Insanity Workout



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Thursday 12th July 2012
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Halb said:
I still have my HH vest from 1990.biggrin
I think this needs to be dusted off and photo taken of you wearing it!


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Saturday 14th July 2012
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Day 12 Done.

Cardio power resistance.

I seem to be lasting a little longer in the exercises during the first part of the video. The last part of this is tough with shoulder and tricep exercises. Finishing strong with moving pushups etc is difficult. Still pushing as hard as possible.
Arms are heavy today.

Later today I have Pure Cardio then Cardio Abs. 2 workouts one after each other. Should be tough.

Day off Sunday and then it is the fitness test. Test 2 should see if I have gained anything from the first 2 weeks. Weigh in as well Hopefully might of shifted a couple of pound as well.


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Saturday 14th July 2012
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I hope so. I feel much better with myself and I do actually think it is working. Hopefully by the first of sept I will have a small body fat %. Fingers crossed.

will post new photos on monday to show the progress after 2 weeks.


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Saturday 14th July 2012
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Ordinary_Chap said:
Good man, nothing shows progress like measurements and pictures.

Weight loss is often water and muscle as much as it is fat when folk are posting on here.
Well I definitely don't feel like I'm losing muscles. My Abs seem stronger and firmer. Arms feeling bigger. Legs are getting much more definition so hopefully I wont lose too much muscle. My protein intake should be higher enough to substain this.


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Saturday 14th July 2012
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Ordinary_Chap said:
The truth is, if you are doing lots of cardio on a restricted diet you're probably not gaining any muscle or at least very little.

What happens is as the fat drops off, your muscles start to look a lot bigger as they become far more pronounced and you start to see tone (as a result of lower bodyfat).

Everytime I get really lean, I always get comments on how much folk think I'm growing which I'm not, at best I keep the muscle I have although in reality, probably shrinking a little.
Yes I understand what you mean and That is prob the case. I already have a good amount of muscle so to be fair I'm not fused about that and I not fused about building muscle. I'm doing this to lose the fat. Which hopefully will happen. It is a lot of cardio but you still are doing good amount of muscle work to stop them from wasting away.


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Monday 16th July 2012
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2 weeks Done.

Weighing under 12 stone for the first time in about 5 years.

Now 11 stone 13. Not much under but it's a start.

Got the fit test tonight so should be able to compare against day 1 of the programme.

Results to follow.


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Tuesday 17th July 2012
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Day 15.

Fit Test 2.

1. Switch kicks 55 up from 40.
2. Power jacks 52 up from 47.
3. Power knees 81 up from 65.
4. Power jumps 31 up from 28.
5. Globe jumps 8 up from 5.
6. Suicide jumps 15 up from 14.
7. Push-Up jacks 28 up from 20.
8. Low plank oblique 38 up from 29.

An improvement all round. Some better than others. Some increases are better than I could of wished for.

The figures are a rough count, it is hard to do switch kicks and counting, especially when your trying to keep your form as good as possible.

Pleased with the push up jacks, and the globe jumps. Suicide jumps are a lot harder then they look. I pushed for the whole minute and only gained 1. Hopefully better next time.

So quarter of the programme is done. Pleased so far just hope I can keep it going to the end.


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Thursday 19th July 2012
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Pure cardio last night and polyometric cardio circuit the night before.

Definitely feeling the stain a little bit today. Think I need new trainers, my balls of my feet start to hurt very early on in the routine which is making it very painful. Trying to power through it though. Feeling good and pleased with how it is going.

Should be the recovery night tonight but I have footie training first so a little extra push isn't going to hurt!! wink


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Tuesday 24th July 2012
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JasonJH said:
I stumbled across the Insanity videos on YouTube last week and as I have just returned from my honeymoon I thought I'd give it ago. I weigh 13 stone 5 lbs and at 5,9ft so that's a BMI of 27 so my main aim like fatpatsy is burn that fat. So here's the results of my first fitness test I must admit I was dripping of sweat by the end.

Day 1 Fitness Test

Switch Kicks - 80
Power Jacks - 35
Power Knees - 70
Power Jumps - 30
Globe Jumps - 8
Suicide Jumps - 15
Push-Up Jacks - 24
Low Plank Oblique - 30

No turning back now.....
Great work. Looks a good first fitness test.

Started week 4 last night with the pure cardio and cardio abs. Feeling a bit tired this morning. Need to have a big push this week, I have a meal out on wednesday night which I need to burn off! It is at a steak house so hopefully wont end up to bad.


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Tuesday 24th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
Why do you think this?
Because I'll have salad instead of chips and I won't have bread. So Hopefully keep it as low as possible.


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Tuesday 24th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
Ah, ok! smile
wink Don't worry my friend I'm trying to be good at all costs. Not a chip man anyway to be honest.

