Detoxing, health risks and work

Detoxing, health risks and work



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Thursday 25th September 2014
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Between the ages of 15-21 I was incredibly fit and played sports to a high level.

For the last 10 years for various reasons which are mainly due to my own doing I've lost that. I've had a drinking problem, not a dribbling alcoholic but I have gone through a period where I drank 2/3 bottles of wine a night. Every night. I was spending money on alcohol rather than decent food. Around 2 years ago I did quit drinking with a lot of help, it was hard. Recently I got a new job, and I've started drinking (not as heavily as before).

I also used to be a heavy smoker. I was smoking 40 a day up until around 3 months ago when I took up e-digs. I've had one cig in the last 3 months more to see how I felt about it. However I didn't like it and am not convinced I will not go back to normal cigs.

I've also noted that my lack of exercise and unhealthy living over the last 5/6 years have lead for me to pile fat on. I'm not a typical fatty as I've got quite a solid frame anyway, but I have lost all my definition and my chin is not looking how I want it to. I've got into an unhealthy habit of eating takeaways 3/4 times a week.

Now I want to quit it all. The e-cigs, the drinking again and cut out all unhealthy food including caffeine. My plan was to do a stoptober max.

However I am a little concerned about how I will act for the first couple of weeks of this. I know from experience I will not sleep and won't be able to concentrate and will be prone to losing my temper. I wanted to counter this with loads of running and cycling.

What I really wanted to know is, what are my chances of my Doctor giving me a note for a couple of weeks. I know it's not a medical thing maybe. But I do know that my overall health will be improved if I can do this. Do you guys feel this is unreasonable to ask for a doctor? One issue is, I'm quite new to my job - and it won't look good calling in and saying that I need time off so I can be more healthy.

Oh - and feel free to rip me and take the piss. I'm actually considering doing me own health diary including photos over a few month, so I'm definitely turning into a bit of a girl.


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Saturday 27th September 2014
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I'm not suggesting I'm going to do a faddy diet.

I've already started - cut all processed crap out out my diet, removed all caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Eat 3 normal meals a day. For a long time I have not done this. I've missed 2 main meals in a day and then gorged and 2 large dominoes meatalicious with bbq sauce. So now I'm having something like: 2 weetabix with skimmed milk and herbal tea, followed by lunch which is something like soup or a single sandwich, and then dinner which was a small potion of pasta with tomota sauce and some beef mince and spices, and a yogurt.

All whilst drinking lots of water and herbal teas.

Oh and I've downloaded insanity. Including the health guide. So I'll be starting that on sunday (need to go shopping). Only problem is the dealings in my lounge aren't high enough for me to do the jumps.

Current weight is 16"4 stone bang on, and 6"0. Which makes me obese. I'm not obese, as I've got a reasonable amount of muscle mass (not sure how).

Hoping with the diet and insanity I'll be down to 14 stone in 2 months. We shall see. Cutting everything crap out I reckon I'm going to half the number of calories my body is getting whilst adding regular exercise.

We shall see. Can't see many downsides to it though. Apart from at the moment - got a headache and feel rubbish. Oh well, better than walking into an early grave.

I've also got a road bike and a static cycling thing you can attach it to. I'm thinking about replacing all my carbs for protein, and then doing an hour on that each day. I've set myself a goal to get my body fat down to less than 15% in two months.

Edited by photosnob on Saturday 27th September 00:52


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Saturday 27th September 2014
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Hoofy said:
As I said...

You've basically done what every permafat woman has done since the 1970s.
In fairness I haven't. I stopped drinking completely for a reasonable amount of time. I have also stopped smoking conventional cigarettes for over 3 months now.

There are reasons for me wanting to make a change in myself long term that I won't go into here.

However I have no intention of doing something for a month and then giving up. Not everyone is able to drop one vice at a time. I know that I need to change it all or everything will stay the same.


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Saturday 27th September 2014
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Hoofy said:
Yep. Don't need to go hardcore. I still drink cider and whisky, eat McCoy's and occasionally eat out but I routinely lift weights and participate in a broad mix of sports. Enjoying life!
As a general rule I'd completely agree with you.

However for the reasons I've gone into - that wouldn't work for me.


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Thursday 2nd October 2014
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Anyone who is in a similar situation for me should go to the Doctors. I've just been signed off for two weeks by the Doctor.

Edit - should probably add some symptoms that I didn't think are important came up so I've had to give blood and am waiting to be booked in for a camera to be shoved down my throat and into my stomach. So I'm not saying go to the Doctor to get two weeks paid off work. I also was asked to let her shove her finger up my bum - that was a step too far for me, and I would not allow that. But the other stuff I'm doing.

That said - in a weird way I will feel better for all of that. Once I know if there is anything wrong with me I can really move forward.

