I think I have lymphoma

I think I have lymphoma



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632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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Hi all, long time lurker. Looking for some help advice, and maybe a warning to others.

Had a cold that wiped me out for 4days in October 2014, 4 days in bed, sweats etc. Got better.
Started a cough and fatigue (didn't think too much of it tbh I work shifts and it was winter) at the start of January 2015, after 2 weeks went to the chemist, got some cough mixture after taking it for 2 weeks it made no difference.
Made an appointment at the doctors surgery to see the nurse, prescribed penicillin and a blue asthma inhaler, took those for 2 weeks made no difference.
Made an appointment to see the doctor, sent for a chest X-Ray and a blood test. Within 48 hours the doctor was phoning me at 7.30 in the morning to see her a 9.30 that morning to here her say quote ''Your bloods are all over the place'' X-Ray was ok, prescribed more tablets Clarithromycin 500 mg (big yellow things) went back 1 week later for another blood test bloods ''still all over the place especially my haemoglobin in between the 2 blood tests I had a lump under my left ear and on my neck/shoulder. Referred to a neck lump clinic at Kings Collage Hospital London, more blood tests and a lymph node biopsy, results came back as inconclusive. More tests booked, in this time I've had the following symptoms, still coughing, fatigue, breathlessness, night sweats (bed soaking) lumps still on my neck.
Since then more blood tests, all full biopsy, 2 lymph nodes removed, 7/04/2015 and a PET/CT scan 10/04/2015. I'm currently signed off work (way to much stress for my job and I'm lucky I have 6 months full sick pay) waiting for the results to come through next week.

I'm expecting to be told its lymphoma, tests will show whether its Hodgkin lymphoma or non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

I'm worried although I have used Dr Google and expecting the worse but praying for the best.

Just wondered if anyone has any experience of it.
Btw I'm 50, never smoked, fairly fit 5.11 13stone, until I got ill I was cycling 200 miles a week, and became a pescatarian for my NY resolution. I guess if I do have lymphoma I'm just unlucky frown

Moral of the story is, if you are worried about something don't thin it will go away, go to the doctor.

Edited by audikentman on Monday 13th April 15:57

Edited by audikentman on Monday 13th April 16:52

Edited by audikentman on Monday 13th April 17:02


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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davejohnsid. Glad to hear you got the 'all clear; thanks for the reply and reassurance. Things have moved on in 12 years, Dr Google and Wiki weren't around then, I'm not sure if that is good or bad though. It seems the PET/CT are a fairly new thing. The thing I am dreading most is if I need a lumber puncture, a friend had 1 for diagnosis of MS and passed out.

I have looked up and yes depending what level it is at it does seem tone of the better types to have, the last time I saw the specialist I told him I thought I had lymphoma he said 'lets wait for the biopsy and scan results then we can sort you out some treatment.' I researched it and found there are about 60 different types and treatment varies according to type.
1 of the worst things (apart from the fatigue and shortness of breath) is the night sweats, they are like nothing I've every experience, I wake up the bed is soaking and then I lay there thinking......I'm sure you had the same.

So far I can only sing the praises of the NHS, the treatment has been 1st class and the staff wonderful. It certainly puts things into perspective though.


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632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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Thanks for the heads up. I'm glad I posted on here now, be wondering if I should. I had the combined scan, a nice injection of radioactive sugar water (joked about turning into Spiderman the crap jokes come thick and fast when your are worried.) about an hour before the scan then fed into a giant tube, I did wonder if there was a sedative with it as I fell asleep during the scan and felt tired for the rest of Friday.
I guess I posted on here for the advice and to unburned myself others who have had family or friends go through any kind of cancer treatment say that keeping your head together is as important as keeping healthy, although I've (only) lost 4lbs so far.


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632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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Sorry, but I hope its made you aware, please don't bury your head in the sand, your lump sounds like it is in the same place as 1 of mine, other symptoms are night sweat, being out of breath, fatigue and loss of weight, go to the doctor, ask for a blood test. It lymphoma is 1 of the more treatable cancers, I had my 1st blood test on 17th February and next week I should have confirmation or not and a treatment plan in place.

Edited by audikentman on Monday 13th April 21:06


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632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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My last blood test before all this kicked off was about June last year, I was constantly feeling tired, blood test showed nothing, after a chat with the doctor came to the conclusion I was over doing it along with stupid shift work, re-jigged my life and was fine until the Flu at the end of October and then Januarys cough. The order of my symptoms have been cough, out of breath climbing the stairs, then the freaky blood test rests, lumps on my neck, now the night sweats and a loss of weight. The blood test wont tell the doctor you have lymphoma, but it can point them in the right direction, on the copy of the blood test not a single marker is normal, they are either high or low. These are some of the markers.
17/02/2015 chest x-ray normal
17/02/2015 Serum C reactive protein level = 106mg/l High
17/02/2015 Serum creatinine 60 umol/l Low
17/02/2015 Haematocrit 38.2%Low
17/02/2013 total white cell count 430 10*9L High
The list goes on along with my blood test from 26/02/2015 and I have no idea what it means, but when the doctor phones you at 7.30 in the morning saying 'I need to see you' and by 9.30 you are in her office you I now know things were serious, I'm just starting to realise exactly how serious.


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632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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Agree 100% with davejohnsid get it checked out, the 1st blood test is non fasting, they are not checking for cholesterol etc, I went straight from the doctors to the local hospital, within 48 hours my results were back as for age use Dr Google both types of lymphoma can affect any age group, more common in smokers and the overweight though, I'm neither of these but it would seem I've been dealt a bum hand in white blood cells.


