SIRVA - i have it....



1 posts

36 months

Wednesday 9th June 2021
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I too have S.I.R.V.A. I walked into my doctor’s surgery last November (20) having never complained of any arm or shoulder problems before, but a couple of days after the ‘flu shot I started to experience severe pain around the site of the injection. This continued, with the pain now going into my shoulder, along my collar bone and into my neck. I reported it to my Doctor two weeks later, and I have to say he has been extremely caring towards me. Even though we were in a Covid crisis I was allowed into the Surgery for examination. The first time I was examined it was suggested that my pain was a coincidence and physiotherapy was ordered. The physio appointment did not arrive for some time but meanwhile I was seen again by my Doctor who, whilst not actually saying he thought my pain was due to the ‘flu shot, his mannerisms seemed to indicate that he was concerned. For anyone who suspects they have S.I.R.V.A. my symptoms were, and still are, loss of mobility in my shoulder (I can’t drive, get in the bath, do any form of reaching, ie peg washing out, dry my hair etc, and getting dressed and undressed is a nightmare). More importantly I had excruciating pain and cramping in my arm around where the shot was administered. These cramps make me scream out with pain but since I have been prescribed Pregabalin the cramping is infrequent ~ however the pain continues. I can’t sleep at night as the pain is constant and I find the only way I can get comfortable is if I pack cushions around me and sleep in a sitting position. I am unable to take opioids or anti-inflammatories so all I take is Paracetamol on a pain management regime. The Physiotherapist, who I eventually saw, said he did not want to give me treatment until he knew what he was dealing with and to date I have not had a definitive diagnosis. Four months after the ‘flu shot I eventually saw an Orthopaedic Surgeon, who examined me and said he thought I had Frozen Shoulder. He gave me an anaesthetic and steroid injection and arranged to see me in 3 months. I thought a miracle had occurred as I was pain free and got full mobility back in my arm and shoulder. However this pain free period lasted for 2 weeks only so I asked for my appointment to be brought forward. The Surgeon then said he did not think I had frozen shoulder because the steroid didn’t last long enough, so an MRI scan was ordered (this was done 2 weeks later), and today I go for my results (one month later!). Needless to say at present, after 7 months of terrible pain, I am no better but hoping for a miracle again! I would be pleased to hear from anyone else who has suffered like me as I have heard on the grapevine that this year there are quite a few cases of S.I.R.V.A. (from the ‘flu shot, not Covid shot).

Flat roofer

1 posts

36 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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I received my second vaccine injection on the 19 of May the nurse clearly injected me too low probably hitting the bone a couple of days later I was experiencing pain like I've never felt in my life. The doctor and NHS 24 all claimed that this was highly unusual and probably not connected to the vaccine. I know without a shadow of a doubt that improper administration caused this my friend who is an army medic knew right away what had happened as soon as I pointed out where the injection site was, how my GP and doctor at the royal infirmary dont know anything about this stinks to high heaven. I'm almost a month in I'm off my work I cant sleep and I'm in constant worry that I'm going to be left like this for a long time if not forever. The best they have offered is co codamol and a call from a physio thankfully I have private healthcare which I will make a claim on Monday hopefully they are better that the NHS who's main job at the moment is to not accept any responsibility and turn people away. I have picked up a few pointers from this thread that I will put to use... this can't be swept under the carpet and must be made public by any means possible.


3 posts

36 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Found this thread via a google search. So sorry to hear of others who are suffering with this injury. I had my first Covid jab earlier this week at a mass vaccination centre. All seemed fine with the jab, I wasn't looking at the needle, so no idea exactly where it went in. Over the next 24 hours I had the sore/dead arm, as expected, but as the following day wore on the pain moved into my upper arm, neck and shoulder area and by that night I was getting sharp shooting pains across the shoulder area, especially at the front around the clavicle area. I couldn't raise my arm more than 45 degrees from my side.

