What's wrong with me?!



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214 months

Monday 27th July 2015
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Just at the eye department at hospital now. Just had my assessment and now waiting to see the consultant.

I wasn't sure if they'd been any improvements since March but there have been. Looking to the far right is the point when my eyes are the least aligned. They have a scale rating for how misaligned they are, 0 being perfect. Back in March looking far right was a 7, today is a 5....so going in the right direction.

Just gotta wait to see the consultant now.


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35,229 posts

214 months

Monday 27th July 2015
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Consultant is writing a letter to Mr Grundy, my GP and myself to say that from an optometry/orthoptic point of view....I'm good to drive biggrinthumbup

DVLA MAY be a bunch of arses and say that I still have to wait until the 12 month period, however.

I went to neuro to see if I could find Vas but he was in theatre, he will call me later. I'm going to ask him to see if he could write to the DVLA or to me (which I can copy and send to DVLA along with my reapplication process) to hopefully get the ball rolling.

I don't have my hopes set for earlier, but it does look like I SHOULD be back behind the wheel at some point this year.



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35,229 posts

214 months

Monday 27th July 2015
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To say I'm happy is an understatement. Even if the DVLA are insanely slow at getting it sorted (which they will be, of course) I know 100% that I WILL be driving in not mega long. Even if it's January/Feb 2016 I will be driving. Back in March the eye chap kind of made it seem as though even when those 12 months are up there was a chance I wouldn't drive.

Pics from the Mega Meon are up - I've just ordered a CD with all photos on


Click on the thumbnails for a slightly higher quality image. Couple of good ones there. I'm not usually one for giving thumbs up/smiling at the camera on a sporting event, but thought I best look as happy as possible hehe


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35,229 posts

214 months

Wednesday 29th July 2015
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DVLA being a bunch of arses and saying even tho my neurosurgeons say I'm fine to drive again I still must wait 12 months.

I can apply 8 weeks early due to them taking so long to do paperwork, and by the time the eye consultant writes to my neurosurgeons, then neurosurgeons writing to my GP and DVLA etc it's going to be about that 8 week period anyway.

Still, I'll request a copy of documentation written which confirms I'm OK to drive and once received I'll send my application in then. Got nothing to lose and having all paperwork ready early won't do me any harm.

There is a video of the event from Saturday and I make an appearance at around 2:40-2:45 smile



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35,229 posts

214 months

Wednesday 29th July 2015
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zarjaz1991 said:
At least you'll be able to drive again Ross, which is brilliant news.
This, 100% this!

It's a case of "when" not "if" biggrin

It's going to seem slow as f**k but I can't wait to get behind the wheel of the 745i again.

"Br d" has driven it more than me this year rofl


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35,229 posts

214 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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br d said:
E65Ross said:
This, 100% this!

It's a case of "when" not "if" biggrin

It's going to seem slow as f**k but I can't wait to get behind the wheel of the 745i again.

"Br d" has driven it more than me this year rofl
Ha! You might as well just bring it up and leave it with me for a while mate, at least it will get a run out!
It's a lovely thing, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it.

I'm tempted to say that we could get a days insurance and I could return the favour and you could drive mine out for a hoon, but with your tender age I have a feeling the cover would be more than just bloody buying one yourself!
Haha, luckily I have a mate who's using it roughly once per week for the commute to work which is around 25-30 miles each way. It's been good as gold apparently! I'll be getting an oil change before I get back behind the wheel.

I think it would cost a fortune! Just got in it was enough to make me happy biggrin



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35,229 posts

214 months

Saturday 1st August 2015
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Pics from last Saturday


Lots of me and my mate giving thumbs ups and just a couple looking a little more focussed!

Just did 81 miles on the bike today biggrin Although a bit flatter


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35,229 posts

214 months

Monday 3rd August 2015
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0a said:
E65Ross said:
zarjaz1991 said:
At least you'll be able to drive again Ross, which is brilliant news.
This, 100% this!

It's a case of "when" not "if" biggrin

It's going to seem slow as f**k but I can't wait to get behind the wheel of the 745i again.

"Br d" has driven it more than me this year rofl
We must organise a Barge 1-5 event for your return to barging!

Your total raised is incredible - well done Ross.
Roll on 2016!

Oa - thanks again for your generosity! You've just bumped me up quite a lot again! biggrin


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35,229 posts

214 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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0a said:
I got so bored looking at your just giving page target scaling up to 1,442% from 100% of £500 target I had to donate again smile

For anyone else, the link is here: https://www.justgiving.com/Ross-Fripp

As man of roughly Ross's age and interests (he has to mature a little to appreciate old mercs!), reading this thread from the beginning really did inspire me.

You are now miles fitter than me Ross - a great reflection on you, and a terrible one on me!

Edited by 0a on Monday 3rd August 23:04


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35,229 posts

214 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Just had an email from the charity and found myself here as well


Quite a nice little piece.

Thanks again Martin wink


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35,229 posts

214 months

Thursday 13th August 2015
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TheAngryDog said:
Any further news to report, Ross?
Not really to be honest. Still waiting on the letter from my eye consultant.

I spoke to my neurosurgeon, Vas, and he has said not to wait for a letter from him to send to the DVLA, because the DVLA will have to contact him anyway..... He said even if they say you can apply 8 weeks in advance (of the 12 month waiting period) he said once I get that letter from the eye consultant I may as well apply for my license.... I've nothing to lose in doing so.

