When Was Your Last Fight?

When Was Your Last Fight?



12,942 posts

242 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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Last fight was last time I was on nights a couple of weeks ago, in the town centre.

I predict the next one will be this weekend - on nights again - someshere in the town centre. Either that or the drink driver that wants to fight. Usually get one of those about every 6-8 weeks. Not much fun if I'm on my own in the sticks, nearest backup can sometimes be 15 minutes away.


6,542 posts

248 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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roadsweeper said:

pzero64 said:

About 20 years ago I was surprised by someone who hit me on the head with a metal pipe. I don’t remember anything for a couple of minutes afterwards, but I got back to college and one of the lecturers took me to hospital. Got a £1,000 for that. Which was nice.

God, if only he had hit you forty times, you'd have been able to buy a TVR!

Or a new wheelchair, ba da boom



12,573 posts

284 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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mungo said:

So on top of charging him with S4 POA and assault police, I phoned up the head of my martial arts club and got him officially kicked out of the association

Under the Data bollox act is that wrong ??


12,573 posts

284 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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mungo said:

Hughesie2 said:

mungo said:

So on top of charging him with S4 POA and assault police, I phoned up the head of my martial arts club and got him officially kicked out of the association

Under the Data bollox act is that wrong ??

Dont' know to be honest. He told me that he enjoys giving people broken noses and making them bleed when sparring. He was a nutter and it's the clubs discretion to kick people like that out as they shouldn't be taught martial arts - People like that ruin the training for everyone else as they just try and beat up everyone else. Thats not what it is about

Just checking


11,970 posts

250 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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roadsweeper said:
And Why Did It Happen?

Happened at a Fencing tournament (but not whilst fencing, funnily enough). I had just finished a bout, and had beaten a good opponent, who was very gracious in defeat. One of his mates came up to him and said "don't worry James, you have the consolation of being white."

Suffice it to say, I knocked him to the floor and beat seven shades of shit out of him, with my fists, I hasten to add....... That was when I was young and reckless.... 16 years old (13 years ago)


7,520 posts

245 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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I did JKD for about 3 years before I joined the Armed Forces, really enjoyed it.

If anyone wants to do a martial art and can find a authorised JKD centre I would recommend it, its martial arts for the street. Unauthorised JKD centres can be good but remember you will probably taught something different than the official syllabus.

What I have found after years of study (judo, Ju-jitsu, wing chun, JKD, Kickboxing) is people who want to be effective at self defence need to learn how to handle a real life situation, where as I have seen very capable martial artists fall to pieces under stress or just stand ridgedly with fear and do nothing.

Upto a point I think I didn't used to handle situations very well until the RN taught me discipline, me I used to loose my rag when the red mist came down and start swinging wildly instead of using technique and form.


7,520 posts

245 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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mungo said:

Hughesie2 said:

mungo said:

So on top of charging him with S4 POA and assault police, I phoned up the head of my martial arts club and got him officially kicked out of the association

Under the Data bollox act is that wrong ??

Don't know to be honest. I didn't let on the whole situation just relayed that he was violent and not appropriate to be taught at our club. Myself and the other instructors are very strict on that kind of thing. He told me that he enjoys giving people broken noses and making them bleed when sparring. He was a nutter and it's the clubs discretion to kick people like that out as they shouldn't be taught martial arts - People like that ruin the training for everyone else as they just try and beat up everyone else. Thats not what it is about

>> Edited by mungo on Thursday 25th November 18:38

Totally agree Mungo, people like that give martial arts a bad name.


8,273 posts

260 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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I got punched trying to break a fight up a while back. Me and a friend stepped in and grabbed the two participants, when suddenly everything went dark and i got lamped. Turned out the guy who i was hanging on to had a girlfriend who was even more violent than him. She ran up behind me a dragged my jacket over my head and punched me in the face! The white of my right eye went red and i couldn't get in another pub all night (this happened about 8.30pm). The only thing that i could do to defend myself was to get as far away from the crazy bitch as i could! I didn't dare try and restrain her in case i hurt her (or she made some nefarious allegations against me). Was very tempting to let fly with a couple just so she new what it felt like


15,877 posts

236 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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Last fight was with my brother, fight club style, in August, we went at it big style for about 20 minutes.

