What's wrong with me?!



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214 months

Tuesday 17th September 2013
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Vladimir said:
Blimey, how long have been throwing up for now? Sounds very strange and I know you're a fellow fitness loon.

My immune system pretty much shut down for a year and it was a nightmare; I caught absolutely everything, some of it many times over.

I just wasn't resting enough and despite many blood tests, I worked it out myself. Different to yours but I know how frustrating it is when you can't train due to repeated/prolonged illness.

Hope it's sorted soon.
started on and off 3 weeks and 1 day ago now. now been every day for the last 9-10 days frown really pissing me off now to say the least. Hopefully get the test results tomorrow according to nurse at hospital yesterday and fingers crossed they find something.

It is indeed frustrating not being able to train. i did 1 short run last week, that was it frown depressing or what!

thanks Vlad appreciate the sentiments - hope your calf is improving too!


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35,227 posts

214 months

Wednesday 18th September 2013
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Good suggestion but I don't take any supplements or anything smile generally know my diet is pretty spot on to be honest. Loads of variety of fresh fruit and veg in there.

3 other blood tests back today all normal but waiting on stool sample result.

If that's clear then it's camera down the hatch frown


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35,227 posts

214 months

Sunday 22nd September 2013
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well.....i went a couple of days without being sick and for NOTHING i can think of, i've been sick again the last 2 days in a row frown


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214 months

Sunday 22nd September 2013
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goldblum said:
Have you had the result from the stool sample?
not yet sadly, hoping to get that tomorrow. I'm not hopeful because they're only testing for H. Pylori I believe, yet omeprazole is a treatment method for it which I'm taking, but not getting better frown


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214 months

Monday 23rd September 2013
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well, wasn't sick last night but i got up for a piss at 6am and got back into bed afterwards and very shortly had to get back out of bed again to be "sick" (almost all gas with a little bile as well) and went back to bed. wasn't feeling good so didn't get up until gone 8am (don't start work until this afternoon) and hey presto, i was sick again (again, large gas and a little more bile this time).

I'm wondering whether it's a gallbladder problem......? thoughts?


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214 months

Monday 23rd September 2013
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i've phoned the docs and requested a phone call back, i'm not happy it's taking this long. regards CO poisoning, i'm not the only one living here and, for other reasons, we did have another boiler fitted about 1 week ago so that's out.

i can't think of ANYTHING i did differently in those 2 days frown

royal PITA and am concerned now.


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35,227 posts

214 months

Monday 23rd September 2013
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Stool sample negative.

So still no closer to knowing. Next step is camera into my stomach but that will be "at least a couple of weeks"

fking gutted and honestly so pissed off. Had enough of this st now.


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214 months

Wednesday 25th September 2013
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If there was a blockage I'd probably expect to be constipated or have some pain but it's just nausea.

I'm tempted to get an appointment with the docs to ask what else can be done in the mean time as I still feel pretty rough. Not sure which tests to suggest really...

Barium meal test is a good call, but also wouldn't mind an abdominal ultrasound exam. Or a head scan.... Hmmm frown


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214 months

Saturday 28th September 2013
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i had an abdominal ultrasound today which was unremarkable. still being sick ever morning.

still, rules out gall bladder or pancreatic issues i guess.


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214 months

Friday 4th October 2013
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still being the same and still no futher really. gastroscopy now just under 3 weeks away, but i had to bloody phone and ask them. On a new medication - metoclopradine which, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be doing a great deal.



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214 months

Saturday 5th October 2013
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Certainly not a cannabis user but a worthy thought.

I honestly can't remember if I was on the omeprazole before the stool sample, suspect I was but could only have been for a few days at most.


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35,227 posts

214 months

Tuesday 8th October 2013
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Not Sure what to think of this....

As some of you know I'm quite an active individual usually but done sod all last few weeks and not been eating my normal amount because of that but have still been eating a decent amount of bad food like cakes, biscuits etc etc yet I've actually lost a kilo. I'm already quite light (now just 8 stone 9lbs) admittedly only 5ft 6 but don't want to lose any more weight.


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214 months

Tuesday 8th October 2013
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Tumbler said:
Have you tried keeping a very accurate food and drink diary?
I did for 3 weeks then after finding absolutely nothing linking the good days together or the bad days together I gave up.


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214 months

Wednesday 9th October 2013
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goldblum said:
Have any of the blood tests revealed any inflammation?
Nope, ESR was normal. 2 weeks today until gastroscopy. And yes, I was sick again this morning frown

If it was food intolerance why would it not happen after meals and only ever in the morning?? If it were, surely if I ate the food to which I was intolerant to at lunch I'd be sick later on early evening?


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214 months

Wednesday 9th October 2013
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Bare in mind I get absolutely no pain....

Hope the gastroscopy finds something. I don't want a camera the other way if I can avoid it hehe


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214 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2013
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Gastroscopy day today. Hopefully find something out!


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214 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2013
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All done, decided on throat spray instead of sedation...

Pyloric sphincter isn't shutting allowing bile to come into stomach which is irritating it. That has led to bacterial infection too they think so have taken a biopsy.

At least it found the problem and will start medication soon but will Annoyingly have to wait 10 days.


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214 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2013
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goldblum said:
Result. Glad it's nothing more serious. Long term prognosis?
Indeed, I was pretty chuffed with that outcome to be honest.

Long term not entirely sure just yet. May need to take meds daily indefinitely, have to wait a couple of weeks to find out but I see todays news as good news.

Thanks chaps.


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35,227 posts

214 months

Thursday 24th October 2013
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Cheers guys smile

Seems stupid I can't get any medication yet but hey ho. I've still no idea why this has happened, just one of those things I guess. Not sure yet whether I'll be taking medication for the rest of my days earlier which will be annoying.


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35,227 posts

214 months

Thursday 24th October 2013
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Vladimir said:
That must be pretty rare? Hope it's not long term but good they've finally nailed it.
I imagine you might have lost weight (if that's possible?!) with all that throwing up?
It's the same type of problem as gastro-oespophageal reflux except instead of the opening INTO the stomach it's the bone exiting it, which I think is rarer. Not weighed myself but probably have put on weight, I'm eating a good amount but not exercising and I only ever vomit bile on an empty stomach.

Cheers Vladimir.