SIRVA - i have it....



2 posts

38 months

Thursday 8th April 2021
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Having a SIRVA following 1st Covid vaccine, does anyone have any advice as to whether to have the 2nd vaccine in the already injured arm, or to risk a similar injury in the other arm?


8 posts

41 months

Sunday 11th April 2021
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Hi everyone,

This is scandalous. It needs to be brought out in the open and I'm still working on that. We can all play a part by speaking up about it, reporting via yellow card and writing complaint letters. Don't be fobbed off by GP's. And maybe show them this page!

The medical profession keeps saying SIRVA is rare and that they've never heard of anyone being injured by an injection, but that's utter rubbish, you only need to read these posts to know that. And that's just on Pistonheads. I'll bet there are hundreds of people walking around with this injury, sent away by their GP's, not knowing where else to go for help. Carol16 google Peter Todd. I will post again when I get more information/news.

Remember that SIRVA (Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration) is a totally avoidable injury. It is due purely to negligence.

Pistonheads removed my solicitor details when I posted them for you, I don't know why. My solicitor knows loads about SIRVA and has worked in medical negligence for 30 years. He can work on a no win no fee basis too if like me, you don't have immediate funds for lawyers. I believe he is on AvMA (Action against Medical Accidents) list of reputable medical negligence solicitors.

My shoulder is much better now so I hope this encourages you. It took months though, I was out of action for ages. This is just plain wrong that people are suffering AND having to take time off work due to no fault of their own. Being unbelieved by doctors just rubs salt into the wounds.

I'll keep you updated. Take care all.


22,244 posts

160 months

Sunday 11th April 2021
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The solicitors details were removed as it was deemed advertising. There is a Private Message function accessed via your PH profile which allows other PHers to contact you directly (if you have enabled this).
I hope your SIRVA clears up soon.


1 posts

38 months

Tuesday 13th April 2021
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I have it too! Vaccination by a non medical person who said “ oh dear that didn’t go in very well did it?” It was super painful and felt too high up. This was about 10 weeks ago, arm / outer shoulder been so sore and stiff ever since. Stopped all exercising - which is so frustrating and really rested it and it was starting to feel loads better. I had an ultrasound on it Sunday and literally nothing showed up at all! So as far as GP is concerned that’s that. However this week is back to being super painful again and back on the ibuprofen at night. I’m going to follow some of your helpful physio tips and see where that gets me! Seems not as “rare” as Google says it is.


1 posts

38 months

Thursday 15th April 2021
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I had my covid jab 4 weeks ago today at a mass vaccination centre. I had no issues with my arm previously. He pretty much injected my shoulder which i thought was a bit high as the jabs i've had in the past were all lower than this. Within about an hour my arm started to hurt , getting gradually worse, the next morning the pain was radiating up my neck, down my back and my arm was pretty much dead i could hardly move as all. 4 weeks later im still in agony with my arm , im struggling to get dressed, i cant lift it up , the pain sometime radiates up my neck. Im worried about getting a second shot, i can't have another injection in the arm as im already in agony with it and do you risk injuring your other arm? its put me off having the vaccine. Im currently waiting for a call back from my GP but i cant see what they will do, if i get referred for physio it will probably take 6 months to get seen. Im at a loss as to what to do and feeling completely fed up. Has anyone else had this and how long did it take to heal?*** update*** spoke to GP who fobbed me off saying "its impossible to get this from having a vaccine i must have injured it some other way.. i told them that it wasn't it started as soon as i had the shot and that i had done my research on the internet and found articles about it but they were not interested!!

Edited by chezza2706 on Thursday 15th April 14:23


2 posts

38 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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I have this too. Had my vacine in January and still have the pain in my arm. Unable to lift my arm above my ear behind and lay on the sore arm. I have spoken to my gp today and she thinks I have a rotator cuff injury . Recommended physio. The ironic thing is I work at vaccination centre! I have a triathlon in may and its affecting my swimming hugely.


2 posts

38 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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It's really hard to know about taking action as I work for the same trust who gave me it. Occupational health arent bothered at all- feel very down by my employer the NHS.