It'll be 3 weeks as of Monday..... So of I haven't got it by then I'll give them a and chase them up!

Cheers, and glad to hear of your progress too.


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35,229 posts

214 months

Thursday 20th August 2015
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I spoke to the DVLA yesterday, they said if I send my license in before the 8 week period it will just get rejected.

Even though my consultants say I'm fine, I have to wait 12 months.... So the earliest I can apply is early October (8 weeks prior to my 12 month period. I asked what happens if it takes longer than 8 weeks to sort all the paperwork out.... They said then I'll have to wait more than 8 weeks.

What pencil pushing bds. Why can't I apply early, they contact my surgeons, they say I'm fine, they give licence back and say I'm good to go as of 1st December?


On the plus side, another hefty donation today of £1k!


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35,229 posts

214 months

Monday 7th September 2015
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Letter from eye consultant has FINALLY arrived! Just says that I have to really look for the double vision to find it and that from an orthoptic point of view there is no reason why I cannot have a drivers licence.

I have decided to order a 2nd drivers license application form, when that arrives (about all week) I'll fill it in and send 1 form off now. It's quite close to that 8 week period anyway so may not get rejected. If it does, I've got another form ready to send off immediately anyway. Nothing much to lose but potentially something to gain.

Charity are happy, as am I..... Fundraising hit north of £10k after gift aid. Absolutely incredible!



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35,229 posts

214 months

Tuesday 8th September 2015
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Indeed! Everyone has been amazing!

I photocopied everything and actually sent off my application form today 1st class recorded delivery. I figured that if I don't hear from them by a few days prior to that 8 week period I can phone them and see what's happening. If it got rejected I have everything I need to send it off immediately again.

I have also requested a phone conversation with my GP tomorrow..... There's the odd chance DVLA will ask my GP if I'm fit to drive, he hasn't seen me for ages and I want to avoid that potential delay of him saying "I'm not sure if he's OK, I'll get him booked in to see..... Oh, that'll be a few weeks". Asking if he may need to see me could avoid that if I can get seen (if required) before my 8 week period.

I have also been in contact with Vas, one of my surgeons) and he thinks I should have no problem in getting my license back now the eye people have written that.

One small complication is that, unfortunately he's leaving Southampton from 1st October to become a consultant in Oxford.... And it will likely be his replacement who will fill in the DVLA questionnaire unless he gets it before then. He said if there are any issues he can talk to Southampton. I'm hoping this won't slow matters.

Driving on 1st December would be great, but I've already got it in my head (no pun intended) that it won't be ready then..... But driving before Christmas would be something I'd love!

Fingers crossed!


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35,229 posts

214 months

Friday 11th September 2015
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Hi Crikey, and thanks for your message.

I have just emailed my local MP so we shall see what happens. I may well contact you if necessary.... If the MP thinks they can help I may be able to use you as an example and say to the DVLA "well, you let this chap drive when his consultants said he was OK, so let me!"

Will let you know how it goes!

Many thanks


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35,229 posts

214 months

Friday 11th September 2015
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crikey said:
No worries, just drop me a pm. Good luck with it.
Thank you very much for the offer, it's something I may well take you up on!

I'll wait until I hear back from my local MP and see what's what.

I remain doubtful and still don't expect to be driving on December 1st. If the MP says they can't do anything and the DVLA are taking ages.... Is it a case of just continually pestering the DVLA and asking them to get their arse in gear?


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35,229 posts

214 months

Saturday 12th September 2015
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0a said:
I'll donate another £100 to your very worthy cause when you drive me around the block in the E65 at the next PH event Ross!

All the best with getting your licence back.
Just pinged you a reply to you email biggrin

That's a vrey kind offer thanks. We will definitely have to sort a meet up in 2016!!!

It does seem daft that the DVLA insist on a 12 month period, despite top medical experts saying you're absolutely fine to drive. Personally, I think it'd make much more sense to totally disregard that 12 month period and just say "you can't drive until the medical professionals say you're good to go". Can't see why that isn't the case.

I can understand 12 months in some cases, such as where epilepsy/chance of fitting etc is possible, and not having a fit in 12 months means you're less likely to fit in the future, but in cases like mine that's not an issue....it really doesn't make sense!


Original Poster:

35,229 posts

214 months

Monday 14th September 2015
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Thanks again Crikey.

I have had an email back already saying they'd be more than happy to try and help. I ha e sent them a copy of my orthoptic letter saying I'm fine to drive and have also said both my neurosurgeons have verbally said that I'm also fine to drive and know full well that they would help me out if they can.

Not getting hopes up but it's not going to harm. I've still got Xmas set in my head, anything earlier is a bonus.

Br D - would be up for that depending on how much fuel it'd cost me! 0a lives in Scotland rofl

Would certainly give the old barge a run to blow out the cobwebs.


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214 months

Monday 14th September 2015
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Original Poster:

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214 months

Monday 14th September 2015
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masermartin said:
That is a pretty fantastic amount smile
I'm over the moon with it! It's great.

I liked how the letter accompanying it was actually personal, rather than a generic letter. Pistonheads got a mention too biggrin