When Was Your Last Fight?

When Was Your Last Fight?



749 posts

239 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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lanciachris said:

ywouldi said:

lanciachris said:
Visiting some friends in aberystwyth. Went for a night out at the union with a mate. We were talking to a girl he knew when chav ...

Very surprised at a fight in Aber, seems pretty calm here to me!

Not as surprised as I was! the police told me it was becoming more common as people are turning up in the town for stag weekends and others just turning up to pick a fight. The 2 that came after me were part of the .

Yeah, I have seen people round here that dont look like locals, nor like students, they are def here for the piss up. The only "trouble" I have seen myself was a small fight outside a kebab place, police there within literally 30 secs.

Myself, when younger I used to get into lots of fights at school etc and generally came out pretty well.

The major fight for me was when I was about 14/15. I had saved up for a bike, worth about £800 and was out on a sunday afternoon riding around town with my mate when I was approached by someone as I was sitting on the bike outside the post office. He said "nice bike mate, thats mine now!", I laughed a lot of people said that sort of thing to me cos it was a nice bike. Then he said, "no, seriously, off!". Ok I thoughtt, hes on his own, my mates just round the corner and promptly lumped him a good one on his nose a couple of times. He was about twice my size and just took it and hit me in the face knocking my glasses off. I glanced across the road and saw a lad of about 20 pushing a pram.

Thinking he would help me I said "give us a hand mate" at which he ran over the road said hello to his mate and started laying into me as well!

My "mate" by this time had run off to get my parents who lived down the road, they turned up about 2 mins later as I was regaining conciouness (sp).

Luckilly some passerbys had seen it happening and called the BiB. The lads were down at the train station across the street, hearing that my mum went down there, spoke to the lads calmly, as a train pulled in which they went to get, she grabbed the pushchair off the lad (with his nephew in it). The cops had arrived by this time and nicked the lads!

Kept the bike and got £60 compo out of it :rollseyes:

The police said they were worried about the lad who had his nephew with him as his bro was apparently livid and kicked the shit out of him!


5,205 posts

286 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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re: knife... stupid unless you're trained with one. The biggest reason NOT to carry one is that someone will take it off you and use it themselevs.

martial arts are fine to a point...but they aren't REALLY about fighting (I base this staement on having been doing them from age 8 (am now 30) and hold 4 dan level belts in different arts) Im sure others who compete/have comepted would agree that you lose count of the number of times a newbie beats an experience grade in a fight. I think that Dibble/Mungo mentioned this on a SPL forum discussion...but in a typical street situation its all about fighting and nothing about the art of doing so. I personally think Karate is totally mis-named as self defense. Its taught rigidly around a number of techniiques and they just arent relevant in the real world most of the time. Same for the throws in jiu-jitsu. Who the hell would relaly use iponsionagi in the middle of a street fight - its too difficult and too likely to go wrong no matter how good you think you are - especially when (assuming you dont start fights) the person attacking you doesn't seem getting damaged as a bad thing.

If you're read Myomoto Musashis 'book of 5 rings' what is quite interesting (to me anwyay!) is the his view was "i wandered around the country and went to many martial arts schools. I watched excellent and impressive displays of skill and technique. Then I beat someone". In his day winning involved killing the other person first....something you can only get wrnog once and he never lost.... what Im trying to say is that dont think that learning martial arts either a)means you can stop a fight before it happens or b) means you'll win! A lot of people with a bit of false confidence have got very badly hurt as a result of not running when they should have.....

Roadsweeper - I know of Ben Burton - hope your mate is good! Master Sken (and Masters Kit and Woody) are absolutely superb. birthplace of Thai boxing in the UK, and IMO one of the very best schools.

Oh and Krav Maga is NOT a self defence art. neither is Thai boxing. Both are combat arts and were developed to maim and kill.......they are not good learning to help pacify street situations if you ask me.....



1,049 posts

239 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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roadsweeper said:

Mrs Fish said:

minornut said:

Do you mean because I didn't succeed i getting all five convicted!

Ah, sorry, took it the wrong way

*tuts* You should try and think the best of people Mrs. Fish.

Apology accepted Mrs. Fish.

