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Monday 2nd November 2015
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chilistrucker said:
I'm just wondering if anyone here has suffered with big mood swings or man monthlies as I call it?
I've had a roller coaster ride for the last 18 months for various reasons and noticed when I'm low I get this real kind of dark rage roll in, (if that makes sense.)
It's a bit hard to describe, but it's just like a sort of dark cloud/mood that just sits there. I know when it's coming, I can feel it but nothing I can do to stop or control it other than warn/apologise the mrs that it's set in.
Odd I know, just wondered if anyone else has had anything similar when they've been feeling down, or struggling with things.
I only get it when I'm a bit low or have things coming up that are playing on my mind.
My eczema normally flairs up at the same time.
I get that exact feeling. Can feel it coming, can't stop it, just warn people.


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Thursday 4th February 2016
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maxxy5 said:
I just wanted to recommend a book on depression I've been reading, it's quite refreshing (and sometimes quite blunt!), written by some experienced therapists/psychologists.

'How to lift depression... fast'

Some points from it:

-Depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, but that is a symptom.
-Depression is caused by worrying, essentially.
-This tires out the brain and ruins sleep, killing motivation.
-For most people anti-depressants don't work - not to mention the side effects
-It can be lifted fairly easily and quickly (in their words)

Re: Ruskie's blog post above, you say 'Depression is part of a persons make up. It is what is and doesn’t go away.' In the book they address exactly that idea, I quote:

'When you are depressed, you probably feel as if you are taken over by some indescribable, overwhelming gloom. It as if you and it are merged into one great mass of misery. But you are not your depression. You did not come into the world depressed as a baby. It is correct that depression is something that can overwhelm you, bring you down, even take you over; but it is something entirely outside of yourself, and it is very helpful to think of it that way. Depression is a mindset'.

The idea that you will always be depressed is exactly the 'black and white thinking' that the book says contributes to depression.
It's certainly a take on depression I haven't heard before. I will try and check out the book.


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Thursday 11th February 2016
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Small steps. Rejoined the gym and kick started my workouts again. Not a massive thing but hopefully a step in right direction.


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Saturday 18th June 2016
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Thank you for the kind words. I'm in a good place but not naive enough to be complacent. Life is good and I'm enmbracing it.

I really hope people read the blog in full and see how with time things can change.


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Monday 20th June 2016
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crazy about cars said:
Anyone here experience constant negative thoughts/feelings, easy to succumb to anxiety, dont like socialising (although dying for a soulmate) and seemingly on a path of self destruct by pissing off those who really care about you?
I have documented all of the above in my blog. Those exact things.


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Tuesday 21st June 2016
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Hilts said:
One of my closest mates has had depression since he was in his late teens and even when he was in the army so now for 20+years.

He's now on 4 different psych meds. Mirtazapine, Venlafaxine, Olanzapine and Pregabalin.

The Olanzapine is an anti-psychotic and when he forgets to take it he goes well er... a bit psychotic. His neighbour always phones the police who've been through this before (I figure she got tired of phoning me although I was cool with it) and as his CPN is also a Special Constable he has notified the regular police not to take him to the cells but to call an ambulance. Now this has happened 3 times in the last 2 weeks alone.

His psychiatrist wants him to stay on it however but he's been on it for 3 years and he's no better than he was. His psych doesn't get the phone calls I get however nor the police ringing/banging on the door at 3am to ask if I can look after him after he's been released by the doctors, I stay close to the hospital.

The other 3 meds I understand but I feel he should come off the Olanzapine and not just because of the phone calls etc. He's worse now than before. I think they put him on it because he had some auditory loop thing going on.

Anyone agree/disagree?
Does he only suffer with depression? Has he been under section before?


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Monday 4th July 2016
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wiliferus said:
So, dipping my toe into this thread...

I've been suffering with depression and really bad anxiety for about 5 months - since my marriage fell apart.
I'm in a job which is very much stiff upper lip, and word such as depression carry a hell of a stigma, so just got my head down and soldiered on.
It's been hell. No two ways about it. Surviving on a few hours disturbed sleep, palpitations, a complete lack of concentration and ability to focus on anything.
I've also lost about 16lbs, which bearing in mind I was only 11st4 to start with is not good.

So, I finally caved and went to my GP. This was a massive step for me, as doing this is an admission that there is actually something wrong.

Anyway, I walked away with prescription for 50mg of Sertraline once a day. Started taking it on Wednesday.
All I can say is Jesus Christ. The doc told me I'd feel worse before I felt better, but I didn't expect this. Massive anxiety, permanently on the verge of tears, shaking, complete inability to sleep, and really irrational thoughts. Thoughts about giving up on everything and just leaving.

I've done a bit of googling and going straight on to 50mg seems unusual, most people start on 25mg due to the nasty initial side effects. It's so tempting to stop taking them as this is all so much worse than I was feeling before I took the bloody things.

Any one else been through similar with Sertraline? Please tell me it gets better.
I'm on 100mg and if I forget to take it first thing and have it later on I get dreadful insomnia.


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Tuesday 5th July 2016
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Soov535 said:
Ruskie said:
wiliferus said:
So, dipping my toe into this thread...

I've been suffering with depression and really bad anxiety for about 5 months - since my marriage fell apart.
I'm in a job which is very much stiff upper lip, and word such as depression carry a hell of a stigma, so just got my head down and soldiered on.
It's been hell. No two ways about it. Surviving on a few hours disturbed sleep, palpitations, a complete lack of concentration and ability to focus on anything.
I've also lost about 16lbs, which bearing in mind I was only 11st4 to start with is not good.

So, I finally caved and went to my GP. This was a massive step for me, as doing this is an admission that there is actually something wrong.

Anyway, I walked away with prescription for 50mg of Sertraline once a day. Started taking it on Wednesday.
All I can say is Jesus Christ. The doc told me I'd feel worse before I felt better, but I didn't expect this. Massive anxiety, permanently on the verge of tears, shaking, complete inability to sleep, and really irrational thoughts. Thoughts about giving up on everything and just leaving.

I've done a bit of googling and going straight on to 50mg seems unusual, most people start on 25mg due to the nasty initial side effects. It's so tempting to stop taking them as this is all so much worse than I was feeling before I took the bloody things.

Any one else been through similar with Sertraline? Please tell me it gets better.
I'm on 100mg and if I forget to take it first thing and have it later on I get dreadful insomnia.
Grit your teeth Russkie, soon all will be much better. Get signed off work for a week.

DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT stop taking them
No I won't be doing that don't worry. I have been on them for over a year now.


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Monday 12th September 2016
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Thinking about stopping the blog. Not much feedback and my original idea was to spread awareness. Anyway here's my latest.


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Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Thank you for your comments. They are appreciated.


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Thursday 6th October 2016
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twing said:
Ruskie said:
Thanks Ruskie, I read it on Twitter. Regrets held me back for so many years. Thankfully I've recently learnt to deal with them at the back of my mind rather than dwell on them constantly.
It just feels like a shadow hanging over me. Problem is all aspects of my life are a mess and I can't take control of them.