PH Parents of 2012



4,664 posts

226 months

Wednesday 24th October 2012
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It depends on the pool. We're using the local Hilton and they're less strict (and hopefully cleaner) than our council run one. Michael could have gone from after first set but due to availability on course we could only start last week (18/19 weeks).

We found a bath time routine nightly (even though he is clean) helps, followed by a feed - he then did it all by himself dropping the night feeds. If he does wake he settles himself back to sleep by sucking his thumb. If you can't bath daily, I'd suggest reading to help calm, feed, then bed - swaddling also helped when he was younger. I also think putting him in his own room early meant I wasn't waking ( or waking him) at every little sound.

We have a weaning group session next Thursday, but I probably won't start until the end of November (6 months at the start of December) if possible. Would be nice to eat Christmas dinner as a family. Have already got him used to sitting in the highchair when I'm making breakfast smile


17,318 posts

238 months

Wednesday 24th October 2012
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Well, chilli jnr was delivered by c section at 16:40 weighing in at 7 lb. Mrs C had to put out as it was all getting a bit stressful. She ok now, although out of her face on drugs, AND is still in pain.
Jnr hasn't made a sound in 5 hours now...hope that's a good sign!


4,664 posts

226 months

Wednesday 24th October 2012
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Congratulations Chili - hugs to your wife also - 7lbs is a good size. Looking forward to the pictures.


983 posts

173 months

Thursday 25th October 2012
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congratulations Chilli.

Bint - Noah is already in his own room and getting him to sleep isn't a problem, it's keeping him there that is the problem once we get past 2am, he'll start waking very regular thereon though he's easy enough to get back to sleep


17,318 posts

238 months

Thursday 25th October 2012
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Cheers guys 'n gals.
This is all very strange. Mrs C went through hell and is currently receiving a transfusion. She in quite a bit of pain after having an emergency c section, after her contractions went off the scale and something ruptured and bled everywhere. She'll be ok, thanks the the amazing docs who think absolutely nothing of what they have just done.

I have never like children. I'm more of an animal lover. Almost weird how I love any animal and dislike most people! I was told I would cry at the birth, I laughed it off as silly. I did have a few tears of joy though. The biggest surprise for me is I love him to bits. I can't leave him alone. We've only had him for 22 hours and I'm hooked. He's gorgeous. He just had a couple of jabs and the nurse asked my to hold him still as he'd go crazy......nothing. Just sat there looking at me with those big blue eyes.

Quite unbelievable how I'm feeling.....I'm gonna go and get him again!


3,968 posts

190 months

Thursday 25th October 2012
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Yep, scary as hell when suddenly all the nurses are looking at each other and then they hit the alarm button! Did you not get to cut the cord then fella? I did but it was all so overwhelming I can hardly remember doing it!

The nights have been fun, I feel like a zombie. Little Flo will only sleep if she gets a cuddle, having found her voice after 24hrs! I am chief nappy changer until mrs c.a.r. heals, it's not too bad as they don't really smell yet...


17,318 posts

238 months

Thursday 25th October 2012
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I know, but they are tremendous professionals though, really.
Na, cutting the cord was never an option...I was too busy trying to reassure the mrs that everything was ok. One second I was stroking her hair and she was becoming stressed and couldn't breathe. Then we hear the doc mention a lot of bleeding, then the mrs goes to sleep. My heart stopped for a second or two before the ane..aneth...the drug doctor told me that he'd sent her off to sleep for a bit. Could have told me mate!!!

Right, off to feed the little fella. O think he's getting oissed with me keep waking him up!

How long till he can ride a bike??!!


32,000 posts

223 months

Thursday 25th October 2012
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Congratulations you soppy bugger Chilli! Hope Mrs C is well soon!

C.A.R - congratulations on Flo, I hope your wife recovers quickly

The pair of you are putting me off this having children malarky again - I'd only just decided I may in fact change my lifelong view that I'm not cut out to be a Mother!


983 posts

173 months

Thursday 25th October 2012
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totally addictive aren't they and this is coming from someone who didn't think they were cut out for motherhood or would ever be a mummy

We've already discussed No.2 and don't want to leave it too long as it took 18 months to get pregnant with Noah and I shall be 40 in a couple of weeks.

Ali, don't be afraid, it will be the best thing you will ever do being a mummy


13,993 posts

251 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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As above; I never felt like I found what I was meant to do in life, I have now and can't imagine enjoying work ever again if it means I'm away from him.
Charlie took 2+ years to conceive so fingers crossed the next one is quicker if it happens again smile


17,318 posts

238 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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Come on jnr, it's 04:08...... You MUST be hungry! He hardly eats anything. A bit of mummy, then about 10 mls of formula in 6 hours. He's miles behind what the nurses say he should be eating, but he's happy enough.....pooing black/green stuff and wriggling around making funny noises.

I wonder if this is normal?!


9,932 posts

213 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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Chilli said:
Come on jnr, it's 04:08...... You MUST be hungry! He hardly eats anything. A bit of mummy, then about 10 mls of formula in 6 hours. He's miles behind what the nurses say he should be eating, but he's happy enough.....pooing black/green stuff and wriggling around making funny noises.

I wonder if this is normal?!
Did you see the reference to the fontanelle (soft spot on top of head) as fuel gauge elsewhere on this forum/thread?

If fontanelle is not sunken (or bulging out!) and if the little fella is perky and having plenty of wet nappies then basically it's all fine.