The discomfort and pains I've been experiencing since then are off the scale. I get intense, unpredictable shooting spasm type pain all through the day, any small movement sets it off. Anything from reaching to pick something up to leaning in to give my little one a kiss good night just now which was particularly upsetting. The pain is off the chart, feels like someone has stabbed me.
Nights are hard too, it seems to get worse as the day goes on and at night i'm finding it hard to lay flat. If I move at all, I get pain which is disturbing my sleep. Again, very difficult to cope with.

At present I can't drive, get myself undressed, dry my hair, use a knife and fork or do anything which requires my left arm to move much away from my body. I've had to take time off work. I have always been fit and healthy, I'm mum to 3 young kids, I have 3 jobs, we've been massively affected by Covid, my husband's work completely disappeared in March 2019 and still hasn't returned. Life is incredibly stressful already and now I have this to deal with too, I feel so unlucky, I know it's still early days but I just don't know how we are going to cope if this continues.

I saw the GP who was unhelpful. He didn't look at my shoulder or even check mobility, he just said it's very odd, unlikely to be anything to do with the jab, not to worry and that it would get better. Gave me strong painkillers. I also went to see a local Chiropractor just to get the opinion of someone who understands the body well, his feeling was that i have some kind of nerve damage resulting from the needle going into the nerve or near the nerve. He also hoped things would improve for me but so far, no improvement.

I've reported this to the yellow card scheme and I am going back to a different doctor to demand more help. I am terrified that this will not resolve itself and even if it does get better, is it going to flare up in the future? It's so debilitating. No-one I speak to can believe that the jab has caused this. I'm trying to raise awareness amongst people that I know but i think we need to do more to prevent this happening to others.

I am going to get in touch with the vaccination centre to make sure they are aware of what has happened too. Apart from here and the Facebook page mentioned in an earlier post are there any other ways we can form a group for support/action?


3 posts

36 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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bigandclever said:
You can google ‘sirva pistonheads ’ and only get 4 directly linked results.
I joined tonight because no one in Canada is taking about this. I looked on Craigslist. The UK also has something called Scope.
SIRVA needs to made aware to those who think injections never go wrong. My last 3 weeks have a tortuous living h***. Ultrasound, CTscan, pharma drugs, X-rays...

Totally armless

1 posts

36 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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I am shocked by what I am reading here yet feel a great sense of relief that I am not alone in what I have endured.
Much of what I have read I can relate to, including the distressing apathy of my GP.

Nine weeks into the pain, I couldn't get my Doctor to even look at my arm, so I rang the covid help line. Thank goodness they were helpful because my next option was to ring the vets. They never turn me away when my dogs need help.

The covid team were great and set up an immediate appointment to see a health care professional at the local hospital. Here I was finally taken seriously and given a diagnosis.

He told me he had experienced other patients with this reaction and it could take up to seven months to recover. A long time, but at least there was hope and he could see how twisted my shoulder had become as a result.

With my second vaccine looming I just didn't know what to do. I couldn't go through this again but he assured me that it was unlikely to have been caused by the vaccine itself but from an inappropriately placed needle.

On the day of vaccine no 2, I made up my mind to be firm about how I would approach the second injection. Having a name 'SIRVA' is a blessing, suddenly you know what you are talking about so I walked into the vaccine centre and explained what had already happened . I insisted that I could only be injected by a trained professional who knows what SIRVA is. (and was fully prepared to walk away if they looked vague or didn't comply)
Even though he was not personally responsible, the man on the desk apologised profusely for the distress and pain I had endured and fetched his best nurse for the job.
I hope he realized how much this small token of kindness meant to me, I was so relieved.
And of needle no2 - no side effects . whatsoever- phew!


3 posts

36 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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Hi all, this is a serious real issue that should be reported and talked about. the way it ruins people's lives and the disgusting way myself and others have been treated by so called professionals is shocking. I will tell you my personal story and awful experience of this so far.. I'm into week 1, and I'm off work, unable to drive and do many other basic things.

