The Official Hungarian GP Thread 2014 *******Spoilers*****

The Official Hungarian GP Thread 2014 *******Spoilers*****



21,429 posts

198 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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It might have been covered, but was there any chance of Mercedes covering RIC in the red bull with HAM & pitting once more to get fresh tyres? Was he never far enough ahead?


3,349 posts

176 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Watching the highlights this morning and noticed all the team trucks parked up next to the track.

How many trucks do the teams have?

Obviously Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari will have more than Marussia and Caterham. What are they used for?

Would be interesting to know how many are needed for equipment, hospitality blocks, merchandise, etc.


70,055 posts

231 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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I quite like that he is p***ed off when he doesn't win. After all, if he just got out of the car having cruised to fifth and said "Well, I'm rich so who cares that I didn't overtake anyone today", would that be any good?

No, he has lots of money, lovely cars etc BUT still fights like hell (as most of them do on the grid frankly regardless of wealth and in some cases talent) for every race.

Isn't that what we want to see? The drivers fighting hard and racing wheel to wheel?


6,460 posts

200 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Interesting and exciting race - a lot happening for the rather rushed BBC highlights (seemed shorter than usual perhaps due to Commonwealth games coverage?) and therefore a bit difficult to followthe different strategies at times. Shame some drivers lost track position with the safety car, but made things more interesting ultimately. Seemed to be a crash a minute at one point - Oh Maldonado, you buffoon!


10,040 posts

240 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Oz83 said:
I'm not going to trawl back through last 40 pages of Hamilton bashing, but having just watched the BBC interviews, it was Hamilton who came across as content, humble, and professional. Rosberg had a face like a slapped arse and obviously couldn't wait to get back to the team hq to whinge about Lewis not letting him past mid race.
Not sure if Nico changed his tone in the interview with the BBC but on Sky he was pretty professional. Looked a bit hot and bothered but played down the events and stuck to the 'need to talk to the team to know what was going on' line. His view was he had been told Lewis was going to let him past not that he'd asked to be let through.

If you think about it this makes sense - he's not going to do Lewis any favours and I doubt he expects them in return.

Post-race both drivers came across as focussed individuals. One of whom was content with his day's work, the other less so.

I think that, in analysis, Merc will rue not going 2 x Super-Soft at the end of the race with Lewis as they did with Nico.


1,611 posts

220 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Jasandjules said:
I quite like that he is p***ed off when he doesn't win. After all, if he just got out of the car having cruised to fifth and said "Well, I'm rich so who cares that I didn't overtake anyone today", would that be any good?

No, he has lots of money, lovely cars etc BUT still fights like hell (as most of them do on the grid frankly regardless of wealth and in some cases talent) for every race.

Isn't that what we want to see? The drivers fighting hard and racing wheel to wheel?
In the race pre-show, Sky showed an interview with him from earlier in the week and he said pretty much that.

The question was posed about him looking miserable when he didn`t win, his reply was along the lines of "I`m here to win, I don`t want to finish last and say "yaay, I`m still driving in F1 so I`m happy regardless", if I don`t win, I`m not satisfied..`

Cracking race, really enjoyed that.


10,040 posts

240 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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vonuber said:
Anyway, Williams must be disappointed, they looked strong this weekend.
At the start of the weekend they were fairly realistic about their chances - this wasn't a circuit that favoured them. Spa and Monza should be awesome for them. I can see Bottas winning either or both.


3,707 posts

180 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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After having watched the Sky interviews (I didn't see the race till about 7pm after being out) I could see he had been upset (possibly a wee cry) which, tbf, I don't blame him.

I think in his mindset he has always been a team player, given his past teams and his previous years with Mercedes he was the up and coming talent, he was bettering\keeping honest Schumacher in the same car and had been there from the ground up, he obeyed the team order in Malaysia where Ross gave him no uncertainties that he had to stay where he was when he was significantly faster than LH who was on old tyres.

There will be an understanding in all teams (we have seen it already) where a different strategy means the folks let their TM pass as its in the teams interest.

When LH said he would let him past when he got close enough, this was a delayed message (as they all are) and at the time when that would have been going on NR was less than .7 of a second behind Hamilton with the belief that he was going to get let past, so wasn't pushing into him.

Then LH said he had to get closer to pass him, but with the nature of the circuit, this isn't easy as we saw many times with drivers struggling to pass once within 1 second. Okay Hamilton is within his rights to keep his position and I admire his racing spirit, BUT this massively compromised NR's race and Mercs strategy for the win, which I feel was unprofessional from LH, BUT he is a racer (they all are) and he wants to beat his only rival, Nico.

