PH Parents of 2012



868 posts

226 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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Granville said:
missed that having a c section but obviously other problems with having major stomach surgery. The area of tummy above the scar line is now numb and it's unlikely I will get the feeling back.
You might get it back. It took nearly a year after my first to get about 80% feeling back. I have more numb areas this time around but feeling is coming back slowly.

Stuart said:
The worse ones are after they've been a bit constipated. Our first went nearly four days once. It was like Russian Roulette, taking it in turns to do the nappy. I started finding good reasons to get out of the house a lot. hehe
Apparently breastfed babies can go up to a week and it's not a problem. My friend's baby only used to go about once every four days, invariably when they were out and about!

The only good thing about nappies when weaning is that they don't leak a lot. I think about 80% of nappies when he was just breastfed leaked, no matter what brand I used.

Is anyone else weaning yet? I'm really enjoying it so far, and SL Jr seems quite happy to eat anything - I don't think he's refused to eat anything yet. I had really good plans to do baby-led weaning but I admit I'm doing a bit of spoon-feeding too, mainly because there are days where I can't face the mess or the time it takes! (and yes, I'm well aware that BLW purists will probably tell me if I so much as feed him one spoonful, I'm not doing BLW tongue out )


983 posts

173 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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Noah generally has two big poo's a day, usually one of them occurs through the night if I'm really lucky which is just slendid to deal with at those hours hehe

Moving him entirely up to big boy bottles now as the 4oz ones aren't enough anymore as he's draining 5 -6oz every 2 hours. I don't think it will be too long before he starts to have a few solids, certainly sooner rather than later with him as I'm not sure purely milk will sustain him being such a big boy


869 posts

211 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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Hooray for Charlie, am so pleased!
Well I ended up getting induced on Wednesday last week as my bp suddenly rocketed- wasn't expecting it as was just meant to be your standard 41 week appt! 48 gruelling hours later including several failed attempts to rupture the membranes, and a 15 hour active labour (ouch) with a baby that decided to turn back to back, little Miss Florence Hannah Ottley slid into the world at 4.29 am Friday weighing 7lbs5. Unfortunately her head came out with her shoulder so I tore quite badly and lost quite a lot of blood so was kept in for a few days but home now hooray! Not quite the calm, relaxed, home in a few hours water birth I planned but I'd do it a million times over for the sake of this little creature who is currently enjoying a nice snooze and some skin to skin before tonights fun when she will turn into a screaming banshee (not for nothing has she been nicknamed the Tiny Tyrant)! Will upload a pic when I can.


983 posts

173 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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Congratulations Lippit

I had 33hrs of active labour with a back to back baby and ended up with a c sect as he'd got jammed in my pelvis and only 4cm dilated after all that time. I lost 2ltrs of blood in theatre. Wouldn't change him for the world though even if he is the devil reincarnated at night


4,664 posts

226 months

Wednesday 10th October 2012
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Congratulations Lippitt!! Looking forward to seeing the pics smile

Michael is coming up to a week without a poo...... Apparently it's 2 weeks breastfed babies can go up to without a poo :O He's being weighed Friday and you can bet he'll go in the morning losing a few ounces!


983 posts

173 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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No chance of Noah being bunged up, he delighted me in a giant smelly poo this morning all encased round his testicles hehe

First proper night. Little man was down 11pm - 3am, had feed and nappy change, then 4 - 6am, quick nappy change and back to sleep until just after 7 when he's normally up anyway.

Currently having a nap in his bouncer as he dozed off during Raa Raa the Lion


408 posts

215 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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Bit late to this thread! My second was born in Febuary, I now have two beatuiful little girls, her sister is 2. Waiting for the next one now...we have our second scan in three weeks! I hope this one comes as easily as the other two.


2,270 posts

187 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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We have suffered several Poonami's, where it comes over the back of the nappy. Worst of all was the Poomageddon, where it left all sides of the nappy and stained the car seat!

He is breast fed and went 5 days after his meconium but will go 3/4 times a day. He is feeding every 2 hours in the day and will only feed once in the night.


