


Original Poster:

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Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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How's everyone getting on?

Week 9, Day 1 - StrongLifts 5x5

Squat - 5x5 @ 84kg (185lbs)
Bench Press - 5x5 @ 57kg (125lbs)
Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 59kg (130lbs)

I like to carb-up on training days. I usually have banana and cereal for breakfast, something around 11am, a reasonably big meal around 4pm, pre-workout protein shake half an hour an hour before training at 7pm and snack on nuts during the day. Today was a crap chicken wrap and two bananas all day due to work - really felt under-powered in the squats. First 3 sets were ok but felt heavy. The last rep of the 4th set and the last two reps of the 5th set involved a big chunk of willpower to get them finished. Need to keep an eye on form as well.

When I'd finished I thought I'd be fried for anything else but surprisingly I didn't have any issues with the press and row. Felt heavy but they were done with a minimum of fuss.

I'm also moving all my weight reports over to 'Pound' increments - all the plates at the gym are marked in lbs and I always work out the increase in 5lb (10lb for DLs) jumps because of that anyway.

Onwards and upwards - if it was all easy, it probably wouldn't be worth doing.


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230 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Where is everyone!?


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230 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Otispunkmeyer said:
well after struggling to do 5x5 at 70 kg for squats last monday, I skipped squats on wed and then on friday did a re-try of 70kg but this time using a small box to do box squats. Breezed it... then this monday just gone I did 70kg again without a box and managed fine again! Though the last set hurt.

Not sure if box squats are easier than normal. They felt easier. Probably don't quite get parallel and of course, the box momentarily takes some of the weight.

Anyway 72.5 next!

Everything else is ticking over 62.5 kg on bench no problem, 50kg on row no problem, 47.5 on the over head was hard. Not sure how much further I can go. Managed 107.5 on deads with a good warm up to it. Just need to keep that back in check!

Would love to know what I can do to stop some of the soreness though. I had to get out of swim training last night because my arms were shot (thanks to OH press and the pull ups I did) and squats were still burning my legs.

Is it just a case of eat lots to recover?

I need to find out what some good snacks are to get my calories up but without eating sugary carby crap.
The DOMS will go with the regular training - Glutamine can help as well.

I snack on nuts - keep a tin of mixed nuts on the desk at work and sorts me out.

Why are you doing Pull Ups?


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230 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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Fair enough mate. IIRC they were actually part of the original StrongLifts program but were removed, along with dips, as it was deemed too much and detrimental to the core five lifts.

Well, I should be going tonight to the gym but I was a naughty boy last night and decided to have a beer after a hot and crappy day at work. I found it a little difficult to stop at one....

Feel pants today so I'll pass and have a good rest up tonight and go tomorrow (Friday is the start of our weekend here).


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230 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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LordGrover said:
nono You'll be fine in time for the gym.

Do you want the 225 2PPS squat or not?
I know what you're saying but I've been extremely good with my sessions. They've only been disrupted by work when I've been out of country and not had a gym with the requisite free weights - even then, I've always done a 'maintenance' work out too keep myself busy.

I'll allow myself this little slip and hit it like a beast tomorrow.


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230 months

Friday 26th September 2014
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Week 9, Day 2 - StrongLifts 5x5

Squat - 5x5(+1) @ 86.4kg (190lbs)
OH Press - 5x5 @ 38.6kg (85lbs)
Deadlift - 1x5 @ 102.3kg (225lbs)

DL was my first '2 plate' lift.

You may notice (+1) next to the Squat 5x5. I was very glad that I gave it another day as I had a great workout today. The reason I added another squat to the last set was, I had this (unwarranted) fear that I wasn't going to make it so I felt I didn't go deep enough, even though I was still past parallel. So I decided to add another at full depth so I could finish knowing I'd done everything properly.

Funny how this lifting lark as such a mental element to it.

OH Press was ok and I decided to move to a alternated grip for the DLs. They felt great!


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230 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Week 9, Day 3 - StrongLifts 5x5

Squat - 5x5 @ 88.6kg (195lbs)
Bench Press - 5x5 @ 59kg (130lbs)
Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 61.4kg (135lbs)

st is getting heavy now for the skinnyfat 45yr old 75kg (165lbs) me.

I'm guessing I'm now properly at the stage where if I don't get stronger, I won't progress - if you know what I mean.

Next session will be into the last quarter of the programs recommended trial period.

My plan is to get to the end of that and then I'm going to start introducing cardio and specific Ski-fit/balance
exercises into the equation - I know it will mean a slow down in progress but its something I need to integrate into my training.


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Wednesday 1st October 2014
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Can't deny the physique has improved. I've become far more solid, put on close to 4kg while not increasing the bit of blubber I carry around my waist. I feel far more 'powerful', if that makes sense and there's a definite increase in functional strength that you require day-to-day.