I had my Covid Vaccine last week Weds 9th June, my second. The jab was administered around 5pm, I went home all was good, no side effects, went to bed, woke up next day still feeling ok. I had taken the next day, Thursday and Friday off of work just in case I reacted and was just relaxing in the garden at home. Later that day-around midday, my shoulder started to throb, and with some shooting pains down my upper arm, thought nothing of it as just thought it was a side effect of the vaccine but throughout the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, the throbbing turned into excruciating pain, and by bedtime I could lift my arm to even undress. This was not the usual feeling that you sometimes get after a vaccine - like a slightly pained dead arm, this was excruciating, made you cry pain, and lost shoulder /upper arm mobility. I went to bed in my clothes. I couldn't take off, and didn't sleep very much, next morning - Friday I told my husband I couldn't cope with the pain, I cried, and asked him to take me to our local hospital's urgent care department. He was so shocked, and knew it must be bad as he knows I'm not one for going to hosp or gp. He dropped me off and I explained to the Triage and Doctor the circumstances of how and when this problem began, i.e. after having the vaccine. I was examined, made to move my arm and shoulder making me cry from the pain and then when I suggested it was the injection that had caused it, I was looked at like I was mad! I was told it's not likely to be the vaccine that has caused it, take codeine for 5 days, and if no better then to phone my GP. I was upset, frustrated, dumfounded, and felt like the visit was a complete waste of time. I contacted my manager, explained the issue so far, he was in disbelief (not sure if he believed me either) but was great, and said don't stress and just keep him updated. Despite my pain I still tried to get in my car to see if I could drive - I could not stretch my arm to the steering wheel or attempt to move arm to gear stick for the pain. I admitted defeat, spent the whole weekend in agony but managed to get used to getting my top off one armed, and to have a one armed shower and just got through it in pain.

Monday AM I finally got through to GP Surgery, I explained my situation in full including my Urgent Care visit. The triage staff member told me there's no way having a vaccine could do that to you, but they told me to hold and they would find a GP. I finally got a call back about 6pm, and not from an actual doctor, the actual doctor just got an office / reception person to call me to tell me a vaccine injection could not have done this to me, I must have done it to myself, maybe in my sleep (despite me saying the pain started mid day)! I argued how they could deem I'd done it to myself from just a phone call and no face to face examination? I was told to phone back in a couple of days if not better, in the meantime I should fill in a self cert sick form which would cover me for 7 days of work, and after that my GP would be more than willing to issue a Fitness note? Disgusting, I felt demoralised, and deflated, why would no one listen?

I struggled through and on Tues through pure boredom scoured the wonderful world of google and came across sites mentioning SIRVA and knew straight away, this is it, this is me! I was also very saddened to discover a blog (this one) where I read stories of others like me - suffering at the hands of negligence, and where medical professionals were also not believing that their problems were caused by vaccine administration.

In desperation yesterday just to try and get some belief and empathy, my mum picked me up and took me to the hospital in the next county, where finally they listened, read the info on SIRVA that I took with me, they did stretch my arm, make me scream and cry in pain, but acknowledged it must have been caused by the Covid Jab administered.....I am now currently awaiting physio.

People need to be made accountable for this problem - I currently can't drive, do my job, I can't reach up or out with my arm or do any movement if it involves using the upper arm and shoulder, I can't even lift my bad arm to put deodorant on !!! I'm hoping for a quick recovery, but from what I've read so far I just don't know and time will tell I guess. Being unable to drive, work, and restricted in what I can do - I'm already going out of my mind!

I encourage anyone else suffering this to come forward and report their stories, and more importantly-fight for treatment, and report it to the Yellow Card Website, and my thoughts and sympathies with you all.


3 posts

36 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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FreeLitres said:
I did think that initially, but I guess if people google it and this is one of the only forums discussing the issue, they would sign up to PH just to comment.
Hi I'm new and have just posted my story, and yes I found this site by googling how the heck this has happened to me. I'm sad but glad I found this forum as I know now it's not just me.


