Ultra White Collar Boxing

Ultra White Collar Boxing



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137 months

Tuesday 18th April 2017
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egor110 said:
Like Ben says 8 weeks isn't long , you almost want a good instructor who finds what your st at and works around it.

ie cardio is crap and your blind as a bat , so let the other guy do all the work and come to you , get good at moving as little as possible to avoid his shots using as little energy as possible and go for the body as it's a larger area to hit.

to be honest the more sparring you can do the better even if you reduce the bag work , you need to get used to being hit and the fact that you can't just punch with no threat of anything coming the other way.
As a complete novice, i'm open to anything and finding the right technique that suits me. I most definitely have flaws at the moment, whether these will be ironed out in the next 7 weeks, well, only thing i know is i'll be up against another complete novice with similar flaws no doubt.

Body shots is also something i want to work on, seems they aren't used enough and can be a very decent weapon to have in my arsenal.

I haven't done any bag work yet, but sparring i will start soon. I want to take a punch, and regularly too, to get used to it, leading up to the fight. Who knows, i might have a granite chin, but be blowing by the end of round 1.
I kept dropping my hands when i was doing 2 minute constant pad work the other day, need to improve on that, but we haven't even started on defending punches yet.
Almost feels the hour session each time isn't enough, but i'm not going to learn everything in 1 week.

Just a long wait (2 days now) till the next session, then about 36 hours till the Saturday session, so my Fridays from now on are my rest days.

Cheers for all the great advice guys, very much appreciated.



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137 months

Friday 21st April 2017
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Shadow boxing and learning defense last night. Started the shadow boxing at 50% for a minute, and then sprint on the spot, 60% and sprint and so on till at 100%. That was a killer. Then on to moving the head and dodging potential punches, again, increasing movement and blocking on each set. Finally a bit of light sparring with blocking and parrying punches away. Finished off with a load of push ups which done it for me.
Real good sweat on though, left shattered but happy with what i had achieved and pushed myself.

Slightly miffed at the start of the night though, overheard a few lads saying they were only doing it till they get chucked out, and not bothering raising money for the charity or selling tickets, they want the free training for potential fights they may have in September. Really annoyed me that did as i'm in it for the charity work and to better myself in doing so. Tomorrow will be the cut off date fighters have to raise enough charity money (minimum £50), and sell at least 10 tickets to carry on the program and have a fight at the end of the 8 weeks. Those that haven't i guess will be asked to leave and possibly sign up for the next one in August if they are serious about it, or stump up what is needed immediately to secure their place now. So hopefully these dipsticks will be shown the door.
Also, sadly to report, some low-life stole £150 from the gym last Thursday night when our first session was taking place. There was a lot of cash changing hands as the orgainsers were collecting money for VIP tables and any other potential tickets sold. Real shame some low-life (if that's the case) has done this and stolen from the charity. Organisers have said CCTV will be looked into and the culprit found (I doubt very much they have CCTV there), or the person responsible can hand the money back in an envelope to the gym, and nothing more will be said or done. Long shot i think sadly.

Next week will be more morning runs and evening gym work, but will also ramp up the skipping and pad work and shadow boxing.
Will also go out and get proper boxing boots to 'bed' them in, so they are comfy for the actual night.
Week after i plan to start 1-on-1 sessions to get some sparring in, i want to take a shot to the face and body so i'm ready for the real thing on fight night. Also want to learn more about body shots and utilising them more.

Weight wise, I've stayed the same (cheeky midweek weigh in last night), but I've definitely shrunk, so i'm saying this is muscle that I've gained.
Also had a look around the other fighters last night, think I've seen 2 potential opponents that are similar in size and skill to me that i could be matched up against.

Other then that, another session tomorrow and rest day Sunday.


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137 months

Wednesday 3rd May 2017
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So a month to go, and not much of an update really. Lost a stone in the last 3 weeks but seems to have leveled out now, stayed the same last week and this week (hoping this is muscle growth and fat disappearing). Body has definitely shrunk though, and feeling lighter on my feet and stamina has increased along with strength and power. Had a slight wobble end of last week, mindset was depleting and i realised my focus wasn't what it was when i started a month ago. So had a chat with the OH (my main concern on my mind was that i wasn't at home enough, and i felt bad for leaving her with the baby each evening whilst i went to the the gym - gym sessions started to become about 30-45mins long as it was weighing on my mind when i was working out) and got somethings out in the open and a lot more positive moving forward. Just a case of communication between us, and more appreciation for one another.

More money being raised each day, think now i'm up to about £430, beating my overall target of £400, but hoping plenty more donations to come in the next 4 weeks.