However, the whole reason why I kicked myself up the arse in the first place was after a skiing trip in March this year - I was a well qualified instructor, both Alpine & Nordic, back in the day. I hadn't skied for a few years and while the technique was still there, I was in a st state fitness and power wise.

My aim was to get to a decent strength and fitness level before my first trip this season just after the New Year.

I need to incorporate aerobic, endurance, balance and explosive exercises now that a base level of strength will be achieved.

I'll do this by keeping the basic lifts of 5x5 but dropping strength squats to only once a week, but adding endurance squats - 3 x 20-25 reps with a very controlled tempo. Aerobic Cardio twice a week on non lifting days and a day of explosive box work, balance work and more core work. Not too intensive but enough.

I'll still be eating like a horse.


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230 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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I fully agree with you, it will hamper the strength progression, but by keeping the basic lifts 5x5, I'm sure it will maintain the gains so far and there will be increases, just slower.

Once the season is over, I'll move back to 5x5 or another pure strength program.

How have you got on with 5/3/1?


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230 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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They're not abstract mate - they will be tried & tested specific skiing conditioning exercises.

I get very wary of playing sports, especially contact or semi-contact sports like rugby or football, close to the beginning of the season.


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230 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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Hoofy said:
Asterix said:
They're not abstract mate - they will be tried & tested specific skiing conditioning exercises.
Exactly. Abstract exercise. Or are you doing it in skis on snow?

Are football and rugby the only sports available?
I see what you mean.

No, but tennis, squash, badminton, swimming etc... mean a whole new set of clubs to join at high cost and with the other training, I'd have little time any way.


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230 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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All-round exercises?

Also, if you can help me find a low cost indoor tennis or squash club, close to where I live in Dubai, I'd be most grateful.


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230 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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Use the App and it's all sorted for you.


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230 months

Wednesday 8th October 2014
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Well I've been thwarted this week from even getting close to the gym due to a combination of work and social commitments.

It appears that all my mates have their birthday in the same bloody week!

I might have to switch it up to and go early morning but I prefer to make sure I've had a good feed before I attempt the heavy stuff.


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230 months

Sunday 12th October 2014
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Week 10, Day 1 - StrongLifts 5x5

Squat - 5x5 @ 84kg (185lbs)
OH Press - 5x5 @ 36.4kg (80lbs)
Deadlift - 1x5 @ 102.3kg (225lbs)

First time I've been able to get to the gym for nearly two weeks so did a mini deload or stayed the same - Squats were horrible. Really horrible.


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230 months

Sunday 12th October 2014
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V8mate said:
V8mate said:
Had a thought today. 5x5 has been a good regime over the last couple of months, and my strength has smashed through previous PBs. But then today I wondered: has it actually built any visible muscle?

Googling 'does 5x5 build muscle' shows that it's quite a popular topic. What are your experiences?
Over the 12 weeks (but only 9 actual weeks, if that makes sense) I've put on 3kg without any noticeable increase in fat. Legs are definitely bigger and I feel more solid. So, yeah, there's been small gains in that respect.


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230 months

Monday 13th October 2014
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lost in espace said:
About 14 weeks in from just the bar weight. I have absolutely loved every minute of this. Just added weighted dips, well 2.5kgs, and pull ups. I am a 45 year old keen marathon runner, but cut my mileage in half and started doing 5x5 with the spare time

Squatting 90kgs, BP 57.5 and rows 57.5. I am failing a bit on 50kgs OHP, but repeating seems to work. I couldn't do more than an few pullups and dips, but followed Scooby's tips and for the first time in my life can dip and pullup! I am putting on lots of lean muscle, underpants, jeans and tshirts are starting to get tight.

I realised this was my opportunity to get really strong for the first time, and grabbed it with both hands. My only worry is when 5x5 stops working where I go from there, but the app does give you some help. I train on my own at home in a power rack.
Same age mate - good stuff fella.


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230 months

Tuesday 14th October 2014
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Shows what just 12 days inactivity can do. I haven't had DOMS at all since starting 5x5 but the session two days ago was the first after an enforced 12 day break. Legs are aching like a bd today! Should be a fun this evening...


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230 months

Tuesday 14th October 2014
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Have you got the App? If so, it recommended for me that I deloaded by 10%... which I stupidly ignored on squats and only reduced the weight by 10lbs.


Original Poster:

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230 months

Tuesday 14th October 2014
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Week 10, Day 2 - StrongLifts 5x5

Squat - 5x5 @ 86.4kg (190lbs)
Bench Press - 5x5 @ 54.5kg (120lbs)
Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 56.8kg (125lbs)

Bench & Row were both fine - it included the deload just to be on the safe side.

Squats - it was noted on my 4th set that a couple of times I was leaning forwards a bit and getting some 'back' into the lift. I'm glad it was noticed and I double checked form on the last set. Tough but doable. Next session will be back to my PB.