Life to date



Original Poster:

17 posts

70 months

Monday 20th August 2018
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I have obviously made up a new profile to post this as only very close family members and authorities know about what I am going to disclose. Some people know about certain things as we were in a small town and people found out.

After watching Patrick Melrose which was a drama staring Benedict Cumberbatch I though sharing things might help me.

Just hoping that writing it out might give me a bit of peace.

1. Between the ages of 0-6 I was sexually abused by my father. If it was not me then it was my sister so I was locked in a cupboard so he could keep me out of the way. I remember him doing things when 7/8 but I thought he was confused thinking it was my mother. At that age I was able to move him away. My mother kept taking us as kids to the doctors and they said we were allergic to bath products. Will not go into details. I was circumcised aged 5 but no idea if this was connected.

2. Had my first panic attack aged 6. Kept it to myself until around the age of 24/25. I presume I had a breakdown. Remember running to school everyday as i was just scared all the time. From about 12 years old I became very withdrawn and Agoraphobic. Hated anyone siting or standing behind me. Would hide in the toilets so not to have to go to school assembly but would get caught and have detention for most of my school life. I was off school for about 9 months as just too scared to go. Just before that time two teachers would make my life hell as I was useless at Art. Another because I was terrible at French. Would make me stand up in the corner as they said there was no point me even trying. Eventually I was forced back. Agoraphobia was very bad then.

3. Just a very clingy child to my mother. Anxious if she left me. If she went for a night out with my father "which was extremely rare" my sister and I would take turns to make ourselves sick so she had to come home. My mother was ill and in hospital for 4-5 days which mean't we were alone with my father. Remember being scared to sleep but not knowing why. I still don't get why I couldn't remember what he did. My sister can and remembers me being abused in another room.

4. Three days before my 21st birthday I was attacked by a German Shepherd. It jumped up and grabbed my by the mouth and would not let go. Was repeatedly punching it in the ribs until it finally let go. Later found out it had killed another dogs puppy and it attacked the vet as it had to be put down. It was not the dogs fault but the owner. They had to use the inside of my mouth to heal the wounds so I had a bit area of pink instead of my normal skin colour. This made my life hell as going out was even harder. Obviously needed a few other plastic surgery operations to get things corrected.

5. So many broken relationships. Girls who my friends would say "how did you manage that" but I just couldn't give what they wanted. Funny enough each one then married straight after me which says it all. I just had too many internal issues.

6. Aged 24 I was in another relationship but she was pretty wicked. Would cheat all the time and rub my nose in it. They after not speaking to her for 3 months she phoned me saying she was expecting my baby. I panicked which was nothing new. She wanted to get an abortion so we went to London with cash. It was the worst journey ever. Having Agoraphobia and going to do this was horrendous. When we got there and the checks were done she was further on than she thought. They would not do anything. I sat and begged the Dr but he would not take the money. I feel sick looking back at that time. My daughter is with me full time now which I will explain further down.

7. Tried to make it work with the ex as we now had a child. Just got worse. She would get me to look after my daughter and go out herself. Phone me to look out the window of my house and be there looking up and kissing some other guy. This happened all the time until I finally said enough was enough. Then when my daughter was about a year old she was diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy. I was again gutted but loved her so much so it didn't matter. She is my world.

8. Met another girl about 3 years later. Stunning girl inside and out and really helped me with my demons. She didn't know about the abuse but she just loved me which made a big difference. But that fell apart as well. The agoraphobia just kept winning. She left me and then got married about a year later. Took me 3 years to get over her. Met another girl who was again beautiful inside and out. That finished in 2012. That was my last relationship.

9. It was 2011 and my sister was drunk. She disclosed to my mother that my father had sexually abuse her. My mother was not happy with my father anyway. He was a horrible controlling man but she stayed with him for the family. Anyway she told me and obviously I knew. That was a second massive blow for her as you can imagine. But when it was disclosed to the police they said it was historic and there was not enough proof. My uncle even left a message on the home answering machine giving him an alibi. When we recorded it they said they could not hear anything. It was clear as day and he even said his name. I still think my father was part of a ring as the protection he got was unbelievable. While going through this stress my aunt's told my mother that when one of my other aunts went to stay with my mother and him he tried to rape her. Why didn't they tell my mother that YEARS AGO!!!!

