New ME



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Thursday 21st June 2012
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Obiwonkeyblokey said:
Last Tuesday I caught sight of myself in the mirror

This has really inspired me. I know that almost a stone in a week is possible too much initially. but I started at a point where I felt quite bloated and haven't done anyting too extreme in the first few days.

According to a mate its like digging the garden in a new build house. You can dig through the top soil easy enough, but it takes months of determination to get rid of all the rubble, once you get it looking okay, it needs constant attention to keep the weeds at bay.

51 days into this process, I'm averaging a weight loss of 1.023456782 kgs (approx) a week, and I see that as more or less sustainable for the next 6 months which will take me to my 80 kg target not by the end of august (as was my original plan) but by christmas.

The thing I've noticed is that this week I've not cycled to work or exercised (off out in a minute to climb) because of having to get parts for cars and fix the car in the evening, and I have lost more than in the weeks when I ramped up the exercise, which isn't odd when you consider that muscles weigh more than fat, and you must just be converting the fat the muscle, so loose a bit less than if you stopped eating and lost fat and muscle together. So whilst I'm not 95 KG this morning, I'm thinking it's a hollow victory.


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Thursday 21st June 2012
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Hoofy said:
Hare vs tortoise. smile

If you go crazy and try to achieve too much, you'll run out of puff because you're either exercising to a level that is not sustainable or eating so little that you will break at some point and binge. Or what hobby dieters call "yoyo dieting".

You want to do something that is sustainable in the long term (think 20 years), not some quick fix that means that you're twice as fat as when you started out in 10 years' time.
Just got back from climbing, where I found that I am better than I was because I have less bulk to haul up the wall.

I think I'm hitting it at the right level in 1 kg per week ? I don't loose anything much at the weekend, and I tend to loose more in the midweek, so I know that when I hit my target weight, I'll be able to hold it by just being sensible. Which clearly I wasn't for 23 years.

I have had 3 serious attempts to loose weight in 1999, 2004, 2010, but I'm convinced that I overdid the exercise, and didn't understand my real intake levels. This time I've recognised that if I do no exercise and I eat 2000 calories I will put on weight. So it's a case of getting to the target, and then monitoring intake, exercise, and weight, and having a trigger point, where I take action if I go below or above a band. st I'm planning how to stay at my target plus or minus 2 kg either side, and I'm only 35% of the way there.

Actually it's a great application of an SPC run chart.


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Thursday 28th June 2012
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I've been climbing twice this week, avoided 12 pork pies, 100 samosas, 50 pastry or cake derivatives, sweets, and turkish delights. This is st that people bring in to celebrate their birthday, grading improvement, return from holiday, or the birth of puppies. I call it work place bullying. Just before I left today, some fker put 15 donuts about 12 foot from my desk. I'm not afraid to say, I picked up the tray, and moved them about 60 foot further away.

Evening meal tonight was a slice of homemade bread, white fish, tomatoes, onion and lettuce.

plus I've avoided the remains of buffets from 4 meetings in the office.

Down to 94.1KG today, so got a smug feeling at present, but am on holiday next week so no weigh in's until a week on Tuesday, when I get back to my mid week digs.


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Saturday 30th June 2012
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Hoofy said:
Nice work!

Nowt wrong with having one doughnut, though... or in fact, 10 doughnuts if you don't eat anything else that day...
10 donuts would surely be 5000 calories if not twice that ?


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Tuesday 10th July 2012
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Ordinary_Chap said:
New POD said:
Down to 94.1KG today, so got a smug feeling at present, but am on holiday next week so no weigh in's until a week on Tuesday, when I get back to my mid week digs.
Good man, I love seeing others be successful and achieving their goals!
Well, I weighed myself this morning after a week of Beer, Cake, Crisps, take aways and meals out, a 2 cooked breakfast, but 2 games of squash, a game of badminton, a game of ping pong, an Hours canoeing on a flat lake, and I'm STILL 94.1 KG. Given that I had planned to loose nothing this week, I'm fairly happy.


