Valtteri Bottas at Mercedes

Valtteri Bottas at Mercedes



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Wednesday 5th May 2021
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The ever reliable Daily Mail is reporting that sources inside Mercedes are unhappy with Bottas' performance.

I live in Finland so I should back Valtteri, but to be honest, I feel the last three years he simply hasn't been doing a good enough job. Every time he doesn't finish second, he's underperforming for the constructors. Impressions from this season suggest Perez will challenge him much harder than Albon/Gasly did so for the sake of Mercedes he had better shape up fast. The thing is, when he is behind, he doesn't seem able to push the car in front, and when he is in front, he just isn't racy enough to keep the place. His performance in Portugal was very poor in my opinion. To finish third from pole in the Mercedes just isn't good enough. He couldn't hang with Verstappen, and at the restart he very selfishly backed Lewis into Max which really screwed him over into the first corner.
Being realistic, whether he likes it or not, he's a wingman. My point is, is he even good enough for that role. In my opinion, he isn't.
On the positive side, the clear gap in talent must result in a pretty steady ship at Mercedes and make it very easy to prioritise Lewis. I suspect Lewis loves having Valtteri as a team mate. What would the dynamic be like if there was an self confident young gun like Russell in the second seat?
If I was Toto, I wouldn't wait much longer to find out.


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Wednesday 5th May 2021
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I think to surmise my point; Even as Lewis' back up driver, he should still be bringing more points to Mercedes than he has been.


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Wednesday 5th May 2021
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I completely agree that for the constructors title, Bottas has to beat Perez. After three races, including a DNF, he is doing the job.
But I strongly suspect Perez will be much closer to Max this year than the previous second Red Bull drivers of the last few seasons. I believe that Red Bull will push Mercedes closer than throughout this season.
I just don't think that Mercedes can afford to leave championship points on the table this year and that is what Bottas has and will continue to do.
Equally, I just don't know if it is a bigger risk to bring another driver in before the season end, or hope that Bottas can deliver. Toto's call.


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Monday 10th May 2021
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I'm pleased to see this subject bringing so much debate, and also pleased to see how respectful the comments are. Thank you.

I believe whatever opinion Mercedes management had of Bottas on Saturday, his stock is undeniably lower today. I was very embarrassed for Valtteri, he made a very foolish decision in holding up Hamilton. Fortunately for Mercedes, it didn't affect the outcome, but we all know 2 or 3 seconds can make the difference. He also just seems unable to pick things up when expected. He's not a driver with an "overboost" button that can change up a gear and start pumping lap times in. This allowed Red Bull to go for fastest lap, again, just one point, but we all know championships have been won by less.

For all our criticism or concern, if he continues getting third place, he is doing his job. But in sport and life there is a difference between scraping into the job and dominating the job. I personally feel like Bottas' meal ticket is in being a team player, if he can't do what the team ask, he may soon go hungry.

As for replacement, there's a subject that hasn't been raised yet:
If I understand correctly, Hamilton's contract is for this year only. Should he decide to seek a challenge elsewhere next year, how would you suggest Mercedes go about filling their seats next year. Bottas only really makes sense as a foil for Lewis. He certainly won't lead the team if Hamilton departs. And any new driver will need time to get settled in. If Bottas were to stay alongside a new driver, there could be internal struggles of the kind Bottas is himself currently employed to prevent.

I feel if Hamilton leaves, Bottas must also leave.
That is, I feel, the most compelling reason to give another driver who management believe COULD be the next team leader half a season at Mercedes.
So that Russell, or whoever Mercedes next team leader might be, be given a chance to hit the ground running in next years championship, and smoothly blend the transition into the post Hamilton era.


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Monday 10th May 2021
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So what do you think will happen to the Mercedes line up next year should Hamilton leave?


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Monday 10th May 2021
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It's a slight thread drift I apologise but:

I can see Hamilton leaving Mercedes at the end of this year.
After 8 world championships, Lewis has a guaranteed place at the top of Formula One history, certainly for a generation, perhaps forever, who can say. There's very little left to prove, and as such, very little challenge in continuing. Regardless of how ridiculous the "but he has the best car" complaints are, I am sure he hears them and there must be a part of him that aches to show those people they are wrong.
There is a team in F1 that has a history of successful drivers joining to prove just this point.

My hot take for 2022 is this:
Hamilton will join Ferrari with the plan of returning them to their glory days. Everyone wants to win for Ferrari, why would Lewis be any different. I'd certainly love to see it!
Bottas will no longer be in Formula 1.

If Bottas leaves Mercedes, who else would realistically take him?