3 posts

36 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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Cazza03 said:
Hi all, this is a serious real issue that should be reported and talked about. the way it ruins people's lives and the disgusting way myself and others have been treated by so called professionals is shocking. I will tell you my personal story and awful experience of this so far.. I'm into week 1, and I'm off work, unable to drive and do many other basic things.
Oh Cazza, all of what you have just said I can relate to! I had my jab on 8th June and I have been in agony since. My shoulder pains came on gradually like yours over the 36 hours following the jab. Just like you say - mobility is so bad in affected arm, I've been crying out in pain, unable to dress, drive or work.

Some people have been understanding and sympathetic but honestly i don't think others can believe it is to do with the vaccine jab. Maybe because it seems to be quite rare, but i have heard of plenty of people, it's not just a handful.

There was a facebook page about SIRVA listed earlier on in the comments - I've asked to join but it doesn't seem active as i've not been accepted after several days. It also has a bit of anti vaccine content which I'm not so interested in, mainly because I think it detracts from our issues. I would be interested in setting up a new FB support page specifically for those affected, if anyone thinks this would be useful? Maybe we can help each other by telling our stories, suggesting things we've tried for pain relief, exercises, share advice given etc.

Just to give a little hope, 10 days on now I am experiencing slightly less of the intense nerve shooting pains, so i'm hopeful that I am moving out of the initial highly painful stage (although it's totally dependent on me staying pretty still and not doing a lot!) Also there is still a fair bit of pain at night, it's greatly affecting my sleep. So certainly not out of the woods yet.

I've been back to the doctor and they are not prepared to refer me for further investigation (not even for physio) until the 6 week mark.
He was sympathetic and interested. But wouldn't pass any comment on why this has happened or that it's connected to the jab...

Frustrating to say the least. I do hope everyone is reporting the the yellow card scheme. Seems like it's all we've got at the moment...


3 posts

36 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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It's unbelievable nightmare stuff isn't it. I'm going to update on what's happened today.

I don't know if I should say fortunately, but do believe it's done me a favour - my husband and I have the same GP, and he's been suffering with a bad hand, and same - no help from GP, so last Friday when my shoulder / arm had began, my husband said he was going to register to a new GP surgery, unhappy with them myself I decided what the hell, a new one can't be any worse so registered too. To cut a long story short after phoning my GP Mon and getting nowhere, they told me to call back yesterday if no better, so I did and when I eventually got through, gave my DOB etc they said you are no longer on our system - I felt nothing but relief, and said to the lady "Thank *** for that" as you don't care and are rude and useless (Complaint will be going in on them).

So yesterday I phoned my new GP Surgery, and quite sure the doctor was dumbfounded when I explained the whole story from the initial jab administration, and my journey since then. I just felt so happy that they listened and with empathy. Over the telephone I was offered a physio appointment, but best they could offer was at the end of the month, so they said I had to go in today.

So I have been into my new GP today and they listened, I can't tell you how happy this makes me just as a start! I was examined as much as the doctor could which wasn't much as they could see how much pain I was in just by looking at my coat only on my good arm, and my eyes screwing up in pain above my mask. They agreed it's something to do with the jab, but I do have an added health complication which they are concerned about and can't offer me any kind of treatment until they are sure.

So I have an auto immune blood disorder called ITP many have never heard of it - Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is a blood disorder characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are cells in the blood that help stop bleeding. A decrease in platelets can cause easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding.

The GP said not only could it just be the jab gone wrong but it may also have caused my ITP to be triggered giving me an internal arm bleed, (a slight ITP rash and bruise has now appeared on my good arm) and cannot give me any treatment until they know for sure. So I have been signed off as unfit to work for 2 weeks, I have an appointment to have a blood test to check my platelet count on 28th, and can't do anything until those results are back.

I don't know what else to say other than I am devastated and I'm prepared to (and now have the time on my hands) to fight this, please do set up a facebook support page and please everyone -do report to Yellow Card and complain, and fight as I am determined to. We all need to speak out about it.