Just want a nice blue cooked steak!


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Tuesday 24th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
Good for protein!
Meat = Good for man!! smile


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Tuesday 24th July 2012
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SirSamuelBuca said:
cut bread and crappy sugars out and keep at it.

Insanity is ok just like p90x.

Maybe when you finish try doing classes at the gym like boxercise etc rotate them to keep it fresh.
Yeah I need to cut out bread from now on in. I've been having two slices a day of wholemeal. Topped for cottage cheese and either chicken or salmon. Been having that as two meals. 1 slice at about 12 and the other about about 2-3pm. On the diet plan you are aloud carbs as it is 40/40/20 to protein/carbs/fats. Going to cut out I few more carbs to help cut the fat a little more. Still need to eat some carbs for the energy.


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168 months

Wednesday 25th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
Fatpasty, if you're doing Insanity, that'll be enough. It will come off if you keep doing the exercises. No need to cut out everything you enjoy.
I can't say I eat a lot of bread anyway. I have been eating two slices just because it was been easier at work. Today I have cut of the bread for a tub of salad with chicken and salmon. Quite a small tub but I will half at a time to make it in to two meals.

Steakhouse tonight so looking forward to a juicy one later wink

Feeling a little tired last night after the power cardio resistance. I've got pylo cardio tonight before meal. Feeling a little tired, I included push up bars in to the routine last night to help me out. Makes the dips easier to do but also harder due to the bigger distance to travel.


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Thursday 26th July 2012
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JasonJH said:
Cardio Power & Resistance completed today felt easier then yesterday but still bloody hard weeping.

My right knee is feeling a little weak now so I'll wear a knee support for tomorrows Cardio Recovery, still feeling good about starting it.
Good start... The recovery is pretty good. Like I said before it is like 35 mins of yoga.

There are times when I'm pushing hard that my shins hurt a little. I used to suffer with shin splints. I have to stop for a few seconds during some exercises. But keep pushing, I'm now coming up to the end of the first 4 weeks. Then I've got a the recovery week and then month 2 which is ment to be really hard.

Looking forward to it hopefully it will help cut most of the fat.

had plyo cardio workout last night. Really pushed at the end with the jabs and uppercuts. Felt drained as hell but feeling good this morning. Should have the recovery tonight but I'll replace that with footie training and the ab workout when I get home.


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Friday 27th July 2012
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Fairly happy with my progress.

Weighted myself this morning and the scales showed ....

11 stone 10. biggrin

Mega happy with this. Comparisons in the mirror etc are looking good as well.

Hopefully will get a really good result at the end of the 9 week programme.


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168 months

Monday 30th July 2012
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Morning Chaps!

So month 1 is complete. Starting the recovery week today and boy don't I need it.
Played first preseason friendly on Saturday and still stiff and sore from that. Also ran out of the Bcaa+ which hasn't helped will order some more today so it will be here ready for next week.

Thought I would show you the progress from the last 28 days.

Pleased with how it is going at the moment. I've lost about 9 pounds. From 12 stone 4 down to 11 stone 9. Lost lot of inches. Wish I would of measures my body when I started to give a true comparsion.

Bring on month 2. Ment to be hard and Insane!! hehe


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168 months

Tuesday 31st July 2012
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Cardio, core and balance.

Start of the recovery week last night. Felt a little strange.

Started off slowly just a slow pace warm up. Then it got going a little in the middle of the routine but then by the end felt quite good. It's not ment to leave you feeling really tired etc but I feel like I need to do more to benefit. I'll stick at it got another 5 nights of it. Can imagine it is going to be quite boring by the end of the week but got to stick at it.


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Tuesday 31st July 2012
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ambuletz said:
Well done fatpasty! I did find it abit hard to notice the difference as the pictures all have different lighting/colours, but i can notice your stomach seems a little flatter then before. Hmm, perhaps I should try insanity again. I do find it almost sadistically hard, the throwing up and muscle soreness isn't cool either. Maybe I should just stock up on ibuprofen..
With the correct diet and supplements you'll be fine. BCAA tablets have helped loads and I don't get any soreness and stiffness any more. A must IMO.
Yeah I no the picture quality isn't great but there has been a good difference hopefully see better at the end of the second month.

Thanks though.


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168 months

Tuesday 7th August 2012
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Well done Jason. Keep it going.

I also done my third fit test last night. Starting month 2.

Forgot to pick up the results to post so will do it later when I get home.

Again some very good gains and others OK gains.

The recovery week wasn't nothing special, a little boring but it was all OK. I pushed a lot harder at the end of the week than I did the first. I don't feel refreshed though. Feeling tired after the fit test last night so month two is going to be tough but hopefully see much bigger gains.

Will post up results later tonight.