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Tuesday 11th May 2021
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DB9VolanteDriver said:
After winning #8, Lewis will switch places with Russell at Williams to see what his abilities can do to breathe life into an iconic British F1 team. He loves racing others and this will place him in that exact situation; fighting to make a back marker into at least a midfield team.
Now wouldn't this be lovely!


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Monday 24th May 2021
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An unfortunate result for both Mercedes, and especially poor Valtteri. Must be gutting to retire for such a simple reason.
Now Redbull lead the constructors, Max the drivers. Perez is only 3 points behind Bottas after a great drive yesterday.
Home boy really needs to pick it up in Azerbaijan, I believe we are approaching a tipping point for Mercedes.


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Monday 24th May 2021
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Muzzer79 said:
Who is "Home boy"?

I believe Mercedes had a crap race and will bounce back from it.
Valtteri and I are both from Finland which is why I referred to him as my "homeboy" which I believe is something English people say.


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Tuesday 25th May 2021
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85Carrera said:
You deluded fool.

If only Mercedes hadn’t thought of getting rid of a generational talent for a rookie who may, or may not, prove to be on a similar level.

Please list those champions who have INSISTED on having other drivers with equal status as I’m struggling to think of any.

Hamilton has partnered three champions (Alonso, Button and Rosberg) so I think he’s probably had more team mates who were also champions than any other world champion since Piquet about 30 years ago.
Lets keep it civil chaps.

My viewpoint is that Mercedes have a good line up in Hamilton as the "talent" and Bottas as the back up and harvester of points to cover off the constructors championship.
I think we are all in agreement that that is a good way to run a harmonious team. Having two equally talented drivers fighting each other can be a real headache and end up being detrimental to the team they drive for.

My issue with Valtteri is that I believe he isn't doing a good enough back up job. Not that he is too good and is rivalling Hamilton, but that he is too slow and hesitant, and is not getting the maximum out of his race season, and therefore Mercedes will suffer.
The perfect Mercedes second driver should be second in the championship, second in most races, able to apply pressure to cars around him in a race and dictate the space around him to ensure rival teams have limited under/overcut options. Valtteri patently isn't capable of doing that, combined with a streak of petulance that comes from our well known Finnish stubborn pride. Also, he has been very unlucky already this year with two DNFs which while not his fault, highlight the saying, "you make your own luck".

Whether Mercedes will replace him, and with who is a different matter.
Lets just say that this season it has felt like his performance has meant that the probability of giving up his seat has increased after each race weekend.
In Monaco, he was undoubtably unlucky. But was he ever likely to win, something that a second Mercedes driver needs to do when the lead driver qualifies seventh? Did he ever look like catching and pressuring Verstappen? Did he look like a driver capable of bashing some fast laps in to perform an overcut? In my mind no.
Now Red Bull are leading the constructors, Hamilton is playing his part, so where does the blame for that lie?
Perez is only 3 points behind Bottas in the Drivers Championship, and looks to be finding his feet at Red Bull. He is quietly impressing, him and Stroll being the drivers to gain the most positions over the course of the race, both gaining five places from their qualifying slots.
The time for Bottas to save his season with a few good drives is now upon us. If he doesn't play his part in the next three races I can see him getting the heave ho.
But replaced by who?
It seems that there is only one name on the list, and while I agree that Russell is doing the best job possible in the Williams, I also agree with the other opinions that he hasn't really done anything worthy of a drive in the best team on the grid, and he is prone to a mistake. Will he be a second driver that leans too far the other way from Bottas, one that is openly combative and disruptive of the internal harmony in Mercedes?


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526 posts

46 months

Tuesday 25th May 2021
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is the assumption that the outside of the nut (the nut/air wrench interface) was the issue?
Could it have also been the nut/hub interface?

I get puzzled as to why they retire cars so easily. Surely a few whacks with a centre punch and a mallet on the outside of the nut would have freed it off, bit of heat, etc, etc. Ok it takes a few minutes, but it was still relatively early in the race and we all know anything can happen at Monaco. You never see mechanics fixing a car other than a new nose these days. Is it illegal to change parts over , or are the teams more conscious of the mileage limitation on parts?

I guess my point is, why do teams seem to give up if a car is stationary longer than 30 seconds?


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Thursday 27th May 2021
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aston80 said:
What about Bottas to Red Bull? They'd probably pay him handsomely for the Mercedes insider knowledge
Bottas' faults at Mercedes would only be amplified at Redbull. If he's not getting enough points as backup to get Mercedes a constructors title, then he certainly won't in the Red Bull, which, let's be honest, over a season, is still not a better car than the Mercedes.


