PH Parents of 2012


rsv gone!

11,288 posts

243 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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Matt172 said:
Well we finally made it, after what's been a pretty tough 12 months for the 3 of us, Charlie is 1 today smile
Happy Birthday to Charlie. smile

Look forward to meeting him on Saturday.


983 posts

173 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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He's so gorgeous........I want him smile

Happy Birthday Charlie x


9,932 posts

213 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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Awesome. smile Happy birthday, Charlie!


17,318 posts

238 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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Brilliant.... Look at him smiling! Lovely. Happy birthday young man!


1,686 posts

230 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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Looking good. My two will turn one on Saturday.

We took the dummy from our boy this week. We were dreading it but with a slightly amended daily food/sleep schedule (more/less) and sleep training (5,5,10,10,15,15 etc crying periods), it took one night only. Even the first lunchtime nap we tried it he was off in twelve minutes, and now we don't have to keep going back to his room to replace lost dummy every couple of hours. We used this lady in London:

Still have to crack him waking up at 6am rather than 7am but we're confident that just requires cutting out the morning nap.


4,664 posts

226 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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We're due to take Michael on his first foreign holiday next Saturday, that should be interesting! He's a cheeky monster and loving nursery.


983 posts

173 months

Friday 20th September 2013
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Haha love his expression.

Noah is 13 months now and so lovely. He's has the nicest nature and personality you could hope for. He can tell the difference between 4 different colours, shape sorts and stacks like a pro.

Just wish we'd move on from cruising and walking with his block walker etc and go it alone but he seems in no hurry to progress even though we've been at this stage since he was 8 months. To see him stood up on his rocking horse rocking quite furiously one handed he definitely has excellent balance and confidence. Guess he'll go when he's ready.

I've been withdrawing the dummy as well. Now I childmind I have another 1yr old full time so they're always keeping themselves entertained and Noah hardly notices it's not there. Does like it when he's tired and bed time though.


4,664 posts

226 months

Sunday 22nd September 2013
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Sounds just like Michael - he's been walking whilst I hold his hand for months now. He's also getting frustrated and wants to push his pushchair all the time.


983 posts

173 months

Monday 23rd September 2013
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Noah will walk anything that moves, even the lawn mower to dining chairs. He has a dumper truck that he practically runs with, but will he let go and walk on his own?


4,664 posts

226 months

Monday 23rd September 2013
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Snap - HAS to cling on with one hand (other is used for pointing/opening drawers and cupboards.

Spent a good hour pushing pushchair around a park today, so wearing him out. I've bought a toy shopping trolley from a work colleague for £3 as I thought it better for a boy than a dolls pushchair, but will have to wait until after holiday to pick up.


17,318 posts

238 months

Tuesday 24th September 2013
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Good god, Our Charles as 11 months today, and he's still crawls and has never muttered anything like "dada".
He clearly needs extra help, so I'm off the shout at him, that should sort it.


10,486 posts

211 months

Tuesday 24th September 2013
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Our little one is crawling like a good un, cruising, into anything that she can lay her hands on, worryingly she will follow us into the Kitchen and try and eat cat food if you don't catch her. She is on the 50% for weight and the 75% for height so a lanky little thing who hates to go to sleep because she will miss something. She also seems to have learn't the breath holding trick early she's only 9 1/2 months old and will hold her breath till she goes floppy if she thinks it will help her get her own way - we have mentioned this to the health vistor and my wife is a neonatal nurse so it's almost certainly been discussed at work potentially even with consultants so as I've heard nothing apart from it's a trick she's learnt early there must be nothing to worry about.


13,812 posts

193 months

Tuesday 24th September 2013
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Chilli said:
Good god, Our Charles as 11 months today, and he's still crawls and has never muttered anything like "dada".
He clearly needs extra help, so I'm off the shout at him, that should sort it.
Our boy's been saying dada for a month or so, he was 11 months yesterday. The best bit though is while he can mama with some concentration it's usually nana, which really drives his mum mad. smile


983 posts

173 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2013
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Well we're finally walking un-aided. He's been asking to hold a hand for the past week instead of charging off behind his walkers or crawling. Last night he was stood casually playing with daddies phone and walked off as if he'd been doing it for ages wink

It's been really nice to walk hand in hand out on our walks instead of hanging on to both hands with him.


983 posts

173 months

Thursday 28th November 2013
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How is everyone getting on?

There is no stopping Noah now he's walking and he gets a real shift on when he wants to (mainly when you chase him). He's spoon feeding himself and his talking and learning ability is brilliant.

Does anyone have experience of Christmas Trees and decorations with little ones of this age (16 months)? I'm wondering how long it will last before being dismantled wink


2,410 posts

166 months

Thursday 28th November 2013
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must admit that based on previous experiences (son of 23 daughter 19 ) I`m dreading the Christmas tree ! They either ignore it completely apart from when the lights are on (daughter) or demolish it (son) including eating the lights and anything else at age 2. Our new little man is definitely going to be in the "lets see how far I can push this " group as he climbs on anything and has no fear. so this year we are going smaller and tucked up out of the way .
Not too much of a problem as we are with the outlaws in France for Christmas and new year, however when we get there the stakes are raised considerably . large trees, open fireplaces, couple of woodburners, an Aga, polished wood floors and stairs oh and lots of tvs and computers to play with. We have lots of fireguards but it will be a crazy time for him as he just isn't used to having so much space to run round in the good news is they all will want to spend time with him so there should be lots of eyes and hands around . Going to try some French with him too he is already clapping along to some songs and has some bilingual toys. and funnily enough will say maman over mummy but Dadda instead of Papa so I'm happy!


13,812 posts

193 months

Thursday 28th November 2013
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Oh no. I forgot I'm going to be made to get a Christmas tree. Bah!

They're a neverending source of hazards and mess. Still don't begrudge having to do the 5am onwards stint this morning (bronchiolitis apparently). Living in hope of a full night's sleep still.


227 posts

148 months

Friday 29th November 2013
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I always tied the tree to something like a nearby curtain pole so if it fell it would not go over totaly. Also I avoided anything fragile or could hurt them from the lower branches.

None of mine ever really paid that much attention to the tree after the initial few prods and subsequent 'No!'


983 posts

173 months

Friday 29th November 2013
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We've bought an artificial tree this year to minimise the mess of needles and little people crawling through it all and putting in mouths (I childmind a 15 month old and he eats literally everything in sight).

Also hoping for a full night of un-interrupted sleep. We're getting better slowly but still not sleeping through.


983 posts

173 months

Friday 29th November 2013
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Here is Noah now at 16 months old

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