Another lot of Alps nonsense

Another lot of Alps nonsense


br d

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228 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Off on Sunday night. Really like this new car. Can't wait to thrash it through the Alps.

Thank you for your continued support. I'll try to make a complete mess of things.

It's traditional!

br d

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228 months

Saturday 18th June 2022
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Spleen said:
Stupid question - why so many microfibre towels?
Car always gets rotten, either from the long drives between hotels or just the stupid places I take it, so I wash it very regularly. I always go to the CleanParks or equivalent because they're usually just good places to chat to people and see nice cars.
I might use 10 or 12 mf cloths per wash and once they're wet and dirty I just bin them. I suppose I could just buy them as I need them but it's one less thing to think about.

I actually quite like the way I get more storage room as I go around!

br d

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228 months

Monday 20th June 2022
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Miserablegit said:
993kimbo said:
Thought of a Travel Guitar?
From the previous road trips the guitar was bequeathed to him when he lost a close friend. It adds to the trip that he takes a full size guitar in a sports car- this guitar in particular.
The guitar I used to take was Lilie's, Russell's (Driving Me Nuts) wife. He gave it to me after she passed. He said he wanted it to be used, not just left in a cupboard somewhere. I wanted him to see that I hugely appreciated the gesture and so started taking it all around Europe in her memory. He was happy with that.
But after Russell too passed away I thought I needed to protect it so now I take a different instrument.
Is only a matter of time before I break a guitar out here or it gets stolen and I don't want it to be Lilie's.

I still play it at home and think of them both.

I have looked at travel guitars but tbh this little Tele doesn't take up a lot of room.

I was hoping to bring one of these:

These things are amazing. Smart guitars. They have all the effects built in and can play without an amp. They also have a looper so you can build up songs and patterns. I bought one a couple of weeks ago but it didn't come in time.

There's a lovely couple down my street who's boy plays a bit, she asked me if I could give him a couple of lessons. I'm thinking that if the guitar gets sent soon I might have it delivered to them so he can go nuts on it for a few weeks before I get back!

He would absolutely love it (and understand it better than me! It's all touch screen and stuff).

Edited by br d on Monday 20th June 14:34

br d

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8,410 posts

228 months

Monday 20th June 2022
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Sorry for guitar sperging.

Last year I bought one of these:

Which is another brilliant thing. It connects to any guitar by WiFi then you connect a phone say by Bluetooth and it allows you to play along. But not just like playing over the song like normal it actually blends you in and positions you in a stage or studio setting. It's hard to explain but I can be sitting in a hotel room making no sound at all while in my ears it's like I'm on stage at Wembley! It's a great trick.

Right, the bd journey.

br d

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8,410 posts

228 months

Monday 20th June 2022
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gf15 said:
Excellent effort on getting the matching "CO-OP" luggage. smile
Looking forward to this year's adventure.
I hope you gave a great trip and look forward to the updates.
Oh yeah, always high class man. Funny enough the coop bag contains a pair of Timberlands that cost me a bloody fortune! Probably the most expensive piece of clothing I've bought out, so obviously, shove them in a coop bag!

If you're looking for sophistication I'm not the place to start!

br d

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228 months

Monday 20th June 2022
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Journey was a git. Left at 2am, at the tunnel waiting for the train at 4.
I couldn't get to sleep so only had about an hour and a half.

Somehow I got in the wrong section and ended up in the queue for the double deck, wasn't paying attention, I've always thought I'd end up doing it one year. The car is too wide for that.
So had to walk up and ask the guys who then had to stop the cars when the light went green and guide me through a barrier.
Must have been plenty of "Look at that stupid cock in the mclaren" type comments! Sorry people!

After a couple of hours in France I was hanging, had to stop in one of those leafy pull offs and kip for a couple of hours. Arrived her about 2:45 French time so getting on for 12 hours.
It's a lovely place but a bit in the middle of nowhere and the first thing the girl said was "The restaurant is full".

I've found a Carrefour up the road somewhere so I'm going up there to buy rolls and stuff.

Used to be an Abbey so it's pretty rustic, will have a wander round later.

Should be a reasonably short run down to the Alps tomorrow.

br d

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8,410 posts

228 months

Monday 20th June 2022
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Well I've got a contender at least.

The four cheeses in that packet were truly disgusting, and I can eat rough cheeses. These were special.

br d

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8,410 posts

228 months

Monday 20th June 2022
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Bringing teabags is a must for euro travel. Most European hotels (especially the posh ones) think English tea is Earl Grey, and you never get milk.