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Thursday 27th May 2021
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Oh they'll definitely do a thorough investigation on how that happened, nobody wants that to happen twice. The design of an F1 wheel nut is insanely complicated, a multistart, large pitch thread with guides that are designed to stop it going on at an angle and cross threading. I have no idea what the material is, but I am sure that at least one of the nut/wheel/hub will be carbon and probably none of them steel.
Roman Grosjean was in the news today, the article saying the access given him during his Mercedes test was surprisingly open.
There's not a chance that he would get Bottas' seat do you think? I never rated him particularly myself.


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Monday 21st June 2021
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Another interesting race, great for the neutral and great for the excitement of Formula 1.
It's easy to find faults if you are looking for them. But I have a couple of issues with Bottas' performance this weekend.
The biggest is this: Perez finished ahead of him. Yes Max also beat his rival, but looking at Valtteri specifically, his job is to finish ahead of Checo and take points off Max whenever possible. He failed in that this weekend, for whatever reason.
Second, his race craft. The manner in which the Red Bulls breezed past him was frankly, embarrassing. Not only did he not defend at all he fell off the track the second Max got within striking distance. Max lost absolutely zero time behind him. Even 5 seconds resistance, just a lap or two, anything, could have made the difference between Max having the time to catch Lewis. Fighting behind a car is the best way to ruin your tires and rhythm. I think that was really difficult to excuse from Valtteri.
Lastly, the whining on the radio. It's a team sport. After Mercedes told Lewis this ones on us, he didn't say a word more, he accepted that. There's no benefit to how Valtteri threw his toys out the cockpit and chewed the team out on air. The way that race went for him was as much his fault as anyone else's and he looks like a fool when he swears and blames everyone else.

Now, to see things from Vatteris objective, it's no doubt that Red Bull were the better package this weekend. They did a great job. As things worked out, they were going to overtake the Mercedes, it was just a question of when. Valtteri finished fourth, a respectable position, and was not left behind in the race.

I just get the feeling that second and fourth should be viewed as a low point by the Mercedes team, whereas it might well have been one of Valtters better races this year. And I continue to maintain, that his standard of racing just isn't good enough for the seat he's in.

Another weekend where Bottas' fortunes at Merceded drop.


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Monday 21st June 2021
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Muzzer79 said:
Jake899 said:
Perez finished ahead of him. Yes Max also beat his rival, but looking at Valtteri specifically, his job is to finish ahead of Checo and take points off Max whenever possible. He failed in that this weekend, for whatever reason.
Hamilton's job is to finish ahead of Max. He couldn't achieve that on a similar strategy to Bottas, so why should Bottas be able to beat Perez on an inferior strategy?

Hamilton has finished in front of Max 4 times this year, Bottas 3 times in front of Perez. Hamilton on average has finished second, Bottas on average 8th so far this season. I understand the Red Bulls were stronger in this race, I said as much. Both drivers were beaten by their opposite number. The difference is that was unusual for Lewis over his F1 career, and pretty standard for Bottas over his career and over the season thus far.

Jake899 said:
Second, his race craft. The manner in which the Red Bulls breezed past him was frankly, embarrassing. Not only did he not defend at all he fell off the track the second Max got within striking distance. Max lost absolutely zero time behind him. Even 5 seconds resistance, just a lap or two, anything, could have made the difference between Max having the time to catch Lewis. Fighting behind a car is the best way to ruin your tires and rhythm. I think that was really difficult to excuse from Valtteri.
I don't recall Verstappen having any issue getting past Hamilton on his worn tyres either.

What are either Mercedes drivers supposed to do? If your tyres are shot, they're shot.

Agreed in this race. But lets be honest, you come up behind a Mercedes with the intention to overtake. Who would you prefer to be in it, Bottas or Hamilton? Or alternatively, a Mercedes appears in your mirrors, who scares you more, Valtteri or Lewis?
Over the years I think they've undeniably proven that Hamilton is a deserved champion, and Bottas just doesn't get it done when the chips are down.

Jake899 said:
Lastly, the whining on the radio. It's a team sport.
If they didn't allow whining on the radio, they wouldn't have any drivers left.

I know, but I hate it. If you're a whining winner, in my view you're not a winner. I hate that it's become popular to be rude to your engineer. If I was an F1 engineer, i would make it 100% clear that there would be zero tolerance for that, we are both doing our best for the same goal on the same team. The lowest point in my view was Alonso a few races back, being encouraged by his engineer to push for 10th to get a point. Alonso replied I already have 1900 points... If I was that engineer I would have thrown my headphones at him on his next lap. Selfish idiot.