Boxing training going very well. Still finding some parts hard, push ups and squats especially. But i'm doing more of these then what i did before the whole experience so it's all good. Progress in some form. Actual boxing technique is going well. Found my stance and what works for me. Do tend to drop my hands after throwing a punch, but am aware of it and working on it. We start sparring this week which i'm looking forward to. Want to take a punch to get that out the way and get used to it. Also want to try throwing some body shots as i feel this could be a key weapon for me to use on the night. Think I've also sussed out who i'll be fighting on the night, will find out the week before the fight when we are all called for a weigh-in and photo shoot.
As for numbers, well they've dropped. We had 16 of us at Saturday's session (ok, it was a bank holiday weekend) and about 40 at last Thursdays session. Think a lot of people either couldn't commit to selling the required tickets, or want the free training and as much of the experience as they could before leaving.

Onwards and upwards!


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137 months

Friday 26th May 2017
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Well with 8 days to go, we all found out our opponents last night. As you can see, I've been matched up with someone slightly taller but it's all good with me. I've loved the whole experience, up and downs, blood, sweat and no tears, and would fight anyone if needed. Raised over £600 for CRUK and lost a lot of weight at the same time.
I've lost a stone in weight over the 8 weeks, doesn't sound much but there is a noticeable difference in my size, and how my clothes feel on me, also how much muscle I've built up over the time also. Stamina is way better as is strength and general boxing techniques.
Looking forward to it!


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137 months

Friday 26th May 2017
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Exactly, not fazed by size etc. He could be blowing after 10 seconds. I'll give it my all!


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137 months

Monday 5th June 2017
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So the big day was this Saturday just gone. What an amazing day. Long day and my fight was 18 out of 22, so was scheduled to be around 9pm time, and had to be at the venue for 2pm. By 8pm i was gloved up and ready to head out, as a lot of the previous fights had ended early by TKO's. So back to my fight, well the first thing was the support. Mrs. Slickus was more nervous than me all day, and my old man was already tanked up before halfway through the card so he was his noisy self which was good. Other friends and family helped with cheering me on and keeping me focused and motivated. I had zero nerves all day, the whole 8 weeks really, i was excited for it. Training for 8 weeks, pushing myself and losing a load of weight had all come up to this day, and i was buzzing for it. I was actually more nervous on the introduction night 8 weeks ago, then on fight night My opponent, who i tried to stay out of his way for my own reasons, wanted to chat at least 3 separate times in the afternoon. I was pleasant, and friendly, but kept it to a minimum as i knew it would be business in a few hours.
So the fight came along and from the start it was going to be a slog for me. His height and reach just overbeared me and was difficult to get inside his jab to utilise body shots and combos. Sadly he put me down twice in the first round, and then twice in the 2nd round, and by then the Ref could see it was a done deal so called it. I could see it come to be honest, but until the ref called it, i just swung for the fences, hoping something would land and would put him out, but it never happened. Not windmilling as such, just putting everything into each shot as that's all i had, that or defend and get bullied. I left the ring feeling humbled and honest with myself that i truly tried my best, but on this occasion it wasn't good enough, and the last 8 weeks of a rollercoster journey, it was all sobering. I left the ring looking at Mrs. Slickus in tears of pride and happiness as i walked back. She almost got me reduced to a weeping wreck but i man'd up and carried on walking for the medical and a shower.
That first beer afterwards tasted so good!!

So what have i learnt from all of this, firstly, people are very generous. I managed to raise £1k for Cancer Research UK and am overwhelmed and honored by all those that donated. I also learnt that if i put my mind to it, i can do anything. Push myself to get in shape, push myself into the unknown, and push myself out of the comfort zone. I've also learnt how to be calm in situations and how to relax and bury any nerves that might arise. Almost a case of putting my mind on other things.
Would i do it again, maybe, but for now, i'll let the couple of bruises on my face heal, and spend some time with my 4 month old boy, and mum.
I would say this though, if anyone thinks about doing it, DO IT! It's an amazing experience, and you make it what you put in. It has it's ups and downs, i have my own comments and criticisms about a couple of points on how it's run and the 'politics', but aside from that, each own personal gain , is amazing.

So back to everyday life now, although i'm still going to keep up the morning runs as well as the evening gym sessions, but not as intense as they were.

Cheers guys, Slickus.


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129 posts

137 months

Monday 5th June 2017
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V8mate, I've only seen a video of the 1st round this morning, and waiting for it to be sent to me. Once it is, i'll share it. Also the whole fight will be put up on YT by the organizers, along with the other fights in due time.

Halb, I've pm'd you mate.


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137 months

Tuesday 6th June 2017
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Cheers for your kind words guys.

