PH Losers 2019 - Anyone want to join me?

PH Losers 2019 - Anyone want to join me?


Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Sunday 30th June 2019
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Robmarriott said:
No idea how but this week I’ve lost 1.3kg, which puts me down to.... 99.9!

Congrats and welcome to the Under 100 Club hehe .

No change for me this week, still holding at 80kg. Struggling with mobility at the moment as my doc thinks I've got a trapped femoral nerve which is causing me some issues. I've not been making any effort with my diet to press on to my target since the past few weeks so rather pleased that eating 'normally' has kept my weight at a constant. I'm really enjoying the wholesome nutirient packed foods and don't have any cravings for crap. 1st of July tomorrow so I'm going to make an effort to shed these last 6 kg to reach my goal and bring my total loss to 6 stones before the end of the month.


777 posts

158 months

Monday 1st July 2019
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Bad month again for me went up 1 kg not quite fallen of the wagon, but hanging of the back by the tips of my fingers.


2,678 posts

225 months

Monday 1st July 2019
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BigGingerBob said:
Hi everyone,

Lifelong porker here and I weighed in at the hospital the other day (not a weight related thing, haha) at 18 stone 2 or 115kg. I'm 5'10 in platforms.
I want to get down to 14 stone as that's what I was back at uni 6 years ago, perhaps 13.5. I'm quite thick set and I want to be realistic with a weight loss.

I'm thinking slimming world or that type of this but it hasn't really worked for me in the past.
I will keep you updated!

I would suggest you go to GP and ask to be put on to the NHS ultra low calorie diet course. I hit 16 st 9lbs early this year and was fed up with the weight and all that came with it (I am now 59 and have diabetes T2 since 2012). You need to have a BMI of over 35 to get offered a place on a course. It is set over 12 weeks of 800 cals a day, using meal supplements that you buy on line or at your local supermarket/boots store. You will save a packet on food purchasing!

To cut a very long story short, I lost 4 stone in the 12 weeks (starting on 4th Feb) and continue to lose weight even now. The support you get from the NHS is superb and the only thing you need is the will to carry it though without cheating. I just told myself that it is only 12 weeks of my life and the benefits will be huge. I was right. The one and only down side is that you will need to renew the clothes in you wardrobe as you will otherwise look like a tramp in loose fitting clothes!

I lost 5-6 inches from my waist and am now 12.5 stone. I haven't been this weight since I was in my early teens! People who haven't seen me for a while are truly gobsmacked at how great I look (compared to 6 months ago) and my confidence has increased dramatically. My wife tells me I don't snore, at all. Win win all round.

I know there will be those that believe that the ultra low calorie diets are a sure way of yo-yo dieting and not good for you but the group sessions teach you an enormous amount about food and how to eat more healthily. Just try it and I believe you will be amazed. You only need to be 100% commited. That is all.



27 posts

65 months

Monday 1st July 2019
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155.9 for me this week - Total coming in at 26.1Kg, Happy with that although it's definitely getting harder to shift the Kg's now

I currently find myself slipping a little, e.g. had a couple of sausage rolls and a white ham/cheese baguette on Saturday washed down with a pint of cider
Justified it with convincing myself i needed a treat every now and again but felt crap afterwards and almost like i'd betrayed myself!

Finding these 'little treats' are becoming more frequent - Really, really don't want to fall off the wagon!

Any tips?


11,927 posts

217 months

Monday 1st July 2019
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Went into Boots this morning to weigh in and there was bad news & bad news. The bad news is I was a few pounds heavier than I thought so more to lose and the other bad news was that their weighing machine seems to be louder than ever.....I swear people three miles away can hear the booming tone of "Please stand still and remain upright!".... hehe

So I've started this morning on my year long challenge of trying to average a kilo a week weight loss. That would get me down from 22 stone 10 pounds to 14 stone 8 pounds, a hefty reduction. That would be around my fighting weight, I think, although if I lost another half a stone again, I'd take it. My blog has started so hopefully this will keep me on the straight and narrow.

LL - my plan is to lose a kilo a week and that's what you've done so far. Bound to slow down at some point but you've kept it going for six months which is brilliant. Maybe vary your exercise a little or change what you eat but most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you have something your brain tells you that you shouldn't. It's all in moderation and I'll still be eating chocolate etc, just not as much of it.

