PH Losers 2019 - Anyone want to join me?

PH Losers 2019 - Anyone want to join me?


Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Wednesday 1st May 2019
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Guv10 said:
Yes I did see your reply, thank you for taking the time to write a lengthly response to my question.
You're welcome and I'm glad it's appreciated.

Guv10 said:
Well it seems that IF is working for you!
Yes, seems to be. I'm certainly not claiming it's the best/only way to lose weight/fat and there are other ways. I would say that fasting is quite hardcore and on a whole new level up from keto dieting which many people consider to be hardcore in itself. It looks like I've scared some people off with my comments about the stomach cramps I experienced from not RTFM but whilst I could have not mentioned any of that, I wanted to make you aware of the importance of electrolyte supps on longer fasts and not make the same rookie mistake as I.

Guv10 said:
So far the blood sugar diet is working for me, it's only a introduction to where I want to get to be honest. Even with my sweet tooth i've coped well with cravings and actually eating a good amount of protein and fibre has kpet hunger away. I'm actually starting to listen to my body as to when it is actually hungry and not eating because it's midday and everyone else is.
Sugar cravings sorted and no hunger? You're 90% of the way there already. Crack on! smile


2,641 posts

160 months

Thursday 2nd May 2019
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Lemming Train said:
2. start with reducing your eating window each day. 16-8 is recommended by most people as a starting point (16 hrs without eating, 8 hr eating window, eg. eat at noon and 8pm, don't eat again until noon next day).
I've been doing something like this without even realising. I don't eat breakfast, never really have since I was about 16, normally don't eat anything at all at work until at least 2pm, then nothing again til at least 7pm, sometimes 8pm if I go for a run and that's it, nothing until early afternoon the next day, so it's normal for me to do 18 hours food free each day except weekends.

I have woken up with stomach pain at about 4am a few times so that probably explains that a little.

I'm not losing anywhere near as much as you though, I'm still eating the wrong things I reckon.


7,843 posts

161 months

Thursday 2nd May 2019
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For the first time ever I'm annoyed that I can't go to the gym today. Got to be a good sign hasn't it?


2,641 posts

160 months

Thursday 2nd May 2019
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LosingGrip said:
For the first time ever I'm annoyed that I can't go to the gym today. Got to be a good sign hasn't it?
Definitely, I've been busy all week in the evenings and it's driving me mad I can't exercise. Never thought I'd feel that way!


7,843 posts

161 months

Thursday 2nd May 2019
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Well fitness test passed! It's stupid. I know I can do it, but I get so worked up each time. Nervous pisses and sts all day! Massive headache earlier today and now I feel 110% better.

Anyway, tonight is a massive blow out as I am almost there with my dream job (been waiting nearly ten years!). Just some final checks to come back (now I'm hoping my girlfriend and her parents are murders!) and I'm in.

Tomorrow I'm going for a sports massage as a treat and been having a couple of twinges in my lower back again. Then off to the gym somewhen in the afternoon smile.


4,203 posts

214 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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I'm back biggrin

After two months of very little exercise, a month of eating and drinking everything in sight, I've put on the grand sum of 3lbs...

A couple of salads and a big ste and I'll be back to my fighting weight in no time hehe


1,345 posts

234 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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LosingGrip said:
I'm hoping my girlfriend and her parents are murders!
Dare I ask what the job is? yikes


7,843 posts

161 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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SlidingSideways said:
Dare I ask what the job is? yikes
Whoops! AREN'T!


12 posts

62 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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No update on weight yet but been sticking to a solid 2000 calories a day, tracking every gram of food and within a week I feel so much better.

Will update with weight over the weekend.


18,261 posts

200 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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Can I join you bunch of losers?

Overweight 30-something, desk jockey seeks to; stop shifting myself off the sofa, gut getting in the way of bending over and see penis without a mirror.

Ok, I’m not that bad, but need to shed a few stone. Briefly about me; sit at a desk all day, generally eat well, but have a penchant for a beer or 2. Weekends consist of being a bit weak, takeaway and a meal out usually. I generally don’t graze or snack, resist the cake at work etc. But sometimes I can be seen shoving cheese/chocolate/crisps into my face. Lost a shed of weight 2/3 years ago, but it’s crept back on. Generally losing weight slowly, it varies during the week, but general numbers go down.

I’m lucky that I have access to a gym through work, with enough to do a good workout. Currently do 3 times a week, short run, row and some weights. I have a PT mate who helped me get a routine, but it could be better. Hoping to get the bike out of storage and do 1 big ride a weekend.

Worst: 115.21KG
Best: 96KG
Current: 105.23KG
Height: 6ft (-1in)
Build: Skinny everywhere apart from my (beer) gut!

Anyway, have at it! I suppose I want a motivation thread, I could have just clicked “watch” and had it in my feed hehe


1,345 posts

234 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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Time to get back on it after a year or so of not really bothering. The scales said 15st 4lbs this morning, so not the heaviest I've been by any stretch, but still at least 2 stone to shift.
Back to using MFP again, which is suggesting 1500 calories per day, and going to give 16:8 fasting a go as well and see if that accelerates things at all (patience is not my strong point biggrin )

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Friday 3rd May 2019
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LG : congrats on the new job! smile

HarryF : wb smile

Welcome to the newcomers wavey .

