How much do you drink, honestly?

How much do you drink, honestly?



Original Poster:

1,514 posts

173 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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Inspired by the life expectancy thread, I have just been reviewing what I actually drink, already being aware that I probably drink too much.

Had a crappy couple of years and being honest my intake has upped in that time.

My parents also like a drink so living back with them the past year we have fallen into a regular routine of a couple of drinks every night.

I also seem to have surrounded myself with friends who like a drink and my present and past partners also... yes you get the idea. Not talking about people who go out and get steaming, but enjoy a regular drink.

On the flip side though I'm active, run a lot, and rarely actually get drunk.

My drinking is social, of an evening or a weekend afternoon and is very rarely alone.

I'm talking a couple of G&T's (large) before dinner and a large glass of white with dinner most evenings. Except Wednesday when I go out with a social running club and have probably 3-4 pints of beer.

Weekends, I'll drink a little more, usually out for dinner or drinks, or more often both.

Just totted up my intake in terms of units though and it's fairly shocked me.


Over to you...

C0ffin D0dger

3,440 posts

147 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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Too much but I'm not adding up the units....

Typically the wife and I will lay off the booze Monday - Wednesday. Thursday we'll share a bottle of wine over dinner and I'll maybe have a beer or two after (pints). Friday to Sunday, one or two pre dinner drinks either beer or a G&T or something else, share a bottle of wine with dinner, and I'll have 3-4 beers after. I try not to keep whisky in the house anymore except for special occasions as I'm like a moth to a flame with it and will always regret it the next day.

Our kids drive us to drink honest wink Luckily it's now also quite self limiting these days as I really struggle to stay awake past 11pm.


1,332 posts

197 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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Tend to share a bottle of wine with my wife and maybe 1-2 pints on a different day during the week. Some weeks just 1-2 pints and no wine. Usually when sitting in watching a movie or out for a catch up with mates. I am 34. When I was 25 ish I would go 2-3 weeks without a drink but then would binge drink.

Now it is more for pleasure and not to get drunk like it used to be.


6,260 posts

159 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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Too much. Life has been draining lately, plus I'm a massive fan of good beer.

A typical week would look like...

Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - 3 beers (Abbots ale or Brew Dog specials for a social catch up with a good friend)
Friday - 2 or 3 strong 330cl bottles of Belgium / Trappist beers followed by maybe 4 to 6 vodka diet cokes
Saturday - 2 strong beers and 4 to 6 vodka diet cokes
Sunday - 4 vodka diet cokes

This isn't the same every week but fairly typical. I've not worked out how much over the weekly recommended I am but I know it's too much.


1,425 posts

147 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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Too much!

I try my best not to drink during the week (Mon-Thurs), but don't always stick to it.

I'm a binger for sure. I'd love to be able to keep booze in the house, but once I start, I drink until there is no booze left, or I've passed out! I know it's ridiculous.

I love a good beer, but I do find it very hard to just have one or two. Luckily my fiancee is not a big drinker and complains when I drink a lot, so that keeps me reeled in a bit. I also really enjoy driving, so again that helps control the amount I drink.

Was a very heavy drinker (among other things) in my teenage years and early twenties, so this is actually me wised up somewhat.

Davey S2

13,098 posts

256 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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Up and down for me but still generally too much.

I've stopped drinking in the week which helps and try to limit myself to a couple of bottles of wine on the weekend (Friday and Saturday).

Obviously I drink more when I'm out but that tends to be a rare event these days with a 3 year old and with another arriving in April it will be even less. The thought of having to look after a baby the following morning with a hangover is a very effective way to put the brakes on the night before.

Drinking is great though isn't it!


10,301 posts

189 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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About 12-14 units a week

I drink no alcohol (unless it's Christmas or I'm on holiday) from Sunday to Thursday, then drink a few beers on a Friday and a few on a Saturday.

I don't drink spirits and I very, very rarely drink wine.

I could drink more but it's not a good habit to get in to and I'd be a lot fatter. I think it's good to restrict it to weekends and have it as a 'treat'

Even when on holiday I only have a few beers at night - can't drink during the day.


4,560 posts

192 months

Thursday 23rd November 2017
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As per the life expectancy thread, 50-55 units a week.

Mon-thurs 2 x large glasses of white wine, so 6 units per night
Friday 3-4 large glasses, so 9-12 units
Saturday as above
Sunday 2-3 large glasses, so 6-9 units

Up until a few years ago I’d have a couple of alcohol free nights a week, but I really missed chilling out with the wine on those days.


56 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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They say the most important thing is to give yourself at least 2 full days free from booze each week.

I can drink quite a lot when I'm in the mood but as of 2 weeks ago cut down to almost zero to give the body and mind a break. Had a pint of the black stuff today but that's all and I intend to no longer drink in the house and keep my pub boozing to an acceptable level.

My main problem area is live music tends to put me in a great boozing mood and I enjoy live music so that's not changing.

OP, you don't sound like you drink too much imo. Just implement those 2 or 3 days per week that you don't touch it and I personally don't see any issue at all with those amounts.


3,754 posts

147 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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I have a couple to four cans of lager every day. It doesn't make me drunk or in fact have that much effect. I don't know how it happened, but over the years it has gradually crept up to that. I would say that is borderline alcoholic as I look forward to the drink.


3,354 posts

159 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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None. Not even food made with it.

BoRED S2upid

19,811 posts

242 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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Nothing mon, tues, wed possibly a glass of wine Thurs but not always 2 glasses fri and sat possibly a glass or two Sunday. Drinking Thursday and Sunday are very much dependent on work. I can’t drink more than this with 2 kids waking me up at 6 am.


4,434 posts

260 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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Too much but not terrible, not helped by my penchant for fairly strong traditional ciders.


Thursday - 4 units.
Friday - 12 units.
Saturday - 12 units.
Sunday - 5 units.

Tend to have 3 days off, not always. Don't always drink on the Thursday. I'm on a bit of a lads jaunt next Friday and Saturday, expect consumption to be increased..


56 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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Used to drink 80-100 units a week, now about 10-20 max. I prefer to spend more of good stuff so less volume.


3,410 posts

114 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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Monday to Wednesday nothing but, about 40 units per week- beer and red wine


722 posts

241 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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Too much, have two broken relationships that will agree with that. Last one is still very new less than two weeks, so what am I doing? Drinking too much tonight


4,531 posts

161 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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None, not a single drop for the last two years (and feel better for it).


56 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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Too much. Don’t care.

I try to ensure that the booze I drink is good quality stuff. That’s my concession to healthy living.


14,376 posts

123 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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Too much at the weekends, but not so much during the week.

Last night I had 1l of 12% alcohol beer and 660ml of 10% beer. I've got a few nice beers for tonight and might crack the whisky open as well.


3,030 posts

102 months

Saturday 25th November 2017
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very regular drinker but very rarely get smashed (am i making excuses already!)

mon and wed, usually zero.

tuesday - 4 pints of 3.7% beer
thursday - 6 pints of 3.7 % beer
fri/sat - half a bottle of vodka and diet mixer each night so 7 doubles each per night.
sunday - 4-8 beers depending

60 ish units per week.

plan is to knock sunday on the head next year. 3 nights off a week will be a realistic goal for me.