I've also not drank a drop of either alcohol or caffeine since starting this tread. Herbal Tea has been my tipple of choice. I've been careful to try and not eat anything unhealthy or processed - although I will admit that I might have had a bit too much fat (had meatballs without the pasta). Overall I feel I am doing okay. I've not lost much weight (3 pounds) so I am clearly not doing it right - but my jeans are slightly more comfortable so it's done something.

Edited by photosnob on Thursday 2nd October 10:43


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Thursday 2nd October 2014
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Prof Prolapse said:
Sorry but based on what you've said I strongly disagree.

Just because your doctor was willing to sign it doesn't mean you were morally justified. Any doctor's concern is to their patient, not society, and usually not morality.

We can't all burden our employers and colleagues other because of some glorified health kick, most of us what not even consider it.
Do doctors do all those tests because of a health kick? Endoscopy is standard for people who want to lose a few pounds.


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Thursday 2nd October 2014
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Halb said:
Three pounds in weight fat loss in one week is extreme.
But what is it? Fat? Muscle? Water?
Dunno. I've just changed from eating lots of rubbish and drinking almost all coffee and a bit too much booze to for the last week trying to cut out carbs. No coffee, no drinks apart from water (lots) and herbal tees. Also have been eating mainly protein, think like chicken breast plain with veg. Having eggs for breakfast.

So no breads, no oats, no sugar. No cereals after I read about them. No potato. Also changes how I cook my food. Now grill any meat, and don't use oil like I was.

Probably most of its water at the moment. However I can live with this diet, I'm not missing the junk food or coffee now. I'm not even missing the booze at the moment.

I've not started insanity yet as I've been too ill.


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Thursday 2nd October 2014
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Prof Prolapse said:
Well if nothing else they are liable for being sued if they don't attempt to diagnose their patients, so again, based on what you've said I won't alter my position.

You seem a nice bloke, but I'm not going to sympathise with you getting signed off so you can do what you can get healthy. Most people do this on their own time. Why shouldn't you?
I suppose the brutally honest answer its I'm not strong enough. As things stand I'm not really in a fit state to work. I suppose the honest answer is that I could have continued with my old lifestyle, or chosen to change it on holiday. But I didn't. Sorry if this sound selfish, but I am glad I took that decision. I'm feeling more motivated to get in shape and be the best version of myself than I have for the past 8ish years. And there is no doubt that my old lifestyle wasn't healthy or good for anyone long term.

I've been having severe pains in my stomach and have been crapping and puking blood, that's why I am having the camera down the mouth. That is my own fault I suppose, hoping it's just an ulser and nothing more serious. But I'll have to wait and see. Too late to change that now, just going to see what happens.


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Tuesday 7th October 2014
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Now down to 15 stone 3 pounds. So 9 pounds lost since I started the thread. Don't worry I know most of that will be water and some muscle. But my clothes are fitting better and I'm feeling much more healthy. I now have constant energy throughout the day.

Still not had any alcohol, or processed food (realised cereal for breaky was cheating so swapped to eggs), coffee/tea, or any form of bread or rice or potatoes.

I've been averaging about 120g of protein a day. Realised that wasn't enough from a bodybuilding site so not am upping it to 170g.

What did shock me from going through my diet is that I have reduced my fat far far too much. I need around 70g a day, and haven't got anything like that. So now I'm cooking my eggs in a healthy amount of olive oil and adding cheese. Also adding full fat milk to my protein shakes (Unflavoured) mixed with either fresh or frozen fruits as to avoid adding suggersers or sweeteners given in the premixed.

My only form of carbs has been vegetables and fruits. And I'm fine with that. Infact I've been loving it.

Now started on protein shakes to give me a rest from eating tons of chicken breast a day and none stop hard boiled eggs.

Starting a new training regime tonight. 3 times a week at a 24 hour gym. That will fit in with my work when I'm back, and will also give me time for yoga and cardio. Doing fully body exercise composing of mainly compound lifting. I'm sure I will ache a lot when I start.

Not looking into other supplements like creating and others. Although I'll probably give it a few months before I get into that.

Have cheated a bit though. I've been drinking 3 cups of green tea a day which does contain caffeine. Apart from that it's just been caffeine free heal tea or a ton of water.


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Tuesday 7th October 2014
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FredClogs said:
Unless you're into some serious Zen mastery self control samurai ninja shizzle I have to agree with those that are saying take one step at a time.

Meditation will help but you'll spend some time trying before it falls into place and your frame of mind needs to be right.
If you don't try something you will never succeed. If you try you might fail, but you might get there. I'm not saying my way of doing things is perfect, but so far I am happy with it.


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Thursday 9th October 2014
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Flibble said:
Antioxidants are a fantastic wheeze for the people trying to sell superfoods. They took something 99% of the population knows nothing of and spun it as good, when in fact it may even be harmful. Marketing at its best.
Okay - I don't think this was aimed at me specifically. But I want to hit this point.

