Need some help with a training plan pls.

Need some help with a training plan pls.



Original Poster:

1,598 posts

204 months

Sunday 10th June 2012
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Age: 44
Weight: 13 stone, 5lbs.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight to lose: approx. 10lbs

Where to start? I stopped drinking 7 months ago and as I hoped I've lost a couple of stone as my diet is cleaner overall. I eat pretty healthily with either a natural yoghurt with a little sugar free cereal on top for breakfast.

Lunch could be a chicken salad or with veg. Occasionally a sandwich from a garage if I'm out on the road.

Typical dinner could be fish or meat with boiled veg. Rice or potato. I never deep or shallow fry. I drink a reasonable amount of tea, not enough water and probably could do with snacking more.

Weekends I blow out a bit more with the odd pizza, shortbread with a coffee, roast dinner. Ice cream now and then. In the week I'm a good boy.

I'm desperate to get my weight down lower, but I am also keen to maintain energy levels for when I go out on my road bike. When cutting down on my weight in the past I've used a high protein approach which is pretty effective for me, but it makes me touchy as hell!

A couple of years ago I was 12-8 IIRC and liked that weight and could have gone 2-3lbs lighter I dare say.

So, I want to lose 10lbs, gain fitness and maintain energy and mood levels. I feel a bit stuck with my weight where I am presently, and am loathed to go high protein again as I am sick of it, plus concerned what it does to my body.

Time can be at a premium some days, but being self employed I can move things around to suit. I'd like to place an emphasis on cycling fitness and even considered doing 100 mile ride I spotted in September. Going abroad in July and August and would like to make some strides for then so I can get me top off and feel good about it wink

Oh, a couple of spanners: I have bad tennis elbow in my right (dominant) elbow at present. Knees have seen better days, but I seem to be coping on the bike.

Your advice and thoughts would be very welcome.



Original Poster:

1,598 posts

204 months

Monday 11th June 2012
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Thanks Craig! My Twitter is @ukdogtrainer smile I like Twitter.

Last night I downloaded a very neat looking app called MyFitnessPal after reading good comments here on another thread. I like it a lot already. I can put in my current and goal weights and then track my calories each day along with exercise levels so I will probably use that to judge my calorific intake and exercise.

Though I see that depending on which activity level I set myself at it varies the calories for each day. I've gone for 'Active' which gives me 1570 cals each day. I might be a bit below that if I'm on the PC a bit but the next level down seems too low.

I'll know better in a day or two and come back to update.

Cheers. I feel motivated smile



Original Poster:

1,598 posts

204 months

Monday 11th June 2012
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Tiggsy said:
best way to use myfitnesspal is work on food only - ignore the exercise tracking. Once you have your food at a regular intake of X calories you can then judge what results you see from any given exercise and adjust that exercise up or down accordingly.

The problem with the app tracking both the fuel and the use of the fuel is it very hard to see what gives the both your base lines are moving. So, get one aspect of the problem fixed (and diet is easiest) and then play with the training. You will only need to alter the diet if you are doing low levels of activity and still feeling drained or high levels and putting on weight....and watch the blow out days. Very easy to have a goal of, say 2000 cals and then by having a sat/sun of 3000 you add 2000 over the week - and extra 285 a day!!!
Good points thank you.


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

204 months

Wednesday 13th June 2012
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I see a neat pie chart function in the application. What should my ratios be for fats, carbs & proteins pls?


Original Poster:

1,598 posts

204 months

Wednesday 27th June 2012
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Using the app I'm down to a secure 13 stone if not under as of today.

Very pleased. Another 6lb and I'll be at my fighting weight smile

I'm on about 1500 calories a day which can be hard going if I've had a demanding day. I avoid work as much as possible anyway so I should cope wink