10. Daughter was in her mother care but was coming across saying things like "I don't like men and men smell" She would also state other things. She was with her mother but at her Grand Parents. Long story short she disclosed that the Grandfather was abusing her sexually. You would think that would be enough but due to her Cerebral Palsy they authorities would not believe her. She has learning difficulties as well which they used against her. When she was interviewed her mother was there making sure she was too scared to speak. They all protected him instead of her. This battle with the authorities went on from my daughters age of 9 to 15 years. The mother and her family knew about my father so they kept stating that we were damaged and putting things into my daughters head. Finally my daughter came over with bruising and her mother on top of everything had been hitting her. She was in my care since 2016. We got a new Social Worker and they saw between the lines. Again sexual abuse and In could do nothing to stop my daughter being abused. Spent £48,000 trying to protect her and everyone backed the mother. She still will disclose what happened to her and has night tremors. Just felt so helpless. Oh and when this was going on guess who was visiting them ? My father.

11. Going through a Court case at this moment in time as the mother of my daughter took all her savings out of her account and wiped it. £10,000 gone.

12. Lost my dog a little while ago. She was like a therapy dog and was just there for me going through all the worst times. Having to have her put down just broke me again. Then last week a friend killed himself. That is why I am writing this now.

13. I could go on and on. Agoraphobia is still a huge issue. My daughter, Sis and Mother are away on holiday. I am at home. Can't travel. I can go locally but anything else is a huge issue. Need valium or a drink and I feel normal for once in my life. Been to every expert and tried counselling the lot. Even tried alternative therapies. Spent thousands on people stating they will help me. Nothing works. Was on antidepressants for 22 years. They numbed me but I had no feelings and could not show emotions. Also put weight on. Not a lot but I felt terrible. My sister has other issues. Thankfully not Agoraphobia but still bad.

14. Just feel totally exhausted. I have no friends as many have gone as I just made excused as I could not go out. Others back stabbed me or didn't want to know when I got drunk and mentioned what had happened. Obviously because we were in a small town word got out very quickly. Thankfully moved away.

I have no idea why I and writing this. I think I am hoping by sharing it I might get some peace. I hate being negative and keep trying to slap myself and get a grip. But the brain just keeps controlling me. I should be able to get over this and stop letting the past control me.

Each time something seems to be working out it gets taken away or I lose it.

Just so tired and annoyed with myself.

I want to be the perfect father. My daughter and I have a very close bond but holidays are something I can't partake. So stupid I allow my brain to control me.

I just have to be in control of everything to do with travel. This is why I drive all the time. Unless I have had a drink and the brain calms down.

It has taken me 2 hours to post this and I am still feeling ashamed that I don't have control of things.

Sorry for sharing this. I hope it does not upset anyone who has been abused in the past.

I am not looking for sympathy. Just trying to get rid of what is in my head.

Edited by karma2018 on Monday 20th August 17:09


4,855 posts

140 months

Monday 20th August 2018
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Wow, I have nothing to say that will help but well done on doing your best by your daughter. Many will have given up but you haven't.

It's surprising your father is still on the scene. Is he still with your mum? You need to cut him loose somehow and keep him away from your daughter as well as yourself.

Keep fighting the fight.


Original Poster:

17 posts

70 months

Monday 20th August 2018
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MYOB said:
Wow, I have nothing to say that will help but well done on doing your best by your daughter. Many will have given up but you haven't.

It's surprising your father is still on the scene. Is he still with your mum? You need to cut him loose somehow and keep him away from your daughter as well as yourself.

Keep fighting the fight.
Sorry my post is a bit vague. So much more happened but it would go on forever so was trying to keep it shortish.

No my mother left him as soon as she was told. He wasn't exactly very nice to her either as you can imagine.

As you say keep fighting.

Thank you.


43,796 posts

152 months

Monday 20th August 2018
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Wow...just wow. Trying to think of something positive to say and all I can think of is this.

There's an old saying...I used to feel sad because I had no shoes, until I met the guy with no feet.

Basically, no matter how much crap life has thrown at you, there are literally millions of people around the world who have had things a whole load worse, and many of them have turned their lives around and are in a great place.

So never give up hope. Try and use the bad stuff that's happened as a motivation and not a millstone round your neck. If you can't happy because of things that have happened to you. you have to work twice as hard be happy despite things that have happened to you.