Lewis must feel hard done by this year given all the mechanical issues and his race yesterday was exceptional from the pit lane to the podium, and it gave Rosberg a good lesson for the future, forget the strategy calls, because if you want to pass him, you have to attack 100% all the time from now on, and Lewis now knows that if he is behind and wants the strategy call, he cannot expect Rosberg to give it to him. Such as in previous races where Rosberg pitted and Hamilton wasn't told to come in first (even though he was behind on track) and he moaned about that strategy too.

They cant each have it both ways.

Roll on Spa.


305 posts

132 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Soo, they've confirmed it WASN'T team orders for Lewis to move over, but request, that he rejected.

Well that's that then, Lewis was correct in not letting him past, and those saying he should haveion this thread where wrong.

Over to spa we go.


13,344 posts

202 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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RichB said:
Crafty_ said:
RichB said:
May, or may not. If he works himself up to 3rd and ROS gets DNF he goes into the break one point ahead by my reckoning. We'll know this time tomorrow. smile
Top 5 only possible if there are lots of retirements in front of him or everyone jumps out of his way, Marussia/Caterham etc might but STR/Force India won't and then you are up to RBR, Ferrari, Williams.

This is not Hockenheim, its a difficult track to pass at. Graeme Lowdon described it as "Monaco without the buildings" on Friday.

Top 10 will be a decent result for Lewis tomorrow.
Well, I've been out all day and only just looking at this. The usual tripe but I know what, I should have put a bet on Hamilton for 3rd place. biglaugh
To be fair, the prediction was based on a dry race. No safety cars / rain and I'd stand by what I said.

I went out as soon as the race had finished and have only read the last few pages, to be honest given the comments I don't think I want to read the rest..

What Mini1275 said I completely agree with. Whatever way you look at it the race was epic - Alonso's last stint on options, Lewis battling through, Ricciardo and Nico charging late in the race on fresh tyres to hunt down the leaders..

I know people love to hate Hamilton and love to pick fault with everything he does, but imho he did nothing wrong yesterday ( well, apart from nearly binning it..). When he gets the chance to go all out he just shines - 4 cars in half a lap on the restart, the overtake on Vergne was one of the passes of the year, just superb.
He was absolutely right to not slow down by over a second so Nico could get past, if Nico had caught him he would have pulled over, simple as that.
As it was he was never within a second at a DRS zone. The first call was totally acceptable, more as a warning for what was to happen in a few laps, but to repeat the call when Nico couldn't close in was wrong.
What we must understand is that this situation (i.e. two fast drivers being allowed to race) is new for Mercedes too, they are learning on the job and yes they are making a few mistakes in the heat of the moment, thats okay, it happens.
I wouldn't consider asking Lewis to let Nico past as team orders, more of a case of preserving the race for both drivers - if Nico had closed in and been blocked from passing it would have cost both drivers time as Lewis slowed to defend, so it was a sensible idea, it just never got to the stage where it was needed.
The funny thing is that Lewis had figured it all out sat in the cockpit, how come the team couldn't sat trackside with all the data?

Whatever way you look at it it was a fantastic drive from both the Merc boys. Could Nico of done what Lewis did ? gut feel is no. Could Lewis have done what Nico did after his last stop ? honestly, I'm not sure. Note also that other than Lewis getting a warm leg (battery packs?) both cars were totally reliable.

Moving on from there, Alonso again just proved why Ferrari wanted him and why he can command the money, I would suggest that Ferrari will do what they can to keep him until 2016 now and I think that he may be more inclined to stay.

Kimi, despite looking totally at sea through Friday and Saturday had a solid race up to 6th, I doubt it impresses him but needs to find something to lift his motivation.

Ricciardo, like Nico did a superb job of making the best of fresh tyres late in the race. I think that is a factor that will be slightly forgotten, nevertheless he drove superbly. He started the weekend of a little slowly but certainly made up for it in the race.

I cannot understand why they left Vettel out and didn't change his tyres, seemed a crazy strategy, I think a stop halfway through that sprint would have seen him further up the leaderboard. His mistake and spin very unlike him and certainly not the inch perfect precision we saw last year. Is he still struggling to feel at one with that car ? His skill and ability is certainly better than this season's scorecard.

I think Vergne had a great race, as his rookie team mate has a bad race or two he starts to shine, good for him.

Hulkenberg ? really not sure what happened there, I was trying to remember the last time he made a mistake. Disappointing for Perez too.

Grosjeans miserable season continues, I hope that car gets better or he finds a decent seat next year.

McLaren are still poor at strategy, there is always an official reason for it but its not good enough. Ron must be fuming.