Jake899 said:
I continue to maintain, that his standard of racing just isn't good enough for the seat he's in.
Another one expecting the driver to turn water into wine......
Well that's kind of my point, Bottas is very nice water.

Edited by Jake899 on Monday 21st June 12:47


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526 posts

46 months

Monday 21st June 2021
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Joey Deacon said:
I seriously think Mercedes are going to lose the constructors title this year and a big reason for that is going to be Bottas just not being good enough. Unfortunately now Mercedes need a team mate exactly like Nico Rosberg.

Edited by Joey Deacon on Monday 21st June 09:57
This sentence is exactly right. times are changing in Formula 1, and the supportive B driver is losing its relevance...


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Monday 2nd August 2021
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Well, I think based on his performance in Hungary, the Valtteri Bottas thread needs a bump.

In isolation, these things can happen in the chaos of a rain soaked start. In context, this was really poor. He fluffed the start, fluffed the first corner. The only saving grace in Mercedes view was that he managed to take out the Red Bulls doing it.
Another weekend where his stock dropped.
Also a masterclass display from Alonso in how to be a team player. He held up Hamilton who later seemed to be 2 seconds a lap faster long enough to get his team mate the win. We haven't seen Bottas manage to hold up anyone FOR Lewis in quite some time. I think the best job he did was actually ON Lewis....


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Thursday 2nd September 2021
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Seems Bottas may be off to Alfa, surprising that his experience is transferring from the Mercedes realm to that of Ferrari. I was expecting him to go to Williams.

For all my doubt about his suitability as Hamiltons team mate, he is a proven winner and has a huge amount of experience of how a championship winning team operates.

I'm interested to see where he ends up, but i have to say, it makes more sense to me to see him in the upwardly moving Williams Mercedes team.


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Thursday 2nd September 2021
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Adrian W said:
Surely Bottas has had his chance in the best car, with all the new talent queueing up why does he deserve a seat at all?
There are lots of hungry up and coming drivers, that's for sure. But the general rule seems to be in an ideal world, you pick one fast rookie and one experienced racer.

Now Bottas may not be good enough for the Mercedes seat, but he is a proven race winner, and knows the intimate workings of the most successful team in modern history. He knows what a good car feels like.

That makes him a locked on asset for any team in mid table or lower who wants to improve and wants to harvest that knowledge.

Now politics dictate that he has to be more likely to go to a Mercedes associated team than the junior Ferrari team, though it's not inconceivable that he could end up in a "neutral" team like Alpine, except their lineup is booked for next season.


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Monday 6th September 2021
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I'm kind of grateful to Bottas, because in an otherwise quiet race (except for Perez' great charge) he was the only driver to get me yelling at the TV this weekend.

Three things stood out:
First, his seeming inability to alter his pace. He has a decent race pace, but it's almost as if his race pace is literally his maximum speed. While most drivers appear to have the ability to push on, effectively driving most of the race at 80% with a manageable pace and having the ability to push up to 100% when occasionally needed for strategy, Valteri seems to either be constantly at 100% or lacking a top gear when needed. He had more than one opportunity to bring himself into a position to restrict the Red Bulls options, and just seemed unable to do anything.

Second, his defensive game was atrocious again today. This season especially, people just seem to breeze past him. Max had probably the easiest overtake of the day on Bottas. On a "track difficult to overtake on"... Even 1 or 2 laps would have been enough to help Lewis get in DRS range. Really really poor. He had me screaming at the telly at this point.

Thirdly, this childish, impetuous, rebellious streak he has. After blatantly losing the race for Mercedes (ok, not to take away from Max's excellent race, let's say Bottas limited Mercedes chance to challenge the Red Bull) he goes and tries to prove a ridiculous point by going for fastest lap. Which further risked points for their driver championship challenge and forced Hamilton to have to make a third pitstop when he didn't need to. This added to the great hold up work (the only time he's been effective at this) against his own team mate earlier in the season.

To sum up, this was a really poor showing from Valteri. A classic example of how not to be a second driver, and a classic cautionary tale about the ability for a team with two slower cars to still be able to win against one faster car if they work together. Well done Max, but with a better driver line up, I cant help but think this could have been a 1-2 or at least a win for Mercedes.

Now, addressing the rumours, his likely move to Alfa implies a few things. It's rare for a driver to go from one "stable" to another, which suggests that Mercedes either see no value in having Bottas in a Mercedes feeder team, or Alfa made a decent offer to get him. All common sense says he should go to Williams, so there's obviously more going on behind the scenes here. I suspect Alfa and by extension Ferrari want to pick his brains and learn what they can about the Mercedes teams inner workings and the Bottas hire is more for his knowledge than for his racecraft.