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632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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So what if they think that, better safe than sorry, hopefully there is nothing wrong or just swollen glands, but remember the adverts on TV saying go to the doctors if a cough lasts more than 3 weeks. Tell them your symptoms, my lump below my ear is hard and non movable, the ones by my neck/shoulder started off feeling like a marble then in the space of a week I had about 3 of them and if you can imagine cupping your hand the swelling would just about fit in that. I remember saying to the doctor I thought I had thyroid cancer.

Edited by audikentman on Monday 13th April 22:03


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632 posts

244 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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clap Let us know what happens, if they give you cr@p just tell them you are worried and want your mind put at rest.


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Tuesday 14th April 2015
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Thanks for the kind words, I'm pleased to hear you got the all clear on lymphoma, its the waiting between tests and results that's the worst for me which is why my doctor signed me off for a month.
I'm glad I posted on here now, I guess I just wanted to unload myself anonymously.
I just had to use Dr Google to look up Sarcoidosis good luck in the coming months with the battle against it.


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632 posts

244 months

Tuesday 14th April 2015
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Kings collage hospital this afternoon, 'Can I see the consultant tomorrow (Wednesday) and not next Tuesday'
Me 'Yes'


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Wednesday 15th April 2015
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Was given the news today I have Hodgkin lymphoma.

Hodgkin lymphoma is the most common blood cancer in young adults aged between 15 and 35 years.
But Hodgkin lymphoma can affect people of any age. After young adults, the most frequently affected age group are the over 55s. It is extremely rare in young children.
Hodgkin lymphoma risk is 41% higher in obese people (body mass index [BMI] 30+)
Hodgkin lymphoma risk is 10-15% higher in ever-smokers, compared with never-smokers
1,650 people are diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in the UK every year

Bummer I'm a 49 year old man, never smoked and a BMI of 25, I guess no one told my white blood cells.


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632 posts

244 months

Wednesday 15th April 2015
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Thanks for the kind words, it was what I was expecting, they just needed the biopsy to determine if it was Hodgkin's or Non Hodgkin's yes pretty sure I'm going to kick its arse, consultant told me I have everything going in my favour, fit, healthy (apart from this)
I think people are getting diagnosed with it more rather than ignoring lumps and pain etc, also treatment and the NHS really seem to be on the ball on cancer now, its only been 2 months since I 1st went to see the doctor.
30 years ago would you have got a group of men talking about the subject? Hopefully my tale may make others see a doctor over a lump or cough rather than just ignoring it.
No treatment plan yet, they are going to call, it was the consultant/surgeon who carried out my biopsy that saw me today.


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Thanks for the positive vibes, I'm already fed up with friends and family saying 'I'm sorry' why are they sorry? They didn't give me this, its my white blood cells that should be sorry.
I have an appointment on Wednesday to discuss my treatment plan.


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632 posts

244 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Had my treatment plan meeting yesterday at Kings, also got to see my PET/CT scan results, that opened my eyes, I have 1 lymph nodes swollen that I didn't even suspect, 1 between my lungs and 1 under my left arm pit. Confirmed I had Hodgkins Lymphoma level 2A. Back to Kings tomorrow to sign the consent forms, they have to give you a 'cooling off period' who knew?
Then start Chemo on Tuesday. 4 cycles (8 treatments) 1 week treated 1 week off, will take 16 weeks. After that some Radiotherapy. That's the next 4 - 5 months of 2015 sown up then. I'm gonna smash it!

Gonna check all my policies this weekend


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Friday 24th April 2015
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Thanks for the kind wishes. The way I see it, I'm ill, Kings are going to make me better.
Poxy lymph glands are making 1 last stand, had terrible night sweats and the lump under my arm seems to get more prominent since I had the biopsy results, they know their time is nearly up.
I'm gonna smash this.


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Friday 24th April 2015
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Thanks all. I will put up regular updates and try to be honest with you all. I put my story here 1st to warn people to get anything unusual checked out by a GP, mine was great in referring me to Kings. 2nd I can unburden myself without being judged.


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Wednesday 29th April 2015
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Had my 1st (of 8 over 16 weeks) chemo session yesterday, all went well. Got there for a 9am appointment, given a cocktail of 7 anti sickness pills, 1 of 1 type, 3 of another, and 3 of another, cannula in my arm, 4 different liquids (ABVD) and a bag of saline. Had a light meal at home, bed about 10, woke up this morning about 4.30am slightly acidy stomach took my cocktail of 6 different drugs this morning, 2 slices of toast and tea, writing this at 8.15 and feel fine.
1 down 7 to go.

Edited by audikentman on Wednesday 29th April 08:23


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Saturday 2nd May 2015
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@fridaypassion I have Stage2A aggressive Nodular sclerosing Hodgkins Lymphoma, only went to the doctors and had my 1st blood test on 16th Febuary and had the 1st ABVD treatment on Tuesday. The best advice I can give is to eat as much fresh fruit and veg as possible to build up your strength. If you want/need a chat near the time feel free to pm me.

Edited by audikentman on Saturday 2nd May 20:46


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Monday 4th May 2015
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Wow, had the chemo roller coaster, didn't feel too bad on Wednesday, then Thursday and Friday, not only couldn't I get out of bed I had no inclination to, I've never felt anything like it, I can only describe it as a combination of the hangover from hell and being hit by a bus and then it reversing back over me, left me completely spannered, Saturday and Sunday better, today felling fine, now a week to go until a blood test on Friday and the next blast of chemo next Tuesday. Bring it on! Lymphoma I'm gonna smash you!


Original Poster:

632 posts

244 months

Tuesday 5th May 2015
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