If you saw me you would realise I'm no fighter. I never even threw a single punch in either of the 2 incidents nor in the one 1 that happened in Ilkeston when I was 19.


1,651 posts

285 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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Interesting post Night.

I have been in a lot of fights since leaving school. though many have been on a football pitch.

I think the main thing that happens in a fight situation is confusion. I'd say that every fight I've ever been in has just been a confusing mess and I have been completely unaware what was going on. I guess that martial arts expertise would help in this area.

I think that technique is useful, size is usefull too, but I think that being hard and nasty beats everything.

I would (nearly) always run away rather than getting involved, as the prospect of being stabbed is too horrible. I have had a knife pulled on me on two occasions and it is horrible, I would always run away no sweat.

One thing though, getting hit never hurts as much as you think it will, except being hit on the nose, which sucks.

I think the secret to not getting beaten up is to turn into a maniac, use every weapon available (teeth etc) and to try as hard as you can to kill your opponent and hope that an opportunity to exit arises asap.


Original Poster:

3,786 posts

276 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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nightmare said:

Oh and Krav Maga is NOT a self defence art. neither is Thai boxing. Both are combat arts and were developed to maim and kill.......they are not good learning to help pacify street situations if you ask me.....

Cheers for your reply nightmare.

I completely agree about Thai Boxing - it is fantastically effective as a hand-to-hand combat method and very useful in something like a bar fight. Integral to that is the fact it is so vicious and dangerous. As I mentioned earlier, the use of elbows and knees in the Thai Boxing style is generally not expected by an opponent and the general speed, power, fitness, mental strength and experience of 'real' fighting of any decent Thai Boxer makes them a formidable opponent indeed.

Regarding Krav Maga, I haven't studied it myself, but my understanding is that it is a scientifically designed method whose sole purpose is to kill or aim as quickly and efficiently as possible, somewhat like a modern version of Muay Boran. I would imagine if you use Krav Maga against someone it would have to be in a life or death situation. I know there are several strikes I was taught by my Ju Jitsu instructor (which I have no intention of describing on a public forum!) that no sensible person would use in a 'normal' fight, but I would use if I was in fear of my life.

Sak (my friend fighting Ben) is very good. I watched him go the distance with another world champion a couple of months ago and although he lost he gave a very good account of himself. His fighting prowess is particularly admirable when you consider that he works full time in a very demanding, very high pressure job requiring long hours.

See Sak 'The Slayer' Nayagam info here.


1,209 posts

286 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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I haven't been in a fight since I broke a bone in my hand in the course of punching my brother's head when we were kids.

I've tried to avoid fighting since then.


3,961 posts

260 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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So let's see - fanatical interest in sports cars and rigorous martial arts regimes....

I bet you boys were in maths club at school?

love machine

7,609 posts

237 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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Never, I always go with the "Have they got a knife" line of thought. If anyone picks on me, I tell them that as well, "I've got a big knife in my pocket".

Having said, I had an incident with a taxi driver in Plymouth a few months ago and now I will carry a counter weapon. He started attacking my van with a hammer, I think. I pooed myself. Perhaps a big bar or something. The police woman said that reasonable amount of self defence is OK. I would say swinging a big piece of tube at a hammer wielding taxi driver is OK.


4,319 posts

267 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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love machine said:
Never, I always go with the "Have they got a knife" line of thought. If anyone picks on me, I tell them that as well, "I've got a big knife in my pocket".

Having said, I had an incident with a taxi driver in Plymouth a few months ago and now I will carry a counter weapon. He started attacking my van with a hammer, I think. I pooed myself. Perhaps a big bar or something. The police woman said that reasonable amount of self defence is OK. I would say swinging a big piece of tube at a hammer wielding taxi driver is OK.

I'm sure it wouldnt be unreasonable to carry a large maglight in a car...


4,408 posts

238 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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Last fight was when I was 19, left a club sober went back to my car in a car park in a corner was some guy giving his missus a beating, my girlfriend who was at uni had been beaten up the night before by some guy so I was feeling tetchy about the whole thing.