I've not taken any "antioxidants". What I did was removed all crap food from my diet, and replaced it with base ingrediants. So instead of eating loads of dominoes pizzas or shop brought microwave junk food, I've made my own food from things which are entirely natural. This has allowed me to know exactly what I am eating, and tailer it around what I want to put into my body.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with eating take away's or anything else - but I decided for a while at least I wanted to know exactly what I was consuming. That and I decided I didn't want to include certain drugs in my diet like caffeine, nicotine or alcohol.

And actually it's worked for me. I've lost nearly a stone (which I don't put a lot of "weight" on, as I know a lot of that is water), I'm more hydrated, my energy levels are much more consistent throughout the day, I'm sleeping better and I just feel more alive. I actually enjoy waking up in the morning. I'm enjoying playing with my diet and tailoring specifically to my goals - which are currently fat loss and muscle gain. Admittedly that is pretty hard to do, but given my BF is around 20% I should be able to sustain it for a while.

Now all of those things might be a placebo, I might be just imagining them in my head. But if it's working even as a placebo I think that is a good thing. I think everyone should be encouraged about how they are fuelling their body compared to what they want from it. Specific point in my example, I've realised I wasn't eating anywhere near enough fat so I'm not enjoying chomping through a certain amount of certain nuts a day. People on here will go on for 50 pages about the merits of different types of petrol, yet people get put down for looking into the energy they give their bodies.

The litmus test to see if it is working will come at around new years. I will post a photo of my with my shirt off then and now - and then we can see if my much maligned diet and exercise program is working or not. If I have not lost a reasonable amount of fat and become more muscular then I will step back and accept I was entirely wrong. The only supplements I am using are protein shakes, multivitamins and I am going to start on creatine.


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Thursday 9th October 2014
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I got my BF measured and it's at 21% so overweight but not obese. In 3 months I want this down to 15%.

I am doing a relatively intense bodybuilding programme at the moment, incorporating lots of compound lifts. So I do need the protein. I've worked out I need around 200g a day. It's possible to get that from my diet but I certainly wouldn't enjoy it.

My plan right now isn't to lose a huge amount of weight. But to lose fat and build muscle. I am down to 15stone 3 pounds. And I'd like to stay at the 15stone mark.

As I've said - by xmas or new year, I'll post a before and after photo. Then I'll either be ridiculed for my stupid plan, or people might realise it can work and be done. Overall for me to get into the shape I want without using steroids I'm looking at around 2 years. But I should see a decent change within a few months. I naturally am pretty muscular, so now I've got my nutrition and training on point I think I will be fine.

My program is intensive all body workout every other day (got it today and my legs are still dead from squats), and then light cardio and yoga on the day offs.

I am more than able to maintain this diet. I'm not missing all the junk food, and it's nice being able to eat what I want without always going for the easy option.


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Thursday 9th October 2014
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Thanks Prop Prolapse.

Using the NHS measure my BMI is 29.9. Which is as near to obese at you can get without being there. However as you said, this means nothing in the context of what I am aiming for. Using that scale most professional rugby players would be either obese or morbidly obese, whilst having very high levels of fitness, and in some cases very low body fat.

I did tailor my protein to 1g/pound of lean mass. Which means I should be having around 170/80 of protein a day. Which is why I said I needed around 200g. The article was interesting, however really it only confirmed what I had already found out. I'm happy to waste some money if I'm wasting protein, however they way I am working out pretty much every muscle in my body is killing me after a workout. I'm going for a whole body workout, incorporating loads of compound lifts so I can have one full day of to recovery between them. I'm also trying to do some time on my road bike on the days off to improve my cardiovascular fitness.

I'm not trying to say my methods are 100% right - but I am sure they were better than before. I am also sure I will alter them as I go along. Currently I am thinking about going on a "keto" diet. However I'm happier with having the carbs from lots of vegetables and whole milk for the current moment. If I am not losing the amount of belly I want then I will change this.


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Wednesday 24th December 2014
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Okay - this isn't just a random thread bump. A while ago I made a bold claim I was going to make some changes to my life and sort it out. I said I'd post some photo's to see if it's worked. Well in my opinion I've not done that well - however I have made a start. I have not touched any alcohol since starting the thread, nor have I smoked a cig. But I have drank coffee - so some of you were correct.

This is how I looked after at the beginning.

Then after much dieting I looked like this (still plenty of fat):

And now I've started "bulking" as I don't want to be skinny and look like this:

Feel free to take the p*ss I know I would - I know I'm still quite fat - so whoever said like a "permafat" women was slightly correct. However this time next year before xmas I will be in MUCH better shape.


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Wednesday 24th December 2014
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grumbledoak said:
Looks like three months without alcohol. Good work. Keep going.

What about the blood coming out of various orifices? Was that an ulcer or has your room-mate run out of Rohypnol?
Ha no it wasn't. After many blood tests I now seem to work okay though.

Down just over 2 stone - which is a bit on the light side for me. Hoping this time next year I can be 3/4 stone heavier than now but with lower bf. We will see how that goes.