Dialysis, school me.


King Herald

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23,501 posts

218 months

Friday 27th June 2014
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Change of tack. Seeing as she has hung in relentlessly for so many months, when all the odds said she'd be brown bread by now, we've now decided we want her alive for a month or so more. We plan to go to the UK for a fortnight, and need to leave her as 'security' in the house while we're gone. Her sister and our maid will also be there, but it would be better if the old girl were alive and kicking too.

Yes, I know, I'm going straight to hell for this one. angel

ps. She is eating like a horse now, has put on about 40 lbs, and complains she is 'bloated'......... rolleyes

King Herald

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23,501 posts

218 months

Sunday 13th July 2014
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I just got back from another five week stint offshore, and believe it or not she is still battling away, except now she weighs about 200 lbs!!!! She's huge. yikes All she does is eat, or get the wife or maid to get her something to eat. She complains she can't walk properly, hardly surprising when she is carrying around twice her normal bodyweight!

She lays in her room, does nothing, just calls out every half hour for more coffee, or a drink of water, or for food etc. The wife is in tears of frustration over all this drama, but I've told her it is her own fault as she panders to her mothers every need etc.

If the old witch shouted to ME at six o'clock in the morning that she wanted coffee I'd get her one, then pour it over her fkin head!!!!!!

King Herald

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23,501 posts

218 months

Monday 14th July 2014
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She's had years of unmanaged diabetes, because she simply refuses to follow anybody's instructions, doctor, nurses, diabetes experts etc etc.

She'll quite happily have a big plate of boiled rice for breakfast, with Ovaltine sprinkled on it, and just curse and complain if anybody tries to tell her she is doing something wrong.

King Herald

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23,501 posts

218 months

Tuesday 15th July 2014
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SWH said:
Oh crikey KH, only just read this... what a horrid situation, not sure I have any sensible suggestions other than leaving her to it really; and that's not exactly an easy thing to do either(!) I'm sure the situation will, err, resolve itself fairly quickly, especially with the more recent weight increase etc.

Other than the obvious.... hope you're well, all good here smile
I'd doing good mate, just a bit pished off to come home after a five weeker to the same old drama and arguments.

I just posted this to the Family group on Facebook, petty I know, but it made me feel better, with some of the in-laws who are comfortably detached from the situation passing criticism on us. hehe

"Wanted: Home for vindictive, arrogant, selfish, bitter old lady.
We've looked after her for nearly 20 years, spent a fortune on her health, taken her to a dozen different diabetes doctors and specialists, and she has ignored everyone of them. We've done all this because we thought we were doing the right thing, but now we have just about had a gut full of her.
Earlier this year we spent well over $1000 on yet another session of medical care, followed by two months of dialysis, at $300 a week, but she just ignored all advice and carried on eating like a pig. So I withdrew my financial support....
Everybody tells her she is lucky to have us, and I'm sure of that, because nobody else wants her!
My wife has recently received some good old fashioned 'guilt tripping' from a relative over this whole thing, so enough is enough, it is time for someone else in the Rxxxxxxs family to step up to the plate and take over, to carry on with this grand old Filipino tradition of looking after family! After nearly twenty years of it, I have had enough of Cxxxxxa Rxxxxxxs!"

King Herald

Original Poster:

23,501 posts

218 months

Saturday 19th July 2014
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Well, it is all over, she died yesterday morning. A phone call, a collection a visit to the crematorium and it was all over within 8 hours.

I nearly shed a tear myself, at a life wasted by a bitter and vindictive women.

She was never married, and I can understand why considering her attitude for the 19 years I've known her.

She lived with us in England for five years, she also visited the USA for six months, but everywhere she went she pissed people off and caused ructions by opening her gob and stuffing her nose into other peoples business. We gave her the opportunities to be happy, and healthy, but I get the feeling she just preferred to be miserable.

King Herald

Original Poster:

23,501 posts

218 months

Thursday 24th July 2014
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Ray Luxury-Yacht said:
Good Lord. I am sorry to hear that my friend. A sad waste and tragic really.

But as I said, by no means unusual.

I hope you're not feeling too bad frown
Thanks, but to be honest I feel nothing really, the only sadness is because my wife is upset on occasions.

Our daughter feels nothing too, which is a bit of a surprise but not entirely unexpected after the way the old lady performed over the last few years.

King Herald

Original Poster:

23,501 posts

218 months

Thursday 24th July 2014
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Ray Luxury-Yacht said:
Good Lord. I am sorry to hear that my friend. A sad waste and tragic really.

But as I said, by no means unusual.

I hope you're not feeling too bad frown
Thanks, but to be honest I feel nothing really, the only sadness is because my wife is upset on occasions.

Our daughter feels nothing too, which is a bit of a surprise but not entirely unexpected after the way the old lady performed over the last few years.