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Monday 1st July 2019
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Johnniem said:
To cut a very long story short, I lost 4 stone in the 12 weeks
Lost 4 stone in 3 months? Sounds healthy... I don't see how that is possible to do without fking up your body. Even people who are doing long fasts don't lose weight that quickly.


2,678 posts

225 months

Monday 1st July 2019
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Lemming Train said:
Johnniem said:
To cut a very long story short, I lost 4 stone in the 12 weeks
Lost 4 stone in 3 months? Sounds healthy... I don't see how that is possible to do without fking up your body. Even people who are doing long fasts don't lose weight that quickly.
I am being guided by the NHS and their dieticians. They monitor you for a full year after the end of the 12 weeks ultra low calorie diet stops and assist with transitioning back to healthy eating. I am pretty sure that they know sufficient about foods and dieting to make it safe. I actually lost a stone in the first week but this is mostly retained water. I wasn't the only one and they weighed us all at group sessions. My body is far from 'f**ked up'. Quite the contrary. I have transitioned back to healthy eating but recognise that yo-yoing weight could occur. It is merely a matter of not eating lots of carbs and sugars and leading a more healthy lifestyle. It was my doctor who recommended it to me (I couldn't believe it myself as I thought the same as you did tbh) but she did so on the back of much research that reversing type 2 diabetes was possible. As it happened it didn't work for me outright but my meds intake has reduced by 75% so it has worked a bit.

I get your initial reaction totally but for me, with the right mindset, it worked really well.


8,736 posts

203 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2019
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Still here, not updated the wiki, but now 76.8kg from start point 93.7kg, still walking lots, not so much treadmill, eating clean and staying on track, not sure I want to lose much more, so looking at stability now.


752 posts

119 months

Friday 5th July 2019
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I started a bit of a clean up regime a month ago, decided it was time for change. I've cut down drastically on bread and carbs, especially pre packed sandwiches for lunches, crisps etc and also tried to cut down the booze (although still drinking socially but tends to be gin and slimlines rather than pints of craft beer) whilst upping the veg. I'm having Sci-fx meal replacement shakes at lunch Monday to Friday, maybe adding some chicken slices if still peckish and watching my calories using my fitness pal, which is recommending staying below 1720 cals a day and I'm currently averaging about 1300. Golfing a bit more regularly and walking a bit more on weekends. I'm not quite so strict on weekends with food, still enjoying a meal or two out every week, just being more careful on what I choose.

Started on 8th of June at 19st 12, currently today at 18st 12, so a stone off in little under a month. First milestone for me is to get to 16st, then I'll re asses how things are going. Finding it pretty easy up to now, although can get peckish later in the evening.

I'll try to remember to check in on here more often.


11,927 posts

217 months

Monday 8th July 2019
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Well, week one of the challenge went as well as I could have hoped it would.

Basics of it are to lose a kilo a week for a year then that would be eight stone off. Obviously, I'll need to get ahead of myself early on so that will cover for the weeks later on when I start to plateau. I've also pledged to do 5,000 steps a day which is less than a lot of people do, but more than I have been doing, so that with a reasonable diet, it should come off quite easy to start with.

This week, did 10k steps on Monday, 5k-7k during the week each day then last night went out for a walk when the sun had cooled. Folllowed the local cycle path next to the steam train line and just walked and walked till I got tired. Ended up doing around 11 miles, or 22k steps. Feet ached a bit and it was nearly 10pm when I got home and the kids were worried but hey-ho! hehe

Anyway, weighed in this morning and have lost 9 (NINE) pounds this week. Not surrpised given that in all my years of dieting, I have never been so focussed in doing it right. Hopeful that a repeat this week will yield another 4-5 pounds off which will give me a boost mentally as well as physically.


2,037 posts

255 months

Monday 8th July 2019
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Some great weight loss stories, very encouraging.

I restarted my diet due to this thread in January this year and still losing weight, but very slowly now (down to 12st 5lbs, 5'10"). Looking back over my weight records (thanks to Fitbit scales) and I can see that in January '18 I weighed in at 14 stone 11lbs - so that's almost 2.5 stones lost AND kept off. It might have taken an age, but it has become a lifestyle for me and still aiming to be in the 11s by the end of summer. Onwards and downwards!


11,927 posts

217 months

Monday 8th July 2019
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MrOrange said:
Some great weight loss stories, very encouraging.