112 posts

165 months

Tuesday 20th April 2021
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Not sure if you are aware but you can report your symptoms to this site.


3 posts

38 months

Thursday 29th April 2021
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Hi All,
I too am suffering from SIRVA ,having had my covid injection. No pain at the time, but some days later noticed my arm was stiff , which progressively worse now resulting in restricted movement and causing pain and difficulty putting jumpers or coats on and off. I have never had problems prior to the jab, so I'm convinced its as a result of it. I found this thread whilst looking into the problem. Great info Bluedeer and much appreciated. Also thanks for the physio tips from people, I'm giving them a go as I can't get in to see my doctor. Also going to go on t'interweb and fill in a yellow card.


1 posts

38 months

Friday 30th April 2021
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I also have symptoms of SIRVA, for 8 weeks now with no sign of improvement. My GP this morning advised she did not know what it was but that it was probably a muscle strain (I did tell her I hadn’t pulled or injured anything). She told me 3 times it was definitely NOT correlated to the injection which I found odd as it was a telephone appointment. If so, why no improvement despite rest and upping my protein to aid recovery... and why did it start straight after having the vaccine? She did refer me to physio though so that’s something at least. This is literally the only thread of people in the UK experiencing the same that I can find!


16,693 posts

207 months

Friday 30th April 2021
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I mentioned this to doc administering 2nd dose, he was v rude and condescending about it. Either there is widespread ignorance in med fraternity or a deliberate plan to discredit it.


2 posts

37 months

Monday 3rd May 2021
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Hi all

I just joined this site as I found this thread through a google search, I think I have SIRVA, I had my second Covid 19 vaccine (Oxford Astra Zeneca) on the 14th April and the same day I started with an aching arm and shoulder, it has got worse since and is a nagging muscular ache all the time with pain when I move or lie on it, weakness and intermittent tingling in my index and middle fingers.

I rang 111 this morning after a rubbish nights sleep and they have done a GP referral so I should get a call tomorrow, although judging by your posts I doubt it will be beneficial! Has anyone found a good treatment or pain killer, I am writing my dissertation for my degree and struggling to concentrate because of it!


2 posts

37 months

Monday 3rd May 2021
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GP just rang me and is referring me for a scan, he said it could be unrelated to the vaccine so I made sure to emphatically state that it started the same day and I had no issue prior to it!


3 posts

37 months

Monday 3rd May 2021
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Very pleased to have found this and discovered I am not alone with SIRVA following my Covid jab. On week ten of it so far and all the symptoms described by you all - pain, restricted movement, worse in the morning, disturbed sleep etc due to pain. Anti inflammatories (Naproxen) and Gastro resistants, cocodamol alongside all of which makes me feel groggy and in need of a strong coffee to kick start the day. Two telephone consults with Dr and two with physios - exercises and X-ray so far. Getting a bit bored with the whole situation now! Question - has anyone had their second Covid jab while suffering from SIRVA following the first and did you have it in the same arm - was it painful, did it make it worse .... or better? Thanks all - wishing you all a speedy recovery from this very disabling condition!

Edited by Redplum60 on Monday 3rd May 10:43


4,530 posts

125 months

Tuesday 4th May 2021
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I believe my partner has this.
2 weeks after the 1st vaccine, and having pulled the neck of her top down to expose her arm, as opposed to pulling up the sleeve.... from day to day the extent of the pain and movement restriction changes, from a single spot, radiating down the arm.
Lifting her child, getting dressed, changing gear whilst driving, or just getting comfortable in bed are all now daily challenges.
We're just looking for a solution that corrects it.
I'm also keeping an eye on any legal/financial recourse.