He is BiB and was trying all the amusing pressure point stuff but good old fashioned brawling from me led him to tap out from a good hold I had him in.

It was bloody good fun, exhilerating and gave my mates a right laugh.

Other than that been a while, had a few close ones but being 6'3" in each dimension helps.


14,706 posts

254 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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Been hit twice but only hit back once and that was back when I was about 15! lol!

Last new years there was a 34 year old woman in a club who started elbowing me. I put it down to drunk dancing until i realised she really meant it. Had a few words and she left pretty quick. Rather not start a fight!


15,887 posts

265 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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Well, it was a week last Friday. We had just walked out of our club and were on our way to a mates. Me and all my mates look like we're in a band (most of us are) and scallies don't seem to like us.Unfortunately for them they also think we are soft.

We were all walking home with a group of girls (our mates). 4 scallies turn up behind us and start walking about a foot away from me and my mate. They are giving abuse to the girls who are between 17 and 25. We are already getting pissed off. So we turn round and tell them to stop it. One runs over and says 'What the fCensored:k is you....'. Before he got to the end of his word my mate had seen it was about to kick off and jawed him. He was on the floor when 3 of his mates start running towards mine.

Now when I see someone about to hit a mate I can't deal with it so before the first one gets near him I've picked him up and planted him back first on the floor via a wall. I politely suggests he goes away when another of his mates heads for me. Cut off by my mate smacking him and flooring him as well. The other two have got up by now so all 4 are trying to kick off.

Our answer to this was a combination of throwing them and punching them until they were almost crying and then just walking off while they shouted 'come on!' at us. The rest of our mates just stood back and watched and laughed as we effortlessly decked some chavs. I think they wanted to prove how hard they were because there were more of us walking along and some girls there too.

Maybe my mate was wrong to lash out first. Not in my opinion though. Scum who pick on people for no reason other than to look hard deserve it.

We get picked on a lot. I've been hit once in my life and it he punched me like 7 year old a girl. Mostly I can talk out of it. However I'm not going to let a scumbag smack me or one of my mates for the sake of being 'right on'. Especially the scumbag who tried to hit Beth. Oh did he regret that.

mutt k

3,959 posts

240 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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raftom said:

mutt k said:
After a mate had a bottle broken over his head last year, and I saw a couple of fights kick off for no good reason, I figured that the nutter quotient was getting too high, so I did six months training in Krav Maga, and then swapped to kickboxing which I am still doing.

I am not going to go looking for trouble, but if it finds me, then I feel rather more confident about being able to deal with it.

Sorry for your troubles. In the meantime what do you think of Krav Maga? Was there any special reason for swapping to kickboxing?

The reason is that I'm planning to start training something like that and KM is one of firsts in my list to try.

Krav Maga in itself is a very effective form of self defence but you need to find a good class. The reason I stopped and swapped over to kickboxing was that not a great deal of care was being taken in classes or supervision given by the trainers. I got a bit fed up with having chunks kicked out of me by flailing newbies who were coming straight into classes after an induction class and who didn't have the sense to pull their punches, and badly bruised knees from working without crash mats. The final straw was a cracked bone in my hand, again from working without mats. I would fully expect that I might get hurt in a fight, but not week in week out in training.

If you can find the right class or teacher, you will learn some very effective moves and how to give out a great deal of pain if anyone has a go at you.


749 posts

239 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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lanciachris said:
Visiting some friends in aberystwyth. Went for a night out at the union with a mate. We were talking to a girl he knew when chav ...

Very surprised at a fight in Aber, seems pretty calm here to me!


27,646 posts

260 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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ywouldi said:

lanciachris said:
Visiting some friends in aberystwyth. Went for a night out at the union with a mate. We were talking to a girl he knew when chav ...

Very surprised at a fight in Aber, seems pretty calm here to me!