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152 months

Wednesday 11th July 2012
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New POD said:
Well, I weighed myself this morning after a week of Beer, Cake, Crisps, take aways and meals out, a 2 cooked breakfast, but 2 games of squash, a game of badminton, a game of ping pong, an Hours canoeing on a flat lake, and I'm STILL 94.1 KG. Given that I had planned to loose nothing this week, I'm fairly happy.
Cracked 93.8 this morning Woo Hoo oh yeah. Avoided More fking Donuts in the office this afternoon. It's actually starting to piss me off, the level of st food people think is a fking treat. And why leave it near my desk ? fkwits all of them.


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Thursday 12th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
Don't worry about it - if it's st food, it can sit there and you won't touch it. Right? biggrin
Indeed. More fking Cakes today, this time bulk purchased from asda. Think someone had a grade increase following a performance review.

Still 93.8 this morning, which I put down to Liver and Onions and Rice Yesterday. Just spend 2 hours on the old climbing wall, and bloody hell ! It's getting easier again. I'm like a fat mountain goat.


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Monday 16th July 2012
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New POD said:
Indeed. More fking Cakes today, this time bulk purchased from asda. Think someone had a grade increase following a performance review.

Still 93.8 this morning, which I put down to Liver and Onions and Rice Yesterday. Just spend 2 hours on the old climbing wall, and bloody hell ! It's getting easier again. I'm like a fat mountain goat.
Friday morning I was a record breaking 93.1Kg. I put down the .7Kg reduction in 24 hours down to a massive crapola, (must have be storing that up), plus the climbing wall at Alter Rock in Derby. To get up a '5' I have to break into a sweat. It's like vertical yoga.

Saturday, I spent 7 hours in the garage with my son, a cavalier, a gas less mig welder, angle grinder, tin snips and a wheel arch repair panel, plus assorted consumables and tools.

Then Sunday, went climbing in Liverpool at Awesome walls in Liverpool, with my wife and son.

Wifey struggled, but given that she is a recovered Chronic Fatigue Sufferer, she has no muscles, at all, but she wants to go back again, so that's a healthy sign.

They had a few 'technical shoes' on sale, so I did what I've been promising myself for 2 years, and bought a pair.

Decent Sunday Roast was my reward. Lamb, Onion Sauce, New Pots, Mashed Sweet Pots, Beans, Califlower Cheese, and Gravy, followed by apple pie.

Given that I had no lunch I think Tomorrow mornings weigh in will be a flat line, but can't tell.

What I can say is that I'm having a large bowl of Cereal with skimmed milk every day, one salad based sandwich, and fruit for lunch, followed by a sensible small sized tea, (except on Sunday, when I have roast)


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152 months

Tuesday 17th July 2012
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Flibble said:
New POD said:
They had a few 'technical shoes' on sale, so I did what I've been promising myself for 2 years, and bought a pair.
You will thank yourself for that, they make a huge difference. What were you climbing in before? Less technical shoes or trainers?
Climbing Club Rentals.


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152 months

Tuesday 17th July 2012
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My weight this morning at 5 am was up !!! fking up - only 93.3 Kg's

But I Left the house this morning at 5.30 and got back at 8pm so not much time for exercise


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Thursday 19th July 2012
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Down to 93.0 This morning, but I had 3 fat laden sausages for tea, with a little half potion of pasta (I'd run out) and veg (tomato, onion and pepper strir fryed in the sausage fat. So I'm guessing tomorrow will be up a little.

Last night I went Went Climbing on my own and did a bit of bouldering (no ropes so no need for a partner). It was bloody knackering, but eventually things seemed to go my way on the easy 'routes'

Got VERY VERY wet cycling HOME both yesterday and today, and need to think about how I'm going to sustain cycling in st weather. Definately need mud guards, and better water proofs. There are showers at my destination, but 2 miles does not really justify the use IMHO.


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Thursday 19th July 2012
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Ordinary_Chap said:
I think the key that a lot of folk miss is as your weight decreases you also need to make sure you decrease your calorie intake with it and keep tuning your training and weight as it goes down otherwise you will plateau.

In terms of the cycle, if you could go out of your way and do 5-10 miles or increase the cycle ride on a weekly basis that would help with your overall weight loss. Also its worth upping the intensity of the ride to keep getting fitter and pushing yourself.