And this is already binned, useless piece of crap. "Travel toothbrush". Its just the weakest, flimsiest rubbish I've ever held, you could brush your teeth harder with a butterflies wings.
One use, straight in the bin.
Perhaps you're supposed to buy two a day?

br d

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228 months

Monday 20th June 2022
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Miserablegit said:
I wasn’t aware of this little gadget. Thanks for informing me of yet another bit of guitar kit “I need” to acquire. laugh

On with the journey indeed - safe trip
I'm not sure what they cost now MG. They are great gadgets but I wouldn't pay what I did again, hopefully they're cheaper now.

br d

Original Poster:

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228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Coming out of the tunnel and seeing Mont Blanc rising up always gets me. This is a great jumping of point for the Alps and I do love this hotel but it's the white mountain that brings me back here. Its awesome.

Had a load of fun naughty driving on the way down. Just got here and need to sort myself, will post up later.

br d

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228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Stopped at Bonneville on the A40 to get petrol (4th tank since calais, jesus!) and as I rejoined two young guys in collar and tie in a half van half car thing came past.
They slotted in next to me and did a bit of filming and then goaded me a bit and floored it. I tucked in behind and it was a fast little thing, got up to about 175k pretty easily.
I was really in two minds. I had waze on and I'm pretty sure they were local so it should have been okay. The road was very empty - the odd lorry which you could see a mile off - so why not.

They would pull to the inside and I would either blast past them or pull up beside then floor it. I managed to get the exhaust cracking which they loved and we started getting a little more adventurous, me slowing to let them blast up and then stamp on it to leave them behind.
This car is ridiculously quick. I saw 280 a couple of times but it just gets there so solidly, the acceleration from say 120 (mph) to 170 is just epic. It just doesn't stop pulling.

I've said before that I think on balance the 570S is the most fun I've had on British roads but if you really want to go then this thing is untouchable.
Sounds really good on the limit too.
Lots of waving and thumbs up and they turned off.

And then I woke up in the hotel this morning because of course this didn't really happen and I just dreamed it.

Edited by br d on Tuesday 21st June 15:09

Edited by br d on Tuesday 21st June 15:12

br d

Original Poster:

8,410 posts

228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Gave it a full clean at chamonix.

I used 15 large microfibres for this so I soon get through them.

Usual hotel.

Love it here.

Don't know who read last years but Gaia is flying in on Saturday, we are going to spend the weekend in Milan. Looking forward to that.

br d

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228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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interstellar said:
Looking forward to hearing about this trip. We leave on Sunday and head to Chamonix, Val D'Isere and Italy for the same so hoping to pick up some tips.
Apparently there's some big music festival happening here tonight, haven't got any details yet. You can't go wrong with chamonix, you do here stories about gangs of muggers late at night but I've never seen anything dodgy and it always has something going on.

The D1506 is dug up and closed at the moment, it has a pretty easy diversion to get around it but it's quite a big section closed, don't know if that will affect you at all.

Enjoy your trip mate.

br d

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8,410 posts

228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Yes mate, from the town, out for a couple of miles but you can divert around if needs be, just wanted to let you know in case you were staying along that stretch.

br d

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8,410 posts

228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Look at it.

Anyway, this is pretty weird.
On the run down yesterday from Calais I came across a lovely Rolls with a very distinctive plate. Not sure what model, might be a drop head.
Because we were both doing the speed limit or a bit over we ended up passing and re-passing many times and probably did about a hundred miles together. I thought to myself "I wonder where they're heading".

So last night I stayed near Dijon and then headed here today.
I just had a beer in the garden d decided to move the car (I'd parked under a tree and now my lovely washed car is fking ruined!) and he was parked next to me!

How many thousands of hotels in France and we end up in the same one!
I met him in the reception, lovely old fella. His son is driving.

br d

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8,410 posts

228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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I mean you try and be good. I'm sitting in the room having a strum, being sensible, bottle of coke, rather than propping up the bar downstairs enjoying the delightful wine or cold beer.

There's a knock at the door and they give me this:

Come on guys!

I can resist anything except temptation!

Don't know who they think the other glass is for, I've only ever been here alone. I mean, not counting the toothless crack wes I bring back after a long, beerful night.

Oh well, better get stuck in I suppose.

Edited by br d on Tuesday 21st June 17:08

br d

Original Poster:

8,410 posts

228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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TR4man said:
From the two men in the Rolls?
Oh you card!

Nah, the old fellas wife is with them too.

I think they do it because I've stayed here before, many times.
Anything they do here is a winner because I would never fail to recommend this place, it's pretty perfect and not astronomically expensive like some places. I can't think of a single thing that I could moan about in all the times I've stayed.
I mean, some of the other guests can be s but that's people for you, can't blame the hotel for that.

br d

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228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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Stop it you no good bds!

I'm trying to be an adult!

/the other guests/

Yeah it's a lovely hotel and everything but that stupid drunken English ahole really needs to do a flip.

br d

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228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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It's a lovely little town but I'm not seeing any evidence of this legendary music festival. Girl in the hotel said their would be bands everywhere in the streets.

Perhaps I'm too early but I've seen nothing.

Its nice just to sit here though and watch the world.

Wtf is a parampenet? I might be remembering that word wrong!

br d

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228 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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I can never remember why my pictures do that?