Not if you've read any of the Malcolm Pryce books - Aberystwyth Mon Amour and Last Tango In Aberystwyth

>> Edited by v8thunder on Thursday 25th November 20:22


11,758 posts

241 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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v8thunder said:

If you really have to, I take my own advice - there are some things in life you can win or lose. Fights aren't one of them. You've got to fight? Give yourself the advantage and take a -off huge knife. Usually seems to simultaneously win the argument and avoid the fight.

BIG, BIG MISTAKE. Never threaten someone with a weapon as you never know what they have up their sleeve. They could disarm you and use the weapon on you or produce a concealed weapon and use it to attack you, justifying their actions as self defence.


749 posts

239 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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v8thunder said:

Not if you've read any of the Malcolm Pryce books - Aberystwyth Mon Amour and Last Tango In Aberystwyth

Lol, yeah, just finished Last Tango, was very good, made me laugh the way he portrayed it as such a dark hole for criminals and all the folklore etc that happened.


3,357 posts

243 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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ywouldi said:

lanciachris said:
Visiting some friends in aberystwyth. Went for a night out at the union with a mate. We were talking to a girl he knew when chav ...

Very surprised at a fight in Aber, seems pretty calm here to me!

Not as surprised as I was! the police told me it was becoming more common as people are turning up in the town for stag weekends and others just turning up to pick a fight. The 2 that came after me were part of the latter category, from yorkshire. Still, I wasnt hurt, they were, and they had to deal with the police. There is a least one decent BiB in aber, dealt with him twice. PC davies 593 ask for him by name. and number, cos otherwise they go 'weve got 50 bluddy pc davies now which one dya want'

More worryingly, another one of my friends was walking down the high street once at 4 in the morning (on the way home obviously!) and 4 blokes jumped out of a barried up corsa and tried to drag her into it. Fortunately, theyd picked on the wrong person and she beat the living shit out of them, and she suffered only a few bruises, and the most mangled knuckles ive ever seen. The attackers must have been an absolute mess.


10,430 posts

250 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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actually, thinking about it, I saw a fight a couple of weeks ago outside a club as I was heading home from the cinema.

I'd always thought that in a fight, with me been sober, I could handle myself and although I would be hurt it wouldn't be that bad. However, when you see one "chav" like person fighting, and winning, against 4 bouncers you have to stop and take stock.

I personally think the bouncers were restrained, and that they were trying to defuse/stop the situation without knocking him out but the ferosity of the attack, and the fact a bouncer went down (a big bloke as well) well, I'm not entirely sure what they could have done.

In truth it's the first "proper" fight I've ever seen and it's done enough for me to be very wary of other people now, just need to keep reminding myself of it to ensure I don't think above my place


10,376 posts

285 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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EmmaP said:

v8thunder said:

If you really have to, I take my own advice - there are some things in life you can win or lose. Fights aren't one of them. You've got to fight? Give yourself the advantage and take a -off huge knife. Usually seems to simultaneously win the argument and avoid the fight.

BIG, BIG MISTAKE. Never threaten someone with a weapon as you never know what they have up their sleeve. They could disarm you and use the weapon on you or produce a concealed weapon and use it to attack you, justifying their actions as self defence.

Also, if you are holding a weapon you're not sure you're prepared to use, you are at a disadvantage because you can't use that arm and hand to defend yourself.


1,198 posts

263 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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mutt k said:
Krav Maga in itself is a very effective form of self defence but you need to find a good class. The reason I stopped and swapped over to kickboxing was that not a great deal of care was being taken in classes or supervision given by the trainers. I got a bit fed up with having chunks kicked out of me by flailing newbies who were coming straight into classes after an induction class and who didn't have the sense to pull their punches, and badly bruised knees from working without crash mats. The final straw was a cracked bone in my hand, again from working without mats. I would fully expect that I might get hurt in a fight, but not week in week out in training.

If you can find the right class or teacher, you will learn some very effective moves and how to give out a great deal of pain if anyone has a go at you.
Thanks. Around here there are at least 3 gyms with KM classes. I will have a look at them.