3 posts

36 months

Saturday 19th June 2021
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dollymix said: Scope also shares peoples stories. There's nothing in Canada that brings SIRVA to the fore, or offer social insight to even speak about it.

Oh Cazza, all of what you have just said I can relate to! I had my jab on 8th June and I have been in agony since. My shoulder pains came on gradually like yours over the 36 hours following the jab. Just like you say - mobility is so bad in affected arm, I've been crying out in pain, unable to dress, drive or work.

Some people have been understanding and sympathetic but honestly i don't think others can believe it is to do with the vaccine jab. Maybe because it seems to be quite rare, but i have heard of plenty of people, it's not just a handful.

There was a facebook page about SIRVA listed earlier on in the comments - I've asked to join but it doesn't seem active as i've not been accepted after several days. It also has a bit of anti vaccine content which I'm not so interested in, mainly because I think it detracts from our issues. I would be interested in setting up a new FB support page specifically for those affected, if anyone thinks this would be useful? Maybe we can help each other by telling our stories, suggesting things we've tried for pain relief, exercises, share advice given etc.

Just to give a little hope, 10 days on now I am experiencing slightly less of the intense nerve shooting pains, so i'm hopeful that I am moving out of the initial highly painful stage (although it's totally dependent on me staying pretty still and not doing a lot!) Also there is still a fair bit of pain at night, it's greatly affecting my sleep. So certainly not out of the woods yet.

I've been back to the doctor and they are not prepared to refer me for further investigation (not even for physio) until the 6 week mark.
He was sympathetic and interested. But wouldn't pass any comment on why this has happened or that it's connected to the jab...

Frustrating to say the least. I do hope everyone is reporting the the yellow card scheme. Seems like it's all we've got at the moment...


3 posts

36 months

Saturday 19th June 2021
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New UK Facebook support group set up here:-
Please come join us here to share your experiences, all in one place.


Original Poster:

3,094 posts

79 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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.... as the original thread starter and also giving my experiences as the thread has gone along - i'm glad people have found this on here and now there are other outlets for them to come together and discuss this issue - of course I'd wish no-one ever suffered this, but as long as its here, having the ability to discuss and show the medical professionals we trust with our care, that its a serious and debilitating issue and we need action, hopefully will bring its awareness to the fore and some change in attitudes and treatment.


16,009 posts

248 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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It's not only shoulders that can be damaged. A family member has to have intramuscular injections in the buttocks on a regular basis. This person is very slim indeed and has little thickness in this area which opens up the possibility of damage to structures deeper in the tissues of the buttocks. The injection is provided in pre-filled syringes and should be delivered to the "upper, outer quadrant of the buttock". This is, of course, a pretty vague instruction but if it is followed approximately then no vital tissues nor structures are vulnerable in that area. Usually...

In the case of a very slim person, compared with the modern average, the thickness of the flesh is very variable. This, together with poorly understood training and lack of common sense on behalf of some staff members given the job of administering this injection, leads to an unacceptably high risk of nerve injury (sciatic nerve I believe) if the needle is thrust in to its full length (as is intended) in this wrong area. This family member has had two occasions where untoward effects have resulted from the injections. One was enduring pain in the muscle of the area over a period of three weeks, and on another visit loss of power in both legs causing instant collapse to the floor lasting half an hour. The nurses are now asked by the patient to pinch the flesh up into a ridge where the needle is inserted and to keep it pinched for the duration of presence of the needle. This artificially adds thickness to the area thereby preventing the needle from penetrating too deeply. The full needle length is expected to be used and this, if correctly sited, causes little distress. But an over-long needle coupled with poor aiming has caused my family member serious pain and discomfort.


Original Poster:

3,094 posts

79 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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motco said:
It's not only shoulders that can be damaged. A family member has to have intramuscular injections in the buttocks on a regular basis. This person is very slim indeed and has little thickness in this area which opens up the possibility of damage to structures deeper in the tissues of the buttocks. The injection is provided in pre-filled syringes and should be delivered to the "upper, outer quadrant of the buttock". This is, of course, a pretty vague instruction but if it is followed approximately then no vital tissues nor structures are vulnerable in that area. Usually...

