his face in, but his mate was kneeling next to him and was very appologetic so I left it at that.

I dont get all this sympathy for idiots that act this way, I recon the OP handled it a little too nicely if anything.
Just somewhat slightly different than someone jumping into your path whilst moving rolleyes

Whilst I don't have much sympathy for the bloke you hit, I'd have even less for you if you got nicked for it, or his mate battered you.
If that is true - which I doubt - and not Billy Big Potatoes Internet bullst then I really hope your neighbour never quits.... in fact I hope he smokes more and I hoep the wind fixes in the direction of your house.

What a complete mental you are.
Oh please, you're a miserable, unhappy, opionated old hag from all the posts of yours Ive read, always happy to insult or belittle people, and acting like the Queen B of pistonheads, get over yourself.

Edited by Vagabond on Monday 29th June 11:03


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Vagabond said:
parakitaMol. said:
Famous Graham said:
Vagabond said:
I recon you did the right thing, Ive had an idiot behave less than sensibly with me before, waiting at traffic lights I waved him and his mate to walk across if they liked, and they decide to take the piss and stroll slowly along while giving me the hard stare, then one flicked his cigarette onto my windscreen!!

I was already in 1st gear so floored it and hit him , he went over the front of the bonnet and came off the side and lay there in a much less cocky state then 30 seconds before. I got out as I was so angry I was ready to smash his face in, but his mate was kneeling next to him and was very appologetic so I left it at that.

I dont get all this sympathy for idiots that act this way, I recon the OP handled it a little too nicely if anything.
Just somewhat slightly different than someone jumping into your path whilst moving rolleyes

Whilst I don't have much sympathy for the bloke you hit, I'd have even less for you if you got nicked for it, or his mate battered you.
If that is true - which I doubt - and not Billy Big Potatoes Internet bullst then I really hope your neighbour never quits.... in fact I hope he smokes more and I hoep the wind fixes in the direction of your house.

What a complete mental you are.
Oh please, you're a miserable, unhappy, opionated old hag from all the posts of yours Ive read, always happy to insult or belittle people, and acting like the Queen B of pistonheads, get over yourself.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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dickymint said:
Try fitting a smoke alarm to your forehead, wire it up to a vibrating butt plug inserted into appropriate orrifice so that it reminds you not to be such a knob!

Yes I am a smoker.
Is that what you do then? explains a lot


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Gargamel said:
reminds me of Robin williams line in GMV.

I have never met a man in more dire need of a blowjob, than you.

Not that I am offering you understand.
Not that id accept you understand.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Justayellowbadge said:
Loving your work, Vagabond.

One often finds that those who turn up on here playing the role of a halfwit violence prone prole overlook the subtle nuances that make the performance truly believable.

You however, are giving a masterclass in it.

It's as if you've been playing the role all your life.

I applaud your virtuoso turn.
Thanks, ive been watching and lerning from you and waiting for the day I can equal you proleness.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
Vagabond said:
Oh please, you're a miserable, unhappy, opionated old hag from all the posts of yours Ive read, always happy to insult or belittle people, and acting like the Queen B of pistonheads, get over yourself.
Ha ha ha - ironically says the man who angrily boasts about running someone over and complains angrily about his neighbour.... and then resorts to insults for anyone who doesn't agree.

Delulsions of grandeur.
Delusionsof grandeur? LOL, do you even read what you write? Please put a picture of yourself up here, I want to see waht stupid looks like (and any "mirror" retorts would really lack imagination).


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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SoapyShowerBoy said:
I like it!! thanks. Why im being pulled to bits over someone putting a post I posted ages ago into an entirely unrelated thread is beyond me, but I suppose these people post here so I should expect it, even though it has no bearing at all on this discussion.

Fine, im damned by the smoking, a fan is a good idea, if it's seen as excessive (which it is) then maybe environmental health (I could become a figurehead for anti social smoking in the UK...or not), and I may try speaking to him again, although ive tried mentioning things to him before and it hasnt changed anything.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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HRG. said:
SoapyShowerBoy said:
He wont know he is annoying you until you tell him. Ask him if he would mind smoking out the front of the house or at the other end of the garden.
By that logic Vagabond should just about realising that he's an annoying tt about now then?

Would he mind? If it was me I'd be referring Vagabond to the case of Arkell Vs Pressdram in short order...
All I did was post how I felt about someones excessive smoking annoying me, suddenly everyones annoyed and things I posted months ago with no relation to this are put up and people get even more annoyed, brilliant.

There have been some decent enough people here, but some of you are fking wkers, and I recon you're right, im annoying and have probably overstepped whatever mark the pistonheads lead posters have drawn in the sand, ther parakitamols and duponts of this forum are ruining it without even knowing it, they're right, everyone else is wrong, so really I recon im done here, I just dont fit in, thank god. Parakitamol conformist, wannabe kings and queens of pistonheads are welcome to it.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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HRG. said:
Vagabond said:
SoapyShowerBoy said:
I like it!! thanks. Why im being pulled to bits over someone putting a post I posted ages ago into an entirely unrelated thread is beyond me, but I suppose these people post here so I should expect it, even though it has no bearing at all on this discussion.

Fine, im damned by the smoking, a fan is a good idea, if it's seen as excessive (which it is) then maybe environmental health (I could become a figurehead for anti social smoking in the UK...or not), and I may try speaking to him again, although ive tried mentioning things to him before and it hasnt changed anything.
Why the fk should he? And if I worked in environmental health do you know what I'd actually think if you came to me with this as a 'complaint'? Would you really like to hear?
You dont strike me as intelligent enough to have a job, so no risk of you working for the envrionmental health, hence, who cares what you'd think.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
Vagabond said:
HRG. said:
SoapyShowerBoy said:
He wont know he is annoying you until you tell him. Ask him if he would mind smoking out the front of the house or at the other end of the garden.
By that logic Vagabond should just about realising that he's an annoying tt about now then?

Would he mind? If it was me I'd be referring Vagabond to the case of Arkell Vs Pressdram in short order...
All I did was post how I felt about someones excessive smoking annoying me, suddenly everyones annoyed and things I posted months ago with no relation to this are put up and people get even more annoyed, brilliant.

There have been some decent enough people here, but some of you are fking wkers, and I recon you're right, im annoying and have probably overstepped whatever mark the pistonheads lead posters have drawn in the sand, ther parakitamols and duponts of this forum are ruining it without even knowing it, they're right, everyone else is wrong, so really I recon im done here, I just dont fit in, thank god. Parakitamol conformist, wannabe kings and queens of pistonheads are welcome to it.

Now I'm a ruiner and a conformer.

How extraordinary.
Bacially, you're so far up your own arse on this forum you havent seen daylight in years. people seem to always agree with you to avoid getting pulled to pieces, and you're not a very nice person.

In the real world I bet you're a nobody, this is the only place your opinion seems to count.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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There's a real gang mentallity about you lot, you get off on your internet forum status, real admirable.

How did I become a violent thug by posting abouit a neighbour smoking?

Ill go then, there is no point posting on here unless you're one of the few that Queen B and co have designated should have opinions that count, you just get a bunch of people who think that posting insults is the way to go.

Hope the forum continues on it's downward trend, you might have to start living in the real world.


Original Poster:

380 posts

198 months

Monday 29th June 2009
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Jasandjules said:
Put fans in the windows to blow the smoke away?

Get an Ioniser? (I believe they absorb the smoke?)
Thanks. Ill check that out, hadnt thought of an ioniser.