I restarted my diet due to this thread in January this year and still losing weight, but very slowly now (down to 12st 5lbs, 5'10"). Looking back over my weight records (thanks to Fitbit scales) and I can see that in January '18 I weighed in at 14 stone 11lbs - so that's almost 2.5 stones lost AND kept off. It might have taken an age, but it has become a lifestyle for me and still aiming to be in the 11s by the end of summer. Onwards and downwards!
And therein lies the secret to your success, Mr Orange, IMO. You've made the whole thing part of your everyday routine, rather than having to make special arrangements to do it. The easier it is, the easier it will be to keep going. That's why I'm not going to bother with the gym initially; it involves packing a quick bag, driving to the nearest gym (only 10 mins away) then driving back afterwards. With my walking, if I decide to go now, I can be out of the door and walking in sixty seconds...

Continued best wishes to you. Great results.


2,660 posts

160 months

Monday 8th July 2019
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Absolute disaster yesterday, so much so that I couldn’t bring myself to post.

I’ve gone from 99.9 to 100.5kg. Up by 0.6kg and I’m absolutely gutted. We’re 27 weeks in to the year and 26 weeks of those I’ve lost weight without fail until this time.

I wouldn’t mind if I’d had a massive meal out or something but I honestly don’t think I could have eaten any better last week so I’m very disheartened about it now, I don’t know what I could have done differently.

I’ve got a week off next week, I’m going to work my ass off even though it’s my birthday and I’m going to get back below where I was last week.


2,337 posts

214 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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Robmarriott said:
Absolute disaster yesterday, so much so that I couldn’t bring myself to post.

I’ve gone from 99.9 to 100.5kg. Up by 0.6kg and I’m absolutely gutted. We’re 27 weeks in to the year and 26 weeks of those I’ve lost weight without fail until this time.

I wouldn’t mind if I’d had a massive meal out or something but I honestly don’t think I could have eaten any better last week so I’m very disheartened about it now, I don’t know what I could have done differently.

I’ve got a week off next week, I’m going to work my ass off even though it’s my birthday and I’m going to get back below where I was last week.
my weight can fluctuate by half a kilo or more from one day to the next (especially when ive eaten potatoes the day before). I weight most days, except weekends, so have a good idea of what the daily fluctuation looks like. Maybe I'll post it up as an example.

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Wednesday 10th July 2019
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It's not been a productive week for me in terms of shifting that final 6kg to reach 74kg. But I seem to have settled into a happy place at 80kg give or take a kilo either side and am finding that I can mostly eat what I want now (just one meal a day) and stick to this weight, which works for me. I've struggled to get back into the IF to get that final stone off; seem to have lost my mojo a bit but probably just not trying hard enough irked .


5,206 posts

185 months

Thursday 11th July 2019
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I've only just found this thread (and the wiki table) but as I've been working at it since April, I thought I might as well join.

Been LCHF for some time, but fell off the wagon around Xmas (surprise surprise) and didn't get back onto it until April.

Since then I've lost over 4kg, having measured 76kg mid-April and now down to 71.3.

Really trying to stay LCHF now, and have only had two or three days where I've had carbs, mainly due to circumstances than any real desire for them.

Hoping to get body-fat lower as according to my scales, I'm at 18%. Somewhere between 10 and 15 would be nice


2,660 posts

160 months

Sunday 14th July 2019
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After last week’s little wobble, I’m back down this week. Now at 98.8kg so another 1.1kg off. I’ve got all next week off and plan on doing as much exercise as I can in an attempt to train for a 10K run in September so I reckon I’ll have a big week coming.


11,927 posts

217 months

Monday 15th July 2019
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Another good week last week, a 1.8kg weight loss to go with last week's 4.3kg loss. Images attached are from the starting week (1/7) and this morning.

The secret has definitely been walking lost. Have done at least 5k steps per day and several days, many more. Week 1 saw me doing a very long walk on Sunday night (11+ miles) and this week, it's been three days of more than 5 miles in the tank. Until I get more confident and able to run, walking is the way to go.


44,412 posts

253 months

Monday 15th July 2019
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Sometimes doctors can be such misery arses though.

Started out with a BMI of 34.6, last week asked me to hop on scales, 29.6. Bugger rounded it up and said "still obese then." So supportive - not, though it does spur one on to really show the git.

The Ferret

1,149 posts

162 months

Monday 15th July 2019
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Not a single ounce movement for me in 2 weeks now. The last bit is always the hardest to shift around the waist.