Robmarriott said:
Lemming Train said:
2. start with reducing your eating window each day. 16-8 is recommended by most people as a starting point (16 hrs without eating, 8 hr eating window, eg. eat at noon and 8pm, don't eat again until noon next day).
I've been doing something like this without even realising. I don't eat breakfast, never really have since I was about 16, normally don't eat anything at all at work until at least 2pm, then nothing again til at least 7pm, sometimes 8pm if I go for a run and that's it, nothing until early afternoon the next day, so it's normal for me to do 18 hours food free each day except weekends.

I have woken up with stomach pain at about 4am a few times so that probably explains that a little.

I'm not losing anywhere near as much as you though, I'm still eating the wrong things I reckon.
I'm pretty sure you'd see an uptick in your weight loss progress on that eating window if you weren't eating processed carbs but that discussion has been done to death already wink . As you've read in my recent post, I've got a table with weekly targets for my weight progress and have been pretty strict with my eating in order to achieve them as I want to be somewhere under 12 st by the summer and not have it drag out for months/years on end, simply because I'd get bored, lose my motivation and willpower and swifly put all weight back on again.

You have to remember that my new fasting regime is rather hardcore and at the extremes of doing 'dieting' so don't forget that when you see 25kg on the table and wish it was you. It's like the next level up beyond keto diets and those are already considered to be the scourge of the evil by many people. 10kg is still over 1.5 stone which is a respectable amount when you're still munching the foods you enjoy. I've made sacrifices for faster progress and made some spectacular mistakes along the way eg. the refeed stomach cramps from the longer fast where I'd have gladly taken all 25kg back to get rid of them at the time. Balancing electrolyte levels and doing the right stuff to maintain gut flora (extremely important when fasting) are tricky to do but that's the 'price' I pay to get where I want to be.

If you find your diet isn't working and want to stick with carbs, why not try the baked potato diet that '22' used? He apparently saw good weight loss from it (although we only have his word for it) and they will certainly keep you sated for longer which should work quite well with your current eating window.


44,302 posts

253 months

Saturday 4th May 2019
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Weigh in today, back to within 0.2kg of the lowest weight had got to before slipped and gained 1.3kgs due to biscuit, takeaway curry and general slipping on the portion control front.

Bloody family been shopping today, noticed there are now Twix, Kit Kat and Rocky biscuits on the shelves. Thanks for the support folks, down to me and self control.


2,641 posts

160 months

Sunday 5th May 2019
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A whole kilogram off this week. Honestly don’t know how, I’ve not changed anything at all, just fluke I guess.

Anyway, 104.8kg now somehow.


1,875 posts

260 months

Sunday 5th May 2019
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Can some kind person please put me back on the top table? I'm still here, albeit I had a bit of a bounce over Easter!

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Monday 6th May 2019
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Rushjob said:
Can some kind person please put me back on the top table? I'm still here, albeit I had a bit of a bounce over Easter!
I moved you up along with Harry and moved some more deadwood to the failures table hehe .

I've just realised that according to the NHS's BMI chart I officially became "healthy" when I passed 88.4 kg! spin Not bad going in 4 months when I started quite a way into the "obese" area.

I'm not expecting any downwards movement this week as the missus arrived home with a tray of 35 (!) eggs last week from a farm up the road that has one of those donation boxes. I never knew eggs could taste so damned good and an excellent source of nutrients too. That's my excuse anyway and I'm sticking to it. smile


1,875 posts

260 months

Monday 6th May 2019
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Lemming Train said:
I moved you up along with Harry and moved some more deadwood to the failures table hehe .

I've just realised that according to the NHS's BMI chart I officially became "healthy" when I passed 88.4 kg! spin Not bad going in 4 months when I started quite a way into the "obese" area.

I'm not expecting any downwards movement this week as the missus arrived home with a tray of 35 (!) eggs last week from a farm up the road that has one of those donation boxes. I never knew eggs could taste so damned good and an excellent source of nutrients too. That's my excuse anyway and I'm sticking to it. smile
Ta very much!


22,690 posts

142 months

Tuesday 7th May 2019
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Been very bad, old habits have crept back (booze), now up to 99.3kg vs a low of 97.7kg, need to get back to no booze and get the weight down for Glastonbury at the end of June.


1,345 posts

234 months

Tuesday 7th May 2019
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First 3 days of 16:8 IF done over the weekend. Had timed it so I could check for any ill effects in the first few days without worrying about being fit for work, however I'd also forgotten that there was 3 days heavy work in the garden planned as well. Turned out OK in the end though, no adverse effects or lack of energy in the mornings.
Hunger hasn't really been noticeable, and passed quickly when it did rear it's head. I really miss a proper (milk & two sugars) cup of tea in the mornings though. Black coffee just isn't cutting it frown


1,206 posts

168 months

Tuesday 7th May 2019
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Having a bit of a struggle here - had a wisdom tooth removed last Wednesday which has curtailed any exercise and put me on the sofa for the last few days near the snack cupboard - not a good place! Hoping to get back to cycling the long way to work later this week (got a bike fit tomorrow which will hopefully be a good psychological boost) and limit any weight gain.

First child is due in five weeks or so too which is not going to make life easier I suspect - any tips from the Dads out there on keeping in vaguely good shape? I'm currently cycling around 100km a week by extending my commute and doing the occasional run but can't help thinking that I'll feel guilty taking time away from the little one and Mum doing that? On the flip side I suppose my wife will be wanting to lose the baby weight so we can try to eat healthily as much as possible! On that topic, any good recipes for batch cooking for the freezer?

Good to see a few folk moving back into the active table - keep it up!