1,359 posts

196 months

Monday 20th August 2018
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im sorry you went through all that.

hearing that makes me grateful of what I have


17,868 posts

167 months

Monday 20th August 2018
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You have at least one good thing in life: your daughter. Remember that.

Sheets Tabuer

19,165 posts

217 months

Monday 20th August 2018
quotequote all
jesus christ, how you've not snapped I don't know.

Someone touched my daughter it would be the last thing they did.


Original Poster:

17 posts

70 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
quotequote all
Sheets Tabuer said:
jesus christ, how you've not snapped I don't know.

Someone touched my daughter it would be the last thing they did.
It has crossed my mind but I am sure I would be number one suspect.

Knowing both my father and that creep got off with it is very hard to accept.

Your natural instinct is to protect or get justice but I know I have to be there for my daughter and not behind bars.

Vocal Minority

8,582 posts

154 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
quotequote all
I'm very sorry to hear that all of this happened to you. It doesn't bear thinking about for many of us, and you are to be commended for your courage in speaking about it - And I am very sorry for your most recent loss.

I really hope this provides you with at least some of the catharsis you seek.

Edited by Vocal Minority on Tuesday 21st August 14:21

Edited by Vocal Minority on Tuesday 21st August 15:20


33,564 posts

214 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
quotequote all
Can't imagine what life would be like in your shoes.
Nothing I can say or do will help, but sincerely wish you and your daughter the very best, and hope things turn round.


1,947 posts

201 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
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Nothing to add but thank you for sharing, really brave of you to do so.

Keep fighting


2,117 posts

91 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
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Writing it out is a good thing, it can be therapeutic and helps you organise the thoughts and memories floating around your head.

All the best with the rest of your life.


3,911 posts

182 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
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I can’t offer any advice as what you’ve written is so far removed from anything I have ever experienced.

All I’d say is that you clearly have a VERY strong character to come through that, far stronger than I could ever be. Hopefully you can use it to your advantage to make a bright future for you and your fantastic daughter! She’s so lucky to have someone so strong who cares so much about her.


24,802 posts

162 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
quotequote all
I can't say a thing to help but I hope that putting all of that down was cathartic.

Your daughter is all the reason you need to keep fighting. You have succeeded in getting this far and this is to your credit.

You have to stay strong and keep control of your own actions. Don't give them a single thing to have them believe that you are anything other than the best parent to your daughter. I feel that you must already be succeeding here as things are so heavily stacked in favour of the mother and you are able to care for your child.

You have survived so many challenges now. Just well done. Look after your own physical and mental health as best you can. Don't give up on your own mental health journey either- you have taken a step today, treat it as a new beginning.


5,533 posts

212 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
quotequote all
You're incredibly strong to get where you are now, far stronger than I - and as Churchill said, If you're going through hell, keep going.

There will be better times ahead- I can only wish you the best of luck, so persevere.


Original Poster:

17 posts

70 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
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Vocal Minority said:
I'm very sorry to hear that all of this happened to you. It doesn't bear thinking about for many of us, and you are to be commended for your courage in speaking about it - And I am very sorry for your most recent loss.

I really hope this provides you with at least some of the catharsis you seek.

Edited by Vocal Minority on Tuesday 21st August 14:21

Edited by Vocal Minority on Tuesday 21st August 15:20
Thank you for your message.

I was actually physically sick half way through writing the OP but perhaps it's a reaction that needed to happen. Hopefully it might just ease the memories now it's been written out.

The fact I chose to make up a new profile is perhaps part of the problem. It was ingrained not to speak as it were.


Original Poster:

17 posts

70 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
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HustleRussell said:
I can't say a thing to help but I hope that putting all of that down was cathartic.

Your daughter is all the reason you need to keep fighting. You have succeeded in getting this far and this is to your credit.

You have to stay strong and keep control of your own actions. Don't give them a single thing to have them believe that you are anything other than the best parent to your daughter. I feel that you must already be succeeding here as things are so heavily stacked in favour of the mother and you are able to care for your child.

You have survived so many challenges now. Just well done. Look after your own physical and mental health as best you can. Don't give up on your own mental health journey either- you have taken a step today, treat it as a new beginning.
Thank you for your words.

Yes the most important thing is my daughter, mother and sister. My daughter situation is clearly much more recent so I am 100% focused on her well being.

When she came into my care it was not 100% guaranteed that would remain in place as she was under the same social work department which were clearly in the mother favour. I was even called a bully but the main investigation police officer because I kept making complaints that were fiction in their eyes. I have a list of the people who forced my daughter back into that situation.