It was a hard battle, and i tried to give as good as i got. Sadly the result wasn't what i planned for, but then the amount i raised wasn't what i thought i'd make either, so levels itself out.

ben5575, being properly hit will never come easy, i find it's always a shock as not use to it. But i'm aware that i need to recover instantly and regain composure and put pressure back on him. I'm my own worse critic, and though afterwards, that the fight was one way. I've seen a brief video of the first round on someones phone yesterday, and i'm surprised how much better i was then what i thought i was. I'm trying to get the video sent to me and when it does, i'll post it up. That and the complete fight in a few weeks time.

Lotus Notes, Will keep the weight off for sure. Sadly Mrs. Slickus and myself lost a baby in 2015 and it sent me into self destruct and eating sadly became a comfort, subconsciously. But now a new lease of life and a 4 month old boy have kicked my backside into gear, wanting to improve myself and become more confident etc.

Whether i'll continue the boxing training, who knows. I'd like to but i'm also fully aware that i want to spend more time now with the family and enjoy the summer. As for the experience, well after the fight i was done, i'd told myself 'that's it'. But last night in bed, i started to think about it again, how much already i'm missing the whole experience, the people, training and commitment so who knows. Maybe next year i'll have another go. Each fighter can fight with the UWCB 3 times, so if my body allows it and the 'fight' is still there...........never say never!


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137 months

Wednesday 7th June 2017
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So here's my ring entrance...

And a video of the 1st round...


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137 months

Thursday 8th June 2017
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V8, 100%. After about 20 seconds i realised that jabs and punching him down wouldn't work. At the time i thought the best approach is to just throw bombs, putting everything into each punch, hoping one would land and end him. Start of the 2nd round was when i'd burnt out my arms and it was hard work to hold my hands up, let alone throw decent punches.

ben, I had only seen him at 1 training session out of 16, and i went to 15 of those sessions. I spoke to the Ref afterwards who also runs the training with other trainers, and he'd never seen the bloke before either. So i was on the understanding the bloke was doing other training outside of what was laid on for the fighters (twice a week training). But then i was doing extra sparring etc outside as well, so i wasn't too fazed.

Mentioned to Mrs Slickus last night about doing it again. It's very addictive and i can see why a lot of people who took part in this event just gone, have already signed up for the next event in Southampton in August. I'd like to give it a year though, fight again around this time next year. Although the response from Mrs. Slickus wasn't great (she likes my face as it is), but i have about 8 months to win her over ;-)
Not done any training so far this week. Giving the body a rest and having fun with the family at home. Tennis and football at the weekend though and come next week, training starts again with a new goal to lose 3 stone by October (holiday).

Cheers guys.


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129 posts

137 months

Thursday 8th June 2017
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Halb said:
Slickus said:
Start of the 2nd round was when i'd burnt out my arms and it was hard work to hold my hands up, let alone throw decent punches.
This was the focus of the routine I posted. Doing that allows you to maintain arms for defence and thump for all rounds at the same level.

I've watched a bit of the vid, well done, it certainly takes patience and commitment to train for this thing.
So you're allowed to do it three times? Are they afraid of people getting hurt from thumps?
In training i was able to defend well and keep throwing round after round, although my weakness was aggression. This is something i tried to let out in the first round. Think in the video of the first round, i land a pretty decent hook to the head, and then the body, but they really didn't do much other than take away some of my energy.

Apparently so yea, 3 times. As i say, quite a few of the guys who i was training with and had their own fights on the night, have already signed up for the next event. It's a business, obviously they have paperwork signed off about injuries etc and whats covered and not, but as long as UWCB sell tickets for each event, they're happy.


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129 posts

137 months

Tuesday 20th June 2017
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Full fight (all 4 minutes of it) now up on YT....


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129 posts

137 months

Wednesday 21st June 2017
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After a couple of weeks of reflection on the fight and the whole training period, i feel i could of done more in the way of training and cardio, but outside life dictates how much time i can spend on this. Little lad is 5 months old today and it's been nice to actually be in during the evenings and put him to bed, as apposed to being at the gym each night. Going to the gym a couple of times a week right now, and playing tennis and football once a week also, so still getting a sweat on, but not as intense, and gives mum a break from baby duties when i'm home.

I want to run a 10k next year in Southampton, and this would be during the 8 week training period for a fight, so that could be a plan. But for now my goal is to lose another 2 stone by October (holiday), and then a big push from then to trim down even more for the 10k and potential second fight, aiming to be around the 15 stone mark (currently 18 stone, and only put 2 pound on since the fight).

Cheers for your kind words and advice guys.