Her first point of call is a phone call with a nurse (?!)
GP and specialists are needed imo.... but the broader situation of denial or at least a severe lack of recognition makes me really worried frown


2 posts

38 months

Thursday 6th May 2021
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I have been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder . I had my 1st covid vaccine on 14th March. That evening my arm became really sore. It got worse by day 10 so I visited the chemist and was told to take paracetamol which did not work . 11 days after vaccine I struggled to lift my arm and couldn't sleep because of pain. I rang 111 around 7am and they got me in at my doctors. He thought I may have nerve damage and referred me to a specialist who diagnosed me with frozen shoulder. He said I was just unlucky that the trauma of the needle had most probably caused it and to have my 2nd vaccine in my other arm. He's referred me for physio. I had my 2nd covid vaccine today. I asked if I could speak to someone before having it as I was worried. The doctor came over and advised me to have it in same arm. He also said I was just unlucky that the vaccine had caused inflammation. He took me in and requested a qualified nurse to give me my 2nd vaccine. My arm still aches from 1st vaccine and I am still not able to lift it so not noticed as of yet any side effects from today's 2nd vaccine.. Still waiting for physio. My pain killers do help me sleep. They are called Amitriptyline. I filled in the yellow card a couple of weeks ago.


2 posts

38 months

Thursday 6th May 2021
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I did read about vaccine causing frozen shoulder injury if not correctly administrated thats on a uk site .


2 posts

37 months

Friday 7th May 2021
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Another SIRVA victim of a COVID mass vaccination centre here (a dentist did mine on 22 March) after being jabbed into the shoulder. Night time is the worst for me - as soon as I lie down, the arm/shoulder becomes really painful. Usually a couple of ibuprofen with dinner and a cushion to prop up the arm to try get a decent night’s sleep. Grateful to have stumbled across this forum. Thanks rider73 and bluedeer for the really informative info and exercises. I had a similar experience with my GP and being told that it couldn’t be related to the vaccine so long afterwards and that I must have hurt it doing housework *rolls eyes* (not possible since it’s my non-dom arm). Got a second opinion from an osteopath I use for treating running injuries and once we had worked out what the issue was, things started progressing in terms of mobility when I started physio exercises. Interesting to read the comment about not overloading the injury though - I had started adding light weights, but sounds like this was the wrong thing to do. In fact, things have actually regressed since doing this - I had attributed the worsening to wearing a backpack and thought this must have irritated things further, but possibly not. Will try the simpler door frame exercises and see how things go and if no more sign of improvement by end of June, I’ll try the GP again for a scan referral.
As others have commented - it was my first jag that caused this, so would be interesting to hear how those in a similar situation got on with the second. I’ve already decided they won’t be using the non-injured side for the second. Too risky in my opinion (could end up with 2 bad arms!). Kind of hoping injecting into the bad arm won’t irritate things further if it’s done properly.


6,060 posts

179 months

Friday 7th May 2021
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I can't believe anyone would want to try and inject the top of a shoulder. I'm just feeling my shoulder now - I'm not a skinny guy but there feels to be about 3mm of "flesh" between the skin and the bone at that very top part of the shoulder. Move a couple of inches down and feel from the side and there is a generous chunk of muscle they could go for. Why would anyone not immediately aim for that?

To go in with a needle through the top of the shoulder, they must literally be hitting bone then trying to force the needle down through joint/cartilage. Your stories of them struggling to get the needle in and then rotating it around really makes me feel queasy.

I had the impression it would be qualified nurses delivering the jabs but I'm getting the impression that this isn't always the case.

My tip: wear a fairly close fitting T-shirt where the sleeves can not be pulled too high up the shoulder. This way they can only jab into the side.

Having said all that - I'm so glad to have had the jab today.


3 posts

37 months

Saturday 8th May 2021
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Further to my comment on 3rd May - I had a telephone consult with a GP yesterday - he had never heard of a frozen shoulder following vaccination so I enlightened him and told him about SIRVA! He could not offer any advice about the second Covid jab which I am now due - but we agreed it might be better in the injured arm so that there is still a ‘good’ side to use and sleep on. How do doctors not know about this? I guess also it’s important to report SIRVA on the Yellow Card Scheme to raise awareness.
One other thing I have found that helps is KT sports taping the shoulder - the physio said it wouldn’t do any harm and if it helps, ok to do it. I don’t think it necessarily improves the situation but does make the shoulder feel supported and as if it’s being ‘held’ in place. The tape is available on eBay and instructions for taping on YouTube.

Edited by Redplum60 on Saturday 8th May 10:47

Edited by Redplum60 on Saturday 8th May 11:18