Anyway when she was in my care I took her straight to a Children's First counselling service for kids and she was spoken to by the professional without the knowledge of Social Work or the Police. This was twice a week and she was spoken to by herself. I just dropped her off and waited in the car. I also asked for the services of a Children's Rights officer.

This along with having medical needs attended too. She struggled to walk as her left foot due to the cerebral palsy was bent over and it was painful for her. She basically walked on the side of her foot. She saw a specialist and they operated on her and she can now walk without any aids and is pain free.

Yes her walking is not perfect but at least 90% better.

Her teeth needed braces and other health issues were fixed.

Cut a long story short because she was in my care and I was in a different area from her mother the closest social work department took over. She obviously read what was said about me and at the first meeting said "I hear your daughter likes to lie or has been forced to by you"

You can imagine I had to restrain my emotions.

Anyway I disclosed to her that my daughter was at the counsellor and also been speaking to the Children's Rights officer. She left with the numbers and obviously contacted both bodies.

I think this is when things changed. The counsellor stated to social work that my daughter was a very scared girl and had been manipulated by her mother and family. She also stated that she had 100% been abused both sexually and physically. I don't know the full details as it was between my daughter and the professional but it was pretty harrowing. The pictures she drew made me sick.

During this time the mothers family twice tried to kidnap her from school and then again at a road junction on the way home. My daughter had to attend the same school which unfortunately was in the home town of the mother's family. Thankfully I was picking her up that day so they got the message to back off. They then appeared at my own house and sat outside. I phoned the police who arrived. We went out to explain what happened and they were told to leave. I then got a visit from the police a week later giving me a warning for being abusive while they were outside the house. The police officers who turned up were then off duty for about two weeks. Finally this was retracted but again something was going on with the authorities.

Anyway this went on for another year which we had to attend 6 separate meetings to see if she would remain in my care. These days were hell. Thankfully the new social worker was 100% behind me now with the information I had provided and the care.

What was very telling was during the last two meeting her mother didn't turn up and only sent her solicitor. Finally after a year of guessing and fighting the panel agreed that my daughter should be in my care full time and without any contact from her mother or family unless she wanted to change that.

I have Power of Attorney in place so if anything was to happen to me my daughter would be safe.

Edited by karma2018 on Wednesday 22 August 20:14


24,802 posts

162 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
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Big congratulations for securing that. It's harrowing, reading this.

Vocal Minority

8,582 posts

154 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
quotequote all
It's deeply harrowing - I am sorry you have been through all this.

But - whilst it may not feel like it - your daughter clearly inspires you to have a core of solid steel. We should all be so brave.

I really hope you find a way of learning how to tap into that strength consistently and with the certainty now surrounding your daughter - can start to bring some joy back into your lives.

Given your respective stories I am sure it feels like a long and steep road - but you bring each other hope and that's a great start.


Original Poster:

17 posts

70 months

Tuesday 21st August 2018
quotequote all
Vocal Minority said:
It's deeply harrowing - I am sorry you have been through all this.

But - whilst it may not feel like it - your daughter clearly inspires you to have a core of solid steel. We should all be so brave.

I really hope you find a way of learning how to tap into that strength consistently and with the certainty now surrounding your daughter - can start to bring some joy back into your lives.

Given your respective stories I am sure it feels like a long and steep road - but you bring each other hope and that's a great start.
It's strange how the brain works.

I was able to fight for my daughter and family but when it comes to myself the brain just closes down.

You would think dealing with the above would make you stronger and rock solid but alas.

I think it's been such a fight since being in this life that you just get exhausted.

Obviously the panic attacks and agoraphobia is the body releasing the stress but it's something I could really do without. But for so many years I have been on high alert with everything that has happened that I just can't relax.

I have been out of work which was basically at the same time as my daughter came to stay with me full time.

It was a good thing as I could give her 110% of my energy to her for the last few years.

I am her carer as well so travel 80 miles a day taking her to and from College as she is high risk for public transport.

As you can imagine this is far from easy for me with agoraphobia. I try my hardest not to show her what I am going through doing this daily but I know by pushing myself the agoraphobia will get easier. So they say smile

But at least I can do it for her.

Thank you both again and for everyone who took the time to read my post.

I always revert to this when I feel angry