The biggest mistake novices to training make is to keep doing the same things they did when initial weight loss occurred, you've got to keep pushing yourself until you are at a level you are entirely happy with and want to sustain which for someone who hasn't trained for a long time should be far away.
When the weather has been good I've gone home the long way, or gone home and changed and gone 15 miles out into the sticks, and I always ride as fast as I can, but I take your point - need to keep pushing it.


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Saturday 21st July 2012
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92.9 kg on Friday Morning, but evening meal last night involved chocolate tart.

Given that I'm feeling bloated right now I wonder at my next weigh in (Tuesday am) what I'll be.

Still, I've agreed to play table tennis on Monday Night, and in a bit I'll take the dog for a walk on the beach.

I'm going to attempt to put some shorts on that I've not worn since 2004.


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Tuesday 24th July 2012
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Well the beer laden stag night on Saturday means my weight today was 93 Kg so it looks like I'm starting to flat line.

Not a problem, because I'm aware of it, and PH are going to encourage me to step it up and not give up.


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Tuesday 24th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
yes You had fun... and that's allowed because it keeps you sane. Now get back to work!
Strangely I've only ever attended 3 stag nights, and I've arrived home before midnight still almost sober on all of them.


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152 months

Wednesday 25th July 2012
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New POD said:
Well the beer laden stag night on Saturday means my weight today was 93 Kg so it looks like I'm starting to flat line.
This morning I was 92.6 kg which is almost back on track, but following an evening cycle ride and a light meal, I'm still 92.6. I've noticed that I typically loose 0.5 to 1 kg whilst I'm asleep, and go back up between 0.4 and 0.9 kg during the day, and my lightest is usually at 6 am when I choose to weigh myself originally. (Do I think I'm obsessed yet ? Just finding it interesting, to take an interest in how my body weight changes)

I like a bit of data analysis, so today I plotted a graph that is 70+ data points, where each data point is the average weight lost in the last 7 days, which removes the daily fluctuations. On top of the graph I got excel to do a trend line. In 50 days I'll be loosing no weight at all, if I believe that.

Come to the conclusion that In the past I would have given up at this point. I'm no longer technically obese, just overweight, and so I'd start to add the odd cake and reduce my exercise and have some supper.

Instead I've decided that it's 2.5 weeks til my holiday, and I'm definately going to beat 90kg's by then (my original target was 80 kg by then, but now that's a Christmas Present for myself)


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152 months

Thursday 26th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
This is why a million people advised on the internet in the last 5 minutes not to weigh daily.

You dehydrated overnight.
Yeah but no but.

If I weigh myself at the same time every morning then it's all about even. anyway 92.1 kg this morning following my long cycle ride yesterday. I'm off climbing in 20 mins.


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Wednesday 8th August 2012
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New POD said:
I bought some scales and weighed in at 102.9 kg on Tuesday Morning

102.8 Wednesday Morning.

1 hour bike ride after work.
Okay Back in May I set myself an unrealistic target of 80 kgs by This coming Friday, but I have since (about early June was when I realised the unreal target was not going to ever happen) revised it to 91 kg's by This Friday, and 80 kg's by Christmas.

This Morning I weighed in at 91.3 kg's Woohoo

Climbing, Cycling, Running with the dog, and an obsession with not eating between meals.


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152 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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On the next day I was 91 Kg, then I went on holiday, (which included a wedding) which involved 7 days of beer, cheese, cake, wine, and beer. and cooked breakfasts. I weighed in at 93.3 this morning. So 80 kg is still a firm target by christmas, but I've lost 4 weeks of effort in one week of binge


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152 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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Sparta VAG said:
New POD said:
On the next day I was 91 Kg, then I went on holiday, (which included a wedding) which involved 7 days of beer, cheese, cake, wine, and beer. and cooked breakfasts. I weighed in at 93.3 this morning. So 80 kg is still a firm target by christmas, but I've lost 4 weeks of effort in one week of binge
Don't worry too much about this. You've got the routine established for losing weight which is what matters. You'll lose that couple of extra kgs fairly quickly.
I was 92.6 this morning, and whilst the going is still in the right direction, I think I need to step up the effort.