IBS - Anxiety & Depression

IBS - Anxiety & Depression



Original Poster:

30 posts

104 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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Posting this to see what others can suggest I recommend for my good friend. Also posting this under a different login as well, as I don't want him Googling and recognizing my name etc. Not that it's offensive or anything.

He was diagnosed with IBS about 5 years ago (he's early 40's now), he only mentioned it once in a while how it was annoying and inconvenient it was for him. Fast forward to the present day, he's more vocal about it but he's really down, to the point I really feel he's hugely depressed with the whole situation. From what I gather, he's constantly anxious about needing the loo, to a point its stressing him out so much its "ruining my life" (his words last week), he can eat, leave the house and within 5 mins he's busting to go! Seems its mostly a mental things, which affects his nerves and thus his gut/bowels!

He used to be so upbeat about life and funny as hell, yet these days he's so distant and down. We no longer live in the same country (he's in the UK, I've been gone 5 years), but he admitted recently that he's so anxious about coming to visit me abroad now and that he puts it off (he's visited twice in 5 years). He broke up with this girlfriend a month or so ago as well, which adds to it. Feeling concerned about him, I promptly booked some time off work and flights back to the UK so I could spend some time with him (next week), in hope it cheers him up a bit and that he knows his mates are there. He seemed upbeat about this as well, which is good.

Anyway, I've asked him what he's been doing at the docs and what they've suggested. He's had allergy tests, meetings with nutritionists to suggest better diets etc, but no avail. The doc even put him on beta blockers (which I'm surprised about!). The BB's are making him feel tired and lethargic all the time he said.

Other than been there for him and trying to keep him upbeat, what else can a friend do? I know IBS is common, but I never knew how it mentally affected people like this and I'm concerned he's slipping into deeper depression.

Any suggestions, advice welcome.


5,964 posts

92 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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Go 100%, religiously, gluten-free (less irritation).

Chew food 50 times before swallowing (easier to digest).

Don't drink while eating (better stomach acid for breaking down food).


Sleep at 10pm.

Stop the meds.


261 posts

185 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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without going into to much detail I hit my head about 6.5 years ago and caused myself brain damage and among a few issues the lasting on going one is almost exactly as you describe above.

happy to discuss in more detail if you want to pm me.


4,902 posts

134 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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I got diagnosed with IBS last year although I'm not convinced I have it they just couldn't find anything else wrong, I also have some anxiety which came about around the same time after I had a really bad stomach virus that I convinced myself was something serious.

Only time now that my stomach plays up is when I feel a bit anxious about something other times no issues at all so seems to in my case the anxiety causes the IBS not the other way round.


7,321 posts

246 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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For me, cutting out milk cured problems I had in this area.

I still have some in tea but no milk shakes or cereal for me any more.


166 posts

156 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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Have a look at the FODMAP diet

My wife suffered from IBS for years and cutting out certain foods has made a massive difference.
For her onions and garlic really play her up, we'd never gave thought they would have caused problems.


661 posts

117 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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Massive +1 for the FODMAP diet.

Having suffered horrendous IBS for 20 years having every test & medication going, this has given me incredible results. It's very hard to do & stick to but the results are worth it. He would need to try the extreme elimination diet version of it first. Also tell him to cut out alcohol. mash as much food as possible & break meals down into smaller meals. No large meals before bed.

When you've been very ill with something for a long time you will always feel anxiety about it. It's impossible not to. However when you find a way to control/ manage it to a decent level the anxiety does lift a lot.


22 posts

114 months

Tuesday 21st February 2017
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I've suffered from colitis for years now. I was very low for years it ruled my life would plan journeys around toilets,drive at 100 miles an hour to get their. The right medication has calmed everything down, the anxiety when leaving the house is a vicious circle the more anxious you get the more you need to go.was suggested by doc to take codeine phosphate slows everything right down, a lot of it is in my mind .make sure you're friend is diagnosed properly see a specialist it will take time I hope he gets there.


179 posts

179 months

Tuesday 21st February 2017
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Get him ibsaudioprogram.com it's a self hypnosis system which can be a massive help. It's done by a British guy and it certainly helped me.
Good luck.


Original Poster:

30 posts

104 months

Tuesday 21st February 2017
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Thanks for the replies gents. I messaged him earlier and mentioned some of the suggestions above. He seemed to take the advice on board as well, so hoping he can make some changes for the better.


884 posts

92 months

Tuesday 21st February 2017
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I believed for a while that I had IBS too. I was then advised by my mother in law (who is a doctor) that I might be Gluten intolorant. I went 100% Gluten free for 3 weeks with the OK from my GP and within 5 days all IBS symptoms had gone completely.

I have kept this up for over a year now and feel so much better for it. I would recomend your friend tries the same.


867 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st February 2017
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waa said:
I've suffered from colitis for years now. I was very low for years it ruled my life would plan journeys around toilets,drive at 100 miles an hour to get their. The right medication has calmed everything down, the anxiety when leaving the house is a vicious circle the more anxious you get the more you need to go.was suggested by doc to take codeine phosphate slows everything right down, a lot of it is in my mind .make sure you're friend is diagnosed properly see a specialist it will take time I hope he gets there.
Colitis is of course an Inflammatory Bowel Disease, with regard to Codeine yes this will bulk you up but any reasonable long term use may not be good for you. A GP also prescribed this for me initially but when I eventually got to see a specialist some time later they were horrified that I had been taking it for a while, not to be recommended.