17,318 posts

238 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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BlackVanDyke said:
Did you see the reference to the fontanelle (soft spot on top of head) as fuel gauge elsewhere on this forum/thread?

If fontanelle is not sunken (or bulging out!) and if the little fella is perky and having plenty of wet nappies then basically it's all fine.
I didn't, so thanks for that. He's very perky, goes through nappies like there's no tomorrow! He's now done 50ml in a couple of hours and is now clamped to Mrs C like a limpet!

Oh god....I've turned into one of those people that doesn't stop talking about their child!


11,635 posts

253 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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missdiane said:
As above; I never felt like I found what I was meant to do in life, I have now and can't imagine enjoying work ever again if it means I'm away from him.
Charlie took 2+ years to conceive so fingers crossed the next one is quicker if it happens again smile
My Mrs is exactly the same. Oh, and the second one for us (after 6 years trying for no.1) was so quick it was almost an accident. You've been warned!


983 posts

173 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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I've extended my maternity leave as I should be going back on November 1st but I can't bear to be away from Noah so soon. Hoping the lottery numbers come up before January 2nd so I don't have to go back full stop.

We've discussed No.2 already, and with Noah taking 18 months to conceive we won't be delaying too long. My body wasn't keen on the getting pregnant game in the slightest but seems to have gone in to overdrive since Noah has turned up.

Never knew having this scrummy little man could be so intoxicating biggrin


1,686 posts

230 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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NiceCupOfTea said:
Hard work and not very rewarding so far!

How are you managing to get into a routine? We are demand feeding at the moment, and in fact the only way to keep Ella quiet seems to be to get her on the boob as 9 times out of 10 that's what she's after. Not a whole lot I can do about that which is quite frustrating as I can't give my wife a break. (Although I can sleep through a bit more! wink) We are trying to be quiet at night and use low lights, but not much more than that really...
We're doing a mix of demand and scheduled feeding. Every 3hrs in the day (although I'm told this can be every two hours), then demand at night. There's no pattern at night. Sometimes three hours, sometimes five, sometimes one baby then the other, sometimes both together. The boy loves the boob but the girl struggles. My wife leaves the house only about once a week. The last two times was to go to Ikea.

Have you seen the "how much did children affect your life?" thread over in the Lounge? Sobering stuff.


12,415 posts

246 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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Charlie is 5 weeks + 2 today and we've made the trip back down to Oxford for what is hopefully his last operation for the foreseeable future. He had a hickman line put in when he had his deodenal atrisea op at 6 days old, plan wa to leave it in until the 15th November just incase our local hospital needed it for anything. Took Charlie a week to block it biggrin two trips with a worried mummy and daddy to the local children's ward with a slightly infected entry site and they were straight on the phone to Oxford requesting that they remove the line ASAP, so this morning we got the call from Tom's ward to say they had a bed ready for him and could we come down.
He finally went down to pre op at half 3 (a much less traumatic experience for me compared to his first op where i was a complete emotional mess coming out of the pre op room) from being nil by mouth since 8 this morning, hour later and a tube free Charlie was back in his bed on the ward thumbup

Just waiting for the docs to decide if we can go home today or of he needs to stay in over night


3,968 posts

190 months

Saturday 27th October 2012
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Checking in after my first sleepless night frown

Although Flo is fast asleep now though, at 2pm! Who thought something so small could make that much noise?


17,318 posts

238 months

Saturday 27th October 2012
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Evening all!
Well, Mrs C, me, and Charles Anthony arrived home this evening!
The dogs (our previous number 1 love) have gone mad...jumping up and wanting to play. It breaks my heart, but they are now number 2.
We're feeding every 3 hours, whether he is asleep or not. We wake him up, tickle him, play with him, whatever. He feeds, poos, has a nappy change, and goes back to sleep without fuss. We're also making loads of noise, tv on...etc, and it doesn't bother him at the moment! Mrs C is at the stage where she can't sleep as she needs to make sure he hasn't stopped breathing. Natural, I guess. I'm currently washing the Everest washing pile and will have it all done and ironed for when Mrs C gets up in the morning. Sleep? Can't remember but I/we now survive on an hour here and there, and the growling/ tempers are fading. It's fun at the mo, but I reckon that'll fade once I go back to work!

Just in case anyone missed it, my boy is beautiful...stunning! It was mentioned earlier that we should get one of those stickers for the car "baby on board". Nope, that's notnhappening, but I'm happy to display a " back off, over-protective, tired, and extremely aggressive new dad on board, or else" sticker!

Hope everyone is doing it ( but still a tough street-fighting, leather clad sports biker)!!!


13,812 posts

193 months

Saturday 27th October 2012
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My first, a beautiful boy, was born on tuesday. It was pretty horrific, finally ending when they gave my screaming wife an episiotomy and delivered him by forceps. I'd never seen blood literally mopped up before. Unfortunately since leaving hospital she has been distraught trying to feed him as especially during the night he's been on a cycling of screaming, taking a small glug of milk from her, falling asleep and back to screaming as soon as she moves unless that move is to get him to take another glug. So she hasn't been able to sleep and it seems despite that he hasn't fed well enough.

He's lost over 10% of birth weight by day 4, become extremely lethargic, jaundiced and is in hospital again for at least tonight. It looks as though she just isn't producing milk in the volume required (150ml/kg/day I gather; it seems about 1/3 of that).

Just clinging on to the hope that they both mend well and soon.