In the case of a very slim person, compared with the modern average, the thickness of the flesh is very variable. This, together with poorly understood training and lack of common sense on behalf of some staff members given the job of administering this injection, leads to an unacceptably high risk of nerve injury (sciatic nerve I believe) if the needle is thrust in to its full length (as is intended) in this wrong area. This family member has had two occasions where untoward effects have resulted from the injections. One was enduring pain in the muscle of the area over a period of three weeks, and on another visit loss of power in both legs causing instant collapse to the floor lasting half an hour. The nurses are now asked by the patient to pinch the flesh up into a ridge where the needle is inserted and to keep it pinched for the duration of presence of the needle. This artificially adds thickness to the area thereby preventing the needle from penetrating too deeply. The full needle length is expected to be used and this, if correctly sited, causes little distress. But an over-long needle coupled with poor aiming has caused my family member serious pain and discomfort.
funny you should mention that MOTTO - my endocrinologist is suggest this for my testosterone therapy , and after my SIRVA incident I am reluctant to have this done!


1 posts

36 months

Tuesday 22nd June 2021
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SIRVA! Yes,- after my second Astra Zeneca injection on April 12 2021 at my local hospital I have been suffering the symptoms described here by others. Acute shooting pain across the upper arm, constant pain in the shoulder, elbow and wrists, pain when moving the arm.

When I was originally given the vaccine I yelped with pain - it really hurt. The first vaccine I had not felt at all - the second all too much.

After six weeks of intense pain I went to a trusted physio - it turned out I was her fourth client with the same symptoms post vaccine - so we are working on getting the shoulder mobile. I saw my GP, gave her my research into SIRVA - and am now on prescription anti inflammatories. The tablets do not seem to have made a huge difference to the pain or arm movement. I also reported it to the Yellow card as have a number of others on this site. Not sure what the impact will be as, judging from the number of people here who have reported it via the yellow card yet no action seems to have taken place to rectify the inadequate training being given to those carrying out the vaccinations.

The Canadian College of physicians have some excellent SIRVA resources on their website go to I will post them if I can.


2,033 posts

243 months

Tuesday 29th June 2021
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Good old Pistonheads biggrin

I had my first COVID jab on 21 Jan, it hurt a lot afterwards and within a day or so I started with the pain going down my arm, it got worse and worse and I couldn't reach out for anything without a terrible sharp agonising pain down the top outside of my arm, my physio poo pooed SIRVA cos he'd never heard of it and said it was because I was old and had played too much basket ball.

In early March I noticed my other shoulder/arm was starting to hurt in a similar manner I remember this as I went to see a consultant about the bad arm/shoulder and didn't mention the other one as felt like a hypo !

Anyway when both sides were bad enough I ended up on private having MRI scans which showed shoulders were knackered in usual ways for active people my age, arthritis, bursar/rotator stuff and indications of frozen shoulder.

I had guided Hydrodilatations in each shoulder which together with a lot of DIY and paid physio have really improved where I was which was not a good place, constantly waking up through aching shoulders and then the awful referred pain going down the outside of the arms, not to mention not being able to put on/tuck ones own work shirt !!

I had found reference to SIRVA fairly early on but my physio and Consultant dismissed it as I don't think they really knew anything about it and of course when the non injected shoulder started to hurt in a similar way I thought of course it can't be related to a vaccination....

But.... I was speaking to a pal whose close friend had had exact same journey as me with her other non vaccinated side developing the same symptoms, she is 40 and fit and never had any shoulder pain before...