11,635 posts

253 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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chrisp84 said:
Bit late to this thread! My second was born in Febuary, I now have two beatuiful little girls, her sister is 2. Waiting for the next one now...we have our second scan in three weeks! I hope this one comes as easily as the other two.
Blimey, you're cramming them in! Congrats. A similar gap to mine, but the prospect of a third right now would be absolutely terrifying. Congratulations though!


408 posts

215 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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Stuart said:
Blimey, you're cramming them in! Congrats. A similar gap to mine, but the prospect of a third right now would be absolutely terrifying. Congratulations though!
Thanks, yeh it's going to be a pain but the eldest isn't to much of a handful and the 8 month old is ok. Still, I'm out of the house for most of mrs is stting it though!

And yeh, cramming them in.....well this pregnancy wasn't really planned but I only got told about contraception a week ago smile


3,850 posts

238 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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My little one, being one of the eldest here reaches 9 months this weekend.I can't believe he used to be a helpless baby.

He still likes mummy milk on a very regular basis and prefers adult food to the mushy baby variety.
Still developing far too quickly, but I am enjoying watching him change.


983 posts

173 months

Friday 12th October 2012
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can't believe how quickly they change on a daily basis. Noah is 10 weeks on Sunday and showing quite an interest in our food and will hold his bottle though this results in more milk down his chin than in his mouth.

I should have been going back to work 1st November but have extended it to 2nd January and I'm really not looking forward to leaving him then.

We're also in the process of moving house, so that's pregnancy, OH having cancer and major surgery, difficult labour, new born with meningitis and selling and buying a new home. Glutton for punishment


3,969 posts

190 months

Friday 12th October 2012
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Mrs C.a.r. is finally 'in labour' but only the early stages of it, but we should have baby within the next few days fingers crossed!

Just wish the stress of finding somewhere new to live would go away!


25,298 posts

253 months

Friday 12th October 2012
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C.A.R. said:
Mrs C.a.r. is finally 'in labour' but only the early stages of it, but we should have baby within the next few days fingers crossed!

Just wish the stress of finding somewhere new to live would go away!
Good luck chap! No signs yet here, being induced Monday night if it doesn't happen naturally...


1,686 posts

230 months

Friday 12th October 2012
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missdiane said:
Congratulations nsa, apologies, missed your post before
They are both very cute!

How is everyone else getting on?
Thanks. Two weeks old now and I felt human again for the first time today. Nonstop feeding.


17,143 posts

208 months

Friday 12th October 2012
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Granville said:
can't believe how quickly they change on a daily basis. Noah is 10 weeks on Sunday and showing quite an interest in our food and will hold his bottle though this results in more milk down his chin than in his mouth.

I should have been going back to work 1st November but have extended it to 2nd January and I'm really not looking forward to leaving him then.

We're also in the process of moving house, so that's pregnancy, OH having cancer and major surgery, difficult labour, new born with meningitis and selling and buying a new home. Glutton for punishment
That's one hell of a year!!! smile


983 posts

173 months

Friday 12th October 2012
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Gets us away from the idiots next door though that have made our life hell this year


3,969 posts

190 months

Monday 15th October 2012
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Still no sign!

Had painful contractions on Friday, up to one ever half hour or so.

Now they've virtually stopped! She had 3 yesterday. Due date is tomorrow, but fingers crossed she will hurry up as Mrs C.A.R. is being particularly moody!


983 posts

173 months

Monday 15th October 2012
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oh dear, I sympathize with her. Just wait until after the birth and the change in hormones. Never knew it could cause such a wide range of moods and emotions in such a short time


17,318 posts

238 months

Monday 15th October 2012
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Granville said:
oh dear, I sympathize with her. Just wait until after the birth and the change in hormones. Never knew it could cause such a wide range of moods and emotions in such a short time
Whoa......back up a bit there. Change in hormones AFTER the birth? I'm guessing not in a good way. I've had 8.5 months of some monster living in my house, and I had thought it would go back to 'normal' after the birth...I'm dreaming then?!