Went to go and stop it, thats all just a presance and the guy went for me, I lost it and 5 minets later he was unconcious on the floor, his girlfriend then starting having ago at me then, I could not believe it. I had never been in a fight before and when he swung for me I sh#t my self and did not want to get hurt so thought I would get in there first, I never thought he would end up with broken nose jaw and cheek bone. I vowed I would never hit someone again as I was then foolisly concerned for his safety waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Until about a month after that, when I went outside of a pub for a leak as it was too crowded to get to the gents, out in the beer garden was the landlords wife with some guy getting on ona bench, I try to finish up quick and leave but mid piss out comes the landlord with a fire extinguisher over his head accusing me of roasting his wife with this guy.

Call me a girl but as I did not want to get into fist icuffs after the last incident I decided without hesitation to go straight for his balls, one sized 12 steel toe cap work boot in the jewls and I watched a grown man cry. I then pegged it because he could ave knocked ten bells out of me if he had stood back up.

silverback mike

11,290 posts

255 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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Most shifts someone has a pop...


18,175 posts

268 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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I hope you're not going to start any aggro in December Mike

Some chap tried to glass me a couple of years ago. I stopped him. The end.


729 posts

241 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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mutt k said:
About 18 years ago, Mrs K and I started our married life in a London basement flat with steps outside leading up from an area at the front to street level. Problem was that w@nkers kept coming down in to this area to pee on their way home. I confronted one such w@nker, told him that he as a pig and to ferk off. Got a headbutt and a black eye for my troubles!

After a mate had a bottle broken over his head last year, and I saw a couple of fights kick off for no good reason, I figured that the nutter quotient was getting too high, so I did six months training in Krav Maga, and then swapped to kickboxing which I am still doing.

I am not going to go looking for trouble, but if it finds me, then I feel rather more confident about being able to deal with it.


What was Krav maga like? Im thinking off starting it up over Winter?


67,280 posts

272 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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mungo said:
Be careful out there!

Too much Hill Street Blues again?


3,785 posts

262 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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TheLemming said:

I'm sure it wouldnt be unreasonable to carry a large maglight in a car...

I do


3,785 posts

262 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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TheLemming said:

I'm sure it wouldnt be unreasonable to carry a large maglight in a car...

I do


1,651 posts

285 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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had an incedent recently whilst queuing to enter Gibralter from Spain. Got involved in a row with a Spanish guy, who got out of his car (I thought it was funny at this point) then I noticed the two foot iron bar in his hand .....

what do you do ?

Although I was confident I could beat him, one lucky hit would have ended it, in any case he could have hit me whilst I tried to get out of the car, not only that, had I disarmed him, what would I do then ? The Spanish police were 50 yrds away and I'm sure I'd have ended up in the cells no matter what. Then I got worried he'd start bashing my hire car...

So I just laughed at him and luckily he got back into his car - much relief on my part !


1,651 posts

285 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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the other funny one....

I was walking to the bus stop and noticed a rather hard looking 40 something man checking me out (had that DI Burnside look about him...)

I got to the bus stop, pretended to read my paper whilst watching him approach me..

He came up to me (had to walk 50 metres..) and asked what I was looking at. To say I was worried is an understatement. I replied "you, 'cos you're checking me out". He said "are you Sarahs boyfriend" I said no. He said "whats your name" I asked what it had to do with him, he said "don't f**k with me or I'll kill you".

I was now very worried, as I have no doubt that he would easily beat me. I had one chance only, so I kicked him in the nuts as hard as possible, and ran like mad. I wasn't too worried then as I'm pretty quick, I jumped onto a passing bus, which went right past him, so I gave him the finger etc...

Imagine my horror when the bus stopped a bit further up the road, he ran for it, but lucky for me we pulled away just in time.

silverback mike

11,290 posts

255 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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yertis said:
I hope you're not going to start any aggro in December Mike

Some chap tried to glass me a couple of years ago. I stopped him. The end.

Nice one, that's the way to do it


1,061 posts

285 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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mungo said:
they just wanted to fight someone so they chose him - Thats the mentality!

so bearing the general mentality of some of these people, what would PH suggest as a discipline to learn for self defence and general fitness fun.

I used to do Karate but gave it up due to an injury, never had to use it in anger thank god. Now I'm thinking I really need to be able to look after myself. Not just because of this thread but just from general observations.