Sauber must be willing this year to end. Given their alleged money struggles and the dire state of this years car I think i'd be tempted to go back to the factory and start working on next year, not blowing money to go racing this year for no reward.


305 posts

132 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Soo, they've confirmed it WASN'T team orders for Lewis to move over, but merely a request, that he rejected.

Well that's that then, Lewis was correct in not letting him past, and those saying he should haveion this thread where wrong.

Over to spa we go.


13,344 posts

202 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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RosscoPCole said:
Watching the highlights this morning and noticed all the team trucks parked up next to the track.

How many trucks do the teams have?

Obviously Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari will have more than Marussia and Caterham. What are they used for?

Would be interesting to know how many are needed for equipment, hospitality blocks, merchandise, etc.
AFAIK 2 per team for the actual race gear, holding the cars, garage equipment, computer bank, spares, tools etc.

The hospitality palaces that they all seem to have now are another one or two.

007 VXR

64,187 posts

189 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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I cannot understand why they left Vettel out and didn't change his tyres, seemed a crazy strategy,

It was Vettels call as the best chance he could see for some points.


2,348 posts

124 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Scuffers said:
makes you wonder what Alonso could do with that car?
First, he'd upset Massa.


13,698 posts

249 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Ecurie Ecosse said:
Jenson did beat him overall when he was at McLaren. Hamilton has hardly whipped Rosberg either, has he, even last season when Rosberg had more DNFs (the favoured excuse for Hamilton fans this year).

Thanks for brightening up my Monday morning by claiming Hailton is arguably the best driver out there. Priceless.

Anyway, a great race.
I'm no particular can of any single driver. Your anti-Hamilton bias is rather clear and rather odd however.

By any measure it is apparent that Hamilton would be leading the championship were it not for bad luck.

It is also perfectly apparent he has put in some very impressive driving performances too.

I don't get the personal vitriol. Did he sleep with your mum or something?

Are you similarly tribal about other things as well?


8,959 posts

205 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Joffery666 said:
Soo, they've confirmed it WASN'T team orders for Lewis to move over, but merely a request, that he rejected.

Well that's that then, Lewis was correct in not letting him past, and those saying he should haveion this thread where wrong.

Over to spa we go.
Hear hear!


2,046 posts

244 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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yonex said:
Senna, Prost, Schumacher all had their moments but what set them apart was they didn't bemoan the team. Lewis IS a bit of brat, he has all the money in the world but has forgotten the most basic things.
I don't normally comment on these threads as there are too many arm chair experts who seem to have no bloody clue what they are talking about. Here's a prime one.

Tell me Team Yonex - why exactly did Prost "leave" Ferrari?


10,203 posts

185 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Rick_1138 said:
When LH said he would let him past when he got close enough, this was a delayed message (as they all are) and at the time when that would have been going on NR was less than .7 of a second behind Hamilton with the belief that he was going to get let past, so wasn't pushing into him.

Then LH said he had to get closer to pass him, but with the nature of the circuit, this isn't easy as we saw many times with drivers struggling to pass once within 1 second. Okay Hamilton is within his rights to keep his position and I admire his racing spirit, BUT this massively compromised NR's race and Mercs strategy for the win, which I feel was unprofessional from LH, BUT he is a racer (they all are) and he wants to beat his only rival, Nico.

Lewis must feel hard done by this year given all the mechanical issues and his race yesterday was exceptional from the pit lane to the podium, and it gave Rosberg a good lesson for the future, forget the strategy calls, because if you want to pass him, you have to attack 100% all the time from now on, and Lewis now knows that if he is behind and wants the strategy call, he cannot expect Rosberg to give it to him. Such as in previous races where Rosberg pitted and Hamilton wasn't told to come in first (even though he was behind on track) and he moaned about that strategy too.

They cant each have it both ways.

Roll on Spa.
Good grief ! Well said.

IainT said:
Post-race both drivers came across as focussed individuals. One of whom was content with his day's work, the other less so.
Agreed. Those post race interviews I saw saw both Merc Drivers very composed and level headed. No sign of smacked ar5e faces or droopy bottom lips.

heebeegeetee said:
In fairness, they haven't all been born with a silver spoon, some of them have only had a couple of things to bring to the table, such as talent and a supportive family.
Buttoned it right there ... wink


7,826 posts

255 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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One of the best races in ages and after reading this thread I struggle to believe that some members on here even like cars and motor racing? rolleyes


51,014 posts

157 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Dakkon said:
One of the best races in ages and after reading this thread I struggle to believe that some members on here even like cars and motor racing? rolleyes
Quite. Too much tribalism, not enough recognition of some seriously good racing.