I am not after compensation and have to say you guys need to back off that route IMO, I just want to know the cause as it seemed so bizarre after so many years with zero shoulder issues to suddenly have both go knackered at the same time,

Unfortunately there seems no magic cure for us, it is time and physio - good luck to all out there and thanks for this thread. beer


53,053 posts

257 months

Tuesday 29th June 2021
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Possibly you had age/use related wear in both but the cuff strength to be symptom free. Then pain from the injection meant you had a few days or weeks moving awkwardly (or the injection directly triggered inflammation in the joint) and the other arm had a sudden increase in use that kicked that side off.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence...


8,114 posts

282 months

Tuesday 29th June 2021
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Cazza03 said:
It's unbelievable nightmare stuff isn't it. I'm going to update on what's happened today.

I don't know if I should say fortunately, but do believe it's done me a favour - my husband and I have the same GP, and he's been suffering with a bad hand, and same - no help from GP, so last Friday when my shoulder / arm had began, my husband said he was going to register to a new GP surgery, unhappy with them myself I decided what the hell, a new one can't be any worse so registered too. To cut a long story short after phoning my GP Mon and getting nowhere, they told me to call back yesterday if no better, so I did and when I eventually got through, gave my DOB etc they said you are no longer on our system - I felt nothing but relief, and said to the lady "Thank *** for that" as you don't care and are rude and useless (Complaint will be going in on them).

So yesterday I phoned my new GP Surgery, and quite sure the doctor was dumbfounded when I explained the whole story from the initial jab administration, and my journey since then. I just felt so happy that they listened and with empathy. Over the telephone I was offered a physio appointment, but best they could offer was at the end of the month, so they said I had to go in today.

So I have been into my new GP today and they listened, I can't tell you how happy this makes me just as a start! I was examined as much as the doctor could which wasn't much as they could see how much pain I was in just by looking at my coat only on my good arm, and my eyes screwing up in pain above my mask. They agreed it's something to do with the jab, but I do have an added health complication which they are concerned about and can't offer me any kind of treatment until they are sure.

So I have an auto immune blood disorder called ITP many have never heard of it - Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is a blood disorder characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are cells in the blood that help stop bleeding. A decrease in platelets can cause easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding.

The GP said not only could it just be the jab gone wrong but it may also have caused my ITP to be triggered giving me an internal arm bleed, (a slight ITP rash and bruise has now appeared on my good arm) and cannot give me any treatment until they know for sure. So I have been signed off as unfit to work for 2 weeks, I have an appointment to have a blood test to check my platelet count on 28th, and can't do anything until those results are back.

I don't know what else to say other than I am devastated and I'm prepared to (and now have the time on my hands) to fight this, please do set up a facebook support page and please everyone -do report to Yellow Card and complain, and fight as I am determined to. We all need to speak out about it.
I had ITP when I was a kid. Lumber Puncture at 5 then twice weekly followed by weekly trips to the hospital for blood tests for maybe 2 years. Hard to remember. Plus side I was on a high dose steroid ( for my age ) for a long time so I was the strongest kid in the class !


2,033 posts

243 months

Tuesday 29th June 2021
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Bill said:
Possibly you had age/use related wear in both but the cuff strength to be symptom free. Then pain from the injection meant you had a few days or weeks moving awkwardly (or the injection directly triggered inflammation in the joint) and the other arm had a sudden increase in use that kicked that side off.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence...
SIRVA is the injection physically causing the inflammation in the injected shoulder as per this description:

SIRVA is due to an inflammatory effect from vaccine administration into the subdeltoid bursa or a fluid-filled sac located under the deltoid muscle in the shoulder joint.

The other arm, god knows, but as you say sudden increase in use is possibility ?

Or as you/my physio/my Professor Consultant say, it's just a coincidence rolleyes


53,053 posts

257 months

Tuesday 29th June 2021
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Well, that's now three professionals saying it could be a coincidence. smile

Given what you've described about your scans etc and both shoulders being affected, coincidence has to be a possibility doesn't it? Not least because SIRVA is thought to be caused by direct trauma to a bursa, so what is the mechanism for other side kicking off